Path of Exile: Legion

What do we think of it Yea Forumsros?
>fixed melee hit detection
>fixed mob and player terrain pathing
>fixed mob targeting and namelocking
>all movement skills are now instant cast
>added instant animation cancelling to every skill in the game
>cyclone is now a proper channeling skill like it was in D2

Are you going to play it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>click mouse 1 to do big aoe and kill everything on screen at once to sift through a bunch of garbage items for one that is a 0.001 dps increase
diablo clones need to fucking die

I will be interested when they get rid of fucking lagspikes that randomly fuck you up. The immortal syndicate was fucking terrible with those.

you need to fucking die
waste of oxygen

garbo gimmick with >muh melee focus
also new master system is boring by now

are you a shill or just a cocksucker?

>bro I love this looter game that is tantamount to a gambling f2p clicker phone game
literally 0 standards

I'll play it and get bored by level 90 like every other league

>cyclone is now a proper channeling skill like it was in D2
u wot

I really hope the whole animation canceling thing won't turn the game into an asian animationcancelfest like nearly every single one of them is.

so how did they get away with not programming an AH even though players use a garbage third party site?

>if i don't like something that means you have low standards
sure thing faggot
start making the noose

Tencent runs the "third party" site for them

because the third party site is about as good as an AH could get

drops themselves are the issue, you can play SSF for months and still upgrade all your gear for 1alch each

>bro the game has so much depth look at these massive talent grids where 95% of the nodes are just incremental % based damage increases
>dude I made a new build now instead of shooting an arrow mindlessly killing everthing on screen now I can drop a bomb that kills every on screen

user if you prefer games like fortnite or overwatch you're free to not post in threads for games you don't like

>Are you going to play it?
nah, i think im over this game
tired of 99.99999999% of my drops being utterly useless and have to rely on trading just to get basic pieces
i play arpgs to grind loot not grind chaos orbs
fuck poe, fuck ggg
game has been out for so many years and it still runs like absolute dog shit

yes hardcore mature gamers like myself prefer games where i have the entire progress of my character on a second monitor dictating every decision i make while pressing one button

Remember to play SSF/SSFHC. Only virgins play with trading.

>while pressing one button
lol, no wonder you hate the game if you're this bad

I'd rather play D2 where the droprates are actually designed for it

>skill trees are the same basic structure but instead of elemental damage nodes i grabbed physical ones this time
hahaha so deep bro

>Molten Shell now gives a damage absorb shield that scales with armor, finally making T H I C C J U G G great again
>melee gems now have added flat phys damage, so you don't need a god-tier weapon to deal decent damage
>all melee attacks hit in a cone, even formerly single-target attacks

Is melee, dare I say it, saved?

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if they made ssf contained and unable to transfer, they could buff the rates and create a good single player experience (lol online still) but it would be comfy
instead ssf is reserved only for neets if you want to make any meaningful progress or play a shitty budget build that youve done 100 times over on league starts
drops rates being shit sucks

I wonder what kind of effect the melee changes have on summons that use melee attacks, if any at all

>good drop rates
yeah sure

raised zombies use the same model and animations as enemy-summoned zombies, so they'll attack in a cone, too.

It's pretty much the sweet spot

1.13 made HRs less of a pain in the dick though the droprate could still use a small buff

I had a self-made hoto & cta within a month of starting

>dude lets make a f2p game that is completely unplayable if you don't have an SSD, lmao

what were those didgeridoo fuckers thinking?

Same with skeletons then, right? That'll make summoner a lot more powerful as well

If you want solo rates just go play GD

GD combat is shit so no

what's more impactful is whether or not summons will be cancelling their attack animations once the target's dead or once its out of range

that SSDs are cheap as fuck and people who can't afford one probably have bigger priorities than playing a video game, like not dying on thestreets.

I play every new league to try out new mechanics and skills. And then I drop it in like a week.


5 years ago it would have been a valid point but there's no reason to not own an SSD right now

I hope so, now if only you could hold alt or something and point to the monster you want them to attack

think they'll be a viable build sans other minions finally? The threshold jewel did a bit, but unless they wander off a bit it will still be slow without a clearing minion.

>all movement skills are now instant cast
I will now buy your game

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At least the loot tables in Diablo meant that you weren't getting ilvl 100 Bramblejacks. I love POE, but it really is a skinnerbox at this point.

