Ctr nitro

Ctr nitro

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Other urls found in this thread:



Ripper is best Roo.

Bring back the trophy girls, you cowards.

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If he's so smart, why doesn't he take the straight jacket off?

Also just beat all oxide ghosts feels good.

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> 30 fps
> Censorship
Dead on arrival

Good thing normies don't care.

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>Unstable framerate
>No Team Chaotix

Sonicfags should be burned alive

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>Beenox actually removing women from their game.

As of writing this there are 25 confirmed characters and only 1 female.

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Who cares

I care

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Going by the "only room for 5 more racers in the menu" line of thinking, I feel these are the most likely remaining characters:
>Penta Penguin (basically confirmed)
>Fake Velo (basically confirmed by the fact they use the name "Real Velo"; CNK GBA veteran)
>Spyro (hinted at in the Twitter marketing; CNK GBA veteran)
>N. Brio (probably the most requested character besides Spyro)
>Tawna (because the roster is a sausagefest)
Koala Kong, Komodo Moe, Baby T, and/or Lab Assistant in a "N Sane DLC Pack." Nina Cortex in either a Twinsanity-themed or CTTR DLC pack.

Then again, Spyro would probably be the best selling DLC by a longshot, so maybe swap him for Moe as he might be the reason we have yet to see Dragon Mines and why the only hub we haven't seen is Glacier Park.


degenerate furfag



Oxide's line about making Earthlings his slaves got changed to "minions."
Adventure Mode gameplay was shown off and the trophy girls were nowhere to be seen.

he likes the jacket

>minions instead of slaves

seriously is this is the problem to anyone? it's a just a line of dialogue in a fucking KART RACER

>no trophy girls
that is a shame tho

So now they'll be paid salary if Oxide wins? lolol

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>Oxide will offer employment to all
who's really the bad guy here

>Crash can no longer be basically a lazy ass NEET but in the jungle
Oxide is a monster

The deed is not the problem, the reason is.

Yeah but you just know it'll be minimum wage for except Zem and Zam. Maybe Velo

might be the most autistic post(s) i've ever seen on this fucking site
>m-muh word choices

>keep every other word the same
It's censorship user

You haven't seen many posts then.

FAVORITE TRACK POLL: strawpoll.me/17882634/

TRACK PLAYABILITY POLL: strawpoll.me/17841782

vote against the Wumpa Island Union

which character would be most like Yea Forums personality like? I say Oxide, insecure, toxic but competent brat.

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feel like committing arson

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got to LOVE how Nintendo destroyed sonic's mother company, double-crossed Sony with the Nintendo PSX, AND that Sony gave Sanic games a platform (started with PS2 afaik?) why are they so hostile to us, a group that got arsefucked by the same faggot company and helped them out? do they do this with mario kart threads too?

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Adventure Mode intro cutscene

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Modern Sonicfags got into the series with Adventure 2 on the Gamecube.

natural forest fires burn in a ''kidney'' or ''tree'' like patern, you know, go forward, then spread 180 to 360 degrees. Natural fires start in dead, dry piles of foilage. Don't leave scrap for the fire department, don't do it at night (naturals don't spawn at night, duh) and keep a bicycle/running car very close. light and fucking bolt.

Cute feet.


>lighting the forest on fire for fun

Get shot

Too bad he can't tip his hat...

you know some plants and mushrooms require burnt soil to grow? it's actually a good thing for biodeversity. Retards that didn't use concrete for their houses near a DRY AREA AND A FOREST, deserve cremation.

Shut the fuck up Zam you autistic cunt

>lightning garbage on fire


>Lighting buildings on fire for fun

(attempted) Manslaughter

>Lighting forests for fun

''Reset'' the area for regrowth
Yeah, what else to light on fire?

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Most games you've played in your life run at 30fps.
Sonic Racing runs at 30 fps in multiplayer.

fucking tourneyfags man. I hope the illegal shortcuts are out.

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removed trophy girls


>inb4 they just add another page

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Oniichan, gib battery uguu.

>not knowing difference between polynesian and nigger

>we have yet to see Dragon Mines and why the only hub we haven't seen is Glacier Park.
I hadn't even noticed that. I'm expecting the boss to be both Komodo bros now, like with Norm/Big Norm.

If Nina isn't in the game im going to be very upset.

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>Mayan architecture
bravo naughty dog

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what an awful picture

you have to unlock her.

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I'm expecting that to be the Hardmode equivalent
Oxide will use Zem and Zam for his boss rematch, like Velo had minions. Screencap this

How many boss keys do I need to "race" her?

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Is the shitposting with this game ever gonna calm down? Christ.


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When the Trophy Girl customization is revealed at E3

It almost is like the indigenous humans aren't a specific real-world people, but a medley of exotic aspects.

>goes first
>gets aku
thats not right.



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>but competent

I like it.
True RNG items over just getting potions and TNTs

Fill me up, Onii chan

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>that forehead

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>Liking the waluigi of crash



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>1st gets best item in the game
>2nd and 3rd might as well just give up
How the fuck is that a good thing to you?

its fucking terrible for balancing.
the drawback of going first was that you had no real boost items.

