I really like fire emblem fates. i've now beaten birthright and revelations and i thought it was very good overall...

I really like fire emblem fates. i've now beaten birthright and revelations and i thought it was very good overall. i want to discuss fire emblem stuff now.

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I can't wait for 3 Houses. I love the art style - genuinely don't see what the big deal is.

Funny feeling people would moan about anything they released

Play conquest faggot

You just poisoned a good thread, tranny fuck. 3 Houses has backlash to the art and the presentation is easily meme tier bad. No way Nintendo isn't giving this fujoshi inspired game a 3rd delay to unfuck itself.

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I'm playing conquest right now. Why did they make Garon so obviously evil and hateful to Corrin? He doesn't even try to pretend to care.

same, i want to play it so bad because of the new gameplay mechanics shown off in the first trailer. yeah, i haven't kept up with people's impressions on what was shown off here so i can't really see what the big deal is as well

good luck

so you played the 2 worst campaigns. Play conquest RIGHT NOW

You should try conquest, I enjoyed it more than the 2 others.

Fates is not a well-written game or even thought out well

i'll play it when i finish some other games but i have been meaning to play conquest since i got birthright

i wish they explained that sort of thing early on

That's one of the big flaws of the game. Gets even more irritating when characters like Xander refuse to realize it.

because the entirety of Fates' story is utter trash

In what fucking decade?

>I've beaten birthright and revelations
>thought it was very good overall

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>Calling anyone who doesent agree with you a tranny

Back to /pol/

>World-renowned and beloved film studio Vs.
>One lone Fujoboi(girl)

Consider suicide

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NOBODY fucking else answer like in the other threads, he's a (you)slut
You first

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I'm just going to say it now!

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Do I NEED to play Path of Radiance before Radiant Dawn?

>Unfucking Fire Emblem
They released the travesty that is Fates, didn't they?

you should play fates, it's pretty nice

maybe after i get conquest i'll marry her and make a child with her haha

Just play PoR and forget RD exists. It's such a shit game that completely ruins PoR story.

i already did that...

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is there anything besides the story that sucks in RD?

>Have girlfriend
>Is sister
>Acts like mommy
>Not actually related

Why won't this game let me live out incest fantasies properly?

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back to your hole where no single person cares about you

The characters, the mechanics, no supports, a lot of the maps.

fine, i'll marry camilla and make a child with her instead.

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>i want to discuss fire emblem stuff now.
Only if it's about nu-Fire Emblem sucking hard with all of its romances that pander to otakus



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what do you think of the games' non-dating portions, though?


>playing and enjoying any part of fates
You're all the reason you killed the franchise, you toxic-ass waifufags.

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>not ignoring the waifu shit and be a chad
what's wrong with you, peter test

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Shadow dragon was trash and your opinions are bad.
I agree with your views on Awakening and Fates though

peter is mad because he cant get his way while not having the opportunity to get any comfort from his mother when crying, because he knows he'll get the shit slapped outta him again

>Series is sharply declining to becoming a dating simulator with "strategic elements"
>j-just i-ignore it, that'll make it g-go away!!
Fucking kill yourself, pandered zoomer.


It's so damn stupid for him to be screaming for her head every time he lays eyes upon her. They should have made hime stern but loving in the beginning to at least not make it feel so stupid for siding with him. They could have Iago look like the one trying to kill Corrin and as time goes on, make it clear Garon is in on it as well.

tell me what are the dating-simulator aspects ? Unit positioning next to each other


it's not declining, you're just not happy with your father having a distasteful relationship with you and you go on Yea Forums hoping to be a part of a planetary revolution that will never happen in your lifetime so you get angry and impatient with everything you do and lash out like a autistic fagganigga.
anyways, which house are you picking when fire emblem three houses is released?

