This is your healer for tonight
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This is your chad melee for tonight
Post theories.
Rate my bun bois.
lmao is that a bug when he jumps into the sky before the big final jump?
he starts convulsing like crazy
end urself
jk they look cute would cuddle
I always narrow it down to 3-4 tints, but it's the one thing aesthetician can't change and I always manage to spend Fantasias on minor tint changes.
No it's just like Nidhogg's move
Is the benchmark out already?
would mate/20
Your viera are fucking hideous, stop posting them.
Post hrothgar instead.
>NA threads full of Hrothgar
>EU threads full of Viera
their faces look like shit
Reminder that Nidhogg dive has a minimum range of 15y, meaning that elusive jump is now part of the DRG rotation
Wyrms fly up in a circular motion.
Its literally mimicing Nidhoggs movements.
>EU hours
>racewarring ensues
This is your tank
sq lazy as shit
it must be super sped up because it looks all broken
>fragile masculinity
>loving sexy and attractive characters
>still poor dps
AST looks great.
MNK bros where we at?
>presumably new AOE skill for raptor form
>meditation skill to charge/maintain GL stacks
>RoW gives greased lighting fucking four(4)
>RoF doesn't remove GL4
>new rad looking flippy kicky
>hadouken fueled by chakra, likely for AOE
You couldn't make a more generic thot if you tried. Congrats if that's what you're going for though.
Dragoons are such chads.
And they have the best girls as well.
Are they gonna give us a free Fantasia?
>There are more instant-cast spells. Black Mage evolved to cast more magic and if you are at 0 MP you can use Blizzard III to instantly restore MP. Flare only effects one enemy.
I'd like to think I did decently enough with her
of course not you idiot
you sound like a jealous female wow
>3 faces to pick from
>"haha you're GENERIC"
Well observed!
Any other brilliant insights?
Yeah its absurdly quick.
Obviously to not animation lock you like old jumps.
no. they already gave you one for free by completing the ARR msq.
The shit quality of the webm makes it look like he's spazzing out but it looks better at 60 fps
This is your tank.
Why do you want to play as a thot though? You and a million other incels are gonna make the exact same fapbait bunny.
Every job except RDM and BRD looked so cool in the video. I'm happy for everyone except RDM and BRD.
i want to hrothgar to be taller
Diggin it!
I think my Hroth
and my Viera are good...
>has to overcompansate for his shitty DPS with flashy moves
3.5s GCD
Simple viera seems to be the best option. Really need more hairstyles, though. Preferably ones with less risk of clipping.
cope, post body, and have sex.
not my style but if you like it then that's all that matters.
You got some quality taste
>white hair brown skin dime a dozen combo
>caked eye shadow and mole that every instawhore has
Don't know what you're asking for, buddy.
The role action change is retarded. Everything else is reasonable
You guys wanna know something interesting?
The Bard AF4 weapon was made in Vietnam
ew that nose
What are some good bots to level and get through the MSQ?
Where did you read this?
>greased lighting 4
>OC doughnut steel faggots are gonna be flooding these threads now with generic looking bunnies and hrothgar
this is starting to look like the most half assed expansion yet
I'm pretty pumped up for ShB. The way Yoshida talked about how MNK gets ludicrously fast at GL4 had me hyped as fuck. We got to keep TK and Brotherhood too, which is nice.
>GL4 is tied to FoW
So it'll never be used then?
Shut up faggot.
Lonely people don't often feel that they would be playing as a character, they feel like they are playing WITH the character.
Do Viera have the biggest tits out of all the races proportionwise?
BRD maybe, I didn't understand very well what changed and that charged shot doesn't look that good, but RDM got some cool new moves desu
To be fair, it's either generic or an abomination.
I'm starting to feel more and more convinced to switch to Lala
t. Fem midlander tank
I made the best viera. Not gonna play one so feel free to steal her, and have lost of degenerate erp.
Reminder that both races are good and if you hate one of them you need to get out of your chair, go outside, take a deep breath and have sex
>no female DRG gear like this in game
Unisex armor was a fucking mistake.
Viera the new Tranny race pretty much confirmed.
i actually just made it up but feel free to spread it around as if its the gospel truth
Viera boobs too small.
Not even close. In fact they're probably the smallest in proportion to their own body.
Bunnies look underwhelming and the whole benchmark has me lurkwarm. It looks so uninspired and boring.
why would you want to look like a retarded bdsm unicorn
Lalfells dancers.
I told you faggots the viera would have the fucking Elezen skeleton, but none of you believed me.
>Short hairs
lel, have fun looking like everyone else.
Without knowing any other changes they made, I would use it along with RoF, like in the video.
I hope not. Would be super retarded, I bet they just made him do that in video just to show the animation better 'cause in melee it would look weird.
Yes and Viera have the biggest asses too. I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this
Cats > rabbits
Prove me wrong
t. faggot
The new BLM animations are pretty underwhelming desu though their gameplay changes and numbers are amazing
>If your character isn't a special snowflake it sucks
>Hehe, you picked the most common of six hairstyles!
>Being a lonely faggot that jacks off to your character
>he plays cuck NIN
>he plays unwanted MNK or SAM
i might be a faggot but at least i dont want to roleplay as a leather pony
>armors still only have 400 pixels
i thought this was PS3 limitations, whats their excuse now?
how is hrothgar going to look like in the aesthetician? Will you even be able to change hair? You wont be even able to try out any of the new gimmick hairs they'll add like noctis'
Rate my viera
All that's changing for ShB, fool. Yoshi is killing meta niggers.
