So, now that Mortal Kombat 11 is the second best selling game of the first half of 2019 and the best selling game of the month on every platform it released, can we agree that the whole "Get woke, go broke" meme is nothing but wishful thinking?
Yes, normies don't give a shit about politics, they'll buy established franchises
I always thought that meme was retarded
How did it sell compared to the older MK?
Remember that the achievement of "NUMBAH ONE ON ALL THREE CONSOLES" is only possible because Nintendo hasn't had a real console in a long time
You keep spamming this yet every-time leave out that no numbers have been published, there was no competition in April, and Anthem which was paraded in the same fashion as "best selling of Feburary" is a confirmed failure now. This recent shit regarding MK11 is dishonest as fuck and screams that WB are panicing.
/pol/niggers spout shit like that (and "They don't even play games") because they're hoping developers read Yea Forums and will start pandering to them out of fear they will lose money. They're hoping that if they repeat lies like those enough times, they'll stick.
So why did an established franchise like DMC5 get outsold by a new IP like Sekiro?
Is this you?
>a new IP like Sekiro?
Let's be real, Dark Souls 5 is not a new IP.
The only threads I only ever see of this shitty game is your bullshit spam.
Nobody gives a fuck one way or another here about your wokeness or lack thereof.
Fuck off already back to your discord.
Why do you keep making this thread?
>The second best selling game of the year is actually broke, you have to believe me, guise
because it's a better game
Big time cope
There were a million threads crying about Mortal Kombat being censored and how it's going broke, so retribution is only fair play
Don't worry, a Smash thread died for this
>Fromshit is normie tier
Not sure why so many from fags were pretending it was going to be Niche when Souls games are mainstream now
Gamers tried to rise up... But the future refused to change... Fucking normies.
Could you please link a single piece of Sekiro marketing that ever once mentions Dark Souls?
Could you imagine being that big a bluepilled pozzed NPC cuck? Shaking my damn head. Some people really don't realize that we're in the middle of a cultural war...
Utterly obsessed
Best selling makes it a good game gais.
No one said that. It just makes it the opposite of broke.
Gamers tried to kill Society...but they fail as they were struck to the ground
>muh discord
rent free
This guy desperately needs to have sex desu senpai
Guys, do you realize this?
>Kingdom Heart 3 has sold 5 millions copies globably
>MK11 has yet to surpass Kindgom Hearts' North American sales, meaning even less than 5 million copies, let's be generous and say 2
>MK11 aims to surpass its previous game, MKX, which sold 11 million
>MK11 cant even surpass 2 million in its first, most crucial month
>"MK11 is the best selling game of April 2019"
>its competition was Days Gone and Major League Baseball: The Show 2019, both Sony exclusives on a fraction of the systems with a fraction of the fans
>"MK11 was the first time a game topped charts on all 3 major consoles in the same month in a decade"
>but then you realize it's because Nintendo hasnt had AAA third party support since the wii with the guitar hero craze, and MK11 is the first AAA third party game to release its switch version in the same month as its xbox and ps4 version
They are fabricating the narrative, thats why they are not releasing numbers. Prove me wrong, trannies
Being the second best selling game of the year is very far from broke, even if all of what you said is true. You're coping a bit, mate.
There won't be sold through numbers until next month. These are shipment numbers, some of you fags love being tricked.
>These are shipment numbers
>Image says "United States Dollar Sales"
based retard
Netherrealm hosting a MK11 tournament right now, SonicFox just won a set.
I wonder how much more successful it would have been if there were attractive looking people in it.
I doubt it would make a difference.
>pics says "sold"
Imagine being so angry you get temporary blindness
Anything to cope
>He doesn't understand how product sales work and sell through estimates work
It's physically impossible to get retailer sales numbers until ATLEAST one month after the release of a product.
But don't let reality ruin your fun, keep on celebrating fabricated stats.
>Fabricated stats
NPD is independent from NetherRealm, they have no reason to lie. You're coping hard right now.
>It's physically impossible to get retailer sales numbers until ATLEAST one month after the release of a product.
Explain how Japan does it each week then
No. The fgc is a market that works entirely differently than FPS, MMO, action/open world. Base games in the FGC are almost always guaranteed strong launches if they have a really well known name brand such as Street fighter or Mortal Kombat. So no, get woke go broke is still 100 percent true no matter how many retarded shills attempt to use the "lie told often enough becomes to the truth" method to change that
SFV was a complete failure and Mortal Kombat 11 has already sold a billion times more than it.
No, because "woke" was neither their primary advertising mechanic nor did it interfere with the established gameplay/main story enough to even matter.
>These are shipment numbers
Do you think they give them away for free?
If it wasn't woke, then why did we have 500 threads on Yea Forums crying about it being woke? Is this board ever right about a game? Ever? "Woke" doesn't mean anything anymore.
