>Here’s your Nilfgaardians bro
Here’s your Nilfgaardians bro
Jin-Roh Nilfgaard
I don't know the source of this but I bet they are going to CG the hell out of that armor.
right looks way more practical and realistic for what medieval age armor would have been capable of
its a fantasy book filled with mythical creatures and magic
I dont think its supposed to be going for realism
that is total bullshit. Medieval armors were painted.
forgot pic
When in the Middle Ages did they have armor that looked like a scrotum?
you are stupid, user. just wanted to tell you that.
>happy horses
>angry donkey
What does the artist want to tell us?
Are they trying to drive sapkowski to suicide or something?
Plus they have stupid fantasy swords that look like Orcs made them
Both look gay. Nice.
horse cost couple houses
donkey cost 1/4 of a house and treated badly
post the webm
dumb american
why did you censor thier faces?
falchion variation is fine, it was very popular weapon late 13th up to 16th century
They didn't. It's a make up for the black ones.
Are you sure about that
tons of people already posted that i'm apparently wrong, what are you proud of yourselfs that you posted the same thing again? you want an apology or something? jesus you retards need to get a life
holy fuck that looks so shit, Jesus Christ. Why do they always do this? All they have to do is copy the video game, but every time they have to bring in their retarded "vision", why not adapt it faithfully and of course since it's Netflix they absolutely have to shitskin it up to the max too. I am getting tired of this.
oh so the nilfgardians are just the dark and spooky evil guys now instead of just 'the enemy country'?
This site is 18+ you faggot. Lurk more.
No. Left one literally looks like how real historical armors looked, right one looks like some weird clump of shit that no one ever wore.
it dawned on me, they gonna rewrite nilfgaard into fascist regime while in book it's authoritarian meritocracy(more or less)
right looks like how the blacksmith have a mental breakdown and goes full retard.
It would at least make sense for some niggagaardians with Zerkiania and all
the most popular weapons were polearms... polearms... polearms...
This is what us Yea Forums(nel)ers like to call getting BTFO
The stupid fuck signed off on the series without making himself a producer. He easily could have came in as a consultant to stop this retarded shit, but to be fair, the original Witcher wasn't exactly visually appealing.
obviously they will put CGI over it and to complain now you have to be retarded
although I already accepted the series is going to be shit anyway
also it reminds me when world of warcraft movie was announced in 2006 or something. Before anything official was even revealed there were pictures of asians cosplaying as dwarfs, elves and orcs with decorations resembling warcraft.
These pictures were circulating over the internet and at the time could be seen if you typed "world of warcraft movie" in the google images and people were also freaking out like retards. - Does anybody even remember this?
You're not apparently wrong, you're just wrong.
Lurk two more years before posting again, or wait until your balls drop. Whichever comes second.
>designing good looking armor
>in the current year
we want a 500 words apology signed in blood
pikes and only for footman, they couldn't do shit vs armored cavalry either way
man at arms used maces or swords, cavalry had wide range of maces, small axes, swords, short spears
bastard swords were a popular thing too, at least among pros
polearm was harder to use than a sword -> less people used it.
I see this polearm meme only on Yea Forums for some reason.
You sure those are Nilfgaard? Looks like Wild Hunt to me, that way the armor would make sense since it looks like a shitty halloween prop
sun in the middle of the chest
>armor made from elephant ballsack skin
see that black son? looks closer.
You might be right, the Wild Hunt had swords like those.
>black son
Always knew Nilfgaardians were a bunch of cucks.
what the fuck it looks like a trash bag
scroted armor was really popular in the 16th century, particularly in German styles
Sapkowski is a burning liberal, so he would probably support it if he actually gave a crap.
He's one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet if you're unlucky enough to have met him.
What the fuck nigger
>polearm was harder to use than a sword
Not that guy but are you retarded?
Those are Nilfgaard footmen, why the fuck would they have falchions you dumbass
Open your eyes fuck, that looks nothing like the actual nutsack those Nilfgaardians are wearing around themselves.
Nilfgaard is a proud and stern NOT GERMANS imperial state that could be or not as evil as any of the other evil empires
Gray areas confuse americans so they will turn them into magical zombie nazis
500 word apology for being so fucking dumb.
>left to right
Did they fucking lose them or something?
They changed the costume designer/director.
you are so wrong...
Hey man I played Mount & Blade too lmaaooo
>knitted chainmail stand-in
Is it 1929?
changed costume designer/director to pocket more money for themselves
Show is based on the books, and not on TW3.
