>censor/change game to cater to people who couldn’t even fill a football stadium
>they don’t buy the game anyway
Like clockwork.
>censor/change game to cater to people who couldn’t even fill a football stadium
>they don’t buy the game anyway
Like clockwork.
Other urls found in this thread:
>they make food with poison
>they remove the poison
>some people won't buy the food
>removing the poison was somehow wrong
This is being really miss-reported. All the changes except Erica's name in credits were already in the Japanese Full Body release.
It's like the fucking Fire Emblem drugging, where everybody flipped out due to knee-jerky initial reports(which weren't actually true) and localization team claimed that they'd "tone down" those elements, but then when game came out that scene was pretty much the same as Japanese one, and nobody complained.
>I could care less
Do Americans listen to the words coming out of their mouths?
>food analogy
Calling a man a man is not poisonous. Their own minds are and need mental help before they get irreversible surgery or kill themselves.
>Comparing using words to ingesting poison
Chop your dick off.
Maybe he is just being truthful, and actually could care less about this. After all, he did make that tweet so clearly he cares at least a bit about the game.
>failing to cater to pronoun faggotry is comparable to poisoning someone
lmaoing at your life
Hahaha your precious Japanese devs still kneeled and removed it though. Whiteoid men lose again.
It's a figure of speech as far as they're concerned.
imagine being at computers.
But /pol/ told me Atlus would never cave.
Was /pol/ wrong again?
No one buys the "I j-j-just want them to get better treatment and not mu-mu-mu-mutilate themselves!"-shtick, Jayden Brayden McSuburb.
What are you talking about, Fire Emblem was completely rewritten to the point where a fan translation exists.
The Japanese Devs didn’t, Atlus USA and localization team did.
>tweet says localization
>Japanese devs
Nice one, dude. Better close this thread now.
>food analogy
>substance harmful to bodily functions is somehow the same as criticising actually causing harm to bodily functions
fuck off
Gib examples of homophobic lines pls.
Japanese Atlus had no say in this. This is all the Western team.
Good, then the Japanese devs lose too.
I'm kinda at the point where I'm okay with retarded localizers ruining their games due to a few whiners on twitter. If they want to go insolvent to appease a userbase that doesn't play their games then that's their loss.
So its 100% confirmed that these faggots will be cut from the P5 Royal
catering to the sjw will only lead to nothing
>Society is the food
>Trannies are the poison
Good analogy friend.
“Hey Eric, how are you?”
Cool user, now show me the posts where he/she/it showed any interest or complaint in the game prior instead of this just being a random tweet they had interest in and felt the need to voice their useless opinion like every other faggot with a social media account.
The important part is that they do what I say and spite the anime avatars on Twitter that shriek about vagina bones. If the game still bombs it doesn't matter to me.
If that's the case then they're fucking retarded as far as I'm concerned
Explain to me why "transphobia" is wrong
I've yet to hear a compelling argument
>Make beer with alcohol
>Remove alcohol
>People don't buy the beer
>Duff goes out of business.png
It bothers me too mang.
Diamond Dozen-tier.
Well will they stop calling everything a phobia?
Because the mentally ill and their sympathizers can't risk any criticism shattering their fragile egos.
I could care less what your concerns are.
This has to be one of the worst analogies i've ever read.
If you dislike people based on how, where or to who they are born, you should be put down.
nice video games thread
really makes you think whos behind moderation here
stop being phobiaphobic user
It hurts the feelings of the mentally ill
Trannies should just make with being a statistic and off themselves, they're gonna do it anyways might as well get it over with now
I bet you used the same analogy to justify cutting your penis.
Fuck off, retard.
Boohoo,this make me feel very sad.
Pic unrelated.
What the fuck is a dead name and what were the transphobic lines?
Some scenes were, the "date drugging" scene was not. Which is why the Fire Emblem example is so hilarious, nobody was asking for conversation between assassins to be turnd into series of ellipses or other similarly ridiculous things, but those are the changes that localization team made.
The one scene that people had issues with due to false reports of original content was pretty much left as it was.
It is a neurological and endocrinological condition you are born with, not mainly "mental". Gulag for you, Jayden.
>avoid stepping on shit on the road
>you're shitphobic
>If you dont like certain things about people you should be executed
See you on the battlefield, tranny.
You tell him, girl! You gonna be at the next agdq? We should meet up at the DilationStation!
Dead name=the name a trannie had before transitioning.
