Classic WoW Thread

In this thread we dab on little zoom zoom retail transmog faggots.

What are you


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>no blood dk
Not playing


>Thinking that little zoomzooms aren't playing it with their favorite e-celebs

Topping dps

>spell batching
>BfA client

that's a nope from me


hey sockhead conjure me up some water

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what is spell batching?

>blood elf
>blood elf


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Being a god healer for raids and getting carried to FM

Getting removed. Won’t even matter months down the line because servers will balance out. Zoomer bfa faggots can leave anytime.
>spell batching
Buzzword. They’re literally using internal blizz resources to be accurate.
>bfa launcher
Who gives a fuck
Project is being run by devs who actually worked on vanilla. It looks like a passion project and they probably only have diversity hires doing meaningless bs.

>zoomers going back to school just in time for classic to launch

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>won't even matter
if you think an entire fucking month of layering won't matter you are beyond retarded

Playing old classic when superior wow ascension exists. Lmao

Dwarf Hunter, first ever character I created.
Mining and Engineering
Just looking forward to pvp desu

cope, retailfag

If you play as a healer you will not be allowed in my guild

Why is everyone angry about classic now?

Reminder, healers ONLY in my guild. I will make a guild consisting of all healers on the server. We will then contract healers out for raids with other guilds for massive profits and loot

>Tauren Shaman
>Skin/Herb until 40 mount, Alch/Herb until i max Alch, Alch/Eng for end game
>Resto for PvE, Elem for PvP

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Are they going to reset the levels from open beta when it releases?

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what do you mean now? retail trannies always hated it.

Everything is being wiped after the beta.

Is there someone I can bribe to get beta access. I will pay 1k.

>Undead Priest
>Tailoring / Enchanting
>Progression raiding

I'd love to play a Hpally but can't stand the thought of being alliance. Only way I'll consider it is of horde outnumbers Ally 2:1 in which case I'll switch sides.

> passion project
Blizzard, this small indie company.

Are you rolling Ele/Resto or will you be respecicing all the time?

Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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> believing in "we lost the original code" meme
> what is a changelog
> what is a traced workflow
Blizzard cocksuckers are beyond retarded. At the same level of fortnite kids, maybe even worse.

Still giving your money to Blizzard in 2019. People never learn. Enjoy your anal sex.

can't to play with my bro asmongoloid

>Eng cause pvp
>Me v. every alliancefaggot BRD group as I T pose to assert dominance in BRM

I swear to god I refuse to let a single Alliance Warrior into MC with world buffs intact. Fuck humans and especially Pallies

That was literally the cringiest fucking excuse, the fucking east european Money Launder Inc. I worked that that coded out of a shed in the middle of nowehere had all of its projects, documentation, etc archived for 12 years back. Dont anyone fucking even dare to imply actiblizzard with all of its billion dollars couldnt or wouldnt do that.

After i get my pre-raid BiS for resto i will get full into PvP and respec to Resto on the weekends to raid. You have to go full Ele until you get geared otherwise you will do no damage, after that Ele/Resto is the way to go for PvP

That was never used by Blizzard though. The real problem is the old client and old engine has no chance of running on modern hardware.

>implying classic won’t be composed of zoomer Asmongold fans

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Maybe on mutt servers, thankfully there aren't that many EU streamers so you can avoid those servers.

Troll Shaman
Skinning and herb, will swap skinning for alch after I hit cap
PvE healing until I get the gear to PvP as ele

>needing raid gear to succeed in pvp
Scrub. Some of vanilla’s best pvpers had blue gear and compensated with skill and creativity.

Interesting, thank you. I've been thinking about making a Shaman so I've been reading up on it to learn the ins and outs.


>that zoomer whos probably like 22 and started in wrath larping as a boomer every thread

Reminder that you must be subscribed to retail if you want to go home, homogay

how good is lock/rogue/mage blue pvp set (1.12 ver) ? can i stay toe to toe vs people that will be t2 or aq geared ?

you mean back when the only people playing were literal children and nobody knew what they were doing?

i miss vanilla wow threads from before redditors and streamers co-opted it with their gay WE'RE GOING HOME BOYS LESGO! bullshit

Human Priest
Herbalism and Mining
having fun

Rogue/Mage yes. If you don't suck

people have been doing those "Home" vanilla threads for like a decade now

>get gladiator in retail
>running around with the titles, achievements and season mount as we speak
>dont get elite transmog or horse recolor (something you unlock way lower in rank)
>open a ticket
>customer support takes 24 hours to give me a tl;dr amounting to "we are way too lazy to give you the items you actually earned"

"Why is retail dying?"

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They're pretty good but won't be out until phase 2. You're still gonna want to get some specific items from raids for PvP, like Ephemeral Power. It shouldn't be too hard to clear MC every week even if you aren't focusing on PvE.

Ret paladin

Classic difficulty is a meme and you fuckng Boomer were trash in 2004. Modern mythic raiders will tear classic appart. I can't wait.

Human prot warrior
Dungeons, maybe raids

>Buzzword. They’re literally using internal blizz resources to be accurate.
Are you stupid? It alters gameplay pretty massively. A ton of spell interactions only exist via batching, IE sitstand abuse for on incoming crit procs. It's blizzlike, but it's a major combat mechanic, not a meme.