What game or series are you completely unable to get into no matter how hard you try?
What game or series are you completely unable to get into no matter how hard you try?
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*brings a certain country into everything*
F-Zero GX and I've REALLY tried. I spent well over 10 hours playing it, learned the advanced techniques and beat several staff ghosts in time attack and still don't like the feel and gameplay of it. Guess it's just not for me.
Monster Hunter
*brings up your racial make-up*
brussel sprouts are fucking vile they literally taste like death
Dragon Quest, I've bought like 3 of them and they always turn out shit
Mortal Kombat. Most fighting games in general, really. Only one I invested any amount of time in was Tatsunoko vs Capcom.
Ass Creed
People keep telling me how much they enjoy those games. I can't get through more than 10 minutes without falling asleep.
Lol dumb whore deserved it
That's because you don't know how to cook them, you goblin.
As for OP's question, Persona 5. People hype the game up but it just looks like boring shit to me.
The Sims
The origanal Dark Souls. III, Bloodborne & Sekiro are all pretty neat but DS seems bland and unfinished for some reason.
Anything from Nintendo
Actually fun fact, the reason why shows back in the day depicted vegetables as disgusting was in part due to people not knowing how to cook them proper. If you over cook brussel sprouts they taste like farts. Also you have more taste buds as a kid and they decrease in amount as you age, which is why old people love strong tasting crap.
the witcher
i own it all on pc but each time i try to play my brain just dies at the thought of wasting time on another follow the quest marker detective vision open world walking simulator shitpile
Can't agree at all with bland, but it seems unfinished because it is.
I really want to like it because I love the setting and slavshit in general but I don't like shooters
I tried to force myself but never got far, it saddens me every time I see people talking about it and having fun
>t. 10 year old who thinks vegetables are yucky
have you tried black flag, it's the only one that a truly enjoyed. I am a bit biased tho, i have a pirate fetish
it's more a visual novel with a lot of gameplay than a game.
Final fantasy
Something about it seems just...bad and low effort to me, Like it’s the CoD of the JRPG genre.
Then again the only JRPGs I enjoy are the DQ and SMT series.
This. Games seem cool but it plays and looks like your typical Eurojank with a twist.
Agreed, Nintendo is more casual than mobile gaming at this point.
They should have stuck with making mobile devices ie DS, gameboy, etc
dq is pretty much the definition of CoD of jrpg though
not In America, friendo.
Any nintendo game and thank God for that.
have you tried the first one for NES?
It's the only good one.
i used to love ff tactics. but i seriously just cant get into the final fantasy games anymore. the story just cant grip me. can't into turn based rpgs anymore, cant into reading. and if there isn't a lot of reading i just get tired of cutscenes.
Animal Crossing
I've tried getting into both of them a few times, but I just can't. They're super boring to me. I can understand why other people are into it though.
Tales of series.
The stories and characters are just such generic anime trope shit that I can't handle more than an hour.
There's like 0 originality in these games.
You mean the worst one after Zelda 2?
FF games aren't low-effort but they are very casual with systems streamlined for ease and accessibility.
Other than FF4, and even then mostly just FF4 with Free Enterprise randomizer, I have a hard time getting into any of the old final fantasy games or JRPGs in general because of all the cutscenes.
Their delicious cooked with a lil bit of butter and garlic. Plus they are really good for you.
Fighting games
maybe if you have no taste in good games whatsoever.
turn based tactics. i'll keep trying though
Nice blog
Tales of Berseria was my first tales game. I bought it after seeing Yea Forums praise the ever-loving shit out of it for months.
Bought it on PC and my first thought was “ok, it looks like a ps2 game but maybe it’ll be good”
Then I realized all the maps were straight out of some Korean MMORPG and linear as hell. Not to mention the painfully slow walking speed.
I got like 8 hours in and was bored out of my skull. Literally nothing exciting was happening and I couldn’t care less about any of the cast.
Uninstalled and hid it from my steam account.