Same, it's been getting worse every league
I played Synthesis maybe 20 hours even though I had this awesome quint totem champion with like 8k hp

bro pure zombies have been viable for a long time
anyway, with that new unique that makes raised zombies count as corpses expect to see an allahu akbar self-proccing heartbound loop build

u wot, you absolutely would get "ilvl100" lvl10 uniques all the time

Its long been theorized that some of the founding members of GGG have unpatched exploits and backdoors in the game and run third party real money sites.

you can see this by watching RMT sites during a league launch and see how fast headhunters and exalts become available in the HUNDREDS for sale

an auction house in game would completely destroy the RMT market and leave a paper trail that would be easy to follow if you put your duped headhunters on it

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Synthesis's challenge reward MTX wasn't that good so I didn't even bother continuing once I got bored of the synthesis mechanis.

I'm fairly sure you can already do that by using almost any skill.

Tin foil aside, it is fucking weird how fast those sites get currency. I've also heard that they don't actually "have" them at first and people who buy have to wait X amount of time.

I wouldn't be surprised if what you said was true, though. I remember Chris said something along the lines of "We make a lot from PoE. If we were RMTing and got caught, it would not be worth it for the peanuts that RMT would bring vs the game itself" or something similar.

>Run successful business built on the foundation of legitimacy
>Jeopardize everything for peanuts

Sounds legit.

You theoretically could, but as the enemy level increases the chance for lower level base items decreases to the point where it is much, much lower than getting an item of similar level to the mob.

>meanwhile hell mephisto drops an isenhart piece once every 5 kills


RMT is anything but peanuts. And notice how I said "some of the members of GGG" and not the company itself, based low IQ poster who can't read.

>made monster targeting even more retarded
Who cares about any melee shit when PoE is about killing monsters off screen while running as fast as you can. Instant movement skills are good I guess.

>Get a titan's revenge on my first nightmare mephisto kill
Works for me bro.

Only the first cast

>get soj from my first nm andy kill
wow wtf how is soj even valuable

>Tim foil aside
GGG used to have a RMT king as a major shareholder. Chris Wilson has acknowledged this.
Look up Aaron Ciccheli

I remember that debacle. I took Chris at face value:
>Aaron has no power or say in anything we do. Those sites stopped selling PoE items some time ago and the advice he has given us has helped a lot in our ongoing fight against RMT. I'm aware that it looks bad, but the goal was to improve PoE by getting the right expertise on board. We wouldn't have taken his investment unless we were sure it would achieve this goal.

>Edit: I'm pretty sure he doesn't own those sites any more, either. His name is still on the domain registration but he says he sold them earlier this year.

Maybe RMT isn't "Peanuts" but it certainly isn't in the same realm as the game proper in terms of funds. I doubt it has nearly the haul of MMO gold sites.

Torchlight 2 is still the best ARPG and none of you faggots can prove me wrong. Too bad we will never get a 3rd.

>still playing path of flaskspam
Fuck is wrong with you

>Edit: I'm pretty sure he doesn't own those sites any more, either. His name is still on the domain registration but he says he sold them earlier this year.
Note: this was said in February. "Earlier this year" meant a few weeks ago.

im finally out, been out for a few seasons
this melee rework is kinda making me want to reinstall but i know ill be bored within a week of the same old bullshit lifeless grind

>play like a metaslave so much that unless it's an 10 ex item it's trash
>complain that it's boring
why every poe thread is like this?

>10 ex
lmao I'd be happy if I found items worth 10c consistently but nah, shit's not even worth picking up

if you're at least doing T1 maps efficiently you should be getting 50c an hour at the minimum
if you can't "find items worth 10c" then the problem is your mental retardation, not the game

Sure but I don't want to use a skill, it doesn't befit my pacifist necro playstyle

What about titan quest 2 i mean grim dawn

the majority of that wealth dropping isn't actual items

yeah, it's on things that you use on your item to make it better...why would people spend money on an item if they spend in making a better one themselves?

Did they fix sulphur garthering?

currency drops aren't exciting, they're equivalent of key farming in D2

how to fix the game
>remove 6 links
>maximum amount of links is 4 on every single item
now instead of having one or two op abilities, you can actually mix and match a lot of abilities depending on the situation, and remove a bunch of gems that people only pick because they have the highest amplifier on them.


Not really. I would say that they upped the amount you usually get per map and I haven't run into an instance of getting 2, or god forbid only 1 node. But I feel like it's more rare now and before I use to get Niko every 4 maps, I find him maybe every 10 or more. So the numbers kind of even out.