I don't think you read my post pretty sure we agree. Gj though
Nah like I said retarded shills are just trying to change the rhetoric by telling the lie often enough. Mortal Kombat sold well because it's the most popular fighting franchise in America. You are retarded or shilling if you say otherwise
Mortal Kombat 11 advertised itself on being woke about as much as Battlefield 1. And /pol/niggers were very quick to brag when the later flopped. This seems like post-hoc rationalization from you. If this game sold poorly, you'd definitely be celebrating and naming it as yet another example.
And more people play MK than SF in America so fucking duh bro. Shit bombed in Japan. Just wait until the next SJW battlefield game hits. You'll get shutup quick
>Mortal Kombat sold well because it's the most popular fighting franchise in America
...How is this any different from what I (the supposed shill) said?
You can't ignore the "woke" games that succeed and just concentrate on the "woke" games that flop. The fact that there are "woke" games that don't flop is enough to prove that, as a whole, "Get woke, go broke" doesn't necessarily apply.
What was its competition? Anthem?
This copy pasta is seriously retarded.
More like copepasta
SFV was an utter failure at launch because they released the game incomplete, not because it isn't as strong of a brand as MK. The circumstances and context are different if we compared them.
>leftists and leftits think they are in control
Look I'll tell you this, just so you can realize why you're an idiot, even if your "ideology" wasn't such a shitshow.
Beforehand? Leftists held basically every source of information: universities, book publishers, media, etc etc.
We got the internet.
The left isn't the gatekeeper of information, the elites exist no longer, at least not in the sense that you know things the masses cannot potentially know as well.
So you lost that game, the game of intelligence/culture/information.
Now let's look at the leftists credo: "Just do whatever man!".
Now let's look at the right's credo: "Improve yourself, work hard, be disciplined".
Which one of the two is more predator in nature?
You are on the wrong side in history if only because the right is gong to win and victors write history.
You're still in time to bail, get out of your hugboxes, of your pipe dreams, reality doesn't care about what you think even if you were right (which you aren't), only victory matters and the left is going to lose.
Are you stupid?
Europe is rising in a new wave of fascism.
Fascism, actual fascism.
Not the "we don't like migrants" fascism but the "everyone that doesn't work for the nation is a traitor" type of fascism.
Antifa is busy ridiculing themselves and calling everything fascism which only serves the purpose of real fascism, you make it look common, inconsequential and if anything make their "sins" lighter, the same way jews in hollywood make jewish characters that are always the butt of the joke.
"Look at me! I am harmless! I am a fool!", that's how you're making us look, we're wolves and you gave us the sheep's clothing.
You used your weapons so much they are dull now.
Jump the ship while there's still time, you'll be hailed a hero and get the popularity the left cannot provide any longer.
Damn it, Carlos!
Never seen this pasta before
i got it from /gif/ like 2 weeks ago
I didn't buy it 100% to begin with but the wokeness of this game is not pushed very heavily. so this isn't a good example of anything.
Yea Forums sure acted like it was
the game comes with a positive and widely known reputation due to its creator and development team
>desperate NRS shill spamming this and the fake coordinated media articles 10 times per day
damn the rejection of this shitty game by the public must have really stung
>discount since day 1
>The game that sold more have 50% less sales than its previous release
>Not releasing numbers
>Inb4 "c-cope incel"
I LMAO @ NRS's life
And dmc doesn't?
I humbly accept your admission of defeat.
no it really doesn't nowadays
lol who even plays mortal combat I haven't played that shit since sega
I admit I cannot find evidence that dark souls was used as a piggyback in the marketing of sekiro. however I find this detail to be trivial in the reputation preceeding sekiro as the developers have made several high quality games with similar elements that any gamer would be aware of and as such I am not admitting defeat
Dmc is just a cringe fest combo breaker game.. I've tried picking it up to finish on several separate occasions just to be bored and embarrassed by the next mission
I think companies care less about initial sales these days and just want to the people into the eco system of ingame stores.
Nothing more satisfying than seeing Yea Forums getting BTFO as always
How young are you? Devil May Cry has always been a cult series. But I could see your point, if all you ever knew is a virtual life on the internet, and never had a talk with any actual real-life people, like you, then I can see how you might think this. My advice? Go outside.
Crunch time works, baby.
Every developer should have extensive crunch time to keep the quality as high as MK11 was.
>This game was the 8th best selling game in the second half of the autumnal equinox during the year of the chicken in South America
>I think it's safe to say "get woke go broke" is wrong
cringe and yikes-pilled
How many times you posted in this thread my man? You know it's easy to tell that you've posted here 10 times already, with 10 different bait opinions? I'm not going to tell you how I know, but trust me, you are a human douche chill. Please go outside today. Please.
The pic is Dollar Sales. Meaning: How much money it made. Not number of units shipped or sold. Sorry, cope-kun.
Just pointing out it works, my dude.
