How does the clan system in VTMB:2 work?

You start out as a mid gen caitiff and somehow you get to choose a clan or do you get to mix disciplines? How does it work.

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You start as a thinblood that was a victim of a mass embrace and at some point in the game you diablerize a clan member of your choosing, which makes you of said clan. From what I gathered, mechanically, you basically do your character sheet twice.

Neat, sounds pretty sweet, I got a little turned on by the idea of mixing shit though. Was it mentioned how you do not get killed immediately for being both a thinblood and a diablerizer

I don't think it's really mentioned yet. But I'd guess that you are a pawn of higher powers yet again, at some point someone will probably out you as having the black aura and start getting hunted down.

The diablerie-theory, while likely, is not confirmed yet.

I am genuinely excited for this game user the only concern I have is that the writers will not give you the option to act like a authoritative dickhead. I get that they have their opinions and if they do feel so, please punish me for my behavior but at least enable me to do the wrong thing in the first place.

The game starts out with a trial, like the first game. You are about to get killed along with the other thin bloods but then the place catches on fire and you escape.

In the current lore diablery is allowed in some cases if the guy had a blood hunt called on him.

Why have all the clan reveals so far been women? Are they pandering that hard to the twilight crowd?

There's only so many ways a thin-blood can become a vamp user

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Can they get embraced again?

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how the fuck have we not moved past the whole "im a nameless prisoner with a blank sheet" horseshit yet

>not confirmed yet
There is no other way to my knowledge so it doesn't matter if they confirmed it or not.

Are you genuinely, unironically curious, or just setting up for (You)b8?

have you seen how many office jobs are occupied by women, it sucks but they are now money makers too which is why all commercials and products now mainly pander to them instead of men, they chimp out more

based retard kill thyself please

2 of 5 videos featured a male.

A lot of RPGs and almost every other story driven game is not like that anymore user.

that's the only backstory that gets me immersed desu

They could very well just come up with their own shitty explanation.

I give zero fucks about them because I'm not one.

It was in an interview, there will be Blood Hunts in which the player can participate in and be awarded the target as a reward for the player to diablerize and that's how you get into the clan.

How have we not moved past the whole "im a screeching autist that will bitch about anything, why haven't they deigned to fulfill my odd, specific wish that nobody else on the planet agrees with" horseshit yet?


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It's easy to hate a character if you dislike the backstory of a predefined one, thereby ruining the whole game (Ryder, ME3, for example). Allowing the player to choose is less risky.

>Some vampires use the Blood Hunt as a time to settle scores and get rid of rivals and enemies, and no few vampires have indulged in the chance to commit diablerie on their target or on other vampires who had the misfortune to get caught in the crossfire.

That is possible yes but is highly improbable.

It hasn't really been tested, if it is possible, it's a bug not a feature. There's (((rumors))) that thin-bloods can become human again if they maintain absolutely top-tier humanity for an unspecified amount of time and then successfully kill their sire. If this is at all true and they pull it off, they'd be human and so could biologically be embraced, but vampirism runs mostly on magic, so purging yourself of the curse might very well make it impossible for a round 2. Also you just straight-up murdered a kindred, so chances are their frens are out to wreck your shit.

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If you want a forced backstory you get stuff like Fallout 4