It's a shame. I was really expecting a spell that fired both Ice and Fire at the same time. I'm not a fan of this crystal thing they have going with Foul and Xenoglossy.
Says the one jacking it off to literaly gay bait.
why dont they make it so you can move while jumping?
WoW does this with a lot of abilities, if blizzard ever did something right, it's their combat smoothness.
Very cute Veena
PS4 limitations/spaghetti code
>faggot acting like his opinion on the attractiveness of women matters in any way at all
Gas yourself tranny.
>they make a sexual wah noise each time they press a dance button
yoshida thinks he's slick
It's similar to a rabbit nose, what's wrong with it?
>hey let's make every tank play exact same now
god I hope drg does not become a garbage spec nobody wants now that they gutted the debuffs and allegedly nerfed battle litany
i think you'll be able to change your hair to the other one from the same face, in any case future looks grim for catdads
While it’s a bit of a shame we only get a single job quest now per job, I can see why they’re doing that.
Let’s say they did it the old way, 4-5 quests per class. After doing some math, for 17 jobs, you’d have to design 68-85 quests in total. Instead, what they did was a single, most likely longer quest for each job, and role quests for bits of lore. So, while it’s a shame, I can understand the why.
>Trick is still here
Well I don't know about that. Unless other melees got something op too or SAM literally deletes bosses alone
>freak who wants to dress up as a girl, and then dress that girl up as a deformed unicorn
sounds like you're the fucking tranny here freako
Doesn't a stack of GL add more damage than FoF?
I can't remember the bonus value of GL but I think it was something like 10% attack speed and 7% damage.
>someone else made one that looks almost exactly like mine
Killed my excitement not gonna lie
who the fuck cares about job quests lmao
Where is trick? You're a second late
Yoshi's just giving you retards what you want. Now every tank is just a beefier dps with def cds.
How to prove wrong, when right?
Based as fuck
t. non-DRK
GL is 10% dmg 5% attack speed, FoF is 6% damage
>he plays metacancer
pathetic desu
Synergy meta is dead, bro. Now is the era of DNC/NIN/whatever two DPS put out the highest numbers
>Hrothgar can actually make shitty outfits look good
I don't think those additional hairstyles get locked to face, but I could be wrong.
I’m gonna steal this look and erp on balmung
>thinking trick will go untouched
Bitch nigga, all utility is getting nerfed hard to make way for the new buff bitch, dancer.
The "leak" mentioned summoning a thundercloud AoE, I was hoping at least that part was true. BLM looks so underwhelming since they really didn't change it at all.
single target flare and foul are things I never knew I wanted until yesterday
>projecting this hard
How is dressing up a game character the same as dressing up as a girl yourself? I guess anyone who plays a game with a female protagonist with gear customization options is a tranny then? Classic mentally ill faggot """logic""".
You're talking of the game where you can't accept queues while sitting, crafting, trading, gathering, etcetera etcetera
there are people that play on toasters worse than ps3. like gpd win or some netbook.
I am the best one here
>Doesn't a stack of GL add more damage than FoF?
You can't actually delete posts, newfriend.
Use the edit button next time you mess up.
disrespect the content today
Both are uninspired trash. Maybe you should stop having gay sex and go fuck a woman instead of your boyfriend.
you look like a deviantart furry oc
I'm going to be a straight male dancer lalafell.
Not any more, dropping 32 bit support!
have sex
Tell me about the vieras, Yea Forums
Why are they such qt3.14s?
>no MP/resource cost
Jesus, so are we just gonna spam AoE all day with no drawback?
I'm surprised nobody's complained about this yet.
>input pin to buff a friend
>everything was 50% procs
>less complexity than RDM
>bottom pdps
Who the fuck will play this?
looks retarded as shit
that's because they have to fit the animation in 2.5 seconds or else nobody would use it
those toasters run on 64bit operating systems so they can still play. but they use intel integrated graphics which is on par or worse than ps3.
So if the new AoE rotation spells for RDM are Veraero and Verthunder (+impact), what the fuck are the original Veraero and Verthunder called? They ain't gone.
what happened to all the media tour people who said they had screenshots of abilities tool tips, and were going to show us after the LL?
Can I kick some homo lala out of my party when he tries to partner with me for a dance?
It's fucking harassment. I don't consent.
not what that word means
>No other players in the background.
Yup; makes sense. This game is fucking empty.
We’re not going to kill Innocence until 5.4
I can't wait to see the numbers on the single target espirit dump
literally the girlfriend/wife's dps job
Literally bigger than Elezen and on the same proportions as Highlanders.
Embargo lifts on the 29th.
Like they said, it's just an evolution of what was already there. More spells, more ways to do damage, but the job itself is mostly identical. I don't really mind that a whole lot, I'm mostly disappointed in how they keep making BLM just a glorified Elementalist. I was really hoping for more THM related stuff that wasn't just Foul 2.0. They even removed the HP penalty from Convert.
They're still called Veraero and Verthunder. I don't think Koji has finished the translation yet.
Bend over
>Esprit Gauge
>"heh what a silly grammar mistake"
>mfw finding out Esprit is an actual word
American education memes are real
MP mechanics varies for jobs. some stay the same as it is now (BLM), some use MP for abilities (PLD), others have no cost (NIN).
ah, damn. thnx anyways
Still too small.
>AST AF4 is literally just a worse version than their Stormblood one
why even bother making it then
dps dps
healers heal
tanks dps with double the hp of a dps
Do whatever you want. I don't even play on Balmung or that data center. I'm just disappointed that somebody else made a character that looks almost exactly like mine already and that there isn't anything I can really do about it to make mine more of my own because this game's character creation is as shallow as a puddle. I wasn't very excited before but now I'm even less so.
weak b8
they are probably ver- Aera and ver-thundara in japanese, but for us, we'll get Ver-Areo II and Ver-Thunder II.