The whole point of items is to unbalance the race

>1st place gets warp ball
>can't do shit
>3rd place gets warp ball
>GG no re

you are fucking retarded.
Hopefully i can disable items altogether so shitters like you can´t depend on crutches.

Nigger the items aren't there to balance shit. Get real

I agree that he's an idiot, but disabling items is just as bad. There's absolutely 0 player interaction at that point and it's just 8 people playing time trial next to each other. Whoever has the best stats for that track and started on the front line has the advantage.

Can we stop being mean to each other and enjoy the game for what it is instead?

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You're more retarded, kill yourself nigger

You just went full retard.
That's how real life racing works. The front line advantage is solved by having a set of races instead of a single one.

Is there a point to a race where the person with the best starting position wins by default if they don't make any mistakes?

>People unironically think items solve anything and aren't just there to add randomness to the race

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Pathetic virgin.

So out of the costume select screens we’ve seen, do you think there’ll be more in the final product? Was really hoping for biker crash but all I saw was pallet swaps and a couple actual costumes.

I know people don't use weapons in real life, but this game is nothing at all like real life racing. Kart racers in general, not just CTR, do not function properly with no items.

I just wanted a wholesome Ctr thread

that word alone change the whole context of the story you retard, see

Possibly, I was expecting Tiny to have his Colosseum armor outfit. Perhaps they are being withheld for the final product. Or maybe they are planning a Crash 3 costume pack DLC. Who can say. The low number of skins does make me wonder if the game really is going to be micro-transaction free, which would be pretty based.

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I mean, he's an even worse Waluigi since he's only been in one game. Unless they brought him back at some point that I'm not aware of.

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Hahaha, holy shit. This is going to be radical.

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No fucking way, it seems that now is easier to archieve

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Those crying foul about the Trophy Girls are knee jerking. The Adventure Mode was shown off, yes, but don't know what build it is. I'm guessing they don't want a media shitstorm on their hands before release. If that happened they would probably "need" to censor anyway. IF they are removed then that sucks, but as of right now we don't KNOW that they are cut. For all we know, they can be playable with each girl being a different skin or maybe Tawna (if she's playable) has their outfits as skins for her. Can't we at least wait till E3 before jumping to conclusions?

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that's going to get patched once it gets used online, innit?

It's not right, and I've seen footage of things like the clock item being used multiple times back to back, and multiple warp orbs in play at the same time. The item balance worries me because it can make multiplayer play a complete clusterfuck in a bad way.

fucking gnarly

>You need blue fire
>You need an aku mask
>You have to u-turn and cut off your blue fire
>The footage makes it seem like it is alot easier with beginners

There is a good chance this shortcut will be totally unviable in races and in TTs this won't even be doable. That's if it's even in the final game.

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yes, cheese will fly to your character if you use one of those shortcuts

you know you can use it with none of all that shit if you use the pad in reverse? how turbo pads work in reverse is retarded. look where it scrolls!

Wouldn't that just be an arcade racer?
I get what you mean though.

>Oxide will turn everyone into his minions.

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>slaves was censored
>trophy girls removed

why is the media so cucked these days?

I like when pre-release gameplay shows someone who actually knows how to play.

This, it's a neat party trick. But unless you can safely retain your USF, that's all it is. In online mode, if you do this short-cut, you'll get over-taken by people who took the long way around and maintained their USF in a matter of seconds.

huh, as kid I took him literally, him making earth a parking lot. as teen I saw how dumb that was and figured that was an eufemism for Nuclear Attack or Deplanetizer (see rtachet and clank) but did he really meant what he said, no subtext?

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user i agree the trophy girls censoring is shit but does slaves getting censored ruin anything? It sucks but considering how good everything else is, i'm just thankful it's not 100% shit.

Also Coco's princess costume would like some words with you user

>implying people will be turned into slaves is a good thing to include in a kids game

It's better as minions.

Is being Oxide's minion even bad? lifelong kart tournaments! Kart racing is awesome already IRL without the jumps and weapons (I suggest it highly, traction on a kart is insane) I mean, Oxide's vision sure beats the dystopia we are in now?

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That's literally Cortex's goal in 2 & 3.

Oh shit this shortcut is actually easier to take now with USF being permanent with boosts. I wonder what other shortcuts will be easier now that you can get a solid 20 feet off the ground? I bet you could pull some shit on hot air sky way.

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I also took him literally and I think he's supposed to be taken that way. It's a wacky kart racer after all. It's like the green guy in Space Jam who wants to turn earth into a theme park (if I remember correctly). Earth is probably quite small compared to the planets he's seen so making earth a literal parking lot for all the galaxies vehicles doesn't sound too far-fetched.

Oxide is an intergalactic racing champion, I figure he was looking for a new place to store all of his fancy racing space-ship/vehicles.

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It's both. It adds unpredictability to the race but also allows lower positions to get comebacks and makes it harder for the first place person to just frontrun uncontested. In a properly balanced game, anyway.

It's the philosophy behind the change, not the actual change. Minions fits better desu, but I'm autistic about keeping everything og.

I personally don't care about the absence of trophy girls I just don't like the fact that they probably have some weak ass reason for doing so. Oh they're too sexy for kids? I guess you shouldn't take your kid to the beach ever in case he sees a woman in a bikini.

