This thread is 100% on topic about video games. If this tariff passes it will effect everything including this board. It deserves discussion and if anyone is concerned about derailment and a certain boogeyman, they can do their job and delete posts that actually violate the rules, unlike this one.
Moot would've given us a sticky
This thread is 100% on topic about video games. If this tariff passes it will effect everything including this board...
So? Americans wanted him, they got him.
>inb4 he didn't win the vote. If he didn't win and you allowed him to take office, YOU WANT HIM.
Who give a shot about what happen in the land of the obese. Just have a tax based on how overweight you are and make getting weighted once a year obligatory and you'll be able to buy China from Xi.
It says impair the console hardware lifecycle but what about software? Will games cost more? Will the be the final push to get everyone to only own games digitally even for consoles? Because I would hate that. I enjoy my physical collection and especially the handful of special editions of games I've picked up.
PC master reich
>trump is PCMR
Libtard detected
pffff hahahaha
did anyone enjoy the combat in nu god of war?
lmao get fucked PC wins again
Just download pnpRPG rulebooks from the internet, you dont need to buy anything, any other type of tabletop is for kids
Console gamers deserve to be raped, so its a good thing.
Nothing in my post held any sort of political bias. Saying that this tariff will affect things is an objective statement. Whether you agree with the affect or not is a political statement.
>tabletop games
You can digitally play these.
Only Nintendo and Nintendo fans are fine with paying more as long as they get their Nintendo.
This is a huge nothingburger.
>He thinks the digital price of games won't be raised to match the physical price
Leaf here that saw games go from 60 to 70 and now 80 moosebucks, believe me, that isn't how (((they))) work.
PCs also got affected with a tariff on graphics cards.
Just make the consoles in the US instead of using insect slave labor.
>board games
Who cares?
That was because our dollar is shit dumbass. 60 USD literally translates to 80 CAD. You have Harper to thank for that, and Trudeau to thank for not fixing it.
Consoles need graphic cards too.
Having a US-made vidya console would probably be good. Nintendo is one thing but the other two companies put out shit with like a 15% failure rate. Maybe forcing Microsoft at least to manufacture more of their consoles in a country without slave labour will improve their quality.
Are there examples of US manufactured electronics being sturdier and less prone to (unintended) failure?
>Just have a tax based on how overweight you are and make getting weighted once a year obligatory and you'll be able to buy China from Xi.
Doing anything against fat cunts in the USA when they make up the overwhelming majority of the country is just about the dumbest thing a politician can do.
If Trump does it, it must be good.
b-but Trump was supposed to be a president for the gamers!
Why is America such a detriment to video games in recent years?
manufacture shit in the US again
>killing consoles
>not good for video games
We started Gamergate over far less than this. Can't believe this board is going to go quietly into the long dark shite.
If you love PC gaming so much, then go play a PC game.
Reminder that Honda and KIA were building plants while Ford and GM were relocating them to Mexico.
I am doing that as we speak
This. He's the president, you have the duty to abide to his decisions.
Fake news, tariffs affect foreign third world countries not american companies.
Then focus on it you fucking casual.
'Euro' board games are fucking shit anyway
Oh man I’m real worried about the tabletop industry.
This. I don't even know why I browse Yea Forums anymore. It's gone downhill significantly since Moot left/2016 election. It used to be fun, really fun. Now I don't feel anything from it. I can't leave for some reason though.
It hasnt changed at all, Ive been here since 2004
Memes change but everything else stays the same
>Xboxes are made in Mexico from vomponents sourced from Taiwan
>Playstation even less impacted
>Boardgames are literally cardboard and printed graphics with injection molded plastic pieces that can be sourced anywhere
Explain why.this matters at all to us
How much of a cuck do you have to be? That isn't what the presidency is at all. You don't blindly follow elected leaders in America. You can support them and still be critical about them.
Besides the idiot actually thinks when you apply a tariff on a country it is that country who pays for it.
Right and a majority voted for Brexit but everyone is pissed about that too. A country can vote for something then find out it's bad for them. This shit happens. He's out 2020 anyway. There is not a chance in hell his presidency lasts past then when his last 3 years have been him being slammed.
His base has barely eroded at all though, he’s always had that big chunk of America that just won’t believe anything other than positive things about him, for better or worse.
lol at the absolute state of americunts
Enjoy paying $2000 for a nintendo, cockface.
Gamegate went nowhere. Yea Forums isn't hackdavist. Shit for raids someone had to make LOIC just so people could ping -t an IP. Yea Forums isn't historically tech savy or an activist for anything. You have to really pissoff all of Yea Forums to get something like Channelology and even then that pissed off alot of the internet like Net Neutrality
Where's our $16 billion gamer bailout complete with press conference where he gets the fattest, neckbeardiest of us to stand behind him while he pronounces the word "China" in the least sexy way possible and explains a new nickname for a political opponent?
>Having a US-made vidya console would probably be good.
No, it wouldn't, because even if you assemble it locally, you still depend on parts from elsewhere. So it presents the exact same problem.
pc mustard wins again
>buying games
L M A O @ Y L
Don't elect leaders if you aren't going to follow them to the end.