Path of Exile, Warframe. Any of these "its good once you get past 50 hours of content" games
yeah steamed ones suck ass I don't know why anyone would do that, just roast them and they taste great(like every other vegetable)
They taste amazing you moron
turn based tactical rpg grid based thingymajiggies
you know the kind there's like a billion fucking flash games of
I've tried playing Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon a couple times, never played an FE game before, and I keep getting bored and playing something else. I've also tried Final Fantasy Tactics twice and been unsuccessful getting in to it. I'll try one more time later this year.
I can not get into Xenoblade 2, holy shit, that game is bad. I just can not see what people like about it aside from the waifus. I also don't understand what people see in Persona 3-5, but I've actually completed those due to having a lot of free time a couple years ago.
>completely inconsistent difficulty
>Shit translation from Japanese
>to progress the game you have to put a bomb right at this specific spot without having a crack in the wall
Yeah walking around the whole map placing bombs sounds like fun.
Every Zelda game from ALTTP was better than the shitty NES ones.
Metroid, and I've played most of them.
No luck.
same i have started each one of them many times with decent time sunk in but just never really clicks
The entire stealth genre. I need to quicksave after every corner and then retry like 5 times to get to the next unspotted. And if I don't quicksave it just turns into endless combat and running away. I really tried, too. Played Thief and Dishonored and Splinter Cell and beat some of them. But I'm never really having real fun with it.
I think I've learned my lesson now though. It's just not for me.
Characters that did nothing wrong?
Diablo and it’s clones
Beat D2 once and never touched it again. Bought D3 and played it for less than 30 minutes. Played PoE only because my friends wanted to play. Dungeon looters are fucking garbage and no one can tell me different
Make your own thread about it mongoloid
Wait how the fuck are you supposed to cook them then?
Does cooking differently affect other veggies as well? Is Potato the only good tasting vegetable?
I can tell you haven't actually played the game.
that's all retard-level criticism.
This, I think I've installed and uninstalled SoC at least 4 times. I can't seem to play in it for more than 30 minutes without getting restless.
Metal Gear, Ace Attorney, Smash and fighting games.
Dishonored is overrated as fuck. The entire gameplay loop is literally just
> Teleport behind guy
> Choke him out
> Hide the body
> Repeat
Also, quicksaving in a stealth game is a horrible design decision. It encourages save scumming and basically leads the developers to design the entire game around the assumption that players will save scum.
The lore/setting is the only thing that kept me playing as long as I did and even then, I wound up quitting a little past the halfway point I think. I have no idea why this game is considered a masterpiece by some people
>Fallout NV
>Mount and Blade
>Dwarf Fortress
>Xcom Enemy Unknown
>New Pokemon Games
>Most Open World games (I like a more linear game instead of "Here's big world go explore")
try playing minotaur berserker
felids are actual cancer
Well considering those games are FTP grindfests, what do you expect? Warframes combat and movement is what makes it for me.
Not an argument
any FPS after 2009
yeah i tried a ghost no powers playthrough of dishonored and just got incredibly bored because of how it's designed.
same with trying to do low chaos runs when the game has so many fucking gadgets that slaughter people.
same with number 2. a few cool areas and shit. went corvo first playthrough with whatever. then tried emily for my second playthrough giving no fucks and it just felt boring killing shit as well.
Dragon's Dogma. I have 30 hours in it from attempts but I just can't ever get through the beginning because its so fucking boring.
I like vegetables, retard. Brussel sprouts are garbage.
pretty much all of the old jap games that everyone raves was their childhood
ive played fightan/rts/rpgs/fps and the meme genres like mobas and mmos too. also smash. i even do a little tabletop. i just never got around to doing any of those titles that i see people go on and on about excepting pokemon
because of smash i did try f-zero on an emu later on and that was very fun (if brief, i think i couldnt save) and then a metroid and castlebania :DDD game later, but i never pulled through to the end. any introductory game to any of these franchises you guys would recommend to a total baka gaijin who only played blizzardshit growing up or am i irredeemable?
SMT, love the lore, love the gameplay concepts, love the art, cannot get into a single one of them for the life of me, ended up watching Let's Play's.
