Has any game ever seen as painful a fall from grace as runescape?
Has any game ever seen as painful a fall from grace as runescape?
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I'm more amazed that Runescape isn't dead. I thought it would have died a long time ago, yet it's still alive to the point they brought back 2007 and that turned out to be even more popular. I was sure it was going to die with the combat update in RS3.
At least runescape could be reverted to a state where it's enjoyable
With mobile released aren’t numbers relatively high again?
>OSRS could have been just like Runescape Classic, a niche community for veterans of RS2
Instead Jagex, not content to ruin one version of their game, decides to ruin RS2 AGAIN and bring in hordes of redditors and EoC refugees that will eat up whatever shitty content they add
I liked some of the content they added. Too bad they appeal to Twitch faggotry now.
everyone has a different time for when RS finally died
for me, it was when they added skillcapes
Star Wars Galaxies with NGE
I wish we could've had the HD option for OSRS. The free trade killed it for me, but I liked their 2008 graphical option.
>started a couple months ago
>base 70's all stats
good game
All I want is literally any revision of RS2 before the addition of the GE with no extra bullshit. If Jagex could provide that, heck, I would even pay membership for it. But they don't.
You can't even get that experience on a private server, because there are only two private servers that even attempt to have authenticity, and even then they are still years away from being fully functional recreations.
Yeah but OSRS is essentially a relic, RS3 is barely played anymore and is a microtransaction filled fuckfest.
Lol f u
Is good game
>All I want is literally any revision of RS2 before the addition of the GE with no extra bullshit.
The GE was voted in for OSRS. While having interactions were nice, people resorted to sites that had the exact same function as the GE in order to make a purchase.
>get the urge to play again
>start up client and buy a bond
>get burnt out after an hour and don't play again for a few months
I wish I could forget ever playing runescape so I could go back fresh one more time.
>All I want is literally any revision of RS2 before the addition of the GE
>he doesn;t remember how hard it was to get items for quests
>he doesn't remember buying "quest kits" for like 200k+ over what the items cost
Check out the Yea Forumsscape general on vg, basically it's what you want
Never played it but I'm interested, What happened to RuneScape?
Oh boy, 24hr peaks of 5 or 6 circlejerkers!
Used to be a charming if tedious mmo that had cheap membership. Now it’s full of microtransactions, high priced membership, and an extremely cluttered UI.
Imagine having this on your computer
>redditors vote in G.E. using their subreddit to mass vote
How much of a difference is there between first year OG RuneScape and modern? Was the drop sudden or a slow annoying decline in quality
even the old school runescape? I thought the whole point of that was to preserve the classic. what happened brehs? Is classic wow going to suffer the same fate?
They should make a bronze man mode where you can only trade with other players and the GE is off limits so you faggots will stop ignoring all the good changes osrs has received.
The content is ok but it’s mostly shit people have been playing for years already. Also it’s full of bots
Slow annoying, the original original game isn’t even around anymore. the drop from RS2 to RS3 was a slow decline into microtransactions, shit tier combat and worse and worse storylines.
Runescape is love runescape is life
Zybez didn't function exactly like the Grand Exchange because you actually had to interface with other players and could often negotiate a better price if you bought in bulk or just asked. Also, the process was a bit more time consuming but completely automating the process of dumping your items into the economy is TERRIBLE for a game like RuneScape that has hundreds of thousands of chinese and venezuelan gold farmers who can't even speak english.
Your best argument for the GE is "it makes acquiring quest items easier"? Was it really that hard for you to buy lockpicks at the rogue's den or use a knife on a pine tree? Are you really that lazy that you not only think buying an item from a shop is hard, but you pay 150k+ markups on everything just to have someone else make it for you? Also, how exactly is someone making a quest kit service and, god forbid, making money through some other means besides DUDE SLAYER a bad thing?
Why does nobody talk in RS anymore? I haven’t seen anyone call anyone a noob or anything. I last played around 2009, have things really changed that much?
Well OSRS would be a 24 hour peak of 5-6 circlejerkers if they didnt add new content. It was down to 15k players after less than a year when it was just vanilla 2007
Yea Forumsscape is one of the two PS's I mentioned. I respect what it is trying to do, but it still has too many "innovations" for my taste, plus it is still very far from being a fully working game.
The server itself is a good idea but for an MMO to be fun it has to have other players
Also playing on any game server full of 4channers always mean everyone is a memespouting faggot or a tranny. Is the /vg/ thread for the server full of trannies?
>any /vg/ thread
>not full of trannies
You already know the answer.
sold my account shortly after wilderness/free trade removal and never looked back. fuck jagex, they deserve it.
I mean at least classic WoW is gonna release in August. I'm definitely gonna play it.