Did the Nilfgaardians in the books wear ballsack armor made of plastic?
>Based on the books
No it's not. Book had no black people in lead roles and Geralt was ugly as fuck.
The show is based on jews desire to rape european medieval setting.
Ironically, outside of >463321071 and two from this pic , neither of these are medieval.
Why is Yea Forums filled with gullible fucks who unironically think videogame adaptations can be good?
They have never been, and they will never be.
No, your stupid Mortal Kombat movie was nothing more than pure drivel.
Fucking, the Witcher games are set in Renaissance fantasy setting. This on the left is a Renaissance fucking armor. That retarded nigger just said "medieval" because he's retarded but I did him a favor and assumed he meant Renaissance because it's a direct comparison to the one armor on the left. Fucking moron fuck off.
systematic classification of armor and weapons in archaeology is a huge deal, kids
these claims aren't made because someone found 5 swords and one pike, its a huge classification and listing work from battlefield finds
it's not what i'm saying it what people doing it their whole life saying I just read what they write.
it's a book adaptation, if they adapted games they wouldn't have to invent this ridiculous garbage bag armor
>no guns
Holy shit it looks like a Power Ranger putty minion
Whichever one wrote "polearms are hard to use" was retarded and you're retarded for parroting them.
they are harder to use than a mace/hatchet or a pike. fact.
Costume designer got eaten by a lion.
Not even joking.
Seems far fetched imo.
>The Renaissance is a period in European history, covering the span between the 14th and 17th centuries
Neck yourself nigger
14-15c is medieval, early 16th c. too, germans didn't get the memo about renaissance yet.
>between the 14th and
what the fuck am I reading? is this damn wiki quote? Renaissance as actual political event started only during religion wars which weren't a thing up to late late 15th c. or early 16th.
Except you said they were harder to use than a sword you duplicitous shithead.
>muttistan education
Maybe they will cgi the armor... right?!
they are, polearm isn't mace on a stick. it's a blade on a stick, you need good control for that same as sword
sword is shorter and easier to control.
The pokemon movie was okay.
You're acting like you hold a polearm at the very bottom and I can only assume you're being retarded on purpose at this point.
dynamite was invented but the mages destroyed all evidence of it and killed the inventor, the same thing probably happened to gunpowder
if it were CGI markers there would be markers. Unless they spent bigger than a studio at Disney. thats the real deal. They say "get woke, go broke" they figured out the the game that you don't have to go broke. Pass it off to a sub-par Hungarian production with a B movie budget with diverse actors and then blame the Hungarians when it all goes wrong and claim things need to be more diverse.
Except you dont slash with a fucking polearm unless its a halberd or something. You fucking stab with it, do you not know what a spear looks like?
Franken-mountain's armor is fucking ugly as sin
That looks way cooler than netflix's ballsack adaptation. Also it's called fluted armor
The irony about Nilfguard as an empire is that they are not realy all that evil.
They are basically like the roman empire. They acualy conquer other countries believing they are doing good by liberating them from tyrants or religious organizations.
They also considerably less racist than the north.
In fact they pride themselves on having partially eleven ancestors.
Id even go so far as to say they are a lesser of 2 evils in the War.
Why does their armor look like a shittier version of The Wild Hunt's armor
>inb4 retards that never heard of good armor fluting and messers/falchions will shit on second design, when first is just relatively shitty warhammer fantasy reiksguard and knights of the blazing sun armor ripoff
The Renaissance period started directly after the war of the roses iirc.
1st one looks like armor
2nd one looks like a bunch of scrotums
Ah yes, fluted armor was often creased in random directions for the highest chance of catching a crossbow bolt.
sapkowski is neoliberal faggot, even witcher books are full of muh stronk wymyn and oppressed minorities bullshit, but his hussite trilogy took it to next level with literal evil white men holocausting poor kikes and raping progressive women
>less racist
sure schlomo
guy looks like he's gonna go play airsoft
this. if rather live in nilfgaard than anywhere else. they were also nicer to the elder races than the northmen. however emyr was a piece of shit in the books. intelligent, but a fucking creep. in the games he's much better
I mean this is the dipshit that sold witcher to to CDPR for a small lump sum instead of royalties. Do you really think he actually gives a shit at this point? He's just looking to actually make some real money off his series outside of the books.