If irl trannies were chill like Erica people would treat them way better.
However, a lot of them seem to be belligerent cunts. Just go to /lgbt/ and look at how they interact with anyone who isn't part of their tribe.
I don't hate teens for going though a teenage crisis. I hate troons for being fucking machildren who can't grow the fuck up.
I know genuine transsexuals exist I this bunch of disgusting fetish-addled creeps but as it stands I refuse to put up with their bullshit. None should cater to them.
"Anyways" and "its" too.
This random person who tweeted this is clearly a retard.
That's deep.
>you will literally die if some mentally ill fag doesn't have his fantasy indulged
So Catherine is just Catherine or am I getting this wrong?
Given how Atlus operates, I'd be surprised if the JP devs did not at least hear about this. The thing is, they are trying to be progressive with the Full Body, but are being really ham-fisted about it. Attempt is being made, but they fucked it up.
It remains to be seen if future Atlus games will still include stuff like P5 Okamas, as in things that are common elements in Japanese media and comedy, but very frowned upon in west.
So /pol/ was wrong then?
You can dress it up all you want, it doesnt make it correct and you'll never be the other gender no matter how hard you want it. If there was full DNA restructuring technology I would give zero shits because you genetic dead ends could actually pass and leave us all the fuck alone, but that isnt a thing thus you only exist to be a pain in the ass of 99% of the population by screeching louder than humanly possible
They'll go for the easy way and put dykes in it
You're so full of poison at this point that your brain thinks it's normal.
>Change something to make some people happy.
>it doesn't affect you in any way at all.
>still make hourly threads complaining about it.
>Twitter screencap of a Twitter screencap thread
It affects me more than it affects them.
>change something to make some people happy
>makes other people unhappy
>happier people are still not really happy
>no one is happy
>make hourly threads to complain about it
>retardera faggots
Self-hating trannies have no place in society
>Change something that caters to people that dont actually play the game
>It affects the people that actually buy the IP
>Be a retarded faggot that responds to the thread anyway
Fixed that for you, chum.
You're a faggot and you know it
Also, Atlus is part of Sega now. This doesn't really get talked about much in western games media, but they are one of the few big Japanese developers/publishers that doesn't discriminate against their LGBT employees.
I think that is much more important point than Atlus not getting the western standards of trans-potrayal. Hell, before this thing blew up I don't think they even knew what "dead-naming" was.
>It's not a mental condition
>It's just in their brain
Loving Every Laugh
Change is coming, incels.
We are better than you mentally, physically, and morally.
You are the past, we are the superior future.
>Change something to make a few people happy
>More then half of those people don't buy your product to begin with
>Nobody new is going to buy your product just because you pleased some freaks
>Old fans feel disfranchised as they try and chase a new group of people and don't buy the game
>New people won't buy the game cause they are tired of seeing artistic vision getting ruined by crazys
>Blame entitled gamers when the game flops even though trannys were supposed to make up for the people leaving.
>deadnaming a fictional character in the credits
How the fuck else are you supposed to credit them? Especially if there are two actors playing pre- & post-transition.
A better analogy would be:
>remove an alergen from food to make allergic people able to eat it.
>allegic prople still don't buy the food.
>it was somehow wrong even though it changed nothing if you aren't allergic.
>imagine being as smooth brained as the people that responded to this guy .
>women are poison
How does it affect you? I'm geniunely curious.
What are the changes, do we have a full list?
Do people actually know if they are changing/removing stuff or its just a 'my dad works at nintendo' situation?
>dies of hormone-fuelled cancer at 35
How did it effect trannies?
I don't like it.
Stop censoring my video games you stupid tranny. Find another medium to infect.
>altering the content of foreign media because icky-ewwy culture shock might offend the delicate sensibilities of a tiny outlier demographic
Localization was a mistake.
What was so "toxic" about Full Body, exactly?
That and more.
You can only remove allergens by removing ingredients. If a dish has peanuts in it and it's removed, even if someone doesn't care about the peanuts, it's not really the same dish.
It affects me cause it just keeps going down and people censoring shit and changing other things in video games, movies and art. And how does it affect you? Going kill yourself cause somebody didn't do what you said?
wasn't the whole catherine thing about an ending that explicitly took place before the transition
I mean like holy shit this is as retarded as crying about some movie taking place in 1999 having an establishing shot with the twin towers or something
>260 lbs
Did he get a gastric bypass or something? No way in hell he was anywhere near 260 the last time I saw him.