>Early days of OSRS
>Merchanting bots that automatically sell shit
>Could trade them and then run away and the bot would follow you until it reached you
>Could keep sending trade offers and lure the bot over to the dark wizards where they would be killed
>Turned out not to be an oversight by the guy who programmed the bot and he would also lure people using his script
Best example
It will literally be worse than osrs ON RELEASE. At least osrs lasted a while before it lost its luster.
Runelite allows you to hide other players for the ultimate single player experience.
Developer for Yea Forumsscape here. If you have specific examples of what makes the server far from being fully working, please report them on gitlab.com
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that the server didn't function properly, just that there is still much content that hasn't been implemented fully.
shut up fag, no gives a shit about your garbage server
>osrs is many times more popular than runescape 3
>still only gets a shoestring budget
>updates are better and more frequent anyway
>jagex still thinks rs3 is the "main game"
Ah, yeah fair enough. We are working through a few pieces of content that people have been asking about for ages (for instance, we got Frem Isles out finally last week), but it's just a part time hobby for all of us so it takes time.
I was going to say EoC, but at least EoC was an attempt to balance weapon types. Now that you mention it, skillcapes really did set the stage to change the game, combined with the GE.
Now it's all about finding the best way to grind and never touching anything else. Efficiency is lame.
why did they have to make RS3 lore canon in OSRS
Because in 2007 Paul got hit with an inferiority complex because his fantasy video game didn't have a "serious, epic main story" and then immediately searched for ways to shoehorn it in, now it needs to be in every iteration of the game
No game has gone through such a golden age only to find itself ruined by the devs ostensibly on purpose.
They should have kept RSII before the graphics update. Game tried to become WoW though WoW has been declining long before Runescape killed itself.
The aesthetic design and audio design of 2010 Runescape gave off such dreamy vibes, it had a timeless quality to it, the game didn’t seem to, still doesn’t considering OSRS, age at all. WoW looks like shit today. RS had an art design that carried it through interdecade 10/10 graphics.
The whole game just felt like a dream. It was vague, but memorable, easy to use your imagination. Then you wake up and you’re no longer 12 years old and the dream is gone.
>Muh GE
I don’t really have a problem with the G.E. as it’s a niche that’s just bound to be filled inside the game or outside of it.
The days when you had to be a self made man, bartering for objects among your peers, those days were glorious but they are gone.
Runescape is unironically a defense of feudal barter economics being comfier than (((capitalism))).
My first gf was a gf I bought for 10k gold for a day when I was only 10
It was a friend from school who bought her for me.
Goddamn, I miss whenever women were commodities and still innocent and pure.
That was peak existence doing the kiss emote over and over on that bridge near lumbridge church.
dumb HD babby
osrs is just loaded with bots and that's part of the reason jagex doesn't deal with them as it inflates the player count numbers
>le ebin quest
I agree. Runescape was set apart because the player was more of a shambling wayfarer shearing sheep and aiding knights than a prophesied godslaying hero.
It always made the “hero” quests have more depth such as dragon slayer, knowing you got there because you worked hard, helped townsfolk, solved a caper, and worked up from odd jobs.
There was no great fate pushing you into heroic deeds, it was the strength of the player, it was far more organic, or at least it felt that way.
they should have stayed with the trading post, ge was a mistake
>noobs don't remember the trading post
as a compan they truly made literally THE worst changes in the industry
>removing wildy
>removing free trade
What's it with mmorpgs ruining that "I'm just an adventurer" fantasy to shoehorn their epic le chosen one plots?
for me when they axed castle wars
>The whole game just felt like a dream. It was vague, but memorable, easy to use your imagination.
I think part of that factor was due to the limited amount of visuals, the small screen space during 2004-2007 made everything condensed while the HD update exapanded your screen space but covered surrounding areas with fog, both of which pushed your imagination into thinking there was always more to the game beyond what could be seen and incentivizing exploration. The areas were also designed with the small camera in mind, and walls would never stretch too far beyond the player to allow for easy visuals
then RS3 happened and allows practically no limits for view distance, letting you see how truly cramped and claustrophobic the game world really is, which kills the spirit, but also by letting you have free cam and nothing to cover draw distance they started designing these massive areas that require a lot of fiddling with the camera to get right, someone OSRS also does thanks to half the community using shit like Runelite. It all just ends up taking you out of the experience IMO
Just wanna afk yew logs while browsing Yea Forums
Please stop adding shit
that's a lot of runecrafting m8
i had 75 on my old main but he got eaten by RS3
Rs3 is way better than osrs but rs3 player base is so small, ok microtransactions sucks as well.
Osrs 100% mega nerds, who rush one 99 skill a day. PVP not funny anymore because nerds pk 24/7.