how can a crowdfunded fanfilm be more faithful
>crowdfunded fanfilm
the old official kurwa tv series will be more faithful
Looks like it's made of used tires
>fans vs corporate greed
gee i don't know
He looks like a flaccid uncut dick
Surprisingly, actor that played Dandellion in the 2001 series is reprising the role in this fan film.
that knitted shirt looks printed
>he thinks that tyrants conquering other nations or peoples think that they're evil, or that the people who benefit from that system think that the system is evil
You're a mong
They started the wars because the emperor wanted to capture and rape his own daughter. They don't want to liberate anyting.
loras might have been a fag, but Goddamn his armor is baller as fuck.
jamies armors are pretty good too.
everything else looks like garbage.
Well their steelworking might be fancier since they can infuse shit with magic
Apologize right fucking now
what are you fags even compaining aboiut at this point?
You were all pannicking, acting like it was gonna get blacked, that hasn't happned
Let the show have its own artistic direction
Brienne's Season 2 armor was also good. Pity she only wore her visored Maximilian armet in the tournament.
Honestly nothing wrong with the casting for Geralt, Ciri, and Yennefer. People have too much of a hard on for the video game presentation of the characters. Let the show exert some artistic license.
Everyone is evil to a degree in The Witcher because everyone is out for themselves
Radovid is a madman and a dick. Foltest was unfaithful and a dick, but a good to his people kind of dick. Hes dead though. Henselt was a rapist and a dick. Emhyr is a cunt but between him and Radovid theres no competition
I shit on your opinion
never post again
But fucking WHY?
Why reinvent the fucking wheel with a retard ass design like that?
imagine harry potter casting today lmao
Wasnt Geralt ugly and not shredded?
haha yeah imagine that haha
Wasn't one of the Malfoy's lackeys actually nogged in the later movies?
Why couldn't they at least get a hkt black girl instead of one that literally looks like a chimp
Lacking in fluidity and grace, but we've come to expect less from Nordlings
>All the guys are good looking
>Women are all goblins
What did they mean by this.
why do they have to look like ballsacks
If I remember right, they put another character in his place because the actor had some real life legal stuff going on.
He grew weed in his basement, but the biggest problem was that he owned a fucking knife lol
how fucking hard is it to get chainmail in hollywood? You can literally buy the shit on amazon for 120 bucks
The black guy was Blaise Zabini
>Crabbe does not appear in either part of the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and his role is taken by Goyle, who casts the Fiendfyre and dies in his place. Goyle's role in the book is replaced by Blaise's. This is because on 7 April 2009 Crabbe's actor (Jamie Waylett) and another man were arrested for cannabis possession and later tried and sentenced to community work.
The budget for armor was blown on diversity consultants.
Why do they have zimmerit on their armour? Are there magnetic mines in the Witcher or something?
>people are actually taking this bait
this, also democrat party donations
They would have made ciri a nigger as well if not for the outrage that was already there before the casting decision
That armor is the pic-related of armors around that time period
It's made by women
the initial casting call for Ciri was for BAME actors
It's like they wanted the armor to look as awful as they possibly could
Yennefer isn't a smelly Zerrikanian though.
>tfw forget to iron your shirt before a job interview
Also don't forget about the Bloody Baron. Terrible person but they tried to put a "good family man" spin on him.
should medieval armor look fancy?
If its worn by rich characters, sure. They are probably wearing plot armor anyway.
It can look fancy or plain but at the very least it should look like something someone might actually wear. The Dwarven armor in the Hobbit movies is obviously fantastical but at least it looks cool.
>they're from a country of white skinned people in medieval-like times in a story written by a Polish man
>but they might be black haha like they could be from an immigrant family you never know it doesn't specify!
So this... is the power... of living in a melting-pot...
fucking idiot
>all the historilets ITT
middle age ends in 1492 when
>Columbus starts his journey
>Spanish reconquista ends
>Lorenzo de Medici dies
Renaissance as the concept was coined by Italian patricians around the turn of tge 15/16th century to play up their cultural and artistic achievements
Had nothing to do with religious wars
Well you can make even regular poorfag armor look cool if you do it right. The problem is when shows seem to think that regular soldiers dressed in raggedy bits of brown and black leather.
The Freys in Game of Thrones get my vote for worst armor design in the history of visual media. It’s worse than spiky JRPG armor.