Nothing. The base game, Catherine, was the toxic one.
All the toxic shit in Fullbody, like Vincent thinking Rin is a gross gayboy is still in Fullbody
If this is so insignificant, why change it in the first place?
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
You are more concerned about the weight and not the claim that he benches three plates?
>If they want to go insolvent to appease a userbase that doesn't play their games then that's their loss.
that's really what the far-left censorship crowd wants, though. they'd love for japanese games to just stop being made at all so there are no alternatives to their woke western shit.
>food analogy
Why dont trannies understand they are a fraction of a fraction of any demographic and have zero standing to bitch and moan about shit catering to them
There's nothing wrong about deadnaming trannies.
I'm more concerned with an observable falsehood then an obvious boast, yes.
Because they are obsessed with us. 40% yourself.
Atlus has censored more games than nisa at this point. LET THAT SINK IN.
>telling trans people to fuck off is poison
Yeah fucking kill yourself.
It obviously isn't to the extreme minority of people that complained, so why not change it? For most people it doesn't matter either way, or at least it shouldn't.
You're so obsessed, I'm starting to think that you're the actual trannies
>every other thread is about trannies
>everything you don't like is a tranny
>tranny discord this, dilation that
rent free
>tfw have the original game on pc with no alterations
who here pcbased and uncensoredpilled
No. You go into the past to change events, and when you come back to the present, Eric never transitioned. It doesn't take place before.
Because troons lunatics are grasping at straws to try staying relevant
Hopefully people will realize than bending down to accommodate these "people" isn't good or profitable in any way and the socjus fad will stop.
I was really looking forward to full body, so all this really upsets me and kind of inflates my dislike of the cross section of transsexual and video game culture. What do?
Have sex
>bragging about a console port
>bragging about having less content
yep he's a pcfag
Because it obviously isn't to the extreme minority that are complaining now. So why change it? For most people, it doesn't matter either way.
become a statistic
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Just because gaming is a medium of entertainment for everyone, that doesn't mean every game has to be for everybody. Targeting certain demographics isn't a bad thing.
I was just fixing that guy's analogy.
Also, explain why a food analogy is bad when it's properly laid out. I'm sure you just say thay because you've seen people say it, and have no clue what's bad about them.
>goes onto the "tranny discord" that totally isnt all astroturfers
>calls other people trannies
I remember seeing a scene where that one dude says he wishes he could find a girl and Eric clearly said something along the lines of "they might be closer than you think"
Good thing i don't buy american censored releases.
>people who complain about censorship can stay mad
We've reached the point of no return
I've noticed liberals congregate to dev forums/ email them and ask for sjw shit to be put in. So to counter this we must email devs to not put sjw shit in and stay true to their vision.
what the hell are you implying, you retard
>source is a rumor from a bunch of literal pedophiles that take pictures of kids on a playground
these are the same niggers that didn't even play the jap release a few months back and blatantly lied about the ending.
On the other hand, I loved the original and now I have no interest in buying this one. Oh well.
The two go hand in hand though, right?
If Bob was able to bench over 300lbs he would have quite dense muscles.
Given how fat he is, you would think the two combined would push him way over his stated weight. Both are observably false.
Yes. Disinformation is a powerful tool both sides use to attack their personal strawmen.
I don't think that people with legit mental issues and people that just want to get back at "le evil retardera trannies" have the same priority. But you could try to convince me.
/pol/ doesn't even know what an atlus is
>ignores answer
>asks why he didn't get an answer
>call tranny by their real name
>they die
why didn’t I think of that?
But trannies don't like themselves as they were born. I guess that's why they put themselves down.
>This just in, poor developers receives hate mail from alt-righters
Nah just let it burn.
If Catherine is getting fucked with this much, I'm dreading what's going to happen to P5R.
Westacucks are one big fat fucking mistake.
From the reveal trailer P5 ROYAL already been censored, what cave do you came from user?
Expecting outrage peddlers like OAG and Niche Gamer to care about inconvenient journalism standards
>tfw Yea Forums is becoming right wing again
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
This is funny shit coming from a group that openly sexualizes preteens.
No we can be polite and request them to stay true to their vision. Most of this sjw stuff is the result of sjws spamming their feedback emails with sjw requests. So devs think thats what normal people want.
We need to counter this by politely requesting them to stay true to their vision and not put in politically motivated characters.