Cave Story
Trying to replay it from scratch. They are legit trash. Garbage gameplay, garbage characters, garbage story, and waaaay too many games with no resolution. 16 games, over a decade, comics, a movie, novels, and yet the plot has still been meandering aimlessly since they offed Desmond. All the cool plot points died with him, and I didn't even like him. 4 is a good pirate game, but potentially the worst Assassin game out of the series. Every time you're on shore is one of those stupid follow missions.
I haven't played the newest 2, do they end up with a new modern time protag, or is it still just history/parkour simulator with a broken counter mechanic?
World of Warcraft. I love the PvP but I can't stand leveling so I never got into it
Origins and Odyseey have a new protag that isn't a faceless nameless mute but the plot is still just meandering around. They killed off Juno in a comic even. They also added a leveling system that just adds grind since any enemy more then two levels higher will just shake off the knife in their throat and one shot you.
Top Tier:
Great Tier:
Brussel Sprouts
Butternaut Squash
Eh Tier:
Green Beans
Shit Tier:
Everything else
>completely inconsistent difficulty
Irrelevant. It's a very open-ended game if something is hard you can go do something else first and come back with more resources and practice.
>Shit translation from Japanese
Irrelevant as the hints serve their purpose in the game.
>to progress the game you have to put a bomb right at this specific spot without having a crack in the wall
>Yeah walking around the whole map placing bombs sounds like fun.
congratulations on being dumber than than 6 year olds in the 80s who managed to figure this out without "walking around the whole map placing bombs"
I really cannot fathom what it's like to be as stupid and helpless as the typical zoomer.
DMC. There's just too much going on at once for me to get a good grip on it. I usually beat the second boss in a game and then just stop playing. It's happened with 1, 4 and 5. Plus the stories usually don't interest me at all.
Megaman Battle Network
Halo. And I'm of the age where I could have grown up with it, and have friends that love it, but I just don't see it.
You have SHIT TASTE, retard.
Those isometric view cRPGs like Divinity Original sin or pillars of eternity i can't for the life of me get into them
Dragon Age
I've tried to play Origins a couple of times but I just got sidetracked and dropped it. I also own 2, but I hear it's worse.
It's a shame because I was way into Mass Effect for a while and I usually love fantasy stuff.
Fighting games desu, except Soul Calibur 2 & 3
Cauliflower is fucking amazing. Leagues better than negro sprouts.
Pretty much everything by Nintendo apart from Mario
>cauliflower that low
Unitonic shit taste.
Hey, whose footprints are these?
Same here. My first entry into online gaming waa halo 3 and gears of war 1, halo bored me to tears. Not sure what people see in it to worship the series so heavily when others have done it better
>Oi govna look at the mutt
i can only do the isometric when its turnbased like DOS2
Mmorpgs. Just spawning in a server and looking at the place filled with weebshit characters wearing 50 types of armor and 30 pets around them pisses me off.
are you me ?
Nigga, this game is only semi open. You need items for half the shit you do
Half the hints don't make sense, ore are completely wrong translated
>8 year old
Then tell me, how exactly did an 8 year old in the 80s find it out if not by walking around the entire map? What was the exact hint that led you to this exact point to place a bomb there?
8 year olds have more time then I do. It's one thing to take a few minutes to figure out a puzzle, like in the newer Zelda games. It's another to spend hours walking around for something completely retarded.
I get it, a lot of games where like this back then, but that doesn't excuse objectively bad game design
>tfw fat fuck that loves brussel sprouts
First off, tomato isn't even a fucking vegetable.
>God Tier
Corn (creamed)
Green Beans (fried)
Cucumber (pickled)
>Great Tier
Broccoli (with cheese)
Cauliflower (with cheese)
Corn (uncreamed)
Spinach (raw)
>Okay Tier:
Carrot (uncooked)
Broccoli (no cheese)
Green beans (non-fried)
>Meh Tier
Carrots (cooked)
Cauliflower (no cheese)
>Gross Tier
Mostly everything else
>Inedible poison tier
Spinach (cooked)
Squash of any variety
Brussels Sprouts
Gross. I bet you fat fucks would eat pets and other people if it weren't looked down upon. Just can't help yourselves can you from stuffing your faces?
any fighting game. I've tried like 5 different times, all with different games, and they just never click with me.
