Potencial PS5 launch titles? Can we please have a civil discussion about that? Is HZD2 a possibility?
Potencial PS5 launch titles? Can we please have a civil discussion about that? Is HZD2 a possibility?
The environments in this game are a thing of beauty. Seriously, I forgot how nice the places and machines look.
We can only hope for a Death Stranding/SMTV/Bayo3 style "announcement" at the PS5 reveal. Same with God of War 2 (5) and Spider-Man 2. Still too early I think.
>Is HZD2 a possibility?
Yes. The devs haven't been doing anything since the DLC released and that was over a year ago.
I'd say Launch Title for sure if PS5 is Q4 2020 and "Launch Window" if it's released earlier than that.
Spider-man 2 is too early but HZD was a year ahread of Spider-man 1.
All I can think are FFVIIR and a enhanced version of Dreams
God I hope they don't turn her into a lesbian.
What's your favorite area? I dig the city ruins.
Bloodborne 2 and Gran Turismo 7 and i'll buy PS5 day one
i just can't get into HZD. It's beautiful, but boring
>God I hope they don't turn her into a lesbian.
The fanbase shipped her with Erend fairly hard... And she never flirted with any of the women she met...and Elisabet wasn't a dyke...
Should be fine.
I was really in to this story until I began to realise what a Mary sue
Aloy was
God, we will never get cute aloy aren't we, also Bloodborne 2 as a lunch title would be fucking incredible but I doubt it
I told Yea Forums that Sony was interested in acquiring Remedy and Platinum. None believed me.
>Perfect clone of a Da Vinci/Einstein/Hawking tier genius
It's explained in the lore.
Twisted Metal is certainly on the table now after a long hiatus. SOCOM makes sense today than it did in the early 2000's.
less human enemies more robanimals and I'm on board
imagine the shitstorm if Platinum became a 1st party Sony studio
It wouldn't. The whole point of platinum was escaping Capcom. They wouldn't let themselves be bought up again.
>I am my own mother-tier
It was really sweet how she found Elisabet at the end. I teared up a little. Also amazing that she never forgot Rost at all during the entire game.
I think HZD2 at launch would be what Sony wants, but it will end up like inFamous and release in February 2021.
Otherwise, normal launch titles. I don't expect much.
Yeah the ending was really solid. Elizabet's corpse was a poignant moment.
Did you go back to his grave and say goodbye? There is a missable scene.
>giving a shit about a mediocre farcry clone
They're getting desperate after the scalebound fiasco, granblue being cancelled, and Bayo 3 director quitting mid-development. Babylon's fall seems to be in development hell too.
Tick... tock....
Holy shit I didn't even know you could. I never even knew the location. Once you finish the trials the game kind of bumrushes your butt out the door.
>civil discussion
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
nigga if you want civil go to reddit, they have 10+ commandments on every fucking sub that borgs everyone into being perfectly civil little NPCs, a nice little sterile safespace for you
How's your day going user, what do you plan on having for lunch?
>the scalebound fiasco
Micorsoft's fault and probably didn't cost them THAT much considering MS would've been providing the budget
>granblue being cancelled
I don't know enough about that
>Bayo 3 director quitting mid-development.
Dude, he didn't quit. He got removed. They just handled it with grace and let him make a clean exit.
>Babylon's fall seems to be in development hell too.
Actually, it's been predicted for releasing this year
Also you forgot about Astral Chain.
The only thing I hope: change Aloy's VA, thank you.
I wouldn't give a damn as long Nintendies cries over it
All I want is a Wipeout that isn't a remake or remaster and Ape escape 4, but knowing Sony current state...
Get that stinky sewer trash off my sight
Ratchet & Clank
Syphon Filter
Sly Cooper
Jak and Daxter
Parasite Eve
God of War
PaRappa the Rapper
Ape Escape
makes her chobby tranny face stick out even worse. there is no sense for which they should be so much fat in her face. especially in that setting.
alss the writing is lobotomy tier. literall netflix original level.
KNACK 2 BABY!!!!!!
I think Killzone V and the next Ratchet & Clank will launch with PS5. Makes sense really.
Devs never said they were done with Gravity Rush. If anything I think Japan Studio could be working on Ape Escape 4.
>hhaha us 4channers are such a rowdy bunch cant handle the bants????
If they get the next FromSoftware game or Ape Escape 4 I will probably buy it day 1. Otherwise Sony can go pound sand
Shawn wants more multiplayer, Shu wants more multiplayer. Twisted Metal became a talking point recently. Bros... Hold me.
If Sony somehow buys Platinum Inaba and Kamiya will just leave and half the staff will follow them.
Horizon was a good game. Imo for them to make HZD2 an excellent game is if they add free climbing and the ability to amount bigger machines. Imagine a boss fight in the shadow of the colossus style or just being able to mount the robot t-rexs for a short time. Also fix Aloy's face.
I want a Okage remake. Listing to the menu sound in battle gets really annoying when playing a lot. Also more Rosalyn would be great..
The player had an intense and passionate relationship with his controller all along!
>Also fix Aloy's face
lol no, that won't happen. They bowed to the whims of the loudest whiners before, they'll do it again.
She cute
Her face isn't a deal breaker for me, but a it's weird it's off of the model they used.
truly breahttaking visuals
Agreed, and they did that on purpose. I have the feeling that if they tried to make it more accurate shitters would complain something along the lines of, "Unrealistic beauty standards that weren't necessary in the first game, because in the first game she wasn't this pretty," or something.
Hunting in this game is so fucking comfy.
I don't think anyone would complain if they made her prettier. Her eyes look all wrong and retarded. If they just spaced them out a little and made them shaped like normal eyes she would be so much better looking
yeah hunting and looking at this BEAUTIFUL environment is so comfy!
Looks pretty jank, but can't say I've ever had that happen to me.
I'd rather this in game model than the one we have
>you will never lick Aloy's unwashed asshole
Feels bad man.
What a shitter you are, eh?
launch window
>bloodborne 2
>death stranding
>ff7 remake
first-year releases
>spider-man 2: venom
>persona 1 remake
>medievil 2 remake
>okage shadow king 2
>ape escape 4
that's all they have to do to win.