Other urls found in this thread:
I don’t care. Is the show gonna be good?
what has being a virgin have to do with toxic behaviour or hating blacks?
PS4 players are niggers so it would be pretty popular.
wheres the source faggot
>admitting he only cares about casting a black person in a non black role for purely political reasons
Why does Netflix like BLACKing protagonists
It's a Netflix series so that's highly unlikely.
What does matter? Your hunter is a literal blank slate create-a-character. As long as he's mute and keeps his face covered
>bloodborne main character
Wasn’t that a customizable character and not an iconic recognizable character? How does this have any impact whatsoever?
also netflix Bloodbourne? fucking why
Isn't the protag a create-a-character? Who gives a fuck since he has no set appearance or character.
>put a nigger in every lead role
How to make people hate them even more
It's Victorian inspired, you need to cast whites
>literally fake news
>caring about the crap Hollywood spews out of its asshole
There's a vacuum waiting to be filled now that GoT is over.
>White/Jewish people using terms like "clapback"
>non black role
but the main character in bloodborne looks however the player wants
It's not real you fucking mongoloids.
>Hired a black person specifically for publicity instead of the best person they could find
What do you think?
Every single time....
Every time
It's just the boogie man they cooked up in their heads. The only thing it means now is "person I don't like".
too many garbage on netflix. recommend me the good stuff on netflix, Yea Forums
Sorry, he’s going to have POWERFUL dialogue to RESIST incels and gamers aka people who bought and appreciated the game
Who cares? Netflix is the direct-to-video sequel of the internet era, they haven't put out a single project with even an ounce of quality.
Netflix still likes BLACKing protags, Bloodborne or otherwise
they tend to go hand in hand. being an adult virgin probably reflects the fact that you are a negative person with nothing going on in your life. it makes a lot of sense actually
What the fuck does this have to do with incels?
you can make your hunter black, retard
If FROM agreed with you they wouldn't have made being black an option and it is.
TV shows are for cucks
I can see it now. He’ll be written like a fish out of water character, confused and scared of the situation he’s in, cracking the occasional joke at a monsters or characters expense. Then he’ll transition into the confident hero who saves the day. Then people who are fans of the series pop up and say things like “Man this sure doesn’t feel like bloodborne” or “the tone of the show isn’t somber like the games” or “man I hate black people” and then the media will latch on to the last statement and claim all detractors says of the show are incel racists.
Using fake articles to start a shitposting thread should result in a 3 month ban at least
I guess netflix loves burning money and causing a hole in their own bottom line.
This isn't like making Kratos an asian woman in a God of War movie or some shit. It's a character with no defined gender or race. Why would anyone be upset? Also too many buzzwords in that bait title.
>He thinks this is a real article.
You were ready to believe literal fake news just because of an obsession with Netflix and black people. If anything all of you falling for this should be embarrassed that you actually believe shit on Yea Forums with no source or fact checking. Shows the issue with the average user on this site.
I don't know what you're talking about OP. The fine men of Yea Forums would never be triggered by a black male in a leading role.
This. Black characters only make sense in primitive jungle or savanna settings.
Quick, name 10 good Netflix productions to assure this one is going to be one of them.
jesus christ you guys are retarded
I am 100% sure this is a real and legitimate article that is not at all made up
Fuck niggers and fuck Netflix.
cool story bro
Yea again, not real mongoloids.
Please don't tell me this is real.
What the fuck is a "clapback"?
English isn't my first language and I have never heard this word.
>Netflix series
so they don't push black people to reward them or because they like them.... they push them to.. make people mad?
>the healing church is going to become the primary antagonistic forcebecause "muh religion muh abortions"
Reading comprehension your fucking retard. I'm just asking for 10 good netflix productions.
There are like 3
I don't know, I don't think giving in to confirmation bias is very cool.
Are you guys ready for more snoy cringekino?
Fuck everyone and everything
holy shit, look all these newfags.