Looks like Veraero and Verthunder just change if the basic AoE spell is used preceding them.
>inb4 "It's a test server"
This is a WoW test server by comparrison.
look at my wife tanking, it's adorable.
unfortunately I don't think AST is allowed to have an AF that isn't gypsy cloth basically.
If the past few threads have taught me anything, it's that they look horrible in the hands of most people. I've seen more interesting Hrothgars than Vieras posted, where the latter only looks good most of the time when it's barely tampered with and kept pretty much as a basic bitch. Based on what I've seen, I'd expect much of the population to fantasia back to their short cats or Au Ra when they realize their new waifus tower above even Roes, since the benchmark and creator doesn't do a good job of reflecting just how tall a starting height of 5'10 is.
Especially since even if it was a mistake it would be a spelling mistake and not a grammar mistake.
Oh no, you mean a video game company might have had to actually create more content?
Finally some fucking kicking techniques, also the AF looks badass
It's a benchmark and a dev server in an area that no one has access to yet anyway..
I'm thinking of going for the similar hair style but without the bangs and side thing, also might add tattoos to make it more unique.
I really like that the current AST set has bare shoulders.
Bare shoulders are very sexual, I like them a lot.
in response to player feedback regarding the quality of shadowbringers AF gear, we have removed job specific gear and implemented role specific AF gear, to reduce the workload on the team and improve the quality of items
It looks better on men than the AF2 or AF3.
Are hrothgar and viera really worth to drop the full helmets?
>MNK gets some utility because a purely selfish dps isn't a good idea
>Makes SAM
>Nerfs raid utility to discourage meta
>Makes DNC
Madman or misunderstood genius?
What's the point of Reprise? Being able to throw it out while moving and/or five room for oGCDs?
meditation that preserves greased lightning and even builds it up is a fucking godsend. my main complain with monk was how you were forced to let your greased lightning expire during phase changes and then have to build back up.
What did I fucking say? "It's a dev server!"
Like that's an excuse.
Thanks Ion Hazzikostas
Consider WHM AF4, which is a copypasta of AF1 robe and AST AF3 hat.
They get a nifty staff though.
Black hair
Black skin
Black lips
Orange eyes
So generic I see tons of characters like that already
the ixion stress test in ffxiv had more players than that.
Cute tail
>tfw summoner doesn't get a slutglam
Tony was fired for our sins
>Displacement still has potency
>but it shares a cooldown with Engagement
>but Engagement has less potency so ideally you still want to live dangerously by using Displacement
the eternal dilemma
My best guess is a mana dump if you are about to use manafication and have both over 50
>2 different Verthunder/Veraero
No, Verthunder/Veraero are part of the new AoE rotation for RDM. Aero/Thunder is the short cast while Impact is now the long cast. They're both shown on the bar for RDM.
I think Scatter is gone in response to the AoE Verthunder/Aero being added, which makes sense since they're added at 18/22 while scatter was 18.
based retard
My dude youre not seeing the whole picture. Imagine what kind of lewd underwear the whm4 pants give you and look at the hooker boots peeking out.
you do a 90/90 rotation now
enhanced reprise->3 hit melee combo
Time constraints in regards to translations prevented us from adding two lowercase "L" letters to the end of both aoe versions please understand
AoE verthunder/veraero hasn't been named yet
please look forward to it
Reprise is ranged when enchanted as it was shown being used at a longer distance in the job trailer. However I still don't see a point in it since RDM is mobile enough that it doesn't really need an instant move like that (compared to SMN Ruin 2), unless it has an additional effect when enchanted.
>hrothgar are shorter than male au ra
>even if they stood fully upright roes would still tower over them
>roes are still wider as well
No faggot, Intel GPU runs WoW just fine for questing and dungeons, except when raiding, then the performance tanks
>Still assuming all skills do the same thing they used to after Yoshi's crusade against party buffs
Which AF is good?
I like Red.
Evokers on the first are conservative dressers.
This is your healer for tonight
And it's multiple consecutive runs of Castrum and Praetorium
I'm just glad they went with a better hat design for BLM. The concept art looked shit.
you get the aoe thunder when you should get scatter and aoe aero immediately after so scatter's probably out
ffxiv is way more graphically intense than wow. wow is more cpu bound because it uses 15 year old single thread coding.
Pretty much. Displacement is statistically better than Engagement, but Engagement is for fights where you can't really afford to be leaping back potentially off the stage or into a shitty AoE
Fug no I've had a chad helm since day one.
To burn your gauge before phase change, I guess. It needs only 10 to be enchanted
actually looks pretty cool
though I tend to prefer Hrothgar with moustaches, it just makes them much more charming
RDM having a skirt instead of the buttcape of the previous set is way nicer.
This is literally what we all wanted though
I mean we pretty much do anyway. Trash packs always die before you run out of TP as a tank unless your DPS just arent trying at all. Plus it seems each job/tank gets a filler AoE and then 1-2 MP costing AoE.
Post scared translator
RDM, DRG and SAM definitely win this round.
Hrothgar grandpas are based as fuck
I like PLD too, it's nothing exciting but it looks nice.
Who gives a fuck about personal DPS over group DPS?
>there are people that play on toasters worse than ps3
literally me
on top of my social autism i will never be able to do shit like ucoil
won't be able to find a job until next year too
Scatter is most likely gone since VerAoE-ro is gotten at level 18, which was scatter's gained level. They want AoE rotation for RDM to be more involved than scatter spam I guess.
