Heard some stuff on the scuttlebutt

Heard that every company who is in Smash is getting a rep, apart from Ubisoft, because a lot of the legal hurdles will have already been cleared.

Ryu Hayabusa
Banjo (and will come with Minecraft content, including a 2 stages, one for Banjo, one for Minecraft)

The Microsoft deal actually happened pretty late and bumped Ubisoft out of the fighters pass.

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>no doomguy

Stopped reading there, he has been deconfirmed for months now retard

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>(and will come with Minecraft content, including a 2 stages, one for Banjo, one for Minecraft)
Impossible, there's no spot left for a sixth stage.

> There's 5 spots still on stage select after Mementos

>Jumping the Ryu bandwagon
>Implying Koei Tecmo wont use their mascot

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>implying a spirit will become a fighter

he is a spirit for a reason, hes a literal who over in Japan from how bad his games sell there lmao

Nope. One of those spots is used to toggle custom stages in custom rules. There are only four spots left after Mementos.

I am not expecting Banjo and Kazooie to be among the DLC roster because they've been in almost every "leak" I've seen here.

Going by Joker, it's going to be mostly shill characters from Nintendo or companies already involved in Smash Ultimate.
>A Monster Hunter
>The MCs from Astral Chain
>Sylux if he appears in MP4 like everything points towards

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First party characters will probably someone like Blyth from the new Fire Emblem, I can't see Sylux getting in when MP4 doesn't even have a release date yet.

Yeah but Sylux already exists as a character. They could wait until early 2020, show a short MP4 trailer and then "oh here's the final Smash DLC: Sylux!"

Huh, I've not dicked around in custom desu

Shantae will

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really? tell me how exactly

Tick tock.

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THis is best fighter pass.

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aborted fetus confirmed

You can tell a snoyfag made this not only because he has terrible taste, but because the character designs are disgusting.

Artorias is never going to be in dude, as cool as it would be it ain't ever going to happen. He's too grim and depressing of a character, he has no levity or humor to him. This is a kids game remember? He'd stick out like a sore undead thumb

Stay mad steveposter

Cope more, Erdrickfag.

worst fighter pass ever

Lmao, i don't give a fuck about Erdrick i barely know who he is as a character. You smash fags are so delusional and prone to petty fighting it's bizzare

Because at this point, only Erdrickfags are against Dark Souls representation.

Because it doesent have steve? Oh well, stay mad

I'm struggling to think of any characters from souls that would fit into smash thematically, Solaire is probably the best candidate. But more likely than any, is that no Souls characters are in because it wouldn't mesh well. I love the series, but you gotta admit when things are just a pipe dream user

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The one "trusted" "leak" that had him got busted the minute Jack Frost wasn't shown

The Gematus leak didn't get everything 100% either

You're retarded. Any """leak"""" that don't get everything right is objectively fake.

>Nintendo ever choosing banjo over Steve

Or game dev takes time and shit changes over the creative process?

Then prove it. Prove that shit changed during the creative process. Prove that Jack Frost was originally planned to be in Joker's moveset before they changed their mind for no apparent reason. Protip: You can't.

You're all going to look dumb as fuck and i dont even want him in.

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>man I hate portals

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You're right I can't, but you can't prove that it didn't. Burden of proof works both ways retard.

>leak is 90% correct over multiple obscure things and one makes one false prediction concerning something that couldn't possibly have been decided for certain at the time to begin with
this is a ridiculous standard (not the user you're replying to). nobody is claiming with absolute certainty that the leak wasn't a guess anyway, we're really looking at the evidence for and against it and weighing up the likelihood of it being real.
fake and stupid. legal hurdles aren't a big deal. heihachi was decided against in the last game because his moveset didn't really work in smash. ryu banjo and erdrick are plausible to me

even if he's wrong it doesnt mean Dragon Quest or even Erdrick is out, it just means he's not confirmed for sure, just like any other fighter

no it doesn't. absence of disproof is not proof.

Cool, so every game ever is perfectly planned out from the start, unless the developer publicly states afterwards changes were made. Gotcha.

Master Chief
Bomberman (Sakurai changed his mind)

Bonus characters: Lip, Reggie (with Fils-A-Mech alt costume) and Doc Louis. There you go

Let me stop you right there, fag.
Not happening.

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