> to assure this one is going to be one of them.
If you are the guy who asked for 10 good netflix shows you also said this which means you either fell for the bait or were playing along and either way you deserve to have it pointed out that it's not real.
After what he did to PacRim 2, I really have doubts that the show will be good if he becomes involved in the creative decisions.
OP's article is a troll but every Netflix adaptation have been shit so far.
>We want representation and hype
>Let's alienate our core consumers and strawman them so we can make money on the casual market either way
Every fucking movie or series based on a thing ever.
>mentally ill men gather and find camaraderie online
>realize they're all outcasts by society that directly links sex with self-worth
>call themselves 'incels' to directly confront this
>society appropriates the word and immediately makes it an insult on par with nazi
>zero awareness, while they screech about #metoo, patriachy and 'toxic masculinity'
This is why trump will probably win 2020, and I say this as a Trump-hater.
Yea Forums is the biggest pile of nigger retards on this site
Whats a clapback
but underage sex is illegal
>average american
It's like a baseball cap except the brim is stubby
I would say a true virgin would be the type of faggot who blindly defends gay shit for brownie points
Imagine being so dumb you think a netflix show is going to be good
They've NEVER made a good television show, ever.
his fucking protruding jaw never fails to disgust me
Why would Bloodborne fans care though if they aren't even excited for it? Everyone knows it's going to be shit.
This is literally false.
You made up a title just to have your daily dose of outrage.
This is why you millennials need to be put down like the rabid dogs you all are.
You are lesser beings, you are fatass, 30 year old manchildren, you are scum, you are the enemy of humanity.
I think they should cast me instead. I'm a pretty cool guy.
I don't care about it being a black actor, but not fucking Boyega. He does the same shocked/surprised face for every fucking scene in star wars, and it's going to be the fucking same in a Bloodborne movie.
retarded nigger speak that means as much as their other jigaboo ramblings
Can we just start the race war already so whites can be wiped off the earth and the actual people who built the country on their backs (PoC see slavery and immagrants) I'm sick of seeing racist white boys crying cuz they can't whip us no more and then go shooting up their school.
Literal retards falling for a fake article to give OP views because they can't go 5 seconds without thinking about nogs. And the post is not spam you hiroshicuck
If there was ever going to be a Bloodborne series it should be about the Cainhurst vampire nobles vs. the Executioners/Healing Church, this cannot be disputed
one season and done
He literally looks like a fucking chimp.
>anons literally make up shit to get mad about
>hey guys thank you so much for picking me to play the lead role in the Bloodborne series, I love the games. So why did you end up choosing me if I may ask?
>uhh you're a great actor... what as your name again?
>...we picked you to spite a vocal 1% on the internet
what fucking manchildren
Fake, but I wouldn't have a problem if it's real. It's an RPG where you can make a black character so it's lore/canon friendly
The series doesn't fucking exist you dumb cuck
>OP creates a bait thread
>surprise surprise Yea Forums falls for it
I hate this board, learn how to s&h
>take a white person in fiction
>cast them as black in the movie
woooooooow so original that's never been done before
The dose?
no one cares
maybe stop mass replying like a retarded nigger. braindead retards like you need to be unhooked from your assisted breathing machine for the good of the rest of humanity
Who fucking cares. Bloodborne tv adaption is a good discussion. lovecraftian themes don't translate well to tv/movie.
So the thread about console prices getting raised by a 25% tax gets autosaged but thank fuck we're gonna have a FUCK NIGGERS thread hit 500
>Bloodborne tv adaption is a good discussion
expect this thread is complaining about blacks and not about Bloodborne
look, ma
"I always thought the Hunters in Bloodborne moved a bit too slow for my liking, so I talked to the director and had them give him super speed, it's much more interesting now."
this is the thread that's making me quit Yea Forums after 15 years
it's been a gas
Whoever wrote this is retarded.