Though this begs the question on what you're supposed to lead AoE Veraero/Thunder into before you're level 66, which is when you get reworked Impact (and still do apparently)
Cross-server travel is just one step closer to server merging.
Hey guys, do you think an Intel GPU can play Shadowbringers?
There were pretty much none when I was sporting a cat with that look throughout ARR.
In case anyone here has shit eyesight:
Fated Circle: Weaponskill, Delivers an attack with a potency of 360 to all nearby enemies. Costs 1 cartridge. Gained at level 72. 5y radius.
when i was doing xdeath faust, i remember a phase where i couldnt do any GCDs, other than swift cast, for roughly 3-4 GCDs.
even if i fucked up my rotation, to the point of finishing a GCD right as i need to dodge out of the aoes, id dual cast once, swift cast another, and then do nothing for nearly 2 GCDs, as im dodging the continuous aoes.
for phantom trian, sometimes u get unlucky, and just too many times ur tethered to ghosts, while ppl who have the lgihts, are just too far away from u. sprint and swift cast help with the 1st two times, but sometimes the 3rd, or just poorly timed with other mechanics, lead to needing to move and theres no time to hard cast.
so imo, its perfectly fine for moments like those. it will still do less dps than normal gcds, so u ideally want to minimize it as much as possible.
i dont think you get the point of support
It's the same hat dingus you justs ee it from the side now.
meter padding faggots do
>claws confirmed to be part of the racial outfit's gloves
Cute and funny
I wish I had a viera futa fap buddy
screencap this
We will have at least one fight with constant stream of adds to AoE next raid tier if not on primals already
Healing required will skyrocket compared to today's srandard so healers will have less time do deal damage
People who use fflogs for anything other than self improvement.
for all the shit MCH has gotten and it was indeed shit for all of SB, I'm loving these animations and am really hoping its fun again
>Though this begs the question on what you're supposed to lead AoE Veraero/Thunder into before you're level 66
Another VerAero/Thunder. Basically what you did with Scatter before.
>Resubbed for Shadowbringers, a large part of that is the Viera and my love of Ivalice stuff
>Want to go back to Lalafell
And you still have perfect balance and form shift to generate stacks. user is being of simple mind.
Aero>Thunder, Aero>Thunder, Aero>Thunder. It's about as involved as current RDM's aoe.
probably just each other, RDM rotation was scatter>scatter, now it's aero/thunder>thunder/aero
>Titania is just loli Ramuh
>liondads actually looking pretty based
Can't wait for lionmoms in 6.0!
Ivalice a shit
So bunny uses elf and lion uses rog
How fucking lazy
It's Aero/Thunder > Impact
end yourself. theres no recovery
I dunno. They look almost Roe height if standing up. You can see them standing in the benchmark. I like that Hrothgar are slightly smaller, but have way better muscle definition instead of being blocky and fat.
>playing DRG or NIN and being a metafag
The only cuck here is you. Monk and SAM are the most fun, t. someone who's raided with all the melee DPS
Viera are short too. I'm pretty miffed about it. I wanted them to at least be elezen height.
are you ready for all the squall gunbreaker and cringe dancer partner macros?
This and also big focus on interrupts.
I think you have that backwards. Raiders want jobs that bring the maximum group DPS over selfish DPS unless the selfish DPS is just so high that it overtakes the difference. DNC doesn't look that weak potency wise.
He means before you hit 66, since you get AoE Aero/Thunder at 18/22 and then Impact all the way at 66
If you've not been playing MCH since Heavensward and through Stormblood you're not allowed to play it in ShB you bandwaggoning fucks
The Lalafell on the left is actually wearing the Diamond set from Sigmascape, actually.
More importantly, will healers still have Rescue?
It's perfect. The little black feathers when you summon him, the way he kneels when he despawns.
Anyone got the webm?
Tried making a furry version of my roe, I think he's fine but he's just not nearly as tall as I would have liked
we're talking about before 66, please read the post chain before replying
do it. lalafells get special dialogue in the 5.0 areas.
Time for compromises
R8 it, don't h8 it.
Play male Elezen.
Just imagine how fucked up the DRK questline is gonna be this time to mandate an ability for Fray to fight alongside us whenever we need him.
DO WE ONLY HAVE ONE COMBO OR NOT AHHHHHH. I like all our new cool shit, but damn I'm not looking forward to using soul eater combo for another 2 or more years. I hope we can weave in those other moves.
He looks great my man.
Nah, I was cycling through races (max height) in the benchmark, and hrothgar would be about male au ra height if they stood upright
>Generic lionman
Better than 95% of the viera posted here, but that doesn't say much. Hrothgar only look good as grandpas.
I don't wanna tell him bros...
>DRK questline
I'm so sorry user, there's only one job quest and it's at 80
He's going to find out eventually though...but oh dear it might kill him.
user.... you're going to want to sit down for this....
i've got some bad news
I'm going to make my potato prance around in a thong and a slit skirt and nothing you can say or do will stop you from enjoying it.
Fuck, man cats are pretty rad honestly.
But Im not buying a name change as well go play a male.
not him, but I'd rather keep high overall group utility focus instead of buffing single person focus, it just asks for more problems than there already is. when I've seen what dancer does I was really let down and not because of gameplay, but because of how strong it looks for single person padding.
Is this a DRK only thing, or does every other class only have 1 quest?
try the benchmark
>every job gets only one quest
i don't know how to tell you this user... but its worse than that
It's not a dong hat now
Do we know when DNC and GBK get unlucked? I don't want to wait until level cap to unlock them like in HW.