No matter what you think about the gameplay of MK11, it's an extremely high quality game in terms of visuals/presentation. Without crunch time this game wouldn't be nearly as impressive as it is right now.
One exception does not disprove the rule.
Nice hyperbole, but being the best selling game of the first year's half is pretty impressive. It's only behind Kingdom Hearts 3. Very far from broke.
Yeah no that's not what I was talking about. And the fact you replied to me in this "2 kewl 4 school" attitude is cringe squared. Seriously, go outside today. Your mom's worried about you.
Yeah, it does, actually.
I see you have no arguments.
Get a job you fucking NEET.
>but being the best selling game of the first year's half is pretty impressive
Not when most games didn't even break 5 mil it isn't.
Hey I heard Black Ops 4 sold pretty well too. I think it's safe to say "if you get woken, you go broken" is a fallacy, know what I mean fellow r/edditor?
>get woke
>in a game you can kill women
Fucking retards
This but unironically
Keep coping
based retard who checked out for the past 6 years, when the rest of us were discussing why they feel ultra-violence is a-ok, while a D cup with hot pants is a sin worthy of self-flagellation.
>discount since day 1
You can find exceptions to every rule. That alone does not abolish the need for rules.
Woah, I guess Battlefield 1 was not woke either, then. You kill women and niggers in that game. The "Get Woke, Go Broke" theory is even more BTFO now.
Ooh 2 buzzwords catch phrases in a single post? Damn. You must be like, the king of 4channel or something. Woah.
>You can find exceptions to every rule
There are an infinite amount of numbers between 2 and 3, yet none of them are 5. There's an actual rule that isn't a meme that can get disproven.
>He doesnt know what is considered a success for a AAA game
If it doesnt make more money than MKX, it is fucked
He was being ironic. Saying fuck niggers made you a respectable poster tbqfhwy you fucking retard tranny cuck faggot >:^D
I'm pretty sure it didn't sell more than mordhau on pc
The guy that headed MK's numbers at NPD worked at NetherRealm. These numbers are VERY suspect and this whole shit could really fuck with npd's credibility.
The game is fucking abysmal on Switch. I pity everyone who bought it
>More money and work was put into it
>"B-but they dont care if it sells more than MKX"
Holy coping
wtf i love purposely ugly characters and censorship now
nice mad
You can dislike something AND not pretend it's gonna sell badly because you dislike it. There's room for both.
Mat is so full of shit.
no one said it was going to sell poorly, everyone was in agreement that it would still sell okay compared to other games. however that doesnt mean it sold as much as it should have or as much as they expected it to. discounts day 1 shows clear signs of overstocking and rejection by the public. thats like saying anthem was a success because it sold more than most games in 2019. no it isnt, because they spend more to make more.
>no one said it was going to sell poorly
I think that's the implication with "Get broke"
Go broke means lost revenue most often not actually going broke. No one doubted that SW will make money, but in business everything is about return of investment. Even if you make 2$ for every 1$ you put in, investors might not be happy because you promised 4$ and other investment did 3$. Fact is that MK11 is expected to do better than MK10. It is released with absolutely no competition. Go broke here means that they could have got much more without getting woke.
you can go broke by spending a lot and not selling enough, while still selling more than most games. im sorry that such basic business math is difficult for you to grasp.
Mortal Kombat 11 definitely profited, though.
who knows? you can tell it has a massive production budget and massive marketing. it probably will profit over time but for now, its clearly underperforming or else they wouldnt have overstocked and priced dropped on launch day. damage to reputation also has worth too.
Small profit for big investment is often seen as failure, especially if it also lowered value of the brand.
As I have said, imagine you give a company 100$, they say they will give you back 200$ in a year. Other company is saying the same thing. After a year they gave you back 110$ while other company gives people 200$. You made a profit, but also lost potential 90$. Next time you will give that money to other company.
>damage to reputation
Stop giving this shit (yous) with low effort crap. I don't care if casuals don't want to talk about the game with you and pro players talk privately in their discord that's not a good excuse billy
If you want this meme to end, it's easy, post the sales numbers.
Hm? Can't do that?
Yikes, can't even beat dbzf, lmao.
The cope never ends
>One of the best selling fighting games ever
All fighting games sell like shit. Call me when a woke FPS sells well.
Theres a difference between what /pol/ thinks going woke is i.e. the female fighters aren't scantily clad enough, and what actual going woke is i.e.
The latter makes you broke and the former just filters virgins from buying your game.
>what /pol/ thinks going woke
But the vast majority of the threads calling it woke were in this board, not on /pol/
>Never posts any solid numbers to back the claim up
The pic in the OP is pretty convincing. Ever heard of the NPD? They're way more reliable than vgchartz or whatever that shit website is called.
And it's a chart by Dollar Sales, not even copies shipped or sold. It's the money they made.
This entire year has been a year of relentless failures.
delusional cope
Anthem is what, the third or fourth best selling game of the year? It was a failure.