>something something brown people
lol who cares
>say unbelievably stupid thing
>people call me stupid
wft why
Netflix as rich as they are really like to be greedy Jews and deliver subpar content for the retarded numale masses that sponsor this shit. Couldnt they hire some good director or something, or make it a project with polish cast and crew, so we have something more authentic and faithful? Fuck corporate bastards
Legit thought it was Jin-Roh larping or some shit.
>Fringorilla Niggo
i can't wait to watch this trainwreck then shitpost in the inevitable super comfy threads
What about Triss? Wasnt she played by a mutt
I've heard they switched to leather jackets because it was better for CGI background
Melting pot? More like a kennel full of mutts
Goddamn she was my favorite
obviously. That has to be the plot of everything. The girl power shit will be so extreme too
la gobinas...
Why can't they just hire a white woman who fit book description to play yennefer?
All of these look really gay. Why can't westerners into cool looking armor?
ideology, white people bad must replace with browns for progressive points
Shut up weeb
>wow, velly velly uguri gaijin armourdesu
>why not wooden squares rike gurorious nihongo?
>hard plastic armour that overlaps at joints
normies are fucking retarded.
yennefer is supposed to be plain and almost ugly on the books
otherwise they would have to hire a hunchback
Looks like shitty leather covering plate. Plate was often covered with some kind of fabric but this here just looks like a scrotum wtf. Nilfgaardians surely can afford some colour on their shit too.
she cast a spell to look hot though
and the best she could come up with was plain and almost ugly
thats how bad she used to look
Damn, now that's a tranny face.
What combat/strategic advantage does the armor on the right have
ITT: normie retards who don't understand medieval armour and other normie retards think they're schooling them by posting late 15th century ultra rare expensive ornamental armour sets that were smithed for nobility, worn once or twice in tournaments or occasions and left on racks for hundreds of years.
wasn't Triss a burn victim?
i belive so yes
why do medieval fantasy shows still insist on horseshoeing that odd black character that always looks really out of place? it breaks the immersion and instantly dumps the show/movie to sub-B tier mediocrity.
she looks fine to me desu
The fact of the matter is that armor like the samples provided existed and Witcher 3's design is much more realistic and accurate to real-world equivalents; while Netlfix's scrotum stormtroopers like like shit and wear nothing that looks like any real armor.
they can't help but push their politics into everything
Notice the shit all over his face? Notice the lack of it on the armor. They are not going to change it with CGI you fucking brainlet.
Why did they keep changing armor every season...? Really though? Why? So they can pocket money?
plate armor was really only worn by the gentry as more often than not they were the only ones who could afford it.
rank and file more often wore gambeson (padded cloth) and used polearms or blunt weapons
always wondered how token minorities feel about being picked just for that
They just had to fuck it up
That and because they changed the costume designer.
She had a large burn scar on the front of her body which she magicked away. One of lines in the books say how Triss hates wearing low cut tops that show of her chest because she's self conscious about it. The rest of her looks are natural considering she's still young.
most token minorities lack the IQ to understand the blatant propaganda they're been used for, and happily swallow the leftists' narrative because it makes them feel better about themselves (think: "it's not my fault that my countries are third world shitholes, it's the white man's fault!")
lmao is this the witcher Shitflix series?
Don't worry it's going to come around that people will be triggered when minorities are picked for roles, even when it's actually historically accurate. "Black-washed". Calling it now.
Apparently they changed renfri because her actress isn't as famous..
The actor that looks the most like yen gets replaced.
So wait was history full of extreme european racism and white supremacy/colonialism where anyone who wasn't white was oppressed and at constant risk of harm? Or was everyone just living together in harmony? I'm getting mixed messages here
Guarantees that an arrow will penetrate your chest and kill you
Whoever was made to wear that was wanted dead
i suppose some enjoy destroying things whitey has created, history as well
nah this isn't real
stop asking questions goyim, you probably wouldn't understand anyway
In the acting world, you take what you can get. Also the vast majority of these folks operate out of London and California, where they're all in favour of this "positive discrimination" horseshit.
She wasn’t diverse enough.
lol you butthurt little queer.
you do realise the white identity didnt even exist until like last ~150 years
>when you know its bait but you take it anyway to get cool medieval pics
you do realize that the statement you just made means next to nothing
White women pretend to be victims and want to shove their pets into everything.
Did we rise up too fast lads?
They're just normies parroting the we wuz meme.
How does it feel knowing you're a literal faggot?
>state something as fact
>when you're just making it up
>act surprised when people call you a faggot
Quit pulling shit out of your ass and pretending its fact.