This better than ESO?
>that synched Bloodspiller at the end
that weird DRK thing with Fray's timer is a pair of DRK faces
Are we gonna get a free fantasia when ShB drops?
based retard
>the DRK questline
Quests are by role, with each Job having one at 80
I actually like that they're not giving us shitty job quests. I hate those solo trials they make you do.
this but unironically
Now I know you're fucking with me. Thanks for the hearty kek
don't worry bros role quests will fill the job quest gap
Roles will share a questline, with jobs only having one unique quest at level 80.
Yeah, people didnt notice because they are screaming of happiness cause a nigger will mirror their moves. Dark Arts dps increase is gone, Dark Side is gone, dont know what they will do with the aggro moves, if they are outright removed. For DRK there is not much going for it.
New jobs get 60-70 questlines. All the old jobs only get one job quest at 80, the rest are replaced by a questline catering to roles instead of jobs.
havent played since omega release. now that theres a 7 day trial again im going to jump into it. anything i need to know?
>MNK getting a skill to build GL stacks
It is done. MNK is finally perfect.
>and also and aoe skill for raptor form
MNK is perfecter
>and also another chakra spender
wtf how is this going beyond perfection?
>and also GL4
MNK confirmed for seeing the face of god.
Do we know that they also dont have group buffs? Im assuming they keep the same role skills as the other two and surely theres some utility there.
If it supports DX11 api it should be able to play
prepare yourself before you unveil this spoiler
role quest
>it's fine for the devs to be absolutely disgustingly lazy because i'm terrible at the game anyway
yeah it figures.
>Server that literally nobody can get to is empty
based retard
who thought this would be a good idea
>oh no they removed the button and combo everyone hates to press
>Replying to someone who is just pretending for a joke and taking it seriously
No, it isn't. Each job gets 1 quest. The rest of the 71-80 quests are shared between jobs in a role (Physical DPS and mage are separate), including for crafters and gatherers (Grouped as BSM/ARM/GSM, CRP/LTW/WVR, ALC/CUL, BTN/MIN and FSH)
Is this a new funny maymay? The LL said it was GNB. The new jobs unlock the same as in SB, you hit level 60 and you can unlock them.
Small indie company, they must reduce work time where they can. Prease understandu
what the fuck is a role quest? You telling me 70-80 is NPCs telling me to tank mobs? What the fuck
do you have a brain tumour? they're obviously going to increase potency across the skills to make up for DA/DS potency losses and/or just make hte new shit really strong
se might be dumb but they're not THAT dumb
It's the logical step. Adding more jobs while keeping job questlines means adding more work every expansion. Makes sense to consolidate them into the roles.
At least we're still getting a capstone ability quest so we keep some job flavor instead of removing it altogether.
>Darkside is gone
We don't know that yet, it's probably a trait since it's something you never turned off in SB anyway
I think Hrothgar are fucked on the hairstyle front, but I bet Viera will eventually have access to all of the existing styles.
role quests are going to be the stories of the first's fallen hero characters.
All jobs bars are supreme kino
You just got triple reverse baited by replying to someone pretending to reply to someone who was pretending to bait.
Excuse what?
Fucking why????
theyre still lazy, but now i dont have to stomach through a million quests if i level multiple jobs. maybe if the job quests were actually difficult enough to gate you like in xi
Better name it Griever
It's a series of story quests that gives you control over one of the Warriors of Darkness (Arbert and friends) depending on your role.
>people buying mainstat materia like crazy
What new jewery have these autists planned?
>hurr durr only pretending to be retarded
Giving them (You)s is dumb but they're still retarded
Is it bait if im just telling people to stop wasting precious post counts?
Adding job quests has become exponentially more expensive every time they've added a new job.
>short hair and spats
>About 20 different jobs in the game that all need full questlines written out for them every expansion
Gee user I wonder why
They are going to be questlines revolving around the WoD party members (retracing their footsteps apparently) and are catered to Tank, Healer, melee dps and ranged dps respectively. You're required to finish at least one of the 4 sets to progress the MSQ.
Here's my princess, say something nice about her!
DRK went from being fun on HW to Dark Arts spam on Stormblood to no buttons allowed (So far that we know) on Shadowbringers.
Yeah they will balance around. But by no means DRK is guaranteed to be great.
It cost mp, so i doubt it would be a trait. Tough i guess on Stormblood that dont matter either.
cheap fodder for materia transmutation
Do we get free fantasia for the expac? If not, I couldn't care less about the new races, fuck paying microtransactions to access part of the expac I paid for.
Dumb stormbab, HW DRK was literally dark arts spam + low blow spam + sometimes you delirium and scourge.
It's finally our time MNKchad. I thought this was the true MNK expansion.
I like my lizardboy au ra (even though he's literally just a human with scaly bits and a tail, which pisses me off to no end fuck you FF14), but these catmen make me want to fantasia into one and make him a dancer.
Bye felicia.
>Will they let me have a free fanta?
>I want to play a viera but not actually level one up
>Fuck playing the game, why won't they let me pay to skip that for free?
so far we have gotten 1 fantasia per new expansion, don't worry you little tranny, you can go back to the cat
>No more story for each jobs
>Generic go tank this, go heal this, go kill this
>Nothing unique anymore
>Huhu too much work
Ah go fuck yourself
Most job quests are garbage and more of a chore than anything else too. I don't understand why people are sad about not having to trudge through an uninteresting story that has no incidence on the main plot and quests that at best ask you to kill a few mobs. The only interesting part about these quests are the final bosses.