Tom Clancy’s Division 2 was in the top ten list. Failure.
God forbid people play games for the gameplay instead of being worried about internet shitflinging
What is the game being woke about? Is this just virgins being mad about Jax undoing slavery in his non canon ending?
I don’t think that many people were mad about Kang Jax, that was a point of hilarity.
CPU, /pol/ak
This is times warner marketing at work
Every single one of you faggots deserves death.
Battlefield V sold millions and is a horrendous failure. Tanking lucrative IPs is considered a failure.
It was mostly ugly women characters and them being covered up for "realism" and then having shirtless dude characters as a clear contrast to highlight the hypocrasy
It didn't really go woke with that much violence.
>It was mostly ugly women characters
Thanks for not arguing
Cherry picking is fun
Facts are illogical now?
Shoot up your co-workers, times warner subhumans
If more “Woke” games fail than succeed then the statement has merit, if not absolute factual truth.
But the outfits are still sick as fuck though, Who gives a fuck if they show less titty this time around? Right now titties out in gaming is just a headache for the devs. Why even fuck with that beehive. Virtue Signal, collect the SJW check and call it day. What the fuck.
Also Jade n Kitana as good looking as they need to be.
Where is the lie retard
coulda sold 5 copies and still be best selling
>Yes, normies don't give a shit about politics
good. Based normalfags.
>Could you please link a single piece of Sekiro marketing that ever once mentions Dark Souls?
If you dont think pic related is all that is required to do exactly that these days you are fucking retarded, like a legit no hoper.
Fuck off with the hate speech
/pol/tards keep getting dumber and dumber as well as more paranoid by the month.
If you want to see explanations on how the new Mortal Kombat is SJW shit, you can waste hours reading about the subject. These incels have written all the dissertations for a lifetime.
But the TL;DR really is "Tits not big enough"
>Second best selling game of the year so far
Based reading comprehension lacking retard
t. Flat chested whore
Numbers or fuck off. Best selling of dry season means nothing
What games were they even competing with, april was such an empty month. Like whole 2019 so far desu
>Mortal Kombat is now Mortal Kuckbat
The absolute state of the right
coulda sold 5 copies and still be second best selling of the year so far*
>The entire promotional media campaign for Mortal Kombat 11 was basically: if you're a straight male with a properly working sex-drive, this game isn't for you
Never ending persecution complexes
These people have watched way too much porn. Also funny that they're the ones crying about "degeneracy"
This. The fact that games don't succeed or fail based on a developer's politics is unironically a good thing.
>So, now that Mortal Kombat 11 is the second best selling game of the first half of 2019
what is #1?
Kingdom Hearts 3
Yep. Didn't buy MK11 personally but have 6 guys on my friendslist who did. Know what they have NEVER mentioned once?? The girls outfits. They just play the game and git gud. Literally no one gives a fuck lmao.
>Kingdom Hearts 3
Nah it was Mario 2099.
so you are basically saying that a game amidst few games coming out so far that aren't really "general audience-friendly" achieves something great by being normie-bait and thus selling more copies than said niche games?
>normie bait
You know what? Fuck unpopular games, Yea Forums doesn't like them either, they just want to be pretentious.
>still no numbers
OneAngryGamer and ResetEra are the perfect cringe kinos.
It's cause mk has marketing and photorealistic graphics.
So did Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 was extremely successful
Shit, sorry, I meant Battlefield V.
Who the fuck picks up Mortal Kombat looking for thigh and cleavage as a staying point. Even at it's very worse Mortal Kombat has never been that racy with women outfits.
These "people" are just looking for excuses to cry about SJWs. Looking for "trenches" for their """culture""" "war".
Look at when BF5 came out. Now look at what it competed with. There's your answer.
So it's not "Get woke, go broke", it's "Launch against fierce competition, go broke"
Duh. Unfortunately all you need to be successful is a shit ton of marketing and photorealistic graphics or insane brand strength.
This shit is hilarious
still not buying it. the fag character designer was enough for me.
no numbers
>still not buying it
No need to. It's the second best selling game of the year with or without you, pal.
p-p-please delete this
What did he mean by this?
The fact that they are doing this means they are trying to appeal to stockholders who don't yet know the real data. Believe nothing until the real figures are out
Who's "they"? NPD?
Shills gotta shill
re2, dmc5, sekiro and even kh3 sold well
The graphics are so lifelike
Mortal Kombat sold better than Re2, DMC5 and Sekiro
And Kingdom Hearts 3 sold the best out of all of those
that's saying alot? you fags don't buy things.
You mean Yea Forums? Yeah, we don't.
>get woke
But it didn't go woke, you can brutally murder the female characters and the main character is a canon homophobe
You can brutally murder women in Battlefield V too, and that didn't stop people from accusing it of being woke.