To be fair the reveal trailer literally started with the word "WE" followed by a long pause
Yeah, they're retarded. The polearm, AKA 'a pointy stick', was the second weapon ever invented, right after hitting people with rocks.
>polearm was harder to use than a sword -> less people used it.
Why is everyone in this thread just making shit up?
The original costume designer got mauled to death by a bear.
>Dogshit wrinkly plastic "armor" complete with edgy swords
Fuck, this show is a disaster already, from the creative team, to the casting, to the production
>white women
>able to act
oh shit, im sorry
>comparing a captain to a footman
lmao stop memeing this it's not true
the special effects guy got mauled not the costume designer
it makes complete sense to your point retard. Unless you're talking about whether or not people care about it? which you're right, they don't.
>"We wanted them to look bad, because they're bad people."
It's like that, isn't it? Fuck this gay earth.
Whats with literally all the chain mail being replaced with sweaters with a chain mail pattern?
Jaime's armor in S7 was pretty cool anyway.
>copying 2 short stories
>9 rewrites of the script
Is this normal? Seems really incompetent from all around.
And this looks like they used all there budget on getting a shitty actor in Cavill to give it some star power.
>Jaime's armor in S7 was pretty cool anyway
>leather gorget
kek no
>can't write a coherent sentence
not even close
Nilfgaards are Frogs, Northern Kingdoms are a combo of Germans and Poles
just don't notice it's leather and it's fine
>Nilfgaards are Frogs,
Temerians are frogs you stupid
Even the Fleur de Lis is everyfucking where
>Whats with literally all the chain mail being replaced with sweaters with a chain mail pattern?
Actors universally despise wearing real chainmail, even if it's lighterwight aluminum.
Printed sweaters are also much easier for the costume department to produce en masse for big groups of extras.
It is the sort of thing you'd normally reserve for background characters though- even the notoriously broke BBC had textured knit woolies painted silver for Monty Python.
The soldiers also wear plate armor, nigger.
>Nilfgaards are Frogs,
They very clearly draw from the Holy Roman Empire
Yennefer looks way too young and fragile. I'm sorry but I just can't picture someone like her enduring Vilgefortz torture.
Don't sit there and tell people that this armour looks good.
yo where the tassets AT?!
I don't know anything about Witcher lore but aren't the Nilf's stupid rich?
Makes sense that the generic troops/guards have super gaudy plate
>which she magicked away
You mean which CDPR magicked away?
Triss is allergic to magic.
Looks like armor made by Falmer from Elder Scrolls
pls tell me you can inflate it with air so it take its supposed form
If you call that paper weight samurai shit armour. I dick slap you
>your armor is nothing
>spends five minutes blowing into a straw
It's like Snake's inflatable from MGSV. It's meant to confuse the enemy.
the most I liked about the witcher universe that medievil armor and swords looked medievil and not like something from WoW or Monsterhunter
>paper weight
u wot
Touissant is Frogland. they drink wine all day and speak in frogtongue
that armor was created after the japs met the Spanish. you can clearly see how it is inspired by the Spanish armor.
Aite but it's Japanese tho.
>They acualy conquer other countries believing they are doing good by liberating them from tyrants or religious organizations.
thats bullshit. NG is a rolling warmashine and everything (economy, jobs, political success) is tied to it to the point once it stops NG will collaps and Emhyr will get his balls cut off by usurpers who wait for a sign of weakness.
as long as NG bring home victories everything stays fine
This can’t be real, what the fuck?!
It just looks like wet soggy tatters
You're talking out of your ass. Yennefer has been said to be a lot of things but plain and almost ugly aren't among them. Unless you're talking about the time she spent as a hunchback but that went way past plain and almost ugly.
heres your armor bro
Nigga you are stupid and don't know anything about medieval armor.
Ridges on armors are designed with the purpose of deflecting strikes away from vital body parts. That mess on the right would catch the full force of a sword strike and kill that man.
Damn that armor looks pretty comfy
>unprotected legs
what's even the point?
Why are these people even a part of this. Are they even fans of the books?
She explicitly has the eyes of an "Ugly girl" so before she changed herself she was at the very least shit on for her appearance.
they never touched the book but thanks to affirmative action they replaced people who did
who was the actress that died gonna play?
>paper weight
That's a Heian era O-Yoroi, which is solid iron plates covered in decorative leathers and silks.