>It cost mp, so i doubt it would be a trait.
It hasn't cost MP (at least not properly, since you use it out of combat and then let your MP regenerate) since Stormblood launched.
You can access Hrothgar and Viera at no additional cost, so you're not locked out of it. You'll just have to make a new character
It's not that it's too much work, it's that it is becoming more and more work to retroactively create job quests backwards and forwards with each new job added. How do you not get this? They need to do something to mitigate it, either less jobs or less quests per job.
You get a free Fantasia already for beating the ARR story. If you already used it then it's your fault.
Excepting DRK, which is relevant, in this expansion moreso.
So you have fundamental misunderstandings of how Dark Knight currently and formerly worked. Thus, I assume you literally just don't fucking play it. Please stop bitching about Dark Knight if you don't play it.
>we removed all the aggro combos
well i never used them anyways but this leaves just 123 or 124 for tanks
nice b8
Look I get being excited for shadowbringers. There's a lot there to love (for most people). But not admitting losing job quests is a bad thing is pure shill territory.
>No more unique quest about jobs
>No more world-building
>Actually okay with generic quests for role quest
Jesus fuck you guys will eat anything Yoshi shit out huh
And so cheap. Way cheaper than before, yes, but still seems to be a waste of money considering how easy it is to get good materia.
They're still there, they just do something else now. PLD still has Halone
crafting materia will get pricey on xpac
Reminder to buy your retainer Fantasia before they go up to 100k
We never got one for SB, and the only one from HW was a collector's edition bonus
i know one is the timer on fray, but im trying to figure out what the other is.
also, anyone else think that having bright colored eyes on hrothgar looks corny/cartoony?
What the hell is it with you guys and abusing blusher? STOP PUTTING ON SO MUCH BLUSH, you look like a fucking circus clown, holy shit
this weekend is the last chance for the ff15 event if you want that sweet car
Shadowbringers is literally designed so that you only play it for a month then drop it to go play WoW Classic.
How the fuck was this b8? I'm legit confused at why people would be ok with having the new expac races locked behind an additional paywall.
Somebody post the Lala dancer webm.
Of course it's bad but what do you actually expect instead?
They can't just keep piling it up.
The eyes are too low res for bright colours I think.
I'll have to see how it plays out. In SB the 61-69 job quests were universally dogshit, only the level 70 ones were good. So cutting out the trash filler to replace it with fewer, better quests could be a good thing. Again, though, we'll see how it plays out.
What is the most optimal way to farm wolf marks? I really want to get some pvp gear for glam
Yeah I'm thinking we're back MCHbros.
please don't be rude to the catlets
you can heal my BONER
The race isn't behind a paywall dipshit. Click "Create new character"
It's not an additional paywall you fucking faggot. You bought the expansion, you can now make a Hrothgar or Viera.
Blizz moved back Classic launch date because they were afraid of launching aside shadowbringers
I rly wish I could see some SCHs tooltips since they showed nothing for healers in the LL. 29 th CANT COME SOONER AA
why is it bad? job quests were the worst part of the fucking game. They were fucking awful, all of them, and locking skills behind them was the worst idea squeenix ever had. fuck off.
Not that user but I never got one.
well the leaks were right so you can just read the pastebin if someone still has it
Why didn't they just lift the NDA this weekend?
>tumblr nose
I hope this is the end of the BRDvMCH rivalry.
It was a recent change. Folks that started before that got one from their first subscription
trying too hard
--So much eyeliner she looks like a raccoon
--Clown car blush
--Heavy lipstick to complete the tramp look
Literally the only redeeming factor this character has is her brow line, and even then I'm convinced you did this by accident
This rabbit looks like she just finished her shift at the stripclub, then got slapped on both cheeks and cried so hard her mascara ran
>make a new character in a game you've spent 400 hours on just to change race
Why are you being intentionally stupid? There's no reason fantasia should cost real money in the first place in a paid MMO.
Yeah, DNC stomps both of them with its superior padding skills.
did they remove the pets?
Because print media.
>OMG They want me to do job quests to know more about the job so i can get skills and learn more about the world what the fuck?
Go play wow instead retard
Most of them were fucking generic garbage so good riddance. No more Curious Gorge or cleanse the taint.
Of course that also means no more DRK quests, but that quality was the exception not the rule.
------ Healers ------
-Scholar :
> Fairies cant die now.
> Bahamut fairy???? wtf
> Constallation skill, restores hp, cure pot high.
Puts up a shield on amount of HP, but its the fairy that does it
> Serafic veil, BUFFED FAIRY
> Sacred soil gives regen.
> Less dots
> Aoe dots doe
> Not a whole lot changed.
> Aetherflow is a attack skill that grants aether
> You get a skill that helps you crit skills, for spreading etc
> Indom is free!
> Seraph is upgraded Fairy
-White Mage :
> Reworked / Redone
> You get a better holy skill / aoe.
> You get a new spam ability " Glare "? Most likely wrong name.
> New dot 60 pot 30s
> Rapture? Better cure 2
> 2 mins buff at 80, massive healing skill / buff for yourself
> GOD JOB, you get wings, like the ones from EB or the Ultima emote.
-Astrologian :
> New spell : Creswahtiahiojwdoiajdo whatever it was?
> Ultimate skill is : 20 buffs that gives both stances, you basically become super healer
> No more spreading cards
> Seems to be focusing on " solo cards ".
> Cards are changed as well.
> Lady of crowns / Lord is buffed balances cha
How's my plain jane? Probably won't fantasia but it was still fun tinkering
I hate nastrond, I wish they gutted this gayass red botd gimmick
How's my Bun?