Xenoblade X
>Have Dwarf Fortress on my computer since 2012
>Never got really far with it, only remember making basic forts
I think to really get into MMOs you had to do it some time between 1998 and 2007, the earlier the better.
MOBAs. Boring as fugg.
Not because of the combat, but because of the puerile stories and disgusting way Japanese treat women
go back to resetera tranny
ha ha that sure would be weird. You don't think this fatty is seeing anyone huh? ha ha
Yea Forums - Food & Cooking
final fantasy
it's so boring and slow and lame
Quality choices.
I could never get into MOBAs, my cousin wanted to play LOL with me but whenever I tried playing I got bored and wanted to die almost immediately. I also hate most open-world games, there's never anything to actually do besides look around and do shitty side-quests.
Fire Emblem and Splatoon.
People, most people, definitely play these for all the wrong reasons.
Kingdom Hearts, and basically any game with similar combat.
What's your reward for mashing the square button repeatedly? Oh boy! A boring hour long cutscene!
have sex
I was going to say RPG's, but I realized that I seem to have this problem for pretty much every genre. I get bored of nearly every game I play, dropping them somewhere before the 5 hour mark with rare exceptions. Any game I don't drop I end up playing nearly nonstop until I beat it, and anything with good replayability will end up with hundreds of hours played while I listen to podcasts.
That was just said. Sad.
I wish I could get into Souls games, I love everything about them, I just don't have the patience for them.
>There's no way to progress in Legend of Zelda without trying to burn every single bush on the overworld one bush at a time.
holy shit you're wrong buddy. 2 is one of the best
I can't do RTS. They appeal so much to me, but I can't stop micromanaging. We're talking taking 1-2 hours to beat a simple level. I've tried playing a video on one screen and playing an RTS on the the other and try to copy it 1-for-1, but I keep losing or in frustration, regress back to micromanaging.
League of Legends
World of Warcraft
Apex legends
To name a few
I really want to like EVE Online but I can't. I've grown playing MOMs and I love all the brutal aspects of them, such as ganking people, manipulating the economy, attacking people when they're most vulnerable, etc. EVE would be my perfect game but the actual process is more boring than a real job.
Anime fighters have the highest execution and skill ceiling . Try Samurai Showdown when it comes out.
zelda, any games without some kind of combat like point and click adventure, visual novels if you can call them games.. animal crossing etc
I can't bother to do anything other than build big then overpower shit. I get my shit wrecked by anyone willing to attack before building a maxed out force.
That's TW3, is that not?
TW 1 is just a good NWN2 mod and TW2 takes place in a set of corridors and halls.
top tier:
bad tier:
the rest
No matter how hard I try, because my friends all play them, I just can't get into LoL or DotA or any other AoS-like game at all and its been this way for many many years.
I also can't for the life of me get into any BR at all. Which is funny considering I actually liked the original japanese film/manga/novel.
Is this odd?
Yes it is, actually.
Well considering 90% of all gamers now play MOBAs or BRs, you tell me.
they taste nice if you steam them in my opinion
just sautee them afterwards
dwarf fortress or any 4X or grand strategy game really
though i have beaten X3:AP (sort of anyway) so there might be hope for me to get into grand strategy games
haha americans haha
Are you me? I'm the same.
How do people have the resources to build armies so early?
Apex Legends
TF2 was far superior I don't understand this shit
Etrian Odyssey, it's such a borefest. However I really like Persona Q.
Any turn base RPG that isn't SMT, Pokémon, Chrono trigger or uses a grid like an SRPG.
I hate it, want to play FF but I can't, DQ looks amazing but my god is it boring I got 10 hours in to Persona 3 and I never went back.
Grand strategy.
Witcher 3
Tried playing two different times. Each time I get bored and quit right around saving Dandelion.