Same deal here. See:
You're full of shit for reasons that have been explained over and over again in numerous fucking threads about this exact same topic, but even if you weren't wrong on this it would not disprove "Get Woke, Go Broke" in a more general sense.
haha this is super gross maybe you should post the source so I can use it to troll my friends
Seething and copepilled
>second best selling game of the first half of 2019
>best selling game of the month on every platform it released on
very specific achievements there, bud
Top 5 best selling game of 2019. Happier now?
I’ll be happy when you shoot all your co-workers.
I'm a NEET, ya simp, I don't have co-workers
yeah that sounds way better
but 2019 isnt over yet
It's just /pol/tards being triggered over everything as usual, they don't actually play games.
Can the same be said about ess jay double u's?
Yes. Horseshoe theory is forever true.
Can I get actual numbers?
Surely if it's so impressive they'd release numbers.
Why didn't they buy mass effect Andromeda or Battlefield V?
>Mass Effect Andromeda
Cause it sucks. Mortal Kombat 11 is good
>Battlefield V
Call of Duty was better that year
Mortal Kombat feels like a shit fighting game compartively. It wants to be Tekken and SF but it's shit
Why do fighting games sell like shit? Why don't you stick with fighters Yea Forums?
The "get woke go broke" meme is just that, a meme.
You can "get woke" and still provide produce a good game.
Just like you can not "get woke", and produce a bad one.
People just like to say politics and SJW themes are why the game failed/sold poorly, when there are much MUCH bigger issues with the games overall than anything having to do with politics or SJW themes.
Also keep in mind this is pretty much an echo-chamber. How people think on this board is a very niche way of looking at things. A majority of gamers (normies) don't really have a strong option one way or the other about stuff like this.
This. The best example of this was when Telltale went down. The reason why they went down was obvious: They went all in on trying to relive the meme success of the first season of The Walking Dead. They kept buying new famous licenses and making poor choice simulators out of them.
But what /vpol/ showed was tweets of SJW people inside the team, as if it couldn't apply to every company in America. It's pure lunacy.
Oh okay so Yea Forums crying about "SJWs" in games has nothing to do with sales and the "get woke go broke" thing is completely retarded and games sell well or don't sell well based on a plethora of factors, most important of which whether the game is actually good. Good to know
Correct, yes.
>Nobody gives a fuck one way or another here about your wokeness or lack thereof.
These threads clear 400+ post without effort every time they are made on Yea Forums
People clearly care
Shill mentally ill tranny thread
Yea Forums wants failures unless it Nintendo
It loses its shit if a forecasted failure “gets away with it”
>muh trannies
rent free
>and games sell well or don't sell well based on a plethora of factors
wow! mommy must be so proud of raising such an intelligent young man like you. so insightful. i look forward to you chiming in with your genius "not all ____ people though" posts in the future on Yea Forums, reddit faggot.
Get woke, go broke refers to a product that tries to use politics to sell something that people wouldnt wasbt otherwise. People still wanted mortal kombat, even with lack of tiddies.
I thought it referred to previously good and popular established franchises becoming shit because SJWs infected them.
Just a reminder, that NRS games are shit. Go play SF, Tekken, or some anime fighters if you are looking for better gameplay, characters, visuals, music, and literally anything enjoyable about fighting games.
>Mortal Kombat 11 is good
lmao look at this pleb and laugh, is fortnite also your goty?
Mortal Kombat is fun. Sorry your tastes suck.
lol if you keep streaming fortnite and the other fotm AAA trash in your mums basement I'm sure you'll get big one day kiddo
>thinking MK11 is good
They must be putting something in your tap water. Would you happen to enjoy loot shooters and cinematic Sony schlock as well?
nobody i know irl plays Mortal Kombat
lmao how the fuck?
Nice anecdote
nobody talls about MK, how does it sell?
Plenty of people talk about it, just not your circles.
>op keeps bumping his shitty damage control thread right before getting dropped off every time
wonder how much nrs is paying him
Ya seethe?
>He's so buttflustered he keeps praying it falls off the catalog so he can forget how BTFO he got by based Ed Boon
Have a bump on me, pal
sounds pretty accurate tho
Probably a lot since the game sold well
Underrated post
Because /vpol/ seething is music to my ears.
I'm the dude who bangs your mom and I play mk
I mean, you're posting on the website that was convinced Black Panther was going to be a massive flop and spent months forcing memes about it then BP came out and shattered sales records.
They also did the same with Get Out, and surprise surprise that movie was also a massive success.
What exactly was woke about MK11 anyway?
Don't forget Captain Marvel, followed by "The theaters were empty" coping when they got BTFO yet again.
>"The theaters were empty"
the captain marvel saga was kino. the coping was reaching critical levels
Bullshit Fake News
Jeremy can never be wrong
There are no numbers. The NPD is trust-worthy.
Of course the shit game is selling. Stores has it on sale everywhere because its shit. People buy cheap games retard.