I haven't been here nearly as long, since 2012. I feel there used to be funner threads. A good balance of on topic and off. Threads that were on topic had semi decent discussion of games ripe with original content that wasn't just another wojak edit. Off topic threads were very humorous or interesting, often times not completely off topic either. I remember one where a guy found a used 3DS for cheap and it had photos of a kid on it revealing the kid was probably dying in a hospital. Console war shitposting has always been a thing but it used to be in jest and people were actually a bit genuine with it, as autistic as that is. It's less autistic than constant false flagging and derailing on topic threads.
now watch as Yea Forums unironically defends a country that has no respect for human rights or the poor, despite their communist roots, all because trump is taking a stand against them
Farmers are the largest base he will lose in 2020. It might not be they jump Republican for Dem but any moderate looking Republican that focuses on 'the american family and its security' will take moderate voters from him. His base is loud but not the majority. His base is /pol/ and far right conservatives who hate political correctness.
Literally nobody:
Fuck China. Fuck the Chinese. Fuck Chinese products. A trade war isn't enough. India is next. Video games.
This tardbasket does not represent the views of the PC gaming community as a whole.
The markup on US made products wouldn't so fucking high if every company didn't need to have profit margins wider than OP's mom.There was as day where US goods were better at a reasonable price because the focus was slow and sustainable growth. That all changed when the Dodge brothers sued Ford for trying to give employees better wages and slash prices on their products.
Gamergate never was anything but a bunch of incels getting mad at a whore using her pussy in exchange for favours.
You will never see Yea Forums fighting for something truly important.
That's ping -t -l 1024 to you, pal.
True, but you've also phased out manufacturing inside the US, so even if you assembled the consoles in country, you'd still depend on chinese parts to make them.
I guess my point is that designing a console in the US wouldn't alleviate this issue.
I don't know what sludgepit of a country your from or how much news you get but with that logic every 'elected' leader of shit like North Korea or some shit in Africa was voted for by their people. That isn't how politics work. Educate yourself my man.
you enjoying that day 1 dlc cuck?
Also a symptom of this fast and loose game companies are playing these days. Do you have any idea how many fucking recalls and bulletins are put up on GM line cars every day? The gameplan is to make the ant people and Mexicans shit out whatever they can and have Technicians fix it later.
>Farmers are the largest base he will lose in 2020.
How do you reckon that? Farmers generally understand that 99% of media is fake news perpetuated by dumbass retard journalists that don't know where their food comes from.
Farmers know that those journalists have been condemning farmers for 30 years for using such evil things like fertilizer, livestock, gmo crops, and including damned things like gluten in their wheat.
Wait, why should I care?
That's bullshit and you're a fucking idiot, there are standards of quality and production yields. Those wouldn't improve by manufacturing in country.
If they're shitting out low yields, it's either intentional for planned obsolescence or the standards are fucked to begin with.
They also see that their crops aren't selling for their own weight in shit 3 years later after they were told they'd be making more than before in a year's time.
because supporting chinese slave labor so you can play bloodborne for cheap is important
They've also been denied the right to repair, and companies like John Deere are allowed to gleefully fuck them over.
I just got done replacing an engine with a crank stamped defective due to what I'm assuming was a quota, retard.
I can focus on two things at a time you pleb
That doesn't address any of the points made, idiot.
Not our problem. PCs are just fine and those console faggots can build their shit somewhere other than China.
No one gives a fuck about tabletop faggots on this board.
>His base is /pol/
But a lot of /pol/ hates him, what the fuck.
How does it not? Some manufacturer in china needed to get a 500 crankshafts out for that day and they only had 499, so they grabbed the best looking defective one and shipped it off with the rest. I'm not saying that would never happen elsewhere, but it's a lot less likely.
>tfw trumpt is secretly PCMR
Hes not used to being a critical thinker so go easy on him. Us 300 IQ american chads can all point and laugh
Disappointing, but elections have consequences. I don't know how bad it will get, but the only way to fix this is to vote out Orange Man in 2020
That is because our currency is devalued. 1 Cad is now 0.74 USD. On steam the default regional pricing is 15% less than US prices (should be getting about $68 CAD for $60 USD games) , but AAA devs keep changing it cause their assholes.
What kind of fucking Hobbesian Leviathan bullshit is this? You do understand America is a republican, right?
Game console imports means game console you bought online overseas or consoles made in china which is practically all of them?
America is a republic*, is what I meant
A democratic one, at that
>implying liberals know anything about free trade or the economy
Tariffs are almost never a good thing you fucking faggot
>The markup on US made products wouldn't so fucking high if every company didn't need to have profit margins wider than OP's mom.
How do you not know anything about free trade and yet you still fucking talk about it?
Maybe at one point we could make and sell product for a reasonable price back 100 fucking years ago
but to say that we can make shit for anywhere around the same price as the slave labor from china is fucking retarded
Moot used to be proud of making Yea Forums. Now he's off hidden away at Google. Fuck that guy
I'd like to say this isn't true but how little shit Nathan Grayson and RPS got for that made it clear that Yea Forums was more concerned with the anti-feminist culture war side of the issue. Trump put out anti-video game propaganda and people didn't care. The governor of Kentucky said video games shouldn't be protected as free speech and the threads I made about that didn't get many replies. Twitter randos who express a dumbass opinion about video game women get more conversation. Why?
>implying you wouldnt want to sniff his feet after a long day of saliva collecting