Any games with this same feel?

any games with this same feel?

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Maybe Cat Lady or Downfall

Condemned and dead 2 rights

MMORPGS, MOBAS, RTS, and any other tryhard online games designed for neckbeards with all the time in the world on their hands.

Mobile games or anything dependent on microtransations? I'm not sure what games would make me feel that I lost before I even started them.

>dont end up like me
too late lol

how do you smoke heroine

with a spoon

isnt smoking heroin illegal
if someone posted on twitter saying he fucked a 5 year old with some homeless dude, would you be fine with that

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no. but then, my objections to fucking a 5 year old aren't based in the fact that it's against the law

I'll take "things that never happened" for 500, Alex

must be SF

>things people make up or exaggerate for social media attention
I fucking hate that every life experience is now no more than an opportunity for retarded sluts and zoomers to get social media attention, nothing I see is cool anymore because I just think 'well they're only doing it to put it online' takes the fun and genuineness out of human beings for me.

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>how could anyone possibly do something illegal and get away with it

its always high school bully victims that are really uptight about laws.

Add to the fact that at least 100 people probably saw that tweet and copied it word for word in hopes that they'll gain a bunch of followers

While you're at it, feel free to follow my Soundcloud and Insta

only possession is illegal technically

It's illegal to posess certain drugs and to consume them, but it's not illegal to be high

sounds like you're projecting
i'm sorry you got bullied, but you're out of school now

No I'm just saying that every bully victim I know has grown up to be little uptight losers that sound exactly like you.

cool false analogy bro
doing drugs only hurts the users, raping a 5 year old has an actual victim.

Any games with this feel

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This is exactly how I feel when sitting at the WoW login screen.

I was called a retard, faggot, pedophile, etc almost every month in high school and I still think that shit is fucking stupid.
Like it or not the world isn't going to be a nice place just because you want it to be, and I have no reason to think that I can change that.
If you fight the system, you're going to lose in the long run. Best thing to do is learn to roll with the punches and not give a shit, otherwise you create a new problem like we're seeing now because sheltered millennials are retarded.

Technically no. Possession is illegal, but consumption is not. Federal drug laws stem from Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce; they don't actually have the authority to regulate consumption at the national level, and their ability to regulate possession in and of itself is really kind of questionable (since they argue that possession affects supply and demand, it can be regulated under trade law even if the material in question is never intended for sale).

Isn't pirating games illegal
if someone posted on Yea Forums saying he fucked the latest popular 5 year old would you be fine with that?


Yeah you're projecting.

He never said rape. Sick strawman, bro.

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??? I'd love to understand the logic of some of you autists