>Fuck them for expecting me to play this game I pay to play
>They should let me skip it all
Blame WoW and its players, they set the standard for what money can be charged for.
Is MCH hrothgar disgusting?
too wh*te
I desperately want some numbers on the AST cards changes
fflog fags are seething
>No more world-building
The role jobs will still have world building though.
Nothing is disgusting as MCH
Fahros "Doesn't know how compressed files work" Lesdenfor
based retard. the whole point of removing TP was because melee were horribly outmatched at AOE
>There's no reason fantasia should cost real money in the first place in a paid MMO.
they're a business. the goal is to make money. without money or less money, stocks drop and people have to be fired, game development plans become affected.
>zero utility
Oh no no no WHM bros what are we gonna do?
I can't take another expansion of being in the shed.
Would skin and cook
Re-discovering the lost summoning arts in HW was cool beans though.
I have literally never seen an MMO that let you freely change races.
Too Huyr-like for my taste.
What did the influencers think of the Live Letter?
World building as in relevant to each jobs, you don't expect them to write lore about dragons or black mage in role quest are you?
It will be a generic go kill someone.
I mean he's right though. I have no idea what squeenix think they're doing.Dancer buffs are way too fucking powerful and I don't get why they are so hell-bent on destroying any and all active team coordination.
looks like shit, but then, they all do
Alphinaud is a SCH now!
How would I be skipping anything if I've already done everything on one character? I know you're being intentionally retarded, but you're doing such a bad job, I'm not sure youre pretending
>AoEs for both caster and melee are now prohibatively expensive for the 10k MP cap
>This is done to slow down dungeons so people respect the content.
end yourself retard
Good. I hate FFLogs niggers
How about do your fucking role.
How about move out of the fucking AoE for a change instead of getting hit by shit because you want a better DPS number on a shitty website.
Thank fuck theyre making Tanks tank and Healers heal.
cough up goyim
No, that's what I'm going as.
I'm not trying to be funny, I'm legitimately asking: what's the point of a benchmark for an expansion? It's not like this adds crazy graphical overhauls or anything, since it's still limited by the PS4.
You haven't done it as a viera, which is the content you claim to be being locked out of.
literally made for mating press
>melee were horribly outmatched at AOE
not really melee had fucking goad and there was tactician both of which made them perfeclty able to spam away, unfortunately DPS are fucking retarded and can't be bothered to use their kit and squeenix sadly decided to pander to those retarded people with literally every change they made to this game
I'm glad he finally came to terms with what nature intended for him and started getting down on his knees to healslut for his WoL tank daddy
>People are unironically crying they won't get more help cure Curious Gorge's ED quests or more helping Alka Zolka fuck a tonberry quests
Are you serious?
I don't dislike viera, but I hate that Fan Service, The Race got in over bangaa.
>No more unique quest about jobs
>No more world-building
>Actually okay with generic quests for role quest
The role quests are more tied to the story of the First and the Warriors of Darkness as opposed to shit that may or may not be relevant depending on your job.
You're in a whole other world so what are you going to learn about the history of your world's jobs and traditions there?
Free viral marketing when people share their scores on Tweeter.
seriously, someone needs fired.
Plus giving out Regen so early, when AST/Time Mage werent in the game yet.
i bet you are a faggot who can't wait to play DNC on your bunny
Tell me about SMNs in this new expansion, did they get neat new toys? Will they still have the most ridiculous rotation?
>It will be a generic go kill someone
bruh, that's what all your precious job quests were.
>I will teach you this skill, but first go here and kill 3 balloons
>ah, you killed the balloons. Very good. Very good. You are indeed gifted, as I thought from our first meeting. Now here is the skill I said I would teach you.
Oh nice. Aoe should be a bit less boring now.
the fact you had to rely on regen skills to enable your aoe is why you were outmatched. casters just outright did aoe better, and ranged did too.
already do
like others pointed out, it's the typical case of a guy with no idea about women trying to make a female character. This is why cats are walking jesters with the mixed eye coloring and overdone coloring and also going to be repeated in the vieras.
Even when they got goad AND invigorate i still saw people running out of TP on the regular. MNK's had zero excuse as well despite having a shit ton of AOEs because of chakrastacks
who gives a shit, just heal me faggot
Phoenix, insta pet swapping, two aetherflow stacks not 3. More about pets than dots now.
WHM is going to have multiple dots and a better cure 2 with a new buff, wtf else could you even want? Do you just want it to have all the other skills from all the other jobs? SCH/WHM is obviously now the absolute best healing combo, even more so than before. WHM is half way out of the shed and AST is chained up in the back.
Nay, you can see both of them on the hotbar
as you can see from the trailer their rotation is literally "summon a basic egi, dump two aetherflow stacks, summon bahamut, summon the other basic egi, dump two aetherflow stacks, summon phoenix." simplified and casualized.
You WoW babbies do realize that there's no GAMEPLAY diference in race.
Yes, its a cosmetic change, but I'm already paying a sub, AND buying a 40 dollar expac, there's no reason I should be expected to pay any more cash for anything else in the game.
>More about pets than dots now.
Oh fuck this is what I've always wanted. Fuck playing a pseudo-WoW warlock.
The answer is we just don't know. There are too many unanswered questions and the showcase really showed fuck-all in terms of deeper mechanical workings.
explain me why would I care about a SAM shitter
Hurr, then how are you locked out of content?
Blew yourself the fuck out, idiot.
You need to get that cat completely naked.
>guy with no idea about women trying to make a female character.
