E3 Nintendo Direct is an hour long

E3 Nintendo Direct is an hour long.

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I took time off work to enjoy the entirety of E3. Can't wait to shitpost about it with everyone live.

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>1 whole hour of posting with Yea Forums about it
This is going to be fun.

>An entire hour dedicated to literally no games
How do people still like Nintendo
What the fuck is wrong with you lot of literal retards

Last year it was ~50 minutes with 40 of them being a Smash update.

We still getting three days of treehouse too?

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Nice. RIP Xbox.

>gozen ichiji
This is saying it's at 1AM in Japan. No direct has been longer than 45 minutes.

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Sorry pal but the sony conference is that wa-oh.. oh no. Haha

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Why don't Nintendo buy up more studios?

I always find that weird. They make billions of fucking dollers and don't invest it back into shit.

Buying up Monolith Soft was probably the best decision they made in the past decade. Why the FUCK don't they take the billions from their mobile shit, amiibo, switch software and hardware sales and buy a couple of Japanese studios and get them to work pumping out games that ARENT the same old fucking 30 year IPs

>25 minutes of Luigi's Mansion 3
>25 minutes of Animal Crossing
>5 minutes of Astral Chain
>5 minutes of ports

Those same 30 yo franchises are still making money. That's how business works.

If you all are going to be fucking dweebs at least get your Japanese right

why are nintendo fanboys always thinking about sony?

>10 minutes of minor IPs
>10 minutes of Fire Emblem
>20 minutes of Smash
>5 minutes of [your expected game]
>5 minutes of one last hype reveal

Me too. I look forward to the meme potential

Just like the February direct was going to be 25 minutes of Fire Emblem, right?

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it might be probable, since they have the june 9 invitationals, they could easily make announcements for Smash, MM2 and Splatoon there, and leave the entire E3 direct for new games.

hopefully, nintendo will be smart enough to take advantage of that.

Because if you hate nintendo you must be a sonyfag. No ifs ands or buts about it.

maybe they don't want to grow faster then is sustainable, leading to them closing shop for ever?
They already have a lot of fucking people working for them, so much so that they had 200 nigga working on one fucking game and still had 3 other AAA games in development plus some random other shit
Buying a few more might make sense but there is no way for us dick head online to know that

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gibe news on the next monolith game plz


Theres the sunday invitational, if nintendo is smart, they will do the smash news there. and the E3 direct will have more space for new games.

>Literally no games
Fuck off, baiting retard.
>Animal Crossing
>Bayonetta 3
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Pokemon SwSh
>Astral Chain
>Metroid Prime 4
>Mario Maker 2
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Fire Emblem
>MUA 3
>Link's Awakening remake
>Not to mention dlc announcements

What do you get when you buy a studio?
A rental contract on a building? Some PCs and office equipment? A bunch of employees that can quit at any time? If you're lucky you can get some IPs, and Nintendo already has more IPs than they know what to do with.
Monolith was bought because of Takahashi, and there aren't many Takahashis in the industry. Technically there are like a hundred Takahashis in the industry but you get what I mean

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Please be Baten Kaitos. Xeno already had its limelight. It can suck a big fat cock for all I care. Its BKs turn.

I'm basing my estimates around what was seen last year.

No offense to xbros, but Sony is the only competetion against Nintendo right now.

stop fucking replying retards

I think banmco owns the ip senpai.

>Fuck off baiting retard
>Takes bait anyway
Don't feed the trolls.

dont worry, there'll be a sticky

And they aren't even presenting anything at E3.

Fire emblem will barley get any time at e3. Its getting its own direct

they prefer to work with privileged partners, like platinum with astral chain

>1 hour
If they don't go full retard with proportions like last E3, it might be fine.




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except smash had all that time last E3 because it was the reveal.

since the game already came out and theres a BIG tourney is gonna be befroe the direct, theres a PERFECT chance for a mini smash direct there featuring DLC2 (and maybe 3 if lucky)

Monolith was the dev behind it. Both Bamco and Nintendo own it. Besides, it doesn't matter where it came from, Monolith is the one behind the series.

I work with computers so I can get paid and watch E3 shenanigans.


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I hope it's not 80% about 1 game like smash was last year.
I also really hope it's not all about fire emblem because it looks like garbage.

Highlight of the year for sure


maybe Microsoft is deciding to leave the console market, but the xbox brand is strong on the digital front, as well as PC. not to mention they DO have games and exclusives.

what does Sony have? a system that doesnt exist yet and Death Stranding, a game that since is a sony exclusive WONT be on E3?

sorry, but Xbox is the only competence against nintendo here and even if sony had a E3, theres no way they can stand up to even MS.

you need to shut the fuck up weeb

> if nintendo was smart
oh user

Last year was 42 minutes and 25 were about Smash

>AAA games

Come on now.

You need to 出来ない roastie

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OP assblasted his lie was seen through

so? whats the problem if 25 or so mins are dedicated to this years flagship game? its THE FLAGSHIP GAME! of course its gonna have more focus!

Smash news gets people hyped though. No one would complain about it showing up at e3

true, but if the smash news are before E3, then the E3 will have many more games, thats the point.

yeah, its probable theres nothing in the toruney and the news are this E3, but if its not the case, then nintendo is clearly preparing something BIG, software lineup-wise.

It's going to be half an hour of new gameplay footage of previously announced titles, ten minutes of third party ports and indies, ten minutes of shit no one cares about, and ten minutes of actually interesting stuff.

It's like you people have no memory of previous years. It always goes like this.

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Putting my money on the last reveal being a new zelda game, sequel to botw, no gameplay shown.

What odds would you give that we see Retro’s new game? What about Pikmin 4?

How long would it (realistically) take to be fluent in Japanese? How many years approximately?

>all that seething over the Fire Emblem Expo on Yea Forums
>it was such a small and inoffensive event it was never mentioned ever again

It takes a minute to tease a character like they did with Joker at the Game Awards. Character teases can be done elsewhere easily; so, they will be done so if there's no time to do so while keeping the direct under 50 minutes. We won't lose anything to get a character tease.

Will Cosmo be at the Mario Maker Invitational? I wanna see him get bodied by John Numbers again.

>inb4 20 minutes dedicated to FE3H

unlikely, seeing as BotW already has story DLC

understanding japanese not that long
speaking japanese truely fluently 5-10 years
writing proper japanese never ever


>mario maker invitational is 30 minutes
isn't it too short? I forget how long the first one was

Every single direct, people say this shit.
It's not going to be overly filled with FE or Luigi's Mansion, you dumbass.

I just want Pikmin 4.

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Yea Forums hates Fire Emblem irrationally, because for some reason people only think about it in terms of TOO MANY CHARACTERS IN SMASH

you cant contain it

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If you are young and willing to dedicate time to it; it takes a couple of years for conversant speaking ability. Actually written literacy will take much longer; however, if you can spend time in Japan it makes it easier to learn.

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probably, or maybe other of the flagship candidates:

>Bayonetta 3
>Astral Chain
>Metroid Prime 4
>Animal Crossing Switch

one of these games will be the flagship, and the one with most focus in the E3, if you ask me, i dont think FE warrants a place as the flagship.

>An hour of Nintendo E3 sticky
The amount of concentrated shitposting in that thread might just cause our first digital singularity.

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Revo for Bravely Third

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same, cant wait for treehouse threads

im sure people wouldnt complain about FE in smash if there were actual variety in characters, aka: not only lords/swordsmen.

we have mages, sorcerers, Heavy axe wielding knights, Assassins and ninjas, Pegasus and wyvern riding warriors, many of those more popular than the lords/MCs as FEH showed. but Nope! only protags and newer games matter.

i wouldnt call the basis for FE hate irrational, since there is a weight to it.

do we know how long Sony's E3 is going to be?

That Expo was classy as fuck.

