>Blizzard tells OWL players not to pick Mei in tournaments due to how overpowered she is.
>Blizzard tells OWL players not to pick Mei in tournaments due to how overpowered she is.
>source: my ass
>anons asshole: the gaming journalism powerhouse that reliably continues to produce shit content
yeah if you’re plat
i like chubby chicks. is it canon that she's chubby.
>heh you're asking for proof for a bullshit claim? haha that's so reddit of you wow xd
>Believing every single thing OP has ever said
You're a worthless retard.
OP is a hanzo main that got his shit pushed in by based Mei so decided to make this shitty thread to stir up some shit in the vain hope that it gets a 'nerf Mei' trending.
My wife Mei is quite literally perfect, don't you agree?
post more chubby mei
>playing hanzo
based retard
Based Boogie poster
Pajamei is a miracle of the universe.
Only reason why she isn't op in E-sports ranks is cause everyone picks the same meta and the whole team knows to target her instantly if she gets close. Anything outside of that though and she rolls you cause it takes like three people to get rid of her with focus assuming you don't all play the most powerful character. Fuck this game and its shitty balancing.
Oh look we make the game mechanically for casuals but buff the numbers for the top 500 e sports players.
this game became bad when they added ana
>Mei perfect
>In a game where Mercy exist
I mean Mei is pretty top tier but only Mercy is perfect tier
Ana was the only good update this game had. I think you mean the game became bad after the ana update.
>playing a healer
Imagine playing a game so bland and solved that any minuscule change throws the safespace upside down
no i mean the game became bad and unbalanced after they added ana, you could only play genji before her if you were realy good at him, now you just wait for nano and whoop asses because of broken numbers.
It's real mommy hours rn post mommys
Wouldn't even matter. OWL fucks use the same six characters all the time. You'll probably get that one guy that whips out a Mei or someone else for a rebound advantage and then switches back. Mirror matches are fun and all, but that shit gets old really fast.
It's why I switched to watching Paladins. I like that teams can ban maps and characters during each match. It makes it more interesting, because some teams uses it as part of their tactics, too bad Evil Mojo is at the helm.
This is discrimination against fat people
We need to boycott Bl**zzard
Me is so FAT
>ice wall between mercy and her target
I fucking loved shitting on Mercy players
no hes actually correct because the update they added ana was also the update where they buffed zens health by 50
nothing has been the same since those two became relevant, they are at the core of the spiral of dogshit the games suffered over the years since
You haven't seen her newest skin then
>fully exposed thighs
>her plump tits on their fullest display yet
This skin man
where did I say I played mercy?
I flex MT or hitscan, Mercy is just the perfect woman