>5.0 white mage has more dots than scholar
I just said MCH works with everything
Your Viera must really love mustard, because she's got it on her face.
white knights out in full force sucking that yoshi-p microdick
Your job no longer has any lore being built up. This entire expansion is a romp in an alternate universe that doesn't even know what the fuck a Paladin, Warrior, etc is.
You still need to apply the same DoTs, that part didnt change but what you do after that changed
AF, tri-bind, shadow flare, rouse, bane, and energy drain are all gone as they were. DoTs are still there, and fester too.
Cosmetics are still content, fuckwit.
Holy shit, a Summoner AF I can actually wear as a dude. We ARR now bois
no, that's a person with no taste trying to make a character
>It's only content when it's convenient for me to say it is!
WHM will literally never replace AST unless cards are flat out removed. Party buffs>Even more pointless healing spells.
they dropped 32bit/dx9 support. also if you notice closely in the 1st battle scene there's more characters showing up on screen instead of phasing in and out which means they increased the object/character display limit. I got a bigger FPS dip there than the Stormblood CPU intensive scene.
Might go for ninja for the first raid tier since they're out of the cuckshed now
It doesn't matter, they are doing a lazy job with the quests anyway
The interrupt thing really makes me hopeful since they didn't say they were changing the enemies resistances.
>have to interrupt X attack
>if you interrupt Y then the boss will resist stuns when he casts the next X
>Seeing Yoshis lala in the RDM artifact gear
im gonna commit a crime
>Wanting a tastelessly shoehorned in series of job quests in an expansion about a world where most these jobs may not even exist.
>and the showcase really showed fuck-all in terms of deeper mechanical workings
There ARE no deeper mechanical workings. That's how summoner works now. You get everything handed to you right away.
then just don't play the new races, christ.
Great, no more job quests, what's next? Less Story Quest? Less Armors? Less Zones?
Fucking hell
the call that saved MCH
Pets are entirely reworked to actually function like they do in every other FF game(this includes SCH). The only downside is Titan-egi no longer being your solo tank buddy, but now he can be used in dungeons and raids. Also, FUCKING PHOENIX HOLY SHIT GUYS.
They need to divert development resources to Eureka style content.
>Samefagging with your bullshit this hard.
it literally will though. several groups will still run whm even if its not meta.
I tried
Why do they have to? Why can't the new job quests be about inner reflection? You don't need other Paladins around to have a quest along the lines of "What would a Paladin do in this situation?" when trying to protect someone in the new world.
>less story quests
just give me more raids
Yes, you're proving his point.
>SAM main
>faggot opinion
I'll decide that for myself once the tooltips are out thanks.
Thats not what is being argued here. I never denied people never ever run comps with non-meta jobs. Its just that in a meta raiding sense they won't often get into many groups.
if your ping sucks you're still in the cuckshed
Only a few job quests were actually worth anything. Then you get absolute dog shit like 30-50 MNK.
God i hate Diadem 3.0 already
>Anyone who doesn't suck Yoshi cock is a samefag
They're using the new races as a selling point to the expac, and if they dont give you a fantasia, they're using the expac to sell microtransactions, which is scummy as fuck.
I'm not gonna play the new races, but I'm not happy with scummy practices
>The job with the literal longest DPS rotation in the game being made somewhat easier
SMN was the most punishing job if you fucked up with MCH as a close second, so I'm glad both are getting the heavy rework they deserve.
Pagos and Hydratos were great though. If Shadowbringers Eureka starts off like those then it's going to be good.
not as many people care about the meta as you might think, especially if youre not playing with autistic americans
We will do less raids now to focus resources on improving Hunt
Please understandu
Say the b word.
>lv 80 DRK quest
>Fray was just an illusion the whole time
>The true darkness was inside of you all along
every class is in the cuckshed if you have bad ping though...
that guy is a samurai so yes he is trying to do his role
MCH has a stand now?
japanese people loved the shadowbringers stuff according to the nico nico survey. but americans are complaining like usual.
Daily Frontline roulette
And training feast if you queue as a healer
His role is to do damage, and he's complaining about people helping him do more damage
>Inner reflection.
These things don't relate at all.
but if you're NIN then you go to the super weeny hut jr's cuckshed
It's a Gurren Lagann mecha you uncultured swine
Who are those two little shits? They don't look like Dwarves so they probably came from Eorzea.
So the game will become even more casual now that every role class is the same and every class is even easier to play.
The combat changes sound good overall. The thing that gives me pause is how limited the new races are in creation. ffs hrothgar can't even pick a hairstyle.
Uh, that was the level 50 DRK quest you fucking tard
People want job quests they can take what they get. You're not in a situation to have normal job quests given to you.
well the DRK quest chain was pretty shit up to this point so I dont have much hope for a good job quest in ShB.
>Triple quads
There goes the thread. It was nice knowing you all.
based retard
My point is that role quests tied to the history of the First and the WoDs are a better choice for world building and lore.
Parse trannies are fucking cancerous
The difference between green purple orange faggotry is just shaving off a minute or two from a clear
Racing elitism is what killed MMOs
GNB tank stance is called royal guard
No you goddamn retort, it's a robot
what a nice way to close the thread since we hit the bump limit already
>Rolling my face over the keyboard while playing is a good thing!
Yet you are the one using the word retard.
so are all the comatose scions in the First right now? will they be present for the main story?
Dark Knight and Gunbreaker both look awesome. I'm going to level both.
Tank stances are just for aggro now so probably not yoshi didn't hover over it did he?
based and retardpilled
Final Fantasy XIV: Shedbringers, brought to you by WAR, WHM, and BRD!
Porn of these two when
He did
based cutscene skipper