Earth is actually one the top 10% in size for terrestial planets.

still, would he let us race for his amusement? it sure beats College or a job!

Perhaps the whole minions thing is a reference to CNK where the loser becomes an underling like Zam and Zem.

A minion and a slave are two different things. A minion serves a master by will. Igor for example is a minion; Snivley, Grounder, Scratch as well. A slave has no say in the matter and is controlled without free will. So unless Oxide plans to brainwash the masses, minions makes less sense. If they want to make it clear how evil he is, he should say slave. There is nothing wrong with using that word. Kids cartoons in the 80's and 90's used that word plenty. Hell, even JAFAR uses it in the original Disney movie. Shredder used it too.

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>Would he let us race for his amusement?
Yes, if you don't like the idea of just cleaning and caring for his vehicles to be your career, you can build your own kart and try to race for his amusement amidst other competitors. If you beat everyone and become the champion, he might even draft you onto his racing team.

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user they have missiles and bombs. Don't even pretend like you can take a missile. Also fags without a driving license would probably be executed due to lack of skill.

Could you drive against Oxide Yea Forums?

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>Earth is actually one the top 10% in size for terrestial planets.
That we know of. You can't really apply our minimal knowledge of the universe to this. He could come for a galaxy where Earth is seen as positively tiny. But I get what you mean.

That makes sense. Zem looks like he's related to Velo's race and Zam is an indiscriminate canine-like being. They strike me as former opponents who lost against Oxide

>mfw thinking about racing oxide in my shitty 2004 Camry
>he instantly murders me with TNT

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I agree. But again I'm just saying let's calm down a bit before jumping to the conclusion that they are gone. I don't want them to be gone, even less if the reason is that they are too sexy because they aren't really wearing anything different than people at the beach, as you stated. Let's just wait a bit and see. The risk exists and the risk of the reason being bullshit is even bigger, though.

I always thought the Parking Lot battle mode map was a kind of "what if" thing where Oxide won and did just that.

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>because the roster is a sausagefest
not really a good reasoning, user
Nina would make more sense, since we saw those banners featuring her and N. Brio

If we go by the five character theory, my guesses are
>Penta Penguin
>Fake Velo
>N. Brio
>Komodo Moe

I want to impregnate Nina

Lads im getting worried about Nitro Kart story content.

Do you think there is any chance at all it will get remastered? Or will the tracks be exclusive to versus mode?

maybe dlc?

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I'm just super skeptical as to whether they'll appear. I would agree that caring about changing "slaves" to "minions" is nitpicky, obviously speculation here, but I think most of us kind of understand their train of thought, and the changing of "slaves" is giving me a hint as to what the developers were thinking. And it's not good.
If they did knowingly change the dialogue to say minions instead I would imagine that's in line with the same train of thought that think the trophy girls are too sexy for the game.

How would Cortex react to Nina becoming a teen mother?

No Cnk story mode.

I mean, compared to the original where:
a) You can't USF in Polar Pass
b) Even if you could, it's hard to mantain
c) To make that jump you have to either stop 5 seconds and use the turbo pad or be extremely precise with where you jump, you have to use the wall. Here it seems that polar just jumps and skips everything.
d) It's hard to do it even with a mask on
c) Not to mention do it with a beginner character

Trust me, in the original is a matter of timing and precision not just jump really high. I can see a lot of people doing this in multiplayer if left unchanged.

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truly a diabolical villain

It was never stated that NK story would be included at all. People here just jumped to that conclusion because the characters are in, which makes little sense. The NK characters are unlocked through the shop which indicates that the NK story isn't there at all otherwise they would be unlocked through IT instead. dlc could be possible but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Depends on whether or not his grandchild is born with orange fur

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I think it was a reasonable assumption because they already have all the character models, tracks, and quite a few of the other assets from the ctr campaign.

Really all they would have to do it make the cutscenes and overworld. Not exactly a difficult thing to do, especially as DLC

>didn't bother to import Tawna, N.Brio or Koala Kong models
>instead make like 10 new ones for Rick & Morty rejects
>no Penta

Literally who asked for this? Who wanted fat ogre and dog ogre or big mime and thin mime?
Literally couldn't give two shits about the game anymore, might as well just stick with playing the OG CTR.

I mean who else is going to have sex with her? The island only has only so many guys.

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We haven't seen the final roster you clown ass nigga.
>no Penta
Except he's already been confirmed. The unequal amount of kart types should have tipped you off that this isn't all there is.

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Space Jam did it and nobody seems to have a problem, besides, Oxide IS the bad guy after all, it's not like he needs to be softened nor is he going to succeed anyway.

>The game's not even released yet
>People are already finding new fucking skips

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I make sfm porn for a living and Tawna's model is a nightmare to deal with. It isn't rigged very well in N.Sane trilogy and attempting to pose her results in a lot of warping.

It ain't new you fucking goof ball. It was possible in the original although harder because USF wasn't an intended mechanic nor was USF possible in polar pass.

The mines are based. You're right about the ogres, though.

>I'm just super skeptical as to whether they'll appear.
Believe me, user, so am I. I really hope they are in because that would show the devs care more about the fans than some whiny people on twitter. You have every right to be skeptical, user.