Note how it says "Dollar Sales", meaning it's a list of how much money it made rather than how many copies it shipped or sold :)
Almost a good cope, almost.
I see that Ron.
>this obsession
Lmao rent free
Real talk now Yea Forumsros. Why do people defend this game so much? We all know it failed hard; yet they won't admit defeat.
Wouldn’t that mean it gets most of its money from the microtransactions and special editions, and that barely anyone has played or owns a copy?
I don't think NPD tracks micro-transactions, but I could be wrong.
Leave the poor trannies alone. It's not their fault they have mental illnesses.
It’s only a handful of people on Discord or Resetera who defend this game.
Or people who are literally paid shills.
>no numbers
>i-i-is selling g-g-great believe!!!!! Buy!!!!!
>muh trannies
You get a "rent free" as well, my man
>Replying seriously to an obvious parody post
Coping mechanism
It's funny how when Nintendo censors shit for Resetera, no one cares
>all the cope itt
its great
And that picture is not even updated. They wrote so many more articles since then.
neat how they got nathan drake into their game by turning johnnie cage into him
>violence is good
>yet titties and sexy womens are a nono
Yeah whatever you say tard
They do have titties, though - it's just not as lewd as mk9
What's the top 5 selling of the first half of 2019?
God of War?
>not even half of the year has passed
The cope is real
>eating shit is fun, sorry you have actual taste
I just want to be good at ONE fighting game
but I'm just bad at all of em
It actually panders to both sides. There are "woke" and "redpilled" shit in MK11, although the wokeness is more visual (non-sexy femme chars, some woke dialogues, Jax woke ending, etc.) and the redpilling is more subtle (Kollector is pretty much an entitled/deluded Jew, some redpilled dialogues, Chad Johnny/Kano/Shao Kahn, etc.). But since the wokeness is more visible, MK11 is labeled as woke. Don't get me wrong. I don't like any hint of woke on my games--I pay to play, not to see/hear mental illness--but MK11 does have redpill moments, so it ALMOST evens out. What I really don't like is/was the grindiness of the Krypt (still require more "balancing"), the shift in meta (a flaw--of course, to make it more "accessible"/appealing to casualshitters and terribads), some mechanics, and the lack of lewd female costumes. Which is why it's a NO BUY for me.
>game sold well
>have to shill it
Something doesnt add up
Kingdom Hearts 3 is #1. MK11 is the second one. I think DMCV, Sekiro and RE2 remake are up there, too. Probably a Tom Clancy game, too.
They've been lewding it up all the way to 9. It's from X forward that they've went the poz way.
So is the game good or what?
Tranny Kombat? Disgusting.
- makes all women including his wife, adopted daughter, clone of his adopted daughter fight half naked
- crushes his enemies, sees them driven before him and hears the lamentation of the women
- wanted to fuck another king's wife so he kills him and takes his wife
>virgin Kotal
- gets shitted on by Shao Kahn
- women now fight clothed
- stops conquering realms
They didn't even market the game as woke like that OneAngryFaggot is claiming. They marketed it based on the characters, story and the fact that it's Mortal fucking Kombat. They didn't pander to anyone except fucking MK fans who just wanna play as fucking Noob, Shao Kahn and Kitana. The faggots complaining about the game being 100% woke is pure bullshit lies.
They're basically pulling a statistics trick here. They'll single out some data where they look good, but omit the rest of the data where they look bad. Never fully trust statistics unless they provide actual numbers for any/all relevant shit.
>How does it compare to previous entries?
>How does it compare to other fighters?
>Is this game popular enough in the fighting game community and by how much?
>Other questions
It's almost like /pol/niggers cry about every game ever being woke so they can get clickbait material and outrage fuel for their shitty "culture war"
>Things I don't like is /pol/
>How does it compare to other fighters?
Excellently, I'm sure. When's the last time a fighting game was in the Top 3 of the year? Mortal Kombat gets the normalfag dimes more than any other fighting game.
>is now a cripple
>has nothing to do with sales and the "get woke go broke" thing is completely retarded and games sell well or don't sell well based on a plethora of factors
Believe it or now, wokeness is a factor, and it's becoming more and more important with this heavily (and increasingly) politicized world. Yeah, it's not entirely the deciding factor, but an important factor nonetheless.
Why do you emphasize "first half"? It's not july yet.
>The NPD is trust-worthy.
>Implying you've even heard of them before
I see they subscribe to the same school of thought as Blizzard with releasing numbers.
It's alright, kike shit aside
Johnny Cage always sucked
They require too much time to get good. I already moved on to the next one. Never get time to practice a lot even with just one character.
I havent been keeping up, why is MK woke and SJW now and how?
I never got this. Why do you think people are trying to incite you to buy by saying it sold great?
It is not even in the top 20 on Steam. That means consoles have no games if MK11 is in their top 3.