0 minutes and 0 seconds

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Mario Odyssey was the most ambitious title for their flagship series in 20 years, and it only got a 2 minute trailer at E3. Run time focus does not have to exist; the focus game, probably Mario Maker or Luigi's Mansion since Animal Crossing is a bad demo game, will get a short trailer and booth theme-ing/the most demo stations on the showfloor.

I'd sooner put money on Super Mario Odyssey 2

>hour long direct
Thank fucking god, my hype just went up tenfold

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It's going to be 20 minutes talking about all the Amiibos news they've been saving up for the past year. And then just to spite people, 15 minutes of Labo.

25 minutes of Fire Emblem spoilers

It's not all about Smash, stupid. Fire Emblem just gets preferential treatment from Nintendo in general.

Given that last year's was 45 minutes with 25 minutes for Smash, I'm expecting a ton of announcements and details from this one
Simply put, there really aren't that many A or AA studios around that haven't already been bought up or would be willing to let themselves be bought.
I think, if anything, the next studio that might be acquired would be Grasshopper.
Give Suda an infinite budget (which, given his history, would be a game of $4-5 million in dev budget)


>People saying Metroid Prime 4
They had to scrap the whole game and being anew with a different developer team at the beginning of this year. I seriously doubt the game is ready to be show yet.

I can't wait for more smash faggotry and 10 seconds of a shitty indie highlight reel.
they just went back to an older gameplay style there's nothing ambitious about it besides a woman singing in discount new york and a talking hat ghost.

It's going to be ~40 minutes as it is every year

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Still no leaks huh? I expected some fake visual leaks by now

>nintendo direct starts right when I leave from work
>too long to stay behind amd watch it there

>got summer courses to fuck with
This is my punishment for only taking 4 courses a semester and fucking up on the Accounting final

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that doesn't seem right.
how long is it really going to be?

It's one of the few things each year I still genuinely enjoy
Gonna be fun to watch with you fucks

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Not really, I don't see how. Unless you're talking about Smash, I don't see how it gets preferential treatment other than the fact that it occasionally gets games.

>Bayo 3
>Astral Chain

The first two are way too far away to be discussed in any detail here. Probably won’t even be mentioned in passing. Astral Chain will get a long, more detailed trailer most likely, but it is not even close to broad enough appeal to warrant a focus. FE3H, Luigi’s Mansion, Mario maker and Link’s Awakening will probably get new trailers and info dumps from the voiceover. Pokemon may get that treatment too. Animal Crossing will almost certainly be the focus

Shut the fuck up Smashfag/Self loathing FEfag
It has nothing to do with the kind of fighters at this point

The complaints are just coming from the fact it exists at this point. To say nothing how more often than not FEfags hate themselves most of the time and broken into tribes of "SNES" "GBA" and "3DS", constantly shitting on each other.

The hate FE gets is irrational, but it's not like anyone is trying to make it better.

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Mario Maker is not going to be the focus game. It got its own Direct, it's getting its own Mario Maker tournament, and it's coming out a week after E3.

What's with this "SIDE CHARACTERS SHOULD GET IN OVER MCs" meme? It has L I T E R A L L Y never happened with any series, if you want a side character from a game the main characters better damn well be there first, AND they should have an important role in the story, as well as being popular (see: Rosalina)
>b-but Lucina-
Robin was already in and she was a dueteragonist anyways. Ask for Hector or something, not fucking Marty or Camilla.

because side characters are actually interesting

Well fuck, that's a spirit breaker
Hope it's still good though

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I said it was the most ambitious Mario game in 20 years; name a Mario game after 64 that is more ambitious than Odyssey.
The latter half of this year is to busy to warrant a two thirds Animal Crossing direct like Smash got last year. The focus game is the game that has it's demo stations pushed the most, which will probably not be Animal Crossing.

Im gonna stay up all night and still go to work the next day, just like last year.

Smashfags just focus on "MUH AXE" or "MUH SPEAR" ignoring the fact that the weapon is merely an aesthetic component and doesn't affect how the character plays.

>tfw I literally start my new job on june

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theres a lot, and i mean A LOT of characters that are more interesting and lets be honest, more appealing in every sense than the MCs, and Sakurai should know better than force the MCs only when theres A LOT of other more worthy characters.

At least 3 of those minutes have to be about something Metroid-related, r-right

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That's the time it starts, not how long it is.

Doubt it
We'll get 5 minutes for any single game.
They've been saving a lot of the deep-dive stuff for Treehouse, which has honestly been really awesome.
The Direct itself will be 5 minutes spent on any given game, and in the past they've let us know which games were getting a singular focus.
I'm guessing
>3-4 minutes for LM3
>5-6 minutes for AC
>2 minutes for Astral Chain
>2-3 minutes for Bayo 3
>4-5 for Fire Emblem
>2 minutes for SMM2
>2 minutes for Smash DLC
>4-5 minutes for Pokemon
That's just 30 minutes
Who the fuck knows what else they'll spend their time on.
I have a good feeling about this year honestly. I can see us going back to a 1-big-release/month schedule
>June: SMM2
>July: Three Houses
>August: Astral Chain
>September: Maybe Town? Maybe Animal Crossing
>October: Maybe Luigi's Mansion 3
>November: Pokemon probably
>December: Link's Re:Awakening
And then maybe go quiet again for January.

then tell mr shecklestien to stick his job up his ass
stay and have some fun.
work will never dictate my life

I don't know if Bayo 3 is far away.
Let's assume they literally started development just as the trailer dropped: that's still a year and a half.
They should be out of the pre-production and well into having some prototypes by now, I would imagine

Don't worry man.
Just say you have a stomach ache and you need to go hmoe and watch the Direct with us

I bet 90% of the direct is about animal crossing, just like smash last year.

>imagine being at computers

I dunno, they'd tell us if that were the case.
They generally tell everyone if the direct is going to be focused on X or Y game

God I hope so, im so ready for the new Animal Crossing

I do too but I think i'll take the day off.
I'd like to just watch Tree House and shitpost about it without having someone looking over my shoulder

did they do that for last years e3? I dont remember that being announced, but it certainly took up the majority

Good point about the demo stations. But what do you think could be the focus, cause they don’t really have a big name that will demo well

I don't recall them saying the last E3 direct would be 50% Smash.

Don't make terrible posts then

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Based. Microsoft may have lost the battle, but they will win the war. The PS4 beat the Xbox one, but right now Microsoft is doing a much better job preparing for the future of gaming and setting themselves up as a major multiplatform publisher next gen.

t. has never actually played a FE game

I just can’t imagine them promoting it when they have Astral Chain coming up. Those two will most likely take a wide berth of each other in both release and advertising

dude. im just a secondary who played mostly FEH, and i know theres A LOT of difference between fighting styles.

you have armored GIANTS carrying FUCKYOUHUGE axes, basically Bowser size dudes, Spearmen can be more faster and agile with more attack range than the swords.

then also you have assassins which a moveset like Sheik's can fit them like a glove, or magicians that ave access to different tomes and powers.

weapons are NOT just aesthetics.

Go back to a containment thread Rosterfag

They did.
And on twitter too I think, though I'd have to go back and check.
They've done it a lot recently: "This Direct will include stuff about Mario Tennis Aces" or "This Direct will focus on Three Houses"
If they don't tell you about a specific game they're focusing on, it's probably going to be an all-rounder Direct like the March 2018 one

Oh, I'm sure.
But I don't doubt that they'd have a bit of something about Bayo 3.
I can see it just being a story trailer or a bit of gameplay but I doubt that they'll keep radio silence for much longer

>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4 (Delusional if you think they'll show it this early)
>Astral Chain
>Metroid Prime Trilogy (if has updated controls)

>Animal Crossing
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Mario Maker 2
>MUA 3
>Link's Awakening remake

Legendary Garbage:
>Pokemon SwSh
>Fire Emblem

I really do hope they'll surprise me this year but I expect nothing. Not the guy you replied to btw.