>I would agree that caring about changing "slaves" to "minions" is nitpicky
Not necessarily. I wrote this slaves and minions are a different bread, if you will, of helper.

>and the changing of "slaves" is giving me a hint as to what the developers were thinking. And it's not good.
I agree 100%. It's a stupid change likely made to not get BLM or some other group down their throats, and speaking as someone who's black, there is NOTHING wrong with the word "slave". It's just a word describing someone who is controlled by someone else against their will. It's not tied to a race or group of people, nearly every race have been slaves to someone at some point in time.

Red Gem = Koala Kong
Green Gem = Nitrus Brio
Yellow Gem = Tawna Bandicoot
Blue Gem = Komodo Moe
Purple Gem = Spyro
Penta = Cheat Code
Fake Velo = Advanced Skin for Papu Papu
Rilla Roo = Advanced Skin for Dingodile
CTTR Cast + Yaya Panda = DLC Pack 1
Trophy Girls + obj_motherfucker = DLC Pack 2

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A man does. A slave obeys.

[Spoiler]user you forgot Nina[/spoiler]

CTTR Cast m8

they're concussion bombs and missiles from what we seen, how a ''warp orb'' read: black hole, does not kill beats me. Also, what do driving licenses got to do with this? karting is nothing like it as reckless behavior can be possitive. It never is in driving an actual car.

Well, how are we going to unlock Nitro Kart's characters then? Friendly reminder that we haven't seen all the CTR content yet. Probably Beenox is still hiding a surprise.

Pit-Stop with Wumpa Coins from playing Story Mode

>Remove the trophy girls for no reason
>We don't even get Tawna as a racer
>Velo and the other alien faggots are in

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guys, we just have to beat a boss for unlock.


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Haven't got the final roster yet.

Does the child have an N on their head?

>how are we going to unlock Nitro Kart's characters then?
They said that you could unlock CNK bosses from the shop. And IF (big IF) the CNK story was in the game it would entirely separate from the CTR adventure mode.

I assume not
The N would have to be applied later

This, he's more like MC Ballyho

>And IF (big IF) the CNK story was in the game it would entirely separate from the CTR adventure mode.
I dunno. Maybe the tracks will replace the CTR tracks in a sort of new game plus thing. That's always possible.


That's an awfully buff roo.

Can we all agree that The North Bowl looked way better in the original?

>You do this online
>The lap automatically does not count

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I don't understand what the fuck they were thinking with Polar Pass in general

>going downhill doesn't increase cruising speed


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you can switch in bosseso nce you unlocked them.

so…. we can get oxide's time relics from him with… Oxide?

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I hope they make hard mode unreasonably hard

finna this

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Fucking please.

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the hidden cheat or the setting? the hardmode cheat gave everyone oxide's boss speed. top kek man.

>Remove the trophy girls
Wut. Sticking with my PS1 copy now fuck censorship.

>30 fps


Post Skins you'd want to see. I personally would love it if they made a skin for Oxide that references back to his original concept art as a mad scientist obsessed with speed, give him a floppy gas-mask, a lab-coat and some sort of brain-in-a-jar head-piece.

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Vector is in

Yes. you mean this one? Also, shouldn't it be a skin of Cortex? extremely similair body and all.

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That Robot-Cortex skin already kind of uses the brain-in-a-jar concept for him but the skin wouldn't have to be 1 to 1 exact copy. Just give Oxide the appropriate apparel and people would connect the dots.

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Didn't concept Oxide have a legitimate Nitrous addiction? the early alien versions show a reverse respirator with the stuff (see Nash). Now I guess Oxide doesn't need any gas at all? they removed the glass bubble over his craft when he flies to earth.

He looks like a shitty rip-off of Bagular/Bagura from the Bombeman series, especially his Bomberman Hero design

funniest thing is he'll be perpetually high if he actuall breathed N2O. that, or braindead. Why is Oxide nothing like his namesake?

>>didn't bother to import Tawna, N.Brio or Koala Kong models
You must be the biggest fucking retard ever, if you actually think they aren't in.

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Post the biggest bullshit reveals that would make the game instant 10/10 for you
>All missing ND characters + Spyro, Nina and Yaya
>Big Velo + CNK Boss bike
>New tracks based on existing characters like Tropy
>Trophy Girl customization

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>>Trophy Girl customization
Please don't make me want something that will never happen.

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>New tracks based on existing characters like Tropy
This. Even better if they are based on existing levels, I'd love a Sunset Vista track.

>Soundtrack toggle DOES use the pre-console mixes from Josh Mancell
>Crash and Coco can get out of their karts and have all their N.Sane Trilogy animations
>Fake Crash has to be unlocked like CNK GBA by going outside the map in Out of Time[/spoiler)

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CNK story mode is all I need

>>Crash and Coco can get out of their karts and have all their N.Sane Trilogy animations
Pointless but I love it.

Imagine the griefing.

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>pre-console mixes
would be nice, but wouldn't there be copyright issues on that?

Yeah, not paying Josh.

If there were real copyright issues they wouldn't have soundtrack toggle confirmed already.

desu the missing ND characters are all that are keeping this from being perfect atm

Scratch and Grounder were built to anti-Sonic. Don't really have a choice.