Well, i prefer to drop something that's useful than to something that is great but won't work on my character...and I think most people do and that's why currency have more value than items

>cyclone is now a proper channeling skill like it was in D2
Whirlwind wasn't channeled in Diablo 2, you're thinking of Diablo 3

Sorry but it would take approx. one billion hours every league to actually accumulate the 10 Primordial jewels to play the most Kino of builds Golemancer

Instead I can just trade and have fun with my Icybois by day 4

>Path of Trading

Shill, GGG need that PR after the trash shit that was Synthesis.

As far as I care,
>Legion looks fun, but not in a "GO FAST MURDER EVERYTHING" sort of way
>More in a stop, consider your options, then GO FAST MURDER EVERYTHING kind of way
>Overall way more interested in those new Jewels and the Melee improvements
>As many as 75 possible new Keystones and a myriad of changes to the Passive tree are possible
>Melee improvements look nice visually and Melee gems are getting added flat damage now, but final results wait to be seen
>Cautiously optimistic

they haven't fixed the boring gameplay

back when i use to play the late game was such a grind for loot that you never be able to finish with a satisfying build, unless you played for 10 hours a day AND spend 6 hours a day on trade forums.

Did they ever fix this?

Between crafting, boosted drop rates, new mechanics(delve). it's easy to get rich.

>you never be able to finish with a satisfying build
Define the point of finish and the satisfying build for that time.

>melee fixed
>aa animations are still clunky spam proxies for the gem stone skills

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melee can never be fixed as long as its wave clear meta.


Who the fuck uses melee in these kinds of games. You must be a boring peice of shit

melee is fun in shitablo 3.

Well it's not so shit then is it?

it is.
its polished shit.

Damage point of attack animations come earlier than before and you can animation cancel out of them.
Fuck off, nobody uses regular auto attack past twilight strand.

so how does good melee look like ?
spam aoe cones and spintowin ?
that isnt melee. thats midrange.

Literally every melee attack is now an aoe cone now by default, player or npc.
But to answer your question: Flicker Strike

So what are you playing first in the new league guys?
I wanna play a melee witch, any ideas?
I had a burning cyclone with Martyr as weapon and the hooves as shoes once which was pretty nice and the other time I tried a dual ele foil with cleave but that never really got anywhere after reaching maps

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flicks strike isnt melee either.
its wave clear with special flavor.

cyclone's getting buffed so i'm sure you'll be good if you wanna do that again.


>So what are you playing first in the new league guys?
The never install that trash again class.

I might, it was well before the whole burning rework too so it should be even stronger now, although staves always look like liquid ass
There was this cool build with leadsprinkler molten strike witch but you needed one of those uber elder shaper jewels so you could get life on hit on your auras, that shit cost like 10 exalt and how am I ever gonna afford that

something with infernal blow probably

Depends on patch notes, but hopefully Cyclone Slayer. God, I really hope he doesn't get shafted by this archetype bullshit.

Unless the patch notes impress me, probably a wander again

Wander as the league starter? How are you going pull that off?

>No trading improvements
>They probably won't touch busted skills like WO or brands still
Woooh so excited for another dead in one month league!

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They "touched" them last League with a microscopic nerf. You mean they won't give them the nerf they deserve.

dom blow necro to fund something melee oriented, all you need is some 4Ls and you can rush to maps
I kinda wanna revisit accuracy stacking jugg cus there are substantial buffs to accuracy on item mods and the tree, so probably funding that
shattering steel is a perfect fit for the obscurantis + oskarm combo and it might get buffed, so I'm leaning toward that

Dominating blow seems kind of scuffed now since you can only have a limited amount of minions from it at a time, how do you even build that shit?

last league was so dogshit that if they didn't fix the syndicate interactions by 3.7 I'm dropping this game completely.

scale minion damage and take the node that makes minion damage apply to attack damage

then just build it like any other physical melee skill but take minion damage increases instead of attack increases

it's not meant to be the best summoning skill with unlimited minions, its a hybrid melee summoner

This genre is so fucking shit, you're as dumb as a 10 IQ gambling addict if you're actually into this garbage.