See: Basically, the outfits aren't sexy enough according to /pol/tard degenerates.
4k online is really good for a fighting game, obviously is going to fucking die in 3 months or maybe a little more but thats expected unless they add cross platform
That's dumb
its Mortal Kombat, not fucking Dead or Alive, who is playing this for fapservice?
The average person that cries about SJWs doesn't care for logic. They're just looking for excuses to bitch.
Redditor who started using Yea Forums after 2015
Yea Forumsirgin who has been here at least before 2014 or properly assimilated into chan culture.
SJWs deserve to be demonized. Bunch of retards and faggots willing to spend money on "woke" trash
"Normies" is funner to say. It sounds silly. The "xfag" think got old. I just call people faggots instead.
98% of people who bought the new Mortal Kombat don't give a shit it's woke, my delusional friend. They bought it because it's fun. You're the cancerous retards that want people to stop buying games for political reasons.
Only redditors use 'normie' though because it sanitizes -fag.
>because it's fun
Is that why the online userbase is dwindling?
God, can't fighting games just die already?
It's an obsolete, archaic genre that hasn't advanced in any way ever since it's creation.
In fact, every single entry seems to be a worse and worse take on the genre.
It's like racing games, why can't they just die and instead focus on developing games that will be played by someone other than eSport furshits?
As I said, it's funnier sounding
It's already dying.
Fighting games are just incapable of mantaining a big fanbase outside of the release week.
They are the kind of games that rely on microtransactions to live on, and with no people playing, no one will be buying microtransactions.
They'll soon die out and just stick to eSports instead of making actual games.
Not that I care much, i've always thought of the fighting genre as second rate games, the kind that aren't worth more than $5.
And yet netherrealm had to lower the price at launch
Are you only talking about fighting games on pc?
>op still bumping his shill thread every time it hits page 9, ten hours later
LMAO nrs must be paying HANDSOMELY for this amount of damage control
OP's pic is dollar sales, not number of units shipped or sold. In other words: It's still the second game that made the most money of the year so far, even with the discounts. Pretty good.
>Are you only talking about fighting games on pc?
In general.
But honestly, who cares.
If the fighting game genre died I don't think anyone would miss it.
There's just nothing to it.
Tbh I think this game had cooler characters than mkx
i think thats pretty retarded considering barely anyone is online
>shows up for 10 minutes to watch Shao Kahn die
>does nothing else
What was her endgame? I thought they wrote the stories around the rosters, why does she have such a small role?
In what platform?
Gameplay>technical achievement>politics
MK11 is pretty fun and the most polished gameplay wise and the netcode is the best in the business. It's one of the few games I can play online and not feel like I lost to bullshit netcode and I've been bodied on 30 games sets vs semi-pros, so I know how to take a loss. I play Tekken and Im too laggy to punish a -11 move with a 1 or I play SF and the match unsyncs and gives me a ton of stutter. This shit rarely happens in MK11. Out of 500 games I probably had two yellow bar matches that were bad and they were 2am Russian games where I came back from drinking (I'm American).
no one is buying your shit game kys
Except gameplay
Lol kill me yourself you pathetic creeplard.
>pathetic creeplard.
You should really try this gay shit on the IGN boards
Those still exist?
>All the /pol/tards seething ITT
They did the opposite of going woke.
It's music to my ears
Mortal Kombat secured two niches very early on - a realistic artstyle and over-the-top violence. As the series evolved it carved out another niche of having a fairly rich lore for a fighting game series, and yet another of its usage of cinematics (which helped enhance both the lore and the gore). None of these are inherently political, so other features of the game can be changed to fit the times without making any notable impact on the effectiveness of these cornerstones For example, because character designs are fairly vacuous, they can be easily changed per the sensibilities of the lowest common denominator and it wouldn't impact on the game's realistic look, violence, lore or cinematics in any meaningful way. Characters like Sonya Blade have seen their designs change drastically from MK9 to MK11 as the common idiot went from chirping, 'Dude! Boobs!' to, 'That's sexist, bro.' The four attractions of Mortal Kombat, given that they have mass appeal and, though tacked on, are ingrained in the series's identity, did not need to and thus have not.
'Get woke, go broke' only works depending on how vulnerable the subject is. Comics that 'get woke' will 'go broke' because comic books in general have a much smaller audience - therefore, pointing out the absurdity of SJW comics to a comic-reading audience is much easier than, say, doing the same with movies to a movie-watching audience (which is much more general because lots more people - therefore lots more DIFFERENT people - watch movies).
MK will always sell well because its niches all appeal to the masses, including those who are not gamers (perfect, considering MK was never well known nor cared about for its gameplay). That doesn't necessarily mean that people aren't tired of 'politically-correct nonsense', however.
based and logicalpilled
>That doesn't necessarily mean that people aren't tired of 'politically-correct nonsense', however
It does, however, make them pretty pathetic if they brag about how the game is gonna fail for having the wrong politics, when anyone with half a brain knows otherwise.