Agility, Mining , Thieving... All skills are the same, boring as fuck and the xp / h is so horrible bad.
>Russians stole my account and got it banned for botting some time in the ~7 years I had quit
>Try to appeal
>"Nope it was definitely you"
Oh well. I always hear RS3 sucks anyway.
I have literally never seen a Russian play or bot this game. Nigger there's no Russian translation, and they don't speak English.
Aight whatever, some other third world shithole then. Probably Venezuelan because I hear they're a real problem.
ESL-kun please shut your mouth
What about it? It was essentially just Zybez/Runescape forums within the actual game and hardly anyone used it or even knew about it for that matter.
This is modern Runescape
>Relase date: December 24, 2014
>Grand exchange Release: February 15
Wow how could anyone forget such an impactful update
I wonder what Zezima's up to.
ton of people used it , ruins any argument about "standing around waiting to buy something" the trading post was a perfect balance between classic trading and the ge
user, I...
He became a MLP loving horse fucking faggot.
he streams now, albeit not often
the fall happened years ago you brainlet. OSRS has risen from the ashes like a phoenix.
create an iron man account you fucking dumbass
And then fell again
I made a new OSRS account a couple of months ago.
I treat it the same as you'd treat an incremental game such as cookie clicker.
I like to play it while doing light programming or overall just taking a break from playing other games. So maybe that approach is what helps me not give a fuck about it that much.
Yeah... no. OSRS is the best mmo out today. Nice try though blizzard shill.
Fuck you, people like you belong a fucking cross.
People like you are the exact reason OSRS is the way it is, you bitched, moaned, and told everyone to sit down for so fucking long Jagex bought into your autism and decided that supporting a player-made decision would be a good idea, and now HCIM rule the entire fucking game and decide 70% of everything that happens.
OSRS didn't need hardcore shit added, ever. But now it's here, everyone that streams is one, and all it does is force you to waste even more time playing this shitty, poor excuse of a game. End it.
If more people didn't want it, it wouldn't have gotten in. You need a fucking supermajority to get a vote to pass anyway.
OSRS is terrible now compared to release
>rs3 weapons added make the game a joke
>no risk from dying
>reddit slayer
>HCIM is ruining the game
I have never seen this opinion before, you know you can pick to not be hcim right? And you shouldn't be watching streamers
sure fag
don't forget mobilefags whose client stays connected for up to 10 minutes after they close the app.
>>no risk from dying
this is the biggest one, I get increasing the time for items dropped on death because of connection issues but there are so many safeguards now that they might as well add gravestones from RS3/HD in since nothing would be changed, what happened to actually having to gear up and prepare yourself before tackling a challenge
Fuck EoC
FUCK dungeoneering
FUCK divination and subsequently invention
FUCK lodestones
FUCK Clans
FUCK max/completionist capes
FUCK the new elf spells for being the only useful ones to ever use besides high alchemy, but being locked behind yet another grandmaster quest
and most of all, FUCK Jagex
How is ironman bad?
>FUCK the new elf spells
there arent going to be any new elf spells lol
seren spells
HCIM don't decide what's in the game. A fine example is the theatre of blood
>"Hey can you please make the content scale with groups"
>E-celeb obsession
It's still obsession even if you """hate""" them you fucking zoomer faggot.
Can you name some recent updates that are only in the game/things that were changed because of hardcore ironmen?
Nice job outing yourself blizzard shill. For the record I don't even have an iron man lol. I quit RS back in the day just after Canifis and Mort Myre n sheeit got added. OSRS is the same fucking game as it was back then, they're just adding new shit to keep it from getting stale. Of course they will go overboard and ruin it at somepoint but I'm enjoying the ride until then.
not that user but they added some sand grinding NPC in the sandstone quarry to make collecting sand easier for Ironmen, there's no reason to use it unless you have those restrictions
You are a retarded nigger if you think the G.E shouldn't be in OSRS.
Wow... a fucking sand update... 70% of the game is being CATERED TO HARDCORE IRONMEN!!!!!!
you asked for things that were solely for Ironmen, I gave a response
also sand is vital for crafting to IM and the only real way for them to level it efficiently, so yes it does matter even if it's sand
>One update that's inconsequential to everyone else and makes grinding a single state easier for HCIM
This doesn't really align with the claim that
>HCIM decide 70% of what happens
You wanna do what bots do while afking on Yea Forums? It's not going to make you gp regardless of current year. I don't understand.
I liked Dungeoneering, at least before EoC. What's people's issue with it? I don't remember it affecting the rest of the game that much.
>hating dungeoneering and invention
retardiot spotted
Whenever people started using "xp waste"