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That's actually a good thing then. Smash taking up half an hour of the last presentation with most of it basically being a glorified change log was dumb.

New DK

I mean in Smash. They could prefectly put some huge guy with an axe and make him an Ike clone.

The trick is to have both 30 year old franchises and new ones, so that someday you can have both 30 and 60 year old franchises to milk.

Based retard


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Doubtful unless it's from a studio other than Retro.

Hopefully it isn't as embarrassing as last year.
Smash was cool but it didn't need to take the majority of the direct.

>Metroid Prime trilogy is highly possible; but, would take a minute to announce.
>SNES Online, ie Super Metroid, will probably be just an out of the blue website announcement in August.
>Metroid Prime may be apologized over; but, won't appear.
New 2D is possible though
Mario Odyssey got a 2 minute trailer at its E3. Fire Emblem was announced as the focus of the February direct and got 6 of 45 minutes. Smash was an outlier and won't happen this year because, despite the drought between Smash and Mario Maker, the rest of the year is packed.
Either Mario Maker or Luigi's Mansion. Mario Maker is self explanatory, albeit not very innovative if you played the WiiU game and out very soon. Luigi's Mansion is identifiable to normies because of the Mario connection and did surprisingly great sales on 3DS. It also would be a great game for a demo; but. it depends on how much Nintendo trusts Next Level. Animal Crossing will have lots of Treehouse time and an Isabelle mascot will roam the convention center.

Can't wait to watch Vinny and Joel's E3 coverage.

Nah, AC is the kind of game that shines at the Treehouse for hours of gameplay. They'dd do a regular size trailer in the Direct.

in that case it would be luigi mansion, since MM2 already had its own direct, and the game releases 1 week after E3.

Retro has done literally nothing for years. Their new game is obviously close to done now that they're on Metroid.

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What about PC or idorts?

I do that every year. Order a ton of pizza too.

PC honestly has always been an outsider to the console wars, they do their own thing.

They did the Tropical Freeze port.

Smash was big and nearly carried 2018 for Switch sales for Nintendo, but a big part of the strength of the Direct format is the surprise.
The anticipation is more powerful than the announcements themselves, I think.
People may come to Directs for Smash announcements, but it's the surprise of the announcement more than the information itself that's the appeal

>Not liking AC
>Not liking Mario Maker
>Not liking Marvel beat em ups

Sounds accurate for the last 10 or so e3s.

I wish Super Best Friends were still doing coverage.

Whatever their other project was, it probably wasn't DK.

Yeah, you may have a point. If it gets something, it’ll probably be small, and it would have to have a hook to make it worth the quick mention. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the next we saw of it was a trailer in the first post Astral Chain direct

Mario Maker seems too close to E3 to be the focus, and as for Luigi’s Mansion, I doubt that nintendo would put that much stock in a game they haven’t made internally. And I don’t know that it has the demand or broad demographic appeal to be the “focus”. But if you strictly mean showfloor, sure. I expect AC to be the game that we could point to as the “focus” of the direct, if any

I think they stepped in and provided funding for NMH3. There's no way they didn't see the reaction to TSA and demand for NMH3 even if the outrage was retarded. I hope they bank roll more of Suda's stuff especially now that he's back to directing himself.

I swear to fucking god they better have Metroid AND Donkey Kong Country if it's gonna be an hour. Won't be worth sitting through if it doesn't have them.

>ten minutes of third party ports and indies

When was the last time they actually spent a large amount of time on indies? It’s why Nindie directs exist.

And Yea Forums will still shitstorm so who cares

So this is what shit taste looks like

And given the demo we saw at the end of TSA, I can definitely feel NMH3 in the works. Or maybe a more ambitious Sudaverse thing
I'd love to see Kamui, Zappa, Johnson/8Hearts and the rest step into a big sort of No More Heroes title.
If that ends up being the scope, maybe they WILL end up calling it No More Heroes Forever, hue hue

Suda as a general Nintendo dev would be amazing. What Nintendo IP would he want to work on the most though, I wonder.


are the mario maker and splatoon events at the same time?

They rarely do extended gameplay of titles during the actual direct. That’s what Treehouse is for.

Treehouse will actually be exciting this year since last year it was 90% smash focused.

I'd love to but I'm just a fucking intern, man.

Third party ports + indies, I meant. Not 10 minutes for each. But it will be less anyway, since the Direct is not actually one hour long, but rather the picture in the OP says that it starts at 1 PM.

They should give Ike a skin with him using Urvan.

who holds a can like that?

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Half expecting a "available today" reveal.
Then again, half expecting "done by feb 2020" to become 2021

Just imagine the asshurt when "Brave" ends up being Agnes from Bravely Default as the next Smash rep

The length of a direct doesn’t really have any indication on how many games they’ll show anyway. They could reveal games quickly or focus on a few games.

It’ll probably be thirty minutes like usual and then delve into more detail during Treehouse.

New Smash DLC will cause legendary butthurt REGARDLESS of who it is. As with every reveal.

Anime girls, man.

Real Talk: Is 1 hour for a Direct enough time for them to announce a new 3D Zelda? Assuming it comes out next year

Yes, but I doubt they'll announce a new Zelda for next year. They'll tease one for 2021 at most.

For me it's the very comfy Treehouse threads with Yea Forums

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Fuck, I'd welcome it. I was honestly expecting it entirely when I first saw it.

1 o' clock jap time, not 1 hour.
Also >announcing 3D Zelda only one year in advance

Yes, but Zelda is like Pokemon & is important enough for the entire direct to be dedicated solely to it

I feel like most of the butthurt this time around is artificial. Mostly everyone who people cared about is either already in the game or deconfirmed as a spirit. Now people are just hyping themselves for the shitposting and Wojak edits, as you said, regardless of who it is.

Gimme dat LON LON MILK

This, pretty sure Majora's Mask is the only 3D Zelda game that was announced only a year after the release of the previous one

why do people say stpuid shit, when you can easily look it up

Earthbound 3D Remake coming.

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>what is reading comprehension
"in advance" means "before the relevant event", in this case the release of the next mainline 3D Zelda.

It'd either be Edea or the entire party as alt skins of one another

It's easily the most likely newcomer at this point, since we are 100 % getting at least one first party shill pick.

I started working this year and I was debating taking time off to watch Nintendo's Direct live but if this shit's an hour long I gotta

>3 days straight of theresaposting

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more like penis hurt from all the fapping

>Bowser enters on stage in a bowser costume
>10 minutes of rule34 bowser
>Gabe newell kills bowser and reveals that Valve makes games again, Portal 3 and new title is only coming to switch only
>Todd Howard pops out of Gabe Newell, like that scene from aliens, and announces The Elder Scrolls and Fallout will return to it's roots
>Elon Musk lands a rocket directly on Todd Howard and announces that reality is a simulation
>A new smash character is announced and everyone claps

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What's your hope for AVAILABLE TODAY?

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That's just a Smash trailer where Ness is losing to Giygas, then Dante comes and helps him.

>Bravely Default
>First party


Comfy theatre lads
can't wait

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>not a porky reveal

Bro, you'd have no fucking idea how much I would love that on every possible level

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I know it's not happening but imagine Earthbound (and the rest of the mother series for that matter) remade in the engine they're using for Link's Awakening remake.

Who is this character?

Nothing, I already have too many games on my backlog.

I see Ness, Giygas, and... some weird thing with tentacles?

graphical styles are not engines

Reminder that last year's E3 was won almost unanimously by Microsoft (a fucking first) in the sense that they showed a shitload of games in their whole presentation. There were more than 50 games, between new announced games or updates to previously seen games with gameplay trailers/teaser. It doesn't matter that those games were exclusives, indies, shitty ones or whatnot. Those were fucking videogames and every company should do the exact same on their presentations.

