What does Yea Forums think of card games?

What does Yea Forums think of card games?

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I like MtG, and dabble in a few others before I get bored of them.

MtG or bust.

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*blocks your path*

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A lot fantastic mechanics full of balanced, intuitive and maximalistic potentials, and in particular a high ability for information gameplay through the use of hands and face down card mechanics.

However, although it's a lot less of an issue that it is when present in other game types due to the frequency of drawing and control over deck composition, large shuffled card decks are still ultimately a ROQ where some players are rewarded and others punished for the same thing and thus victory is in the hands of unmitigatable chance. Shuffling decks and drawing cards adds a crucial positive factor - unpredictability of initial and emerging circumstances - but LARGE decks take it too far. Hence why all good decks opt for as small a size as legal or feasible and all drawing mechanics are top deck (pardon the pun) in value.

Simple solutions (simplest that I've intuited on in my experience) involve splitting the deck up into separate sub-decks. Players can choose which decks to draw from, search within, place cards back into in any given card interaction. There are numerous ways to implement this, some more strict and others more freeform. Most would be better, and some a lot better, than one large deck.

Example I would like to playtest:
- Players can freely separate their deck into 2-5 sub decks. Each subdeck must have at least 10 cards.
- Each major card type (eg Creatures, Spells and Lands for MtG) goes into their own deck. No exceptions, if a card is ever returned to "the deck" then it returns to its own deck type.

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Best card coming through

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Yep, Nugioh is so soulless now


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Fuck nu-gay-ho

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Yea Forums is Yugioh board

link monsters ruined yugioh
planeswalkers ruined mtg

They're swell.

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I'd fuck it.

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Link monsters are cool and the only good planeswalker is the black girl because I have jungle fever

For me, it's tribute summon

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I don't even know what link and synchro monsters even are.

Are they fun? I just got this guy in an ebay bundle.

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I love card games.

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Synchro are like rituals but you don't need a spell card to summon them but a monster that has tuner next to it's typing like Warrior/Tuner


Why don't you have your invite, Yea Forums?

ENJOY and Reiji make Arc V worth watching.

Link summoning is pretty easy to get the hand of, just put two monsters on the field the link monster asks for and you should be good. IMO I think links are alright now but at the start some of them where op asf. As for Synchros there also somewhat easy to make expect you need a Turner monster of some kind and 1 or more monsters to make a Synchro monster and the level has to equal the same level as the Synchro no more or less. I find Synchro summoning to be fun (though MR4 kinda killed them).

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Reminder that these are called fucking Skyfang in the OCG.
I will never not be mad.

lmao check this shit out nigga

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Interdasting. I haven't played for a long time and that doesn't sound like it would be difficult to adapt to at all.
I have this one. I think the charm of the older stuff hasn't been completely lost.

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>MtG players are Chads who don't give a shit if their asscracks are showing
Thanks for proving my point

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Better than having all my shit stolen by some nigger playing Yugioh

Is this real?

>being so retarded he gets his shit stolen at a tournament

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Cards from Un-sets aren't playable outside of draft.


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>Beat is a Warrior despite looking like a Beast-Warrior
>but Alligator's Sword isn't a Warrior or Beast-Warrior for some reason.
I never got this but if this thing ever gets a Retrain it better be Warrior or Beast-Warrior.

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I don't think your 5,000 IQ is going to save you when a group of nogs come to rob in your ass in a parking lot.

*blocks your game*

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No, my gun is going to do that.

Yes. MTG is able to have such a card because they don't hire novel writers to come up with card effects like you gay hoe does.

forgot link: gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=73941

>YGO is so infested with nigs you need to bring guns to locals for when they inevitably try to mug you

MTG players are fat disgusting neckbeards.
Better than literally getting killed by your opponent IRL

It's an improvement

>Tear card to used effect
now that's hardcore

You're going to have to post a source to what you're talking about since I've never heard of someone literally killing another person playing a card game.

I bet this monster has a huge dick

*blocks your path*

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Can't believe Snow is fucking dead.

They are cosplaying as furries

>that kid who made up effects for cards or straight up ignored rules and game mechanics

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Just letting you know this shit isn't exclusive to MtG

This. It's both creative and humorous.

Why is not-Kallen so hot bros?

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>implying this holds any weight when Yugioh had to make a rule about hygiene in their rulebook.

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When is MtG implementing this rule

I love this card

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>that guy who became yugioh famous for using that card combo which forced you and your opponent to physically shake hands, while deliberatley making his hand filthy

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Too bad it doesn't work anymore since after that they ruled that you can accept the handshake without doing it physically.

Snow is cute. CUTE

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How can this block anything when spell destruction is so easy nowadays?

I believe most people have S/T answers attached to creature bodies, meaning when mine hits the field they can't kill it through their effects.

I like the new Dark Magician.

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Card games are as pay to win as they get.

what the fuck am i looking at

Based YGOchads working MtGpedocucks into a seethe

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Shouldn't it be the other way around since most YGO games are 1-2 turns?

>no gun
europe needs to die

>implying the muggers won't also have guns
le good citizen with le gun xD

As someone who plays a lot of TCGs including yugioh, why are yugioh players so fucking loud? It's bad enough in my area where no LGS wants to host them because of how rowdy they get.

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is this real?

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Ritual focus fucking when.

When a single urn lasts 30 minutes till you do all the steps and verifications, the analogy holds

>Why are nigs loud
That's just the way they are.

I want video evidence please

I live in the states. I just don't bring a gun with me to card game tourneys because I don't have to worry about being robbed by other magic players.

I want to fuck these cards

think of the paper cuts