Why are people worried about China's growing influence on games when Americans have already been destroying the industry for decades?
Why are people worried about China's growing influence on games when Americans have already been destroying the...
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Two men kissing should be the highest.
>Straight guys find gay guys kissing disgusting
In other news
Find a california organism who would ever admit to that.
watching people kissing is disgusting no matter who it is, it's only enjoyable if you're the person doing the kissing
What? A woman kissing a man is beautiful. It's like looking at nature. Two women kissing is also alright, but it smells of decadence.
no, it's nasty you gross fuck. especially when you can hear the squishy wet noises of their lips smacking
left: me back when i played american games
right: me now that i only play japanese games
Have sex.
out of all the posts in this thread you're going to say that to me? fuck off retard
Parents are retarded more at 11
No, just Americans.
this. they put that idea in your son's head and possible erase your future genetic line when he decides to be a fag too because the game made it seem so cool and normal. None of the other options will end 4 billion years of evolution, so it's not even close.
chinks are that, but with 200% more cheating and lootboxes
Have some fucking class, no one cares who or how you fuck in the privacy of your own home, but do us all a favor and keep that shit in the bedroom.
>A woman kissing a man is beautiful.
It isn't you fucking dipshit, stop smooching each other in public.
False equivalence. Kissing is not sex.
You are this woman:
I just don't understand who is offended by this kind of stuff ever? I just don't understand?
I was never traumatized by playing violent games, hearing curse words, and so on. Who the fuck ever could be? It's just a part of natural life. Why do these people try and shelter their kids so much? It just doesn't make any sense
Except people do not decide their sexuality? Some studies suggest that people can develop a certain sexuality under some kind of stress (i.e. homosexuality in men if abused by men in childhood) but that doesn't mean people can't be born with a sexuality waiting to develop already (this goes for any kind of sexuality, not just heterosexuality).
Why would any of those things offend me?
makes complete sense to me
>I just don't understand who is offended by this kind of stuff ever?
None of these are as offensive as seeing a cash shop icon.
>Homosexuality is 65% environmental effects, 35% genetics
For me the most offensive is when I see a black character on the game's cover art. Right away it signifies that I can't ever give that developer money. Usually their games aren't even worth pirating so it's easy too.
this desu, I realised I was bi through heterosexual porn
Fucking have sex with a woman on next to a fucking graphically severed human head while two fucking men kiss over you.
>Except people do not decide their sexuality?
why is that a question?
you deserve your rapes.
let's not ignore the lgbt hugbox online communities that strongly and unconditionally encourage any and all deviation from heterosexuality. this sort of thing has been having never before seen glamorization. teens full of hormones get this agenda 'lovingly' shoved onto them, coaxing them further into those feelings that almost always prove to be nonexistent when they are an adult.
people can't choose their sexuality of course, but given those conditions of impressionability and sex obsession, they can sure be coaxed into it by social media.
Who the fuck cares about evolution anymore?
We've grown beyond it, with gene tech we can adapt a million times faster than evolution ever could
well, if not for conservacucks boycotting said research
2 woman kissing is very beautiful
You know lefties are the biggest anti-eugenics anti-gene-editing proponents right?
And ultimately, the opposition has nothing to do with politics. It comes directly from the top. The elites see a next generation of superhumans as the only credible threat to their wealth and power.
None of these are offensive but they'll make your game T-rated.
It's kind of shallow to me. You pretty much never see women kissing unless they know men are watching them. So ultimately it's just vanity, they aren't actually interested.
nongegenerate ranking from most to least disturbing
>two men kissing
>severed head
>man and woman having sex
modern western culture is completly fucked in the head
especially us of a
>have family all over the world
>only one person is a faggot
>coincidentally he lives in cali
Really what an amazing coincidence that faggotry rates are going up as the media pushes for faggot acceptance.
most opposition comes from religious idiots, not the left
Mhm. Keep going, what else is gross about it!
Grow up EU streetrat
So you're saying they do it to make you happy but you're too ungrateful to enjoy it. What a faggot.
No, it's disgusting too.
>looking at nature
Nature can also be disgusting.
Video games?