You are the same guy making this thread. Get some pussy loser.
You're posting on Yea Forums, my man. And you're browsing it frequently enough to notice a thread pattern.
Yeah, except they completely fucked over the lore in the reboot with MK9 onwards so I no longer buy their games, so fuck NRS, fuck John Vogel and fuck Sean Kittelsen.
fuck reboots
I dont care about fighting games, especially not Mortal Kombat but those burka outfits are fucking hilarious especially next to half naked steroid junkies
I mean look at this shit. They literally could not cover her up more. I can only imagine her in some huge winter coat or something that could be more ridiculous. This whole thing is funny as shit, especially considering that the character designer is a literal gay nigger.
Honestly I'm lucky because none of the games I care about are being affected by California but this shit is just too funny at this point
She looks hot to me tbqh
you literally cant see anything of her lmao. this shit is genuinely more funny than most comedies
>"Get woke, go broke" meme is nothing but wishful thinking
I want them to believe that to be honest. I want to see them crash bigly. Keep shoving in politics.
They should ip ban anyone who has ever posted in /pol/. If it happens I promise these boards will drop dramatically in falseflagging
The thing that the writers misunderstood about anglos getting into the slave trade is that if not for Britain and North America trying slavery for itself, they then may have never come to the conclusion that the institution needed to ended around the globe. So Ironically Jax messing up with time with his preferred outcome would have likely led to more globally continued slavery in the recent period.
Holy shit you're even to fucking stupid to post on /pol/ and they are run by confirmed 16 year olds
why fags like you so desperate for games to be woke diversity garbage tho?
same for reddit/tumblar immigrants
Don't seethe so bad, little pal
nice quality you faggot
This is cringe of the highest order. Is every single /pol/tard a 2014 tourist?
I doubt the majority of this board browses /pol/. You don't need to browse /pol/ to hate SJWs.
The problem with people like you and your moral relativism is that you believe if you manage to convince enough people about your own perception of reality created by mental gymnastics, it will become the new norm and people will just stop asking questions, thinking for themselves forever. Your morality is the only right way of thinking, your perception of reality is the right one, you are the good guys, everyone outside you is the bad guys which means you are allowed to destroy everything that gets in your way, since you are the good guys after all fighting the evil.
The problem is reality does not care about your moral relativity. Just because a bunch of dysfunctional people like you infested reddit and twitter, your version of reality is not the norm.
Seriously, I can't even imagine what kind of fucked up life led to a kind of thinking where you think if you downvote enough ""bigots"" for the greater good on an internet forum, suddenly people will change their opinions. If you enforce a certain opinion in a very closed circlejerk no sane person heard of, then automatically its the new norm.
I'm tired of retards like, pretending to be normal, represent the voice of reason. At least kissless virgins on Yea Forums know they are pathetic. Meanwhile, you dysfunctional autists pretend to be normal. Everyone who seen a normal person knows you are not normal. Even according to fucking New York Times, only 8% of the democrats consider themselves progressive. Less than 15% of the US consider themselves a feminist.
I'm tired of you psuedo-normal faggots. You are not normal. You are literally worse than neckbeards. You are an imposter. You only have a sub personality, which is about how much you can virtue signal online.
I don't care for your marketing slogans. How much did it actually sell?
Notice how these threads are all about muh April sales but never about anything else? That's right, it's because the game is so shit it's not even worth talking about
And to finish this rant, nothing makes me want to kill myself more than going on twitter or reddit.
It's not even a meme at this point, the people there are more dysfunctional and autistic than here. It is filled with trannies who look like freaks, I'm talking about 20 something clearly balding men with a gut and lipstick. They are so un-selfaware they genuinely scare the shit out of me. Like I look at them and I know they can snap any moment. They are not just ugly, they genuinely look disgusting. Fucking furries, everywhere. if thats not enough, gay furries. Then people who don't even know their gender and make their identity out of their fetish. People typing shit like "uwu". NEETs in their 20s posting on communist forums. Unhealthy looking men with a gut and beard. Men open to poly relationships expect not even fat and disgusting girls are willing to enter into a relationship with them. Teenagers who already complain about how they want to kill themselves. People who can only make friends through meta circlejerk communities. People who cant stand anything and have to make an anti-meta circlejerk to combat it. 14 year olds who feel "mature for their age" and spend time blogging about how much smart they are.
And I could go on and go on. The point I'm trying to make here, if you are some faggot from GCJ or some other discord tranny group, maybe if you stopped being a pathetic piece of shit more people would believe you are normal. Because right now, there is nothing more demotivating than people like you. The way you talk is like walking on eggshels in case someone has a mental breakdown over a bunch of words on twitter.
Holy fuck stop pretending to be normal you ugly miserable sad faggots