Last year Sony's was a meme-fest and Nintendo blowed hard dedicating 2/3 of their direct to Smash. I'm a big fucking Smashfag and I would have preferred to have all that gameplay info in a separate afterwards direct, like they did when they revealed Smash 4 back on 2013.

Both Nintendo and Sony are shit when they try do atmospheric shows for a single release (The Last of Us 2 church thing, Ghost of Tsushima Flute-meme man) or explaining how the game came to be (Star Fox Zero's Miyamoto's inspiration, Yoshi's Woolly World fabric factory interview).

E3 presentations truly shine when it's only about goddamn video games. Video game after video game after video game.

I hope Ninty uses that hour pretty well and shower us with a shitton of trailers.

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>>Pokemon SwSh
I just realized "SwSh" sounds like "Switch" haha

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Pikmin 4 is cancelled buddy. Mario Maker team does the Pikmin games. Mario Maker 2 exists now so its obvious priorities have long since shifted.

Kind of looks like Porky's Mother 3 mech

Guarenteed to be a shop but very nice looking honestly, got a source? I don't even like Earthbound much but having a Giygas boss battle stage that constantly changes and is ridiculous would be a welcome addition (or Porky as a character I guess)

You know what I meant though.

Fuck buying up studios.
They should instead increase the capabilities of their non core studios, build new studios or help founding new studios like they did with Retro.

Would go well with a Bravely 3 announcement, desu desu

If you right click YouTube video twice you can open picture in picture and stick it anywhere.

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Greninja furrified

Someone on reddit pretending to be inside info:

My opinion is that is fake, I think whoever post it have experience with Source Filmmaker.

It's such an obvious pick that nobody would expect it, and it would fit with the new demographics statement. Since tons of JRPG fans would buy a Switch if we got a big budget Bravely game

Remarkably fake. Ness would be in his robot body.

I’d love to see all of the work that was completed. There must be a pretty damn functional build and a bunch of complete assets. Probably a really interesting story behind the development

tfw based Opera has this for any video

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Bitch better have my Animal Crossing!

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Why did we have to get Chrom? Would it really have been so unreasonable to get Celica as a Robin echo? Or Hector as an Ike echo? Or even Chrom as an Ike echo, anything would've been better than getting a 4th dancing blade, counter, charge-b character. Getting nothing would've been better than the incessant bitching that resulted.


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He was highly requested in the smash 4 days and was added specifically for the Japanese audience and Dark Samus was added for the Western audience.

>at least one game every 3 years
>the SECOND it gets a moderately successful game, it gets treated as if it was as popular as pokemon
>meanwhile every other Nintendo IP has to wait literal 5 years for sequels, regardless if they're succesful or not
>every other nintendo franchise gets cancelled forever when a game doesn't sell 20 million copies, meanwhile FE gets to continue no matter how many times in a row it bombs

Chances are we will never see it. Hell they had to scrounge up beta footage and concept art for the Pikmin 3 showing at E3 2012. It was clear development wasn't a 9 year period and had only begun proper that year. Same thing here; 4 probably wasn't even a thing yet when Miyamoto opened his fucking mouth back in 2015. What we'll get probably hardly amounts to a fully realized game. There's also a strong possibility that Miyamoto himself cancelled 4 because he was married to the GamePad gimmick.

New game from any series I'm even slightly interested in.
Maybe two new games.
Literally nothing
Smash reveal and literally nothing else

>An hour
Oh shit, this is going to be big, expect some bombs to drop.

Intelligent Systems is a second party. They can do whatever the hell they want when they're not being told to make Warioware or a new shitty Paper Mario.

>What's with this "SIDE CHARACTERS SHOULD GET IN OVER MCs" meme?

When the side characters are

>From more prominent and popular series
>are actually wanted by fans
>have a better chance of having variety other than down b counter

Why wouldn't you? The point of smash is to celebrate loved video game characters. Not "lets see who has the most main characters"

You can do it for any video on chrome. You just have to right click it twice for YouTube.

>Hey Nintendo can we just make this shit series forever despite it not making any money
>Literally anyone else: Hey Nin-
>Go fuck yourself

Enjoy your fire emblem direct :)

They care so much about how westerners see Nintendo that they'll hold their direct at one AM their time.

Shut up, Sonyfag

nice, I can get excited for once. haven't had a long direct without any bullshit focus on one game for a while now

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We've had 30 minute Directs that had 25 minutes dedicated to absolute bullshit.
Remember the Direct with Dragon Quest announcement? Remember how one Smash Direct was almost dedicated to brightness options?

I read somewhere once that Nintendo actually wanted to merge with Namco and become a huge mega corporation but Japanese laws don't allow that sorta thing so no one company becomes too powerful or rich. So I always figured it was probably just Japan not allowing them to swallow up everything like EA does.

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You can’t expect Metroid Prime 4 to be shown this year and call someone else a retard

Good Games
Bad Games
No Games

Metroid Dread

>last year's was around 45 minutes with two thirds being Smash
Nintendo are gonna knock it out of the park this year, I can feel it

It really just seems like you're mad that Fire Emblem exists. It's not like they'd be making something else if they weren't making it considering Paper Mario is dead and you really can't spit out a new Warioware every year without it becoming completely tired.


Even if that were the case, his popularity on polls has always been behind Lucina and Robin. At the time there were 12 different FE games not counting remakes, and Awakening was already exclusively the only individual FE game with more than one rep in Smash.

No matter how you slice it, it was a bad call. 7th FE rep, 7th to use a sword, 4th(if you count Robin and Corrin as half, 6th if you consider the males default) male rep, 4th to use Marth's moveset, 4th blue-haired rep, 3rd Falchion user. And that's just between him and the other FE characters. He does the exact opposite of bringing something new to the table, moreso than any other character added to Ultimate.

>start new job in june
>get my schedule next week
Please, PLEASE at least let me have that day off...

And Nintendo will keep letting them do what they want as FE games are dirt cheap to make and IS was founded by former old guard employees.

*3rd character from Awakening specifically, disappointed I forgot that.

I was way too late to call out OP's foolish guess, but I still want to say lol EOPs.

Metroid V
Bayonetta 3
Wonderful 101 port
Ocarina of Time HD/Majora's Mask HD
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Metroid Prime 4
3D Kirby that doesn't play like shit
Mega Man Zero Legacy/Collection
Anything Kid Icarus related
Anything F-Zero related
Link to the Past remake (without fucking the art style/gameplay/puzzles)
Nothing Metroid related
Another 2D Mario
Another 2D Kirby
Shitty new DLC character in Smash

It makes money, though. People ONLY started getting mad at FE AFTER Awakening, which is when the series started being super successful. I don't see the point in getting angry that they make games, get more angry about the fact that Nintendo is neglecting their own franchises instead of getting mad about a second party company making games that make money.

OP here, I only saw the time kanji and immediately assumed it was one hour.

You 日本語fu is incomplete young padwan 勉強したないのか?


Pokémon Sw/Sh is actually really good
Digimon Survive
Metroid Prime 4 update
Elder Scrolls
A good Spore sequel
Digimon World 1/2/3 remake/remaster
Fighterz-style Godzilla game Featuring Gamera and Ultraman
Mahvel vs DC game
Some cool-ass mecha game with lots of content
Agumon for Smash
bad gameu
Non-vidya for Smash
Some good old cringe presentations

>it's another "Awakening doesn't deserve it's attention" episode
It literally saved the series, whether you like or not, and it was also the most popular game in the series at the time of Smasgh 4's release.
Just because Chrom isn't as popular as the other two doesn't make him unpopular, he's probably a much more justified inclusion than Dark Samus when it comes to demand.
And also he took less time than fucking Pichu in Melee and cost as much as a bag of potato chips.
His inclusion didn't subtract from the game, all it did was put an interesting spin on an old fighter while also adding a fan favorite. His inclusion was justified in every meaning of the word

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Oh, I forgot. Xenoblade Chronicles X port for the Switch

Same. E3 is practically a holiday for me.