>CTTR tracks + Pasadena
>Crash Bash demo + Rilla Roo
>Mascot Crash and Mascot Coco
>Highly customizable obj_motherfucker
>A mode where you can save your ghost and share those online so people can race your best times in Time Trial.
>Cross-platform online

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For anyone pretending that getting upset about it is ridiculous, if Beenox themselves cared about it enough to change it in the first place then it clearly is a big deal especially if their reasons for doing it involved preserving racial sensitivity. Aside from that, the change doesn't bother me and the word "minion" fits the game much better. It makes Oxide sound like a cartoonishly evil villain that fits perfectly into the wacky Crash universe whereas "slaves" has more sinister undertones.

Slave was fine and there is nothing wrong at all with sinister undertones. That said it barely matters.

Nacho Cortex

Tropy Blanco

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I want ''N. Tropy through the ages''

>Egypt, Sundail
>Roman, Sundail
>Mediëval, Clock
>Industrial, Atom-Clock
>70s, minimalist Rainbow clock

we got steampunk, it's his default.

things I wondered, what race is N. Tropy and why does he use a giant cooking utensil as weapon?

Keeping my hopes up until she's deconfirmed.

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They're cute.

Same user.

Do you guys we will get Crash 4 after this or will the bandicoot go back to his grave he came back from for another 10+ years

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Wrath of Cortex remake

Fuck that piece of trash, if they want to remake something then they need to remake BASED Twinsanity and actually finish and polish it this time

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Why is that named "ff7.gif"?

>giant cooking utensil
It's a tuning fork. Not that it makes any more sense.
Also N. Tropy without armour would be a pretty cool skin.

What did people think of Tag Team Racing? I remember enjoying it, but then again for pretty much the entire game my strategy was

>Pick N. Gin
>Fuse with whoever's next to me immediately
>spend the entire race shooting overpowered missiles at people while letting the other guy drive.

You know people shit on twinsanity but people need to realize that naughty dog actually pushed the scale of crash to the point where it couldn't really be pushed further.
He travels the earth, goes to space, travels through time, fights aliens. Crash nitro kart had them fight a galactic empire and wrath of cortex had him go inside VR
Twinsanity only had alternate dimensions left to go to and even then, how would you be able to top the scale of twinsanity without jumping the shark. Naughty dog kind of made it hard to ramp to the threat level without a shark jump happening. Pic unrelated

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Predict character bants
>"W-witness my evolutionary superiority...!"

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what's a tuning fork good for? I tried to stela one in high school but the physics teacher asked back for it at the end of class. geezer's senility didn't kick in. I remember hitting the table with it and putting it next to my ear. it sounds soothing.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed over the trophy girls. They would be nice to have again, but you guys make it seem like it's a deal breaker without them.

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''.... but paper doesn't stop rock! IT MAKES NO SENSE!''

-Using bomb/rocket/shield projectile/warp orb

The first few races were really fun but it soon became apparent how easy it was to win and how similar all the races actually were regardless of the track you pick.
Like you said, the whole strat is just to fuse immediately and play gunner the whole race, and then de-fuse at the last minute. If you just kept chucking submarine and piano powerups you were pretty much untouchable. Plus N. Gin's and Nina's guns were easily the most OP so there was little point playing anyone else.

Is there anyway to setup PS1 net play? I wouldn't mind trying my hat at hosting later.

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Pretty fun if you avoid clashing and turbo boosts

Did this happen in the Ps1? I feel it may actually be a bug or something, like if the game checked how far you are from the 1st place and/or next racer, and she's so far ahead the game thinks he's doing badly and gives him a mask.

More like censored game!

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Tuning instruments, funnily enough.

What is that cropped from

In the original, you only get potions and tnts if you're on first place
last place gets uka masks, warp orbs and clocks

Is Nitro Kart worth going back to? I want to play it again just to see if it was as much midcore as it was when I played it as a child.

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Huh, I thought we used quartz Crystals for that? accuracy and all.

Controls are pretty jank but the story and music are good

>Professional grid girls in a racing tournament
>possibly the only reminder that anything you're doing in CTR is properly organized and advertised
>characters other than the racer you used cheering you on for winning

It's no deal breaker but they add more to the game than people admit.

If you're trying to shield children from reality go ahead, but they will see these women at race tracks.

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>steven universe

Consider termination of your physical body, my fellow Ophistocontic organism.

Nah m8

I blame Snoy for the lack of Trophy girls.
Imagine the shitstorm if they aren't available only in the ps4 version.


Never in single player, but it happened sometimes in multi player.

>"I invented this one!"
*using a beaker*

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You could just
Not focus on ramping it up?

Just do a game set on Earth with Crash stopping Cortex?


Sounds good to me.


How about a proper Spyro Crossover? and don't seperate the games or gameplay, use Spyro for levels/hubs and swirlies where you switch to crash to play a level. Have spyro play on wumpa and crash on avalar.

I'd slit a throat for this.

Attached: Spyro%201.png (1242x1242, 578K)

I hate that they're sticking to the fuck ugly penguin designs from nsane trilogy.

This. It's fairly fucking simple. Saturday morning cartoon rules.

Can someone make a Virgin vs. Chad edit of this?