Speaking of Dom Blow, it's hilarious to me how bad the Guardian nodes are when the whole point of his rebalance a few leagues ago was to make a melee Guardian who could use Minions.
>Necromancer still does his job better than he does

it's secret OP, no joke. has some of the most aggressive and responsive AI and you can scale their attack and movement speed to the extreme with necro and abyss jewels. guardian is a noob trap, the slam it gives is ass with a 5s cooldown and they don't need the accuracy it gives.
basically you grab a fast claw or gemini claw and cosplay a melee build, doing no significant damage yourself but enough for leech and fast enough for life gain on hit. with holy relic or another secondary minion you can easily start maps even with a white weapon and from their the dominated minions steamroll, but you need to direct them to attack enemies
their base damage is good enough that you go pure phys with either banner in a 6L maim chest and take down anything, even uber elder or aul. you just need to be able to face tank safely to proc the 10% chance to summon when hitting a unique enemy in instanced boss fights no adds, which isn't really a problem cus you get to like 12+ aps with multistrike
t. was top ssf hc flashback necro up until I died

They're not bad. 92% of dom blow builds are Guardian

Crusade Slam is nice for clear and the increased accuracy/intimidate for minions are nice as well. plus Guardian has tons of crazy defensive nodes.

>have to use a claw
Is it worth it?

It still looks like the same boring spammy floating shit so care to explain your buzzwords before I fuck off this game from existence out of my head and play unpatched diablo 3 on my xbox 360 instead?

>One says slam is good
>One says slam is bad
Who do I believe?

>all movement skills are now instant cast
yea like the game wasnt already a fucking hurr durr speedrun 0 effort spamfest after you get like a 4 link.

>it is the same as it was before but now intentionally
>they will build challenges around this
How is this a bad thing?

they all either have cooldown now or other mechanics to discourage repeatedly spamming them

It's only instant for the first use if you haven't used it recently. I.E. when you're using it to dodge in combat.

sorry I type like a tard, I smashed my index finger yesterday so I'm just being expedient
that doesn't mean he's better, he's just the choice ggg meant you to use. sentinels already have high enough base accuracy that all you need is the minion accuracy nodes on the tree, you can get better block shenanigans with bone offering (if you went that route), the slam is shit with an incredibly high cooldown time so when you need consistent aoe coverage you use splash anyway, he doesn't have any speed increases for you or your minions which is extremely important for clear speed and the 10% chance on hit to summon, no minion life and very little minion damage, doesn't have all those duration increases, can't do cool spirit offerng shit, etc.
the cooldown is far too high for it to beat just using splash for consistency when you need clear speed

also when necro dominates an enemy it counts as consuming a corpse, which grants you that 2% attack/cast speed of mistress of sacrifice, letting you snowball through maps pretty hard

Finally gonna roll my comfy RF build and listen to podcasts while I walk around melting trash mobs.

vulnerability? You're just telling the enemies they're cunts, not hitting them.

Based. PoE and grand strategy are my go-to games for background listening. Didn't even get to endgame in synthesis because I hated the league mechanic and was maybe still burnt out from betrayal, hoping this one will interest me more.

Shit game
Shit company
Hope Christ dies from a thousand MTG Card papercuts

at this point after 200 hours, i don't think i'll ever play poe again. takes too long to level to max, it's extremely boring playing through all 10 acts just so.. you can map.. it's still the best in genre but i'm sick to death of it

quick rundown on the synthesis trainwreck?

Man like every time someone brings up this game I start planning builds and shit only to realize that I will not have the time to play through all the same zones over and over again with 5% brain capacity because of how shallow and easy the combat actually is. I just want to put some passive points and see how stuff works. God damn always online bullshit. This game could have had so many great mods too. It would be like the ultimate hero builder game.

Call it subobtimal or whatever but I just enjoy walking around with my 15k eHP and watch my minions slowly slaughter everything around me while I laugh at their feeble attempts at my life
And I loot in the meantime

they made a crafting league that only the top 1% of the playerbase understand and can actually make good items with, so naturally 99% of the playerbase quit in the first 3 weeks

but that's my entire experience with the game. seeing things in-game, thinking 'i bet some autist could make use of this somehow', and then ignoring it and look for more gear with resists, then quit after i can't kill anything

Leave it to the autists then to design builds for you that are guaranteed to work
I'd rather end up with a shiitter build and make it myself than to leech off of anothers work, though I only say that and do use build guides because it's just way more convenient and less frustrating overall

>tfw playing this game since beta and the biggest challenge I've managed to beat with a build of my own was normal Atziri

synthesis was just fucking boring because it was way too micro-managey and complicated. when I play PoE I want to kill shit fast, not plan out a gigantic fucking map making sure I'm not fucking it up at any of its points

they should stop making gimmick leagues. literally just stop, they've all been terrible, every single one. the only thing people want to do is kill monsters and loot, nobody fucking cares about your gay bestiary shit, or some fucking stupid mining cart escort quest, stop wasting development on these STUPID fucking gimmicks