How come girls don't play video games?

How come girls don't play video games?

They'll always prefer one of these activities instead:

>going out to drink/party/eat
>browsing internet
>flirting with guys

The only gamer gurls are those that play MMOs or are on twitch, or youtube - because the socialization is the main reason they play, not the games themselves. You can tell girls are not into video games because they never finish single player games.

Next time you see a girl who says she plays games, ask her how many single player games has she finished this year. The answer will be none.

So how come?

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men and women while both human have different biological roles and psychology as a subset of darwinist biology is part of that

Because by definition a game involves a challenge and competition, something women didn't need to do historically, so they neither grew into that biological role nor were they societially inclined to do so. Men compete for resources, women increase their pool of possible mates by socializing.

Those 4 things are far more entertaining then playing video games.

2 games so far, but I have to admit they werent very long

so the man's role is to challenge himself with video games, even in his leisure time, and the woman's role is...?

Video games are for little kids.

Then you need to leave this board normalfag

Yea Forums is for people who are into video games, not social rejects who can't party because they are ugly so they play games instead

well yeah play in nature is simulation of conflict and women mostly make themselves appealing to males and to climb up the social hierarchy

>Console Video games are for little kids

fixed for you

Video games are escapism. Women don't need to escape their easy life.


>Next time you see a girl who says she plays games, ask her how many single player games has she finished this year
that's why you're a virgin

>not telling everyone you play with that you're a dude so they leave you the fuck alone.
I just revealed our dark secret, beta virgins

tits or gtfo and statistics show otherwise

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Post feet

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girls here

I play videogames

escapism is for casual faggots

Video games are for min-maxing, putting your brain to use to maximize resource acquisition and strength

you know the rules, and so do I

tits or gtfo

>stop commenting

fucking classic

I never understood that obsession

min-maxing is a form of escapism, you're keeping your brain busy

Have sex.

mobile games dont count

Too bad you can't put that level of enthusiasm into having sex for the first time.

Bend over.

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My gf is the opposite. She's an antisocial as fuck weeaboo shut in and mainly plays single player :^)

trips of truth

Post her feet


my gf plays videogames though

The solution to this is childbirth. There are a lot of other differences between men and women, but that's the biggest most fundamental difference. Video games can't simulate childbirth or contribute to it, so women don't care about them much.

>discord janitor trap is a she

but user..

No she doesnt

trips of truth

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>not acknowledging that the most sold franchises liek th sims were played by women

sure, my gf "plays video games" too, maybe once a week.

You don't see girls dying to play vidiya every single day like guys

Most girls don't really have hobbies or interests, I honestly don't think most women have souls.

Girls emulate their partners, nothing new.

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See I know these exist because my buddys gf is the same way. They have a kid together, he works all the time and she's literally a shut in NEET (can't keep a job for more than a week) and she just plays vidya and watches anime all day. It drives me insane he puts up with it but I guess he stays for the kid.

>literally a socialization simulator
>video game

really made me think

>how come?
You'll find out once you are finally with a girl

Have sex


Male brain is wired towards accomplishment/productivity. Video games stimulate and fulfill that need. Eventually, you realize video games aren't productive and you become depressed. As you said, female brains are wired towards socializing. It's just biology. Overlap exists, but this is the general rule that shows up statistically.


Your jealousy is showing :^)

Thankfully she does go out to socialise sometimes and is working on building her life back up, its just when she's home she reverts to her true self again. Its important to find a balance

I've spent a good portion of my life thinking about this topic and really I can boil it down to one single fact.

It's bullshit.

The second I entered the work force proper in my early 20's I found that not only did a lot of women not play videogames, a lot of people flat-out don't play videogames. Not only that, the women that did play videogames never talked about it, or they didn't think anyone wanted to talk with them about it.
From a culture perspective the skew between men and women playing games just makes sense. Games are more marketed to boys than girls. Heroes are(or were) more often than not male, as would be their antagonist.
This also goes int social pressures. What is a teenage girl pressured by? Her peers all have boyfriends, they're all seen as pretty, they're all seen as popular and friendly and nice. The goal of the common teenage girl is filling a void in her heart.
What is your average teenage boy pressured by? Fucking Jimmy just got the new Halo and I don't have it yet!? Holy shit the fight is on tonight and dad's watching it with me gotta impress my old man! Bruce said he wanted to kick my ass after school gotta prepare! Sure some kids have girlfriends but it isn't a necessity. Fuck, some guys I knew in school considered any relationship or emotional attachment a waste of time.
...but there are some girls that play videogames. I'd say probably two out of ten, at least in my social circles. Once I hit the workforce... one out of maybe twenty.

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I ten times prefer browsing the internet than playing shit games and I'm a guy

The industry is just shit nowadays

>mainly play single player games
>get multiplayer game because friends want me to try it
>got hooked on it
>friends moved to the next trendy aaa game
>decide to join /vg/ so I can get some banter after games
>general is chill at first but starts to get stupid once a couple obsessed anons found out my identity
>"i want to smell XX feet" "i want to fuck XX"
>quit the general and joined the discord, they might stop once they lose their user status
>get a lot of dms, mostly about gaem, a couple just people wanting to chat
>whatever at least they are good at the game
>they start to get angry when I dont join the erp, dont send nudes or reject the "i luv u XX chan uwu"
>back to play only single player
just let me enjoy vidya you fucks

Fuck off somewhere else cunt

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lose weight

I hate these reddit memes so much.
Fuck this site, it has turned to trash.

we are talking about actual girls, not traps friendo

Why do you even want some in your hobby
If you can only talk about video games that's your problem

You don't have fun playing videogames, it's just the only thing you know how to do

this post didn't make any sense. yikes.

>Next time you see a girl who says she plays games, ask her how many single player games has she finished this year
Im so tired of this bullshit, why beating single player games should be a metric to define if someone enjoys to play videogames? How the fuck cares if i don't beat cinematic shit? Fuck me for enjoying sandbox game or multiplayer games
You know fucking what, i wont bother, i cant tell if people is joking or not, after all these years this place is finally making me retarded