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That's probably what literally everyone wanted as opposed to the garbage GBA games

you mean corp and add tekst? no. this isn't bizarre enough. if we have one with Roo on winner and Cortex on loser, sure, as Roo is the biggest loser in the franchise.

Fuck off, Japan hates Spyro, they didn't even get over half of the games, including Spyro 3.

>playing as anyone but Nigger Cortex
laughing at you


what does Japan got over to this? Activision holds the licenses and they're not filthy chinks but mutts, and I doubt Activision in it's chaotic neutral nature gives a single damn about a medium sized country.

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Who /oxideedition/ here? Just got my air freshener from Gamestop.

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Kill yourself.

Pura is wrong, Tiny too. Pura is girl magnet, my stepsister took him, kept losing to tryhard me (Tiny) and went N.Gin because she finds him funny as he looks so silly and ugly. At that point I actually had competition. I picked Tiny because I wanted to win like a filthy tourneyfag. Do moar, I like it for the most.

No Spyro love in Japan = No Spyro in Smash

Why is he so perfect?

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…. you've lost it, haven't you? Nintenbaby garbage sure as hell has nothing to do with us, nor with the sanics. (if only they realised we've been nicer to them than Nintendo...)

it even spazzes out like the original

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That uncanny valley man. I know he isn't human but fuck, a nose would help.

>what race is N. Tropy
I figured he was some kind of brown person who grew up in the UK.

I thought either japanman or arab.

Why are most of the gameplay on YouTube at 1080p60 then? 30fps is probably a 4k exclusive feature

Can two local players go online? Just like MK

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Enjoy your censored game Snoyboy

Same energy

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Nigga don't start consolewar shit in a multiplat thread

jokes on you, I only like E rated Sony franchises. Last of us is cancer, modern naughty dog is a zombie of its former self and insomniac died because it's failed PS3/4 ratchet and clanks.

>Implying the game will not be censored in the Switch version

Well damn, well you put it like that.

I could see that working, something like crash 4 instead of those shitty elementals they just do tag team fights with the villains.

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>tfw Crash and Spyro are back but Ratchet, Jak, and Sly are dead

Jak has a gameplay problem. it's far too basic compared to ratchet and clank. Ideas?

If there's really only 5 five characters left, these ones are the most likely to appear:
>Penta Penguin
>N. Brio
>Nina Cortex
The true question is who will be the last character, i'm in doubt between Komodo Moe and Big Velo, Spyro might be released as dlc later.

Attached: CTR.jpg (1280x720, 576K)

Ratchet is not dead.

Wasn't N. Sane the best selling game of the month for every platform it was on? Proof that Crash was never the problem; his post-ND devs were.

>2019 and Crash is less JUSTed than Sonic
Feels good man, hope a miracle happens and Banjo joins him.

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If the next game is set in the reimagined universe, it's dead in my eyes.

It will be if they make a new one that's part of the shitty reboot instead of continuing the original story.

Aren't they making a Sly TV show?

Big Velo is almost certainly in, but I literally can't decide if I want him or Moe more.

When did they mention smash you fucking deranged retard?

I'm not sure why people keep assuming that Penta is going to be in the last row. In the original game, he was a ultra secret character that only could be unlocked via cheat codes. There are five slots left, each one most likely corresponds to a Gem Cup racer. I don't know, but I just can't see Penta going from cheat-code character in the original to Gem Cup unlock, especially since the N. Sane/Reignited Trilogy showed that cheat-codes are still fair game. I think the last five racers will be their own thing and Penta will be the secret, 31st racer unlocked via punching in the original cheat-code for Penta from CTR.

Attached: penta.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Who's talking about Smash?

It was a movie that got canned when Ratchet bombed hard, and the show has been in development hell for a while. Shame, I'd like to see a Sly cartoon on Adult Swim, as long as it wasn't as fuckugly as the movie preview.

Also, make this a Dingodile skin.

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should Penta have a skin where he is in formal office clothing, dork glasses and is fathering an egg for his wife? Maybe…. his job is, a programmer…

That game is just a tie in adaptation of the movie.

I hope that's all it is, but someone from Insomniac said they're still not sure whether the next game will continue from Into the Nexus or be a Going Commando reimagining.

It looks like shit

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Why did they removed the trophy girls?

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Girls are icky.

>Literally raising money to get a switch by selling porn drawings just for this game
>getting very close to it
granted i will also get bing bing wahoo and smt 5 when that comes out but still fuck you crash for doing this to me

>That Sly
Jeezums crike

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Why does Sony hate the games that made them who they are?

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post yfw the trophy girls are conspicuously present in Xbox and Switch versions and their absence in the PS4 version is never officially acknowledged or commented on

I think I'd die of supreme laughter

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Are you still selling, and what are your price rates?

>If there's really only 5 characters left
>There are five slots left
STOP regurgitating this shit please. The size of the character 'slots' means literally nothing if you've played the original. There is also clearly a button to scroll pages if there has to be a second one.

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Bentley is decent, Murray is acceptable, but Sly is fucking hideous.

smug mime that reads manga all day

Face it retards, characters only matters if they are in Smash. Nobody will care about Spyro if he isn't in Smash with the other icons, this is why Japan hates him, that and the shitty cameras.