2018 was fucking awful because basically all we got was like 40 minutes of Smash patch notes and then 5 minutes for some other shit barely anyone cared about. Please don't give us 50 minutes of Animal Crossing.

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>camera zooms out
>it’s a brain
>zoom out continues
>it was Reggie’s brain
>zoom out more
>Reggie is equipped with the Master Sword and Hylian Sheild
>he’s standing on the corpses of demons
>zoom out more
>Smash logo
>They lunge at each other
>Brave is Reggie
>DLC 3 is Doomguy

>game sells well on a console that sold like hotcakes

Does anyone care about Daemon x Machina? The demo felt really boring.

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post yfw

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>2 Smash DLC
>Fire Emblem
>Luigis Mansion 3
>Pokemon Sword/Shield
>Astral Chain
>Animal Crossing
>Mario Maker 2's Missing Style
>Random Other Exclusives
>Indie and 3rd Party Reels

Good year for Nintendo fans

Metroid Dread
Metroid Prime trilogy
Super Mario Maker 2
Animal Crossing
Zelda Link's Awakening
Pokemon Sword and Shield
Luigi's Mansion 3
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Daemon X Machina
Astral Chain
Bayonetta 3
Pikmin 4
Yo-Kai Watch 4
Bravely Third
God Eater 3
Fire Emblem Three House
3D Zelda
3D Mario
Retro's new ip
Monolith Soft's new ip
third party games

>Megalovania remix

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Two actual model edits and one unique character, as well as a clip from a song that was already in the game.

Smash DLC
What the fuck makes you think they're going to announce two characters?

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Imagine being mad about smash lol

I still have some hope. I see potential in it, and I appreciate that it’s not really in a run of the mill genre. Heard it got fun if you added certain customizations in the demo

Well I'm thinking a bit about it and this situation really closely mimics the 2013 E3 Direct.
In that one, we had a trailer for W101 (which came out that August) and Bayo 2 (which came out in 2014) together in a single show. So I wouldn't be surprised if this one was similar

supervised by Toby Fox

>Fighterz-style Godzilla game Featuring Gamera and Ultraman
Literally never happening ever, kys for making me want this so bad

>it's another "Awakening doesn't deserve it's attention" episode
"Saving Fire Emblem" is a big deal for Fire Emblem, but outside of that why should anybody care? The series got its representation in Smash tripled in one game simply for having a game not flop horribly (and then got yet another character later) while consistently successful franchises got or still get shafted. It's just fucking dumb.

Not him, but it's been SIX MONTHS since Joker's reveal. All of the DLC is supposed to be out by February next year. There's no way for this release schedule to continue if they want it all out by then

Two characters
>Smash 4
Those two characters return
1 unique newcomer
1 clone
1 semi-clone (DLC)
1 unique newcomer (DLC)
All that + yet another clone for good measure.

Meanwhile, series like DK and Metroid needed a fucking ballot for Sakurai to finally open his eyes and realize that maybe those two series needed their most iconic villain in. Stop pretending Fire Emblem doesn't get preferential treatment after Awakening FFS.

This. I get that its been six months since they first announced joker. But we've still been getting a new character about every 2.5 months since launch.
>Feb. Plant
>Apr. Joker
>Jun. ?????
If anything, we'll be waiting longer once we get further into the fighters pass

All these people bringing up MPT, would it be so unreasonable to imagine Metroid 5 being shown off? It will be 2 years since Samus Returns' reveal

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I'd say either this year or next. It's definitely coming at some point, it's just matter of when.

Wow, well done! It really is a similar situation. I stand corrected. Bayo 3 is more likely to appear than I thought

So just because Sakurai's has an autism boner for FE means that the franchise gets preferrential treatment? Doesnt excuse people crying everytime it gets even mentioned in any Nintendo related event. Sakurai doesnt even work for nintendo directly.

im trying to not look forward to e3, so my disappointment will be cushioned.

How do you watch e3 and shitpost at the same time?

>representation tripled
This is another thing, why the fuck are people acting like this is some godawful thing? Half of the reps share moves from the first, and the other four are different and unique enough to be justified fighters. Even then, Roy and Chrom play nothing like Marth and Lucina, hell, Lucina and Marth play nothing alike and one is a direct clone of the other. It's not even to mention Roy was brought back on SMASH fan demand, actual FE fans didn't give a fuck if he came back.
Corrin is the ONLY bad inclusion when taking away gameplay context, and that's because they were explicitly a shill inclusion, but Roy was that to and he's a fan favorite so whatever.

No, I can see it being revealed this year for a release at the end of this year or early-mid next year.

E3 is such a fun time man. Glad you are taking the time off.

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why bother? their cult fanbase will just buy the same bing bing rehash port at full price for the fifth time and praise them for it. they don't need to try anything new.

More like
>Series that has failed to make a decent selling game in its first 20 years finally gets a game that sells okay
>"let's give it as many characters as Pokemon"

That alongside Godhand 2 and MGR 2 are my most wanted never-ever sequels, i would cum gallons if it happens.

>e3 is such a great time man
When last three e3s have sucked ass (except microshits conference last year).

Smash is not the entirety of Nintendo, user.

Im with you, user.
I'm sure Sony will have a State of Play show too, so It'll be the big three, plus Ubi and Square.
I wonder if EA will cave and have a show too

Ridley was ALWAYS on Sakurai's mind, retard. He considered him to be a fighter for every game since Melee, but Sakurai had always thought making him so small would be an injustice to the character.
You can spout favoritism bullshit all you want, but Ridley's absence form the series was due to the respect of the character, not disdain or disinterest

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>Donkey Kong Country Returns on wii outsold Awakening, Fates, and Uprising combined. The 3DS port sold almost as much as the new FEs(at the time)
>Only gets a single new stage in 4.


But even when they suck, it's fun to shit post about it.

that's partially true, but fire emblem's games are also hot garbage.


Ridley wasn't considered because Sakurai doesn't care for Metroid. If Ridley was a FE or Uprising character he would've been added as soon as Brawl.

Dude, I wanted Chrom in but let's not say that Awakening "saving the franchise" wasn't ultimately disastrous when you see what came after it

It's not true at all. FE fans unironically think that the only reason people criticize 3H's graphics is because of some hatred towards FE instead of it actually looking bad.

>name a Mario game after 64 that is more ambitious than Odyssey.
3d land. it took a completely different approach to 3d mario instead of just being another "mario 64 rehash with gimmick."

Ok how do you shitpost while watching e3? How do you monitor the catalog for new threads while the video is playing? Wont you hvae to put the player in half the screen thus missing detail etc?

do you have a single fact to back that up?

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>3d land

I liked it but c'mon dude.

>tfw only have to work during EA's conference on June 8th

And nothing of value was lost.

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> tfw we're getting a new megaman battle network after all these years

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So? Theres plenty of shitty nintendo franchises that dont get half the hate as FE. Its all because of Smash?
Or maybe its because smash fags spam the same webms over and over?

>Not having two monitors

I never said I liked or disliked modern FE


You do know there's a thing called dual monitors, right user?

>So? Theres plenty of shitty nintendo franchises that dont get half the hate as FE

Name them. Old dead IPs like Urban Champion don't count.

>Or maybe its because smash fags spam the same webms over and over?

As if this isn't done for any new game that looks like shit.

Conquest and Fire Emblem SOV? Two of the best games in the series? The horror.

Probably all the preferential treatment those games got in 4? (and FE in Ultimate)

Can watch it on YouTube on the Switch this year

Kirby, Pokemon.


This was the year I was going to not care about E3.

Could've been legit if Gyigas wasn't a 1:1 shop from his SNES sprite

I work in the middle of nowhere with fuck all in terms of mobile service and I can't take any days off because I'm already taking days off in October. I'm gonna have to miss this one, boys.

