Steam spring sale is happening soon, Yea Forums

Steam spring sale is happening soon, Yea Forums
What games are you looking to get?

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definitely rage 2

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lobotomy corp is the main one

probably pic related. maybe season 2 depending on the price

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Outward probably if it's 10-20$ which i doubt. maybe some vr games if they're really cheap, because im thinking about buying a headset

there's not gonna be a sale until the summer sale
sales always start on a thursday

Why the fuck would they do a spring sale when summer is a month away?

no sale

im warning you right now game is worth at most 20 bucks and i pirated and completed the damn game

This, you guys are fucking retards. Enjoy your gay spring cleaning badge bullshit.

>i pirated and completed the damn game
Just how? I pirated as well but almost fell asleep after clearing one bandit den
Shit's so fucking boring

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i really just had nothing else to play i liked the gunplay and powers and even the driving a bit you're right tho everything else is utter dogshit

Hoping various $10-20 games on my backlog go for dirt cheap.

gonna be buying a bunch of pixelshitty indie games like gungeon and nuclear throne so i can pretend to be cheering up my friend when instead im seeking rebound pussy from his recent ex, both into indie shit etc

You guys think nier automata will finally get a non jewish price for once?

it's is the summer sale. stop calling it a spring sale
Going to get sekiro. If it isn't on sale then dmc 5. If RE 2 is on sale for more than 33% off than I will get th instead.

Get otaku's adventure.


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>spring sale
what is this meme

>spring cleaning event

jesus christ this is so shit. I've forgotten those games for a reason. I'm not gonna spend hours playing them again fuck you gaben

wildlands if it goes on sale.
Otherwise I'll actually try and figure out why the pirated copy I have won't install correctly.

It's not a sale, you dumb nigger. It's just another boring "action".

Looking for Parkitect, Crash Bandicoot Trylogy and Pathologic 2 Artbook
Hopefully they'll go on sale.

I'm waiting for cuphead to have a good discount (50% or more)

The fuck is Exodeal?

So is this shit basically to do a SAM run of everything? There's no way I have the Internet speed to install and play a new game every day.

is that...

it was placed there by the jews lol

This algorithm is shit. I have played and completed GTA3 within the past 2 weeks and it's still appearing in my "Clear The Backlog" section.

Probably some some classics since the top 5 most popular games don't interest me anyway.