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the wait hurts
I wish E3 would come sooner so I at least would have something to distract me

PC version waiting room

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it's Big Velo. in the Roosterteeth stream, they saw "Real Velo," and asked if Fake Velo was there, and it was pretty much a "Mmm can't say" answer.

This icon actually got replaced.

haters gonna hate

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He always struck me as middle Eastern because he reminded me of genie from Aladdin, but evil

Don't forget that his voice actor, Corey Burton, has also voiced some Disney villains before in Kingdom Hearts.

ironic as most compare Tropy to Jafar, at least as far as bodyshape goes.

He's like a blue, steampunk Jafar mixed with elements of Gazoo from the Flintstones.

Fuck fags aka Antromorphic characters and their fans
Penta, Polar & Pura Chads unite

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Shit, with what? Is there a video? Smugnorm was based.

admit it, you would fuck with the timeline for fun too if you had his power.

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No, not really. Tropy's excessive experimenting with time travel hasn't done any favors for his health (his skin turned pale blue and he tires easily from physical activity, evidenced by his boss fights.) Plus, we've seen what can happen when that technology goes wrong....

Between you and me I don't think the risks are worth the reward.

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we don't know why he is blue? as for fatigue, he has metal strapped to him, like, lots. When he ''died'' and Cortex went spoopy ''who knows what it will do'' it being the time twister, I as kid got the headcanon that levels such as ''tomb wader'' ''rings of power'' ''orange asphalt'' ''area 59?'' were results of this instability. none of these levels make sense, aliens never visisted earth, egyptian tombs never flooded (the opposite, really) roads never were that bad, and planes never raced through rings.

>They talk over the music

Blue gem is Penta. Yellow gem is Fake Crash. Just saved you all a bunch of speculation.

>Yellow gem is Fake Crash
Wasn't he Purple before?

>not picking Crash at any opportunity
Speaking of, how will online work? First person to pick a character gets them and boohoo for everyone else?

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Do you think they kept the pinstripe speedway one too?

nope, clones.

I’m just shitposting, but probably. I just think that’s how they’ll do it.

Invader Zim referenced a literal "parking lot planet." Given Crash has some vaguely similar outrageous humor, he may have meant it.

8 tinys every race

Dont be gay, that's Snoy's and Sega's job.

You must be 18 years or older to use this website.

Remember how CNK butchered racer stats? Good times

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This, penguinyay1 isn’t on the character select so there’s bound to be more. We’re one month from the game releasing and Beenox just now showed the adventure mode. N. Brio and Nina appear on one of the tracks so they’re probably in

Does anybody want some crash drawings I got from a thread a few years ago

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I want to Hug----------- Her so badly

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>Post the biggest bullshit reveals that would make the game instant 10/10 for you
>Tawna becomes playable, her design is hotter and more true to her original appearance
>obj_motherfucker becomes playable, with tons of skins from the games
>evil coco skin, vicarious visions take heavy inspiration from kempferzero's art
>bikes revealed to be an alternative to gocarts, can play entire campaign as biker crash
>Josh Mancell is back on the team

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what TF does he do on his loss platform in the Original? I never got it, he grabs his feet, makes a circle and has a seizure?

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The way "average" is used here actually means below average.

I'm no pedo but I wouldn't mind giving her a good squeeze. It's the least I could do to thank her for being there so long.

he's having a tantrum
you fucking spastic melon

that doesn't explain why he grabs his feet and does these circles, does it?

He throws a stomping tantrum. CNK has the same thing, only with added flair.

Speaking of which, does anyone think they'll keep the top hat and cane from CNK? He never had a victory animation in the original...

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we don't like when games are censored to cater to an audience that doesn't exist in the first place. We're the gamers and the games are supposed to be made for us, not for some special snowflake that's only gonna watch some youtube footage with the express purpose of finding shit to get offended by

yes it does
are you literally retarded?
do you know what a temper tantrum is?

one of the recent videos posted had everyone playing Tiny

What would a bj from a gasmoxian feel like?

What would happen if his straightjacket would be removed?

Melted penis.

It would be extremely painful.

>Tawna becomes playable, her design is hotter and more true to her original appearance
Not entirely unlikely because of Beenox's French roots, but they have been kinda rigid on keeping the NST models the same, even with Penta

What's the deal with Tiny? In his first appearance he's working for Brio, but in every subsequent appearance he's Cortex's personal muscle.

He's a big guy

Brio didn't need him anymore so he went to the other guy who would let him crush crash.


Absolutely FUCKING wrong. Tiny is the man choice of racer. Max speed and no turning is like racing with with a run-away freight train, it is insane and it is glorious.

this list is obviously entirely made up on the spot, it even assumes people who play Coco aren't in majority going to be waifufags and those guys that "totally always play a girl because they don't wanna stare at a man's ass".


Cortex probably gave Tiny the promise of revenge against Crash, and that was all the motivation he needed.

>people still don't think Tawna and Brio are in
Tawna was teased months ago, and Maurice LaMarche (Brio's current VA) was reported to have done work on the game via imdb. Either DLC or basegame, they'll show up somehow.

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I liked the burping and farting noises

I hope this will be able to be my main online vidya along with TF2

I kinda hope not. It's too silly for a character with his intimidating presence.