It wont get any bigger than this so not really an alternative.


How is it shitty? Sure it's been stagnant but no games have been outright horrible or offensive in recent memory.


Sword ans Shield literally got the same criticism that 3H did for it's graphics. Try again.

how is it not ambitious? every other 3d mario except for 3d world has just been another rehash of 64.
coming up with a different approach to gameplay and level design is more ambitious than slapping a new gimmick on the same gameplay and level design.

Yeah but it's fine if you just want to be able to see what's happening while posting

how many more e3s can we expect in this format? how many more e3s can we expect period?

>kirby bad, fire emblem good
opinion discarded.

forgot pic

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It's literally just a full game of the linear levels from 64 and Sunshine in a full game with simpler controls. Mario Galaxy at least had the gravity mechanic and different control styles.

Do any of yall belive in the leaks stating mcc is comming maybe tgat could get announce

Who knows, but even if E3 disappears Nintendo would still do a direct in the middle of the year just because it makes sense

Star Allies was aggressively mediocre. And Pokemon still doesnt get nearly the amount of hate as FE.

You have people in this thread right now saying "Boy i cant wait for them to sepdn 20 minutes on FE". You have the FE expo that was announced and sure enough Smash fags were at the frontlines saying "Oh boy i cant wait for Sakurai to announce the next FE character". And then you had the Nintendo Direct that included FE and again "Cant wait for them to spend thirty minutes tlaking about FE". Then those things come. The expo had no smash news. The supposed "FE Direct" had 5 minutes of FE. Its insane. You would never see this for any other Franchise but just because it has a few clones in Smash it generates this vitriol.

I think we'll get something from Microsoft, but not that. Cuphead to the Halo Trilogy is a really far leap to take.

Dread is next year at best.

>This is another thing, why the fuck are people acting like this is some godawful thing?
Because, despite how much shitposters like to pretend otherwise or act like it's some grave sin, the fact is that Smash is a crossover fighter and many people care about how and which series are represented. Fire Emblem's representation is the perfect storm of elements that were obviously going to piss people off, like obvious creator bias, characters being included simply for marketing purposes (as admitted by the creators themselves), clones for the sake of clones, most of the characters being too similar visually, having more unique fighters than almost all other franchises in the game, the list goes on. Throw in outside influences like the Fire Emblem fanbase being one of the most obnoxious of all Nintendo properties and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Pikmin 4
Pokémon to be good again
Smash DLC that isnt some boring fuck like Byleth, Lloyd or Loto

Baten Kaitos III instead of Xenoblade
Banjo, Steve, Crash, Phoenix or Undertale character for Smash

No SMT again
5 seconds of gay Pokémon shit like Mantine surf, Refresh or Photo Club

20 minutes of Animal Crossing or Luigis Mansion
Both Saber and Catalina get revealed for Smash Bros

Does it really matter when pretty much all the characters people want are already in the game?
Ridley is here, K Rool is here, Snake is here, MegaMan is here.

>Star Allies was aggressively mediocre

The most common opinion for it is "pretty good but not enough content" which is reasonable.

>. And Pokemon still doesnt get nearly the amount of hate as FE.

It gets much more, even if a lot of it was deserved after the last two games and lgpe.

>You have people in this thread right now saying "Boy i cant wait for them to sepdn 20 minutes on FE".

People were complaining about Xenoblade 2 taking up ridiculous amounts of time in 2017 directs and also complained about Smash taking up tons of time in directs last year. It was reasonable to assume that Nintendo would spend a lot of time on it. You just have a huge victim complex like most of the FE fanbase does.

>Does it really matter when pretty much all the characters people want are already in the game?
Yes, because that's not the case. There are a ton of characters left that people still want, everyone just tends to rally behind a few at a time to increase the chance of those characters being acknowledged and included.

I own a retro store so I’m just gonna sit down sell games and watch it with whoever decides to come in while shit posting on here. It’s gonna be great


>There are a ton of characters left that people still want

Not signifcant ones, more like personal wet dreams.

This, I always ask off work for E3
I didn't ask the Saturday off for Ubisoft though fuck that shit. Just Monday and Tuesday (only work the morning of Sunday)

"aggressively mediocre" is better than any fire emblem game ever made.

More significant than "FE protagonist that only got in because his game came out at a convenient time"

They'll probably still do it. Just without Matt. Who am I kidding? It isn't the same

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I wanna be surprised. Like a Wario World running on Odyssey's engine. Tired of all these forgettable sidescrollers and top-downs.

Which is what every Fire Emblem character aside from Marth and Robin would have been if they hadn't just been added to the game anyway.


For anyone who is curious.

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>You would never see this for any other Franchise but just because it has a few clones in Smash it generates this vitriol.
ironically, smashfags give kirby the same treatment. they've started pushing the narrative that only sakurai's games are good in order to defend how little non-sakurai kirby content is in smash. they don't even play kirby games, they just don't want a character like magolor cucking banjo/geno/isaac out of smash, so they shitpost about it.
fire emblem isn't special, it isn't unique, it doesn't warrant the victim complex.

At least when i play a FE game, i can get a solid 20-40 hours of gameplay.

Star Allies is literally two hours long, and for a $60 game im practically donating money to HAL. And you know, i m ok with sort games. Metroid games arent particularly long either. Kirby's Adventure is pretty short and thats still a great game. But Star Allies literally did nothing new. It was just RtDL again.

Meanwhile with Fire Emblem, Conquest, depsite its faults, was still the sharpest game in the series gameplay wise to date. It fixed the balence problems from Awakening, had great map design and good music.

Star Allies just pales in comparison to even Robobot, which is a far better game. Either way this isnt a FE vs Kirby thread, and i still like Kirby.
I just dont understand the blatant hatred towards FE.

>which is reasonable
it wasn't reasonable until all the dream friend dlc was released
even then it was just a band-aid since the main game still has lazy level design and constantly reuses assets but kirby fans can't say kirby has a bad game because it hurts their "comfy"

not him, but that is just shitposting and you know it. Even if it was genuine, it's nowhere near as common as FE's hate. This is false equivalence

I dont know why Smashfags seem to be under the impression that the FE fanbase actually gives a shit about characters like Corrin or Chrom being in the game.
No FE fan actually likes Corrin and no fan actually defends the amount of characters FE has. Most FE fans wish they included characters like Hector or Epharim. They agree that FE is over represented.

Yeah I can't get excited for directs anymore when it's increasingly obvious they try to stretch these out as much as possible. Microsoft's E3 last year was perfect presentation-wise. Was game after game after game and tons of great reveals too.

RETARDED Makotofag

op btfo

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No E3 Presentation post-2012 has been more than 40 minutes.
By that logic, that means the Smash tournament is 6 hours long.

I'll watch, but am I the only one underwhelmed with their current release lineup? When the Smash reveals are the only thing I'm genuinely excited to see, then I start to worry about whether or not I'm just jaded, or if the upcoming games aren't all that exciting.

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Where's Sony? I can't wait until they btfo everyone yet again

ive never owned a nintendo console and nintendo talk like these posts dont make any sense to me.

>hating on kirby to elevate fire emblem

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>no one said something nasty about this user taking time off work for E3
I-I'm proud of you fags

Along with what said, Bamco and Nintendo are buddies with each other so there's no reason Baten Kaitos couldn't happen besides the relative obscurity of it and possibility of low sales.

Really? I feel like this E3 will be much better than last years
>Animal Crossing
>Mario Maker
>Luigi's Mansion
>Astral Chain
>Fire Emblem
>Retro game
>Possible Bayo 3
>Possible Metroid
>Links Awakening
>Any surprise game announcement

Compared to last year which was 90% smash

This right here!

But I should mention that Nintendo only managed to acquire Monolith from Namco through a trade agreement when Namco merged with Bandai and they needed some of their stocks from Nintendo back.