Also, you can already make the niggerest nigger in bloodbourne so Boyega in the setting is entirely consistent. There is literally no reason any "side" should be upset.
incels don't have ps4 normiemachines, don't play bb, don't even know what kind of game it is
>blacks are not people
>casting apes for acting
>movies go to shit
thank you diversity culture
Only good posts itt
i thought this was Yea Forums for a second. Fuck this board, its the same as the rest of the blue shitholes
Damn, /pol/ is still never wrong it seems
Expect chinese bisexual tranny werewolves.
Wholesome picture
user did you try googling to see if this was real before posting like a retard?
Only one of those is me. Someone else is just equally sick of you faggots.
>i don't care if they intentially cast bad actors for political reason and to directly anger their own customers in a literal attempt to make propaganda to influence the society i live in
>is it going to be good???
I hate niggers as much as the next normal sane human (ie anything except niggers) and I'm not a virgin and I also cause as much grief and strife as I possibly can in any game I'm in..... I don't think being a virgin had anything to do with it I think being an asshole does
Its not even real its just being used as an excuse for white people to be racist again
Did you try reading the thread before pretending to not know everyone is ironically shitposting? Or is this a double ironic post?
Why the fuck was Ebrietas praying at an alter where Rom's body was decomposing?
why do mods do nothing against this fake /pol/ bait threads?
blacks rape their own female relative, now that's incel
I just entered this thread to say I love and care about all of you.
I genuinely like John Boyega. He was great in the Netflix Watership Down.
You're not tough... say that to black persons face....
because the mods are probably jerking off to the sonic the hedgehog comic being posted right now.
I don’t know why this unfunny meme keeps getting posted
Modern (((Journalism)))
>everyone is ironically shitposting?
user pls
>Netflix Watership Down
>John Boyega
>made up bullshit
>immediately 100 posts
>Sam Hattensberg
>I need pop culture to vindicate my personal beliefs
Christ, what a fag
Fake article but still underrated comment
No, it's got Boyega in it. The man sucks out the quality of every production he's in.
Not with Boyega involved it won't. I'm still mad about Pacific Rim 2.
my boss just came into the room with the fucking tails comic auto fullsized on my browser. he just walked out without saying anything
fuck you
Not true. Your character comes from a different part of the world specifically to that city. They can be any color or gender. From has even had lore in dark souls of African countries. Y’all clearly don’t care about the games
Why not Dark Souls HBO adaptation with cute Asian girls?
did you look up to see if the series was real?
>some kike journo, two kinds of subhuman, somewhere said something stupid
who cares?
Based retard
I really hope this is all ironic shitposting and anons aren't really so retarded they refuse to do a quick google search
hol up theres a bloodborne show on it's way?
kill yourself
Imagine anyone ever giving a shit
what if you are the black gamer?
>giving clickbait what it wants
bro you just posted cringe!
>and that's a good thing
>Here's why that's bad
>and that is not okay
Any articles that end with phrases like this should be discarded immediately
No, you kill yourself, Jew
>deleted these but not the /pol/ shitposting thread
I don't mind nignog actors, but Boyega is pure garbage.
>comic gets nuked
>thread still up
bravo mods
why can the japanese write white character with no problem but white liberals be so fucking retarded as to try to turn every canon white character black.
That´s not what "Dark fantasy" means... heck, Netflix is the last place where one could adapt dark fantasy shit. Dark Fantasy separates itself from regular high fantasy settings for adressing the dystopic nature of a fantasy world. This means gruesome explicit scenes, sexualization of even the purest of maidens, abuse, rape and every other sexual perversion you can think off. It´s basically a genre that´s the opposite of a SJW company like Netflix. A genre where you can´t "respect women" or avoid any and all forms of discrimination. It would never happen.
You're fucked
Wow, it only took the jannies 10 minutes to finishing jerking off to the furry pedoshit and delete it.