Nilfgaardians are manlets, nobody else is short enough to reach their legs so there's no point.
who died?
The game has been rigged from the start. They swamped college campus and turned them into liberal cesspools so they can ensure only liberals ever get hired in media. They think that by doing this they can mold young minds through storytelling, but it's going to backfire. They're inadvertently creating a conservative counter culture by normalizing liberalism.
>dat thumb under index finger
>but it's going to backfire
no, it's not
fucking taunt fags
>before she changed herself
She didn't. It was done for her.
>she was at the very least shit on for her appearance
Well no shit. She was a fucking hunchback.
Almost all sorceresses were ugly because pretty girls get married off before they can be trained as mages.
looks like a binbag m8
Mya-Lecia Naylor apparentlyi thought the reports said who she was gonna play but i guess not
>black trashbag melted on to old sports wear
>fluted armor
I seriously don't understand the thought process behind these designs. How were they even dreamed up? Did the designer just pull out a load clothes out of the washing machine and inspiration struck?
>no, it's not
Are you gonna finish that rebuttal or should I just take your word for it?
All the sorceresses are ugly girls that use cosmetic make up to make them selves look better. They're all bitter pissed off hags because they were ugly.
I think it has to do with his picture, go look up Yuri Bezmenov
Jesus fuck, the armor looks horrendous.
>coif is clasped onto the helmet
>has a section for the face which allows vision by using a triangular pattern and the center of the forehead
that's actually genius
I understand that you're supposed to be able to ride a horse in armor, and that the groin is a joint, but why do they sometimes just have cockholes?
You'd wear the chainmail skirt for your groin. Those are just armors in museum without it.
is that the fucking thing joe rogan keeps going on about?
Note most of those armors are just the outer metal layer, with none of the cloth fittings or paddings beneath.
The cockholes are where your elaborate codpiece would poke through.
yes, the lion was on dmt
coming up with that armor design was farfetched
are you stupid or something?
You deserved it for being incredibly dumb, think before you post retard
Little fag
Little fag
I implore you
To go back
Considering you posted a dwarf, which could probably pop out an armor set like that in a few hours.
is dyed and patterned fabric too expensive? its just so fucking terrible when simple fabric over mail in proper patterns looks amazing
cant be more expensive than CGI
This could've been our yennefer bros
Even the lowliest of footmen/auxiliaries have better armor than most northern soldiers
Yeah their slave economy lets them pump out shitload of well equipped troops.
>those horns
jesus christ
She's allergic to potions, not magic.
Would be kinda retarded for a sorceress to be vulnerable to her own powers.
he wasn't ugly, his scars were supposed to be ugly. but women digged him anyway
>They also considerably less racist
>they're good, goy!
apart from Fringilla, they're pretty fitting
say what you want about poo iin loo yennefer, but this teenage looking woman fits imo
>Yennefer looks way too young and fragile.
in the books she's supposed to look like tiny 16 years old. It's the games that got it wrong and made her into a big cow
Toussant is danish with a mix of russian but not so russian as Henselt's, with a lot of fairytale stuff
>she's supposed to look like tiny 16 years old
The books explicitly state that she looks like she's in her twenties.
>Nazism intensifies
who dis?
they just look like they're wearing gambesons under leather jackets
>I get all my information from youtube!
no, that's bullshit. It says she made herself look like a teenager. I read the books just recently, for the 3rd time.
>It says she made herself look like a teenager
Which book? 'cause I'm holding the last wish in my hands right now and reading from it.
You got it wrong, bro. When a sorcerer takes on a sorceress apprentice, he uses magic to make her hot. It's not makeup, and it's not always self-inflicted.
Why are Calanthe & Ciri cast but not Pavetta?
I really don't care about the casting for the sorceresses because they're obviously not going to delve into the deep racism of The Witcher & they can make there appearance how they want anyway.
They colored the monkey brown instead of congo-gorilla-black.
Saying nobody wore expensive armor into battle is like saying nobody actually plays expensive instruments or drives expensive cars
>heres your ciri bro
Details probably cost more. You can expect jamie lannister tier people wore beautiful armors. While peasant soldiers wore these ugly ones.
>They also considerably less racist than the north
Nilfgaard can't stand the sight of others living peacefully in their own countries, and believe themselves to be superior to everyone else.
They also enslave their conquests and colonize the land with their own people
Okay what ever you say. We still won’t be watching your show.
Yennefer of Ofier more like