I am worried however that Nintendo isn't doing enough to secure talent. People like Sakurai want to go off and collaborate with other talent, (the best scenario in my opinion). Companies are like the home base that secures the IP's and if their a respectable company they will treat it well long after the talent has passed on.

Nintendo needs to collaborate more and make their workplace even more appealing for those who want security and adventure.

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>I don't have a clue about the thread topic but I'll come in anyway

Want a cookie, champ?

where's amd

Bayo 3 is a shoe in to get its first gameplay reveal, but I wouldn't expect the game until next spring. Platinum already has a switch exclusive due this Fall so they probably don't want to oversaturate their own market.

I also 100% expect Kamiya will be revealed as the Bayo 3 director since the timing of its announcement after scalebound's cancellation lines up too well

Is there even a point to physically going to E3 any more?
>no physical sony confrence
>no physical nintendo confrence
A nintendo direct stream is gonna be the same wether im home or in LA

you get to try games early

>Retro game
Retro's game was in dev hell and got cancelled or shoved to a new studio after they sent in their MP4 test demo as a comparison to the at the time MP4 and Nintendo made them the new devs for it.

Sakurai seems happy enough with Nintendo, just because he entertained the thought of making VR games for oculus doesn't mean he's never going to work with Nintendo ever again

My point is nintendo needs its own board. Normal games and nintendo games obviously far apart from each other so nintendo threads should not be allowed on Yea Forums.

Nintendo usually have tons of demos the public don't get to try until GDC or the games come out.

>animal crossing
never been my cup of tea
>mario maker
i'm tired of thoughtless mario sidescrollers and getting to make/play my own won't help that
>luigi's mansion
this one somehow looks worse than the previous two? but maybe that's just what we've seen of it. I REALLY want luigi's game to do well, but we'll see. i'm keeping my eye on it.
>astral chain
alright, this one looks pretty cool
>fire emblem
>retro game
>bayo 3
kamiya's flaky with these sorts of things so i'm not anticipating anything
i hope
>links awakening
>surprise game announcement
if it's not kirby or a new 3d mario/odyssey DLC then i probably won't care

It was never about the conferences it was about the demos as well as interviews and closed-door interviews

E3 is a trade show not a popculture convention

I would argue Sony needs its own board for it's movie games and console war trash

would be fun

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I can see them forming a platinum esque relation, where they just kind of let him do what he wants on the cheap and I think both parties would be happy. Nintendo approached him to revive Travis to appeal to the western audience and Suda has always wanted to work with Nintendo and not have his projects interfered with. after NMH3, I hope we get that teased SotD2 but with gameplay more in line with what he originally wanted. Or even KiD based on the original draft

I agree

I do this with every company. I get excited for everything with you guys.

I love you all. Thanks for keeping me company all these years, brothers. It wouldn’t be E3 without you.

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I don't think that's the case. I don't think they'd put a character that's almost definitely from their latest project in their farewell photo to Reggie if it wasn't going to release.

>Lets fragment Yea Forums even further since these pesky video game threads are getting in the way of my Twitter outrage and softcore porn threads

Congratulations your the dumbest person on this board right now

Except sony games occassionally get ported to pc and xbox. So everyone can talk about them. Nintendo games on the other hand never ever release on other platforms. So only nintendo console owners can know what is being talked about. Hence the need for a containment board.

I wouldn't mind another remake like Samus return

I would love for Nintendo to plant more studios all over the world. So much talent is emerging in areas and it doesn't cost a lot to just back a few devs and see if they build up or fizzle out.

Sakurai has close ties with Nintendo and HAL but he went freelance with Sora Ltd. because he wan't to work with other people instead of doing the same things again, bit ironic considering he has worked on the last Smash game three times now.

I dont think so because of this conspicuous image where the mario statue is placed just right as to not reveal a character behind it

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>t. Jobless neet

Few people love their jobs, regardless of that, everyone has bills to pay/financial goals. Children do what feels good, adults devise a plan and see it through.

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Since when has a Mario platformer been "thoughtless"? The NSMB games are bland but they're still solid platformers, and if you don't like Nintendo's take on Mario levels I don't know why you'd then dismiss literally everyone else's take on them


thought that was a poker hand table

You’re either dumb or willingly ignorant if you don’t think FE fans contest the idea that they have too many characters. At best they’ll complain about not getting THEIR favorite FE character

I expect one being releasing soon and the next one being teased like joker on the game awards 2018

I'm going to get shit for this, but I lost all interest when I saw it was a robot hand.

Lol no, anything developed or published by Sony stays Sony, and their movie games are a divergence from actual video games

fuck this faggot nigger shit someone better make a tl;dr what happened at e3

That's sad as fuck. You have limited time to take off and you took it off for E3. You are a sad fucking individual.

This, just look at a video or liveblog while you're at work, Jesus. I can't believe some sad fucks would TAKE TIME OFF WORK TO WATCH A FUCKING ADVERT.

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No they just contest people constantly bitching about clones getting in.

No one was begging for Corrin to get in, no one was begging for Roy to come back and no one was begging for Chrom to be in, certainly not to the extent of banjo/steve posters. There was no rallying behind these characters. At best people were like "Yeah might be cool".

Didn't they only reveal a few games and smash info last year? They better have a bunch of games to dump this time

>square at 3 AM

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t. never used pto to have fun outside of paid vacations to waste money

>expecting Square to announce anything of significance

And you waste your free time posting on here. Pathetic

>he belittles people for engaging in something they enjoy
have sex

Anything would be better than circlejerking garbage like banjo, doomguy, reimu, steve and erdrick

i want to see if they'll finally show more of that avengers game ||and bravely 3||

>Mario Maker Invitational

OH NO NO NO NO! Which person is going to be driven into the tranny-cult by a based chad incel this time?

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Nintendo threads are off topic for everyone who doesnt own the console. Because the entire nintendo library is a walled garden. Why should 80% of non switch owners on Yea Forums be forced to see 20 smash threads every time a character is announced?


Hopefully they called Cosmo back and this time he kills himself

with VR? lol

most PC gamers on Yea Forums own a Switch

>implying sony fanboys don't do the exact same shit

There wasn’t any rallying because FE isn’t popular enough of a franchise to get any push. Literally all of those characters got tons of apologism and there are millions of threads online full of people who think they deserve to be in the game and FE deserves even more. Meanwhile I literally searched for a FE hate thread on google and never found anything despite FE fans claiming it’s everywhere

Face it, FE isn’t some victim to smash boogeymen. It’s a flawed franchise that gets criticized like literally every other video game series out there. Get over yourself and your victim complex

They're skipping E3 because they have no gaems

>No one was begging for Corrin to get in
Even Sakurai didn't want Corrin in but the team said "we'll make him unique"

Is she coming back?

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>links awakening remake
>wart appears in links awakening
>one more missing style in mario maker 2
yep, I'm thinking 15 more minutes of showing off super mario bros 2 style

Lon Lon milk truk arriv

-5 minutes for Pokemon
Pokemon's going to be at least 15-20 minutes.

You are getting nintendo mixed up with sony


Pokémon will probably be shown off mostly in one of the Treehouse segments.

you mean Pokemon SS

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Decided to exclude it because what gives? they won't show anything like every past presentation

>1 hour
Well at least my hope of it not just being 30-45 minutes, there better not be any filler or 15 minute long developer talks or spending more than 5 minutes focusing on one game

>And then just to spite people, 15 minutes of Labo.
They wouldn't be that stupid to
Sweet Jesus, no.

it's started more recently than the fire emblem hate, so of course there isn't as much of it on aggregate.

Matt is shit. Hopefully Pat and Woolie do something together.

Pokemon probably won't be shown at all, it'll get its own Direct(s) after E3.