>tfw leftists will never infest your hobby because the danger acts like a massive filter keeping them away
Feel bad for faggots who have vidya as their primary hobby.
They desperately want incels to be nazis when it's mostly indians and r/asian masculinity types.
>Mass replying faggotry
OP asked for thoughts on the headline not whether or not it was real you troglodyte.
This is the final freedompill
I wanted to like his role in Starwars though, The shitty writers of Nu Starwars wouldn't let me like him.
I know its fake but i dont like jews or blacks
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable
Human intelligence is highly heritable.
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.
The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.
Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.
The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.
IQ is 75% heritable among whites.
IQ is about 80% heritable.
IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.
>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.
Cheers friend.
most MCs are right wing and redpilled as FUCK
>tfw want to get a bike since playing days gone
>actually hating or liking Trump
until there's a coup or some kind of actual transfer of power happens, nunnadis mattas
the last two years show that
Whites are the cause of everyones problems, yes, even whites. Do everyone a fav and kys your selfs now end the cycle
>do this in every project
>y-you are obsessive user!
>netflix originals put niggers in as protagonists
>even though they're only 13% of the population
As an Asian, why can't I get any representation in popular media?
That's kinda gross.
He wants to be in the new Gundam movie too and trying to strong arm his way in
what if we kill all jews instead since they're actually the cause of everyone's problems
sauce on this spic
Real or fake. Who the fuck cares. Bloodborne has no canon skin color. You are an alien.
Thought is said Jessie Smolett at first. John Boyega as the hunter would be hysterical tho.
Jews are white
This isn't Netflix user and Batwoman is a lesbian in comics
As an Asian you should be ashamed for being so retarded
completely wrong, most virgins are just too high IQ for useless sex
And the internet is pissed!
mods hes posting hate facts again!
white people and jews would both disagree with you on that
I don't care if politicians are lying hypocrites, they all are at this point. I find his policies and ethics reprehensible.
we seriously need to purge these words from the English language
Based retard
How does he get roles? his acting in the Star Wars movies was outright bad. He isn't a good action-star.
Anyone else excited?
Nothing he posted matters since sjws are white and are the most retarded people on the planet and jews constantly outsmart the (((master race)))
that's not what scientists say
In intelligence and genetic research jews are always put in a separate category, whilst englishmen, frenchman, germans etc are grouped together as "white"
fuck kikes, niggers, spics, trannies, leftists and muslims
This triggers the Americuck
profaning things which they did not create is literally the ONLY thing they do, so no it's not the 'ultimate' clapback, just another in an endless, daily line
>americans even clap to get back at people
blacks riding MC is sjw so all MC are sjw therefore anyone that rides a MC is an sjw
It's so fucking dumb, clearly my father, his father, and practically every member of my family before that were virgins accorsing to millenial logic.
i hate op but i hate journalists more, but i don't have john boyega
>whites constantly outsmart other kinds of whites
No you're just stuck in your echo chamber permanently sucking eachother off.
Ever heard of Poe's law you fucking retard?
Trump per se doesn't have policies, he has shit that he A-B tested his way into Mr. Magoo style which is mostly good but will never happen, and shit that his advisors feed him or do and then tell him about which is almost universally bad
On some level I actually respect his openness about being a degenerate blustering boomer faggot. I'm 21 and politics has been a corrupt shitshow since before I was born and if you actually want the puppets of international capital to fan their own balls about how self-righteous they are then idk what the point of that is
Does this mean whites are the biggest enemies of whites then?
Notice how mods usually let this shit threads up? Who is the one responsible for shitting up this board again?
Seriously though. Netflix was caught blackwashing background characters in LWA. I wouldn't put it past them to recolor a minor character like Kaji.
>what is Poe's law
the fuck do incels have to do with it?
whites have high empathy which makes them act retarded
jewish psychopaths take advantage of this yes
And every single other character is white because its a victorian setting
Should I go and get the license and a bike? How expensive is all the shit you need?