>series is gearing more and more towards anime girls because it's the only thing that sells well
>avatar character because the game so desperately wants you to self-insert
>getting gradually more casualized with more basic maps and strategies that require less thought
>waifus are the only thing anybody wants to talk about
>three houses is looking like it'll be the same thing

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buzzwords don't change your lack of arguements and reasoning capabilities
cringe btw

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How fucking contrarian do you have to be?

what made fire emblem special in anyway in the first place?

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3Homos is at least bringing back some old stuff like durability and I think weight
It looks and sounds like trash but the gameplay might be able to carry it

yeah these gba maps were so geniously constructed

>"ohh i want to fuck Sothis"
>"m-muh midriff"
Three Houses threads consist of mainly that, discussing a fucking "leak", and people saying it literally looks like utter shit. Keep seething.

that's because this is Yea Forums and no gameplay information has been given in english and the user-translated parts were forgotten. Yea Forums is full of secondaries, nothing new here

Echoes is so much better

Map design. Other SRPGs have no actual map design and the strategy weights more on RPG elements like builds, customization and the like.

That'd have required them to actually think while writing the story.

Does the continent in Fates even have a name?

Fates worldbuilding is non existent

Revelations would've been at least a high tier game if instead of just inflating the roster with poor units and forcing you to use a very small selection of the cast despite one of the largest rosters ever they pulled a Radiant Dawn and split the armies up into chapters.
Either you could select who goes where for more customizability or force chapters of small Hoshisan/Nohrian units combined to disrupt Garon and Anankos in both Nohr and Valla. Buff units so they aren't one shot on their recruitment chapter. You can even have the gimmick maps with small parties.
Unfortunately it's a shitshow and one of if not the worst FE to date, rivaling only Birthright and Shadow Dragon

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Do you guys even know what a fujo is? A woman making boys to date in an OTOME game, with no gay content isn't fujoshit.

No, it's still fujo. Both otome and BL are fujobait games

Not all girls that want to date cute boys are fujos.

turbo kill yourself

>I thought Revelations was very good overall
Explain yourself. I can understand Birthright if it was your first or second one, because while it is boring to people who have played other FEs before the QoL alone puts it above most other titles. But Rev?

>I really like fire emblem fates.
Well I might agree with you, it's not that ba-
You are unironically a faggot, with shitty taste

does it matter?


It's evidence on how little the creators gave a shit about the world in Fates.

>Series is sharply declining to becoming a dating simulator with "strategic elements"
It isn't, you're just a sheeple that repeats what he reads on the internet.

Celica is so beautiful

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God tier art.

It honestly makes me mad how hard they squandered the potential they had setup with Fates. All of the story elements were there, the setting and basic premise could have been absolutely the best in the franchise if they had taken better care with the story itself and the execution.

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mmm, a civil FE thread, as always
Truly the best of fanbases
sadly this really is the best there is though, everywhere else is worse and on par with a YT comment section

oh well, then. at least i can enjoy building an army and killing enemies

>favorite game
>favorite class
>favorite unit
>favorite map

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bitter intrigue

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stop that, what if she hears you?

I finally got around to playing this and had a good time with it, trying g to discus things on Yea Forums can be pretty awful tho

>Posting this trash again
You are the one who should anhero you fucking loser

>Corrin exterminates subhumans in BR
>Feels nothing, despite that the subhumans were getting rused by Iago and they were peaceful at first. Next scene is Corrin staring at a sunrise with Lobster.
>Corrin exterminates subhumans in CQ
>has a ideological breakdown and throws everything into question, despite that the foxes threw the first punch and never tried to be peaceful about it.

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Don't forget that in Conquest it's canon that Corrin's army didn't kill anybody across the entire game because they couldn't possibly show notJapan take losses

It's ok because lobster is Corrin's real family so exterminating subhumans is a good thing.

pls respond

>i've now beaten birthright and revelations
>not conquest
You're missing out on the best game in the series

Skip the story dont even bother with it, it will only ruin your time with the game

Do it. PoR is a much better game to begin with and you'll learn more about why things are the way they are in RD.

Okay then, thanks, user.

>sacred stones
>father and son

don't have a particular map name that comes to mind