What was wrong with this, exactly? They talked about how they made the game too, the yarn Yoshi was just part of the segment. I don't see what's bad about developer interviews.

i honestly would love to see sakurai make something for another platform. not because of console-war bullshit, but because smashfags are the most cancerous fanbase in gaming and he deserves a chance to try something different without those entitled freaks latching onto it.
a sony board would honestly be paradise. it's been impossible to discuss sony on Yea Forums since 2006.

You're right, we do need a containment board for wojaks and NEVER EVER shitposters.

Sony doesn't make anything worth discussing for more than an hour, so this is what you get.

>and an Isabelle mascot will roam the convention center.
Shame Nintendo wouldn't let anyone take it out of the center. Whoever's inside could make a fuckton of money letting people have sex with them or just rub/touch them.

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Pokémon almost always gets shown at E3, it's just not revealed there.

Animal Crossing is the kind of stuff Treehouse is made for. They could spend an entire day with it and not show off everything.

>Footage of spook hotel, little bits of Metroid and balloon for Smash

>If we're lucky a new game


>but it's the surprise of the announcement more than the information itself that's the appeal
Considering the information is usually either depressing or just makes you wonder what the fuck Sakurai was smoking when he made that decision.

Something was wrong with it, considering that they never did that format again.

Fact is it kills the pacing of the direct. Its much better to save something like that for the treehouse streams. ands thats what they did.

I thought you were supposed to describe Nintendo, not Sony.

I think it had more to do with the fact that people didn't really like the games they announced that year. I thought the video itself was fine.

monolith was bought because namco wanted to get rid of them and no one bought except nintendo lol

Honestly they could release no new games, as long as they elaborate on what’s coming out soon I’m set
Give me my animal crossing and Bayo news
Give me Astral Chain

Animal Crossing will almost certainly be their focus this E3

that didn't stopped them years prior

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Smash reveal that isn't Steve
Mario Odyssey 2
New DKC game by Retro
Animal Crossing isn't New Leaf SWITCH VERSION

WarioWare: Switch It Up!
Ashley coming to Mario Tennis Aces
Wario Land Switch
Wario Land Virtual Boy 3DS port/remake?

Smash reveal is Steve or Undertale character

Smash reveal is Undertale character, Steve, or someone else I personally don't give a shit about.

Its the only big game this year we've seen absolutely no footage of

>The point of smash is to celebrate loved video game characters.
Hahahaha, not since Melee, user. You can count Brawl since Sonic is a big part of Nintendo's history with the 90s console wars, but after that, no. It's all about advertising now.

>Animal Crossing isn't New Leaf SWITCH VERSION
Don't worry. It'll be Pocket Camp: Switch Edition and now feature RLC.

0/10, makes no sense. the knock on sony is that they're too quick to drop their ips, not that they keep milking the same ones for 30+ years.

>Literally never happening ever, kys for making me want this so bad
What do you mean?? Why is it so impossible?

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If you have any console of any kind, you have a YouTube or Twitch app. You watch E3 on your television and use your PC for shitposts.

>because Sakurai doesn't care for Metroid.
You don't know that. I don't even fucking like Ridley and I'll say you don't know that. Every "Sakurai hates x" poster is a fucking idiot that has never met the man and does not know his tastes.

COol. Now to wait for the shitty, generic anime characters with down B counters.

no, he meant Pokemon /ss/

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Like he said, no games.

Fuck off

Metroid Prime Trilogy HD, SNES online, Retro's game
A Mario RPG that isn't trash, maybe just straight-up SMRPG 2, Monolith's game
Literally nothing new of worth is announced and the direct is just AC, LM3, and FE
Animal Crossing is acceptable but not ambitious, as is the rest of the direct

What outrage?

This, if the fucker gave a shit about Metroid he wouldn't shill Metroid Other M all the time.

Based monster/robotfag

Yeah man I sure am ready for that new castlevania game

>E3 Direct starts
>black screen
>after a few seconds a red Nintendo logo fades in
>youtube.com/watch?v=aaMokZN9u6M plays
>Animal Crossing trailer starts

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c'mon user, you know you want it.

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>Normal games and nintendo games obviously far apart from each other
t. First console was PS4 and is 14

>only day I requested off was for Nintendo's E3
Am I really missing out on Microsoft and Bethesda's conferences?

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You ain't the only one, user. Don't worry.

Congratulations user, good luck!

it was a bootleg sega genesis

There could be some good 3rd party reveals at MS's conference you might not want to miss (Last year had Sekiro and DMC5 for example)

>What was wrong with this, exactly?
It was during fucking E3. This is shit you put on YouTube AFTER the Direct, not fucking during it. It showed they had so goddamn little to show in terms of new games that they stuffed time with interviews.


Congrats MS, all those third party games sold better on NS.

Yes. That is the point of a Nintendo Direct. I don't give a fuck what Miyamoto saw in Japan that made him think about Star Fox. I don't care how long it took one woman to make a Yarn Yoshi amiibo. If you want to show that shit, do it on YouTube after the Direct is over. The Directs are used to show games, not life stories.

stopped reading

Go outside

>Sekiro and DMC5 sold better on Switch
What the FUCK did he mean by this?

you can also stop breathing now

Protip, 1時 is not the same thing as 1時間.


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I'm actually sad that they wont be there this year, I was looking forward to flute and banjo man 2.0

I enjoyed it. But that's probably my mechafagness talking

There will be a banjo man for Microsoft's conference, they have something to announce.

I just want Pikmin 4, it's been 4 fucking years already
Also for Luigi's Mansion 3 to have a fun online mode like 2
and Maybe an extra style for Mario Maker 2

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I'd say that Animal Crossing has the potential to be garbage or something really good, it just depends on which games they are building off of.

I'm really anxious to see what they do with it. Hopefully it's not just New Leaf HD, they should really push the envelope.

That doesn't say it's going to be an hour long. It's most likely going to be 45-50 like it usually is.

i fucking wish, user
instead, we'll probably get more reddit dog shoved down our throats

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Yeah but Sony isn't going to be there. We won't have as much material to work with unless Nintendo does another sketch type direct.

I'm betting that at least 30min will be spent on a single game
Probably Animal Crossing

Yea Forums is literally a Nintendo board you fucking idiot, go back to Resetera if you cannot cope with this

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>having to take time off your job to begin with
tick tock, wagie
nonetheless i'm looking forward to spending E3 with both my wagecucked and non-wagecucked anons, let's have a comfy E3 everyone

> BOTW making it instead of Wind Waker
> Doom & Deus Ex even being on there at all, when they aged like shit
Goddamnit Yea Forums

>even then it was just a band-aid since the main game still has lazy level design and constantly reuses assets
Like literally every single kirby game to date.
Hell, that could be applied to every game in a series period.

Why do you say that? The splatoon team is really good.

>pokemon soul silver
The new one is swsh

really excited for half of the direct to be about a fire emblem game that looks like shit.

>Star Allies just pales in comparison to even Robobot, which is a far better game.
I hate this meme. Robobot had VERY similar problems.

Wind Waker is fun but it's really not that good of a game, all things considered. Not that Breath of the Wild is much better, but still.

no way fag

Add another one to the pile

Doom is genuinely the only game that doesn't belong, replace it with Shadow of the Colossus & this list would be perfect

hi zoomzoom

as someone who likes Fire Emblem and doesn't care for smash I say what I say out of disdain for the direction the series is heading in and how everything I've seen and heard of three houses given what we have shows that IS doesn't know what they're doing and that just like game freak they are content putting out a shoddy product. I don't want or need Nintendo to waste anymore of my time covering a title I want to flop.

>The direct pauses and goes to a live feed of a presentation hall
>Nintendo employees get out on stage
>They are demonstrating LaboVR
>Everything goes wrong

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lol faggot

It literally is a outdated piece of shit, Doom aged horribly in every regard & has no business being on any list unless it's solely about "most influential games".

No no, that can't be right. You must be a stinky smelly Smashfag. They're the only ones who say bad things about Fire Emblem.