The thing is you faggots are so fucking obnoxious that most companies would rather listen to transgenders than you. When most of you think the Jews are behind everything you have to live in a bubble to not understand why people dismiss you.
>normalcy is being right wing
God I hate the current year.
>From the reveal trailer P5 ROYAL already been censored
Huh. Not buying then.
Trannies should be murdered on sight..
Don't really care about the tranny shit, but spending your days complaining about some shit in a video game and not even buying it when it's "fixed" is faggotry. It's like losers who spend all day yelling about politics and yet don't vote.
What is it about discord that attracts homosexual operations?
Nothing was censored in the trailer
I"m not sure which one you're saying has priority over the other. But why do you think they should have different levels of priority? I don't really think either should be more important than the other. The localization should just try to be as accurate as possible. If the original japanese had pro-trans content, leave that in, if it has transphobic content, leave that in.
>dead name
Calling a tranny by their "pre-trans" name. Ironically, the only trans person I know personally didn't give a shit because they knew people would call them by the old name reflexively for a while.
>transphobic lines
Mostly comments about how Erica used to be a man, and one ending where Eric held off on transitioning for a while(but still makes it blatantly obvious he still plans to).
So you ARE a retard. I didn't ignore it, it say i eas just fixing his analogy a bit. I thought it was obvious that an analogy doesn't always map 1 to 1 to a situation. I this case they didn't remove the peanuts, they removed peanut traces that make up less that 0.1% of the dish.
(They changed only a few lines in a huge script unless still you don't understand what an analogy is)
no one that chops their dick off is mentally healthy
Why is it no one can give me any proof of any of this or a fucking list of what was changed.
A fictional character's name isn't going to kill anyone.
I feel bad for you.
>deluding yourself that theres poison when there isnt any to begin with
neck yourself tranny its only a matter of time
This is a terrible analogy and you should unironically commit suicide.
The ultimate irony in all of this is that only trannies can say that people shouldn't care what parts they have between their legs, yet also are the first to remind people that it's a serious issue.
Being trans is a serious mental disease. Please get help. It's only too late when you mutilate your genitals. For most of you there's still time.
Based and redditpilled
Imagine being so egotistical you think people should call you by your OC doughnut steel name you invented for yourself instead of the name your parents gave you. Absolutely disgusting.
trans and gay arguments defeat each other
gays say their were born gay, but trans say they were born the wrong gender
Whether they're advocating censorship, begging for easy modes, or pushing "politics", always remember that modern liberals all share a common disregard for the creative rights of developers.
Why does the media care so much about transfags? They're population is below 1% and almost a half of them kill themselves eventually.
I'm glad i dont support basedny
Oooops looks like you need to be censored Cutie~
poison ?
dilate. this board has been shitting on sjws since at least 2012
It's a doggy dog world
In all seriousness why do people who don't care for a game campaign so hard to change shit for it? I don't care for Ubisoft games for example so I just don't buy, read or keep up with them. But these people make it their mission to keep up with things they hate or aren't interested in. Why?
>tfw I dont want to fuck abomination that cut dick and pretend to be a girl
Well guess I am right wing nazi
Given that the most fondly remembered period is everything up to roughly 2010 you're not arguing in your favour there.
and it's been unreadable dogshit coated in normalfag memes for that long
Guess who's not buying the cuckalized version
being anti-censorship/pro-free speech is not the same thing as being rightwing you niggerfaggot, you're on where 7 years ago you were a click or two away from seeing futas wih horsecocks fucking eachother
For some people, it's all about the information war. Finding things to get mad about to share with others. Sort of like how Yea Forums does it. It's a problem in the sense as a society we'd rather be mad then indifferent.
Yet here you are
>>>/retardera/ is that way
wait who the fuck is localizing p5r? I sold my original copy to prepare for it, these retards better not fuck it up
For the same reason half this board bitched about Apex Legends' multiracial characters yet never touched it.
>Woah, stop complaining, we already censored the Japanese version, so it doesn't count, you dumb goyim animals
Hehe, you done fucked it up.
>dead name
Do they realize using this term makes them sound deranged?
What's wrong with "former name"?
Because back then leftists weren't shitting up games with censorship and politics.
See above tranny.
Actually it is now. Leftists are the greatest threat to free speech rights.
>shitposts equal political position
Also I'm not that user.
Cause they need special terminology for everything.