Altered Carbon was pretty good though for an adaptation.
>doesn't know what Poe's law is
Get educated you retard
I feel bad for all the IP ranges caught in your bans. You totally got us though, cartoon porn, how horrible.
Yes, and everyone else you fucking mongoloid, that's why you all should be put to the sword like any other historical war criminal.
epic clapback
the far right has always tricked lonely men making them feel like they belong somewhere as long as they help spread its evil ideology
Why do americans all talk like niggers now, including the whites? I see so much "baka" and "bruh", etc. nigger jargon.
>whites have high empathy
lying is a sin
Mods??????????????????? WHY IS THIS SHIT POL THREAD STILLLL UP!!
As expected from Niggflix
You skipped two pages.
Obvious bait but whatever. What the fuck does it mean "negative person"? People aren't fucking magnets, I hate faggots and niggers and yet do charity work, graduated med school and have a fiancee, does it even out in your shit logic?
You know that the shit you're spouting is just what Jews (or one kind of whites in your estimation) have told you about white people, right?
If you're not East Asian or one of those two races, you're literally not a player character on the political stage. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this.
Jew are as distant from whites as whites are from blacks
What your doing is the same as grouping mexicans, asians, and indians together as "browns".
Just because the jew have light skin doesn't mean they are the same as Englishmen, Frenchmen etc
>Achievement unlocked: The Nigger They Are...
This is a Yea Forums meme retards
They envy the superior long dicked race, also if they emulate us enough white girls might think about giving them sloppy seconds.
baka is Japanese user
>John Boyega in Bloodborne
>John Boyega in Berserk
Pick one, you cant have 2 made up stories with the same premise.
He's right. William Wilberforce.
Even if someone is openly an asshole to you, instead of covertly; they're still being an asshole to you. I'd rather roll the dice and hope for someone less shit.
How does a dog get a cat to do that at the end?
They make articles like this and then they want to screech about how we are the ones making entertainment politic.
>Doing Business Decision To Own Group I Don't Like
I'm going to breathe air, so i can upset my enemies
Who's laughing now
I always get this come back when i say that. But which race of people is letting all the 3rd worlders in, and doing all the charity work and shit like conservation of animals and wildlife
If not whites then who do you think has the highest empathy?
>deletes the porn but not the thread
epic, kill yourself you useless janitor
Jews aren't white you idiot they're middle eastern mongrels
>Keeping your expensive world-famous Hollywood actor's face covered
Not a fucking chance
>. But which race of people is letting all the 3rd worlders in, and doing all the charity work and shit like conservation of animals and wildlife
China and Barbados
>toxic gamer culture
>black characters can't exist in a Victorian setting
Is this the new "gays didn't exist back then"?
thoughts on this game
Jews of course
It's almost like anyone who brags about being smug are the same that get mad at pointless shit
"Feelings before facts" went from "I'm offended so it's not true" to "I'm smug, so i won"
Boyega is actually a pretty good actor, I liked him in Detroit.
And given that your starting gear in Bloodborne is the Foreigner's Gear, I can see this taken in an interesting direction.
Social media has allowed inbred city nig slang to become more disseminated than ever.
>having a bad day
>remember people like this exist and that I'm not as bad as I think I am
>bad day now good
>thanks retard
>I'd rather roll the dice and hope for someone less shit.
Well, keep hoping someone irradiates DC then.
>ultimate clapback
They've really taken that 1984 newspeak meme way too far. I have absolutely no idea what they mean at this point.
It must be denigrating to live in America...
They can but only as slaves
Why don't they make a movie about holocaust, but replace all jews with niggers? What would sjw say in that situation?
it means "we did this stupid thing to own the nazis"
jannie making hot pockets?
you have seen the videos right? Like children being run over in the street and those bugmen doing nothing, just walking by
you are just trolling, they are a bunch of pedos and torturers
they keep getting kicked out of countries for a reason