No official explanation, but with Tiny being canonically a simpleton it is not at all unlikely he was ordered N.Cortex to kill Crash and just forgot that it's N.Brio he's supposed to take orders from.

I love how CNK tried to maintain the Naughty Dog era goofy eyes. You can really see it on Crunch here, as well as N Trance to a degree

>Tawna was teased months ago
how, this is the first time I've heard anything of this

Someone give me a quick rundown on why people are suddenly saying the Tropy girls aren't it

>intimidating presence
the orange fuzzy dice and pic related say otherwise

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there's footage of someone winning a trophy race in adventure mode, and the girls don't appear on the podium

Adventure mode gameplay was released yesterday along with podium animations (the only place they appear in the original) and they weren't there.



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I'm willing to bet most of them are

you wish loser

>Tawna was teased months ago

you're just as bad as the intersectional feminists who would complain if theses aspects were in the game, go outside and get some fresh air

>Are you finished with those errands.png

>pinstripe speedway
what the fuck is pinstripe speedway

Meant hot air skyway.

I always assumed it was literal, and was just a joke on how stupid the idea was, like TF2 red and blu bases sit 30ft opposite each other, in universe it makes sense, but it's just a gag.

Side note, in some unused dialogue, Oxide reveals he held the same contest he does in CTR on Mars, Mars lost and is now a barren planet.

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True, but they have stated a couple of times CNK story wont be in the game.


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All the nitro kart characters got chad portraits

Okay but where's Nina


Attached: princess nina.png (123x200, 43K)

In our hearts....

Was watching the creative director playing some with people from PlayStation and he kept saying "you can unlock__" in the pit. What's the pit and what does that mean? Is that just code for paid DLC?

Pit shop. Earn in-game by completing challenges and exchange them for unlocks.

the pitstop is a shop where you can unlock stuff using in game currency called wumpa coins which you earn in adventure mode

Pit stop, a store you purchase characters/cosmetics with ingame coins that are earned via challenges and adventure mode

Attached: Tawna 009.jpg (591x344, 29K)

*in-game currency

I mean, in a sense, after he fucks up Earth, it could be used as a parking lot.

VV isn't making the game, beenox is. Anyway yeah, a evil coco skin would be fucking amazing but I feel like they wouldn't be able to get away with it now so I expect it to be toned down greatly. Plus we've seen coco's bare legs with her princess costume and they are very hairy (no shit yeah but they could have been smooth like crash in the switch version of the n sane trilogy) and that probably wouldn't look good unless they give her panty hose

in the trash

I will now buy your game. seriously though make the trophy girls playable at least

the pit is obviously a reference to mortal kombat, they're teasing motor kombar crossover

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>people still crying over the throphy girls
Im starting to think it was a good thing they got removed, it will lower the waifufaggot rate by quite a lot, leaving cocofags as the only plague.

astroturfer pls

cringe and filteredpilled

>orange fuzzy dice
I can't believe they were the key to all this

Don't you remember pinstripe speedway?

Attached: Pinstripe Speedway.png (800x501, 589K)

It's almost impressive how he's never made a single good post on Yea Forums.



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you'd think that but...
oh and, please fucking kill yourself Mariex, you are the absolute worst human being I have ever had the misfortune of coming across on this sorry ass website. Holy shit you're such an obnoxious disgusting little faggot ass prude faggot, every single place you show up is becomes absolutely fucking DEFILED by your presence. This is especially true in the drawfag threads where you somehow manage to be even more obnoxious than everyone else that's already 70% more autistic than the rest of Yea Forums. Holy fucking shit just kill yourself already.

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They should introduce an "expert" item set or something. All items except for the Warp Orbs and Clocks would be there. You will still have missiles, bombs, masks, boosts, crates, and beakers. Maybe even add the super engine item from battle mode too for MOAR SPEED.

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normies where we at

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Pardon my autism, I had to do it.

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>it will lower the hetero male rate by quite a lot
Fixed it for you resetgender

Also no, fuck off tranny. Stop gaslighting male children by promoting the removal of women.

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the landing handstand is very impressive


Absolutely. All the ice levels in Nitro Fueled look like shit. The worst part is that Beenox's own concept for Polar Pass looked incredible and very authentic to the original design. Then somebody decided to tack on all this shit and ratty looking wood structures and trees everywhere. Less is more!
Oh well, I like everything else they've done so I forgive them.

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Old Vicarious Visions tried very hard to stay true to Naughty Dog's style.

They're forced to use VV's shitty in-house engine

It's like they purposely wanted to fuck Polar Pass over for Meteor Gorge to have the aesthetic Polar Pass should, calling it now

best coco design

>2 months ago

The model has some merit

Attached: Challenge.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

IIRC his blue skin officially comes from too much exposure to the vacuum outside time and space.

I played it immediately after doing a CTR run, and it felt almost unbearable to me. There are no reserves, and you lose speed so easily. The steering feels loose yet clunky at the same time. It feels like a chore to play in comparison. Item Frenzy is an awkward gimmick too.
Besides that, it has great track design, music, and I love the bosses and story.

>headcanon that levels such as ''tomb wader'' ''rings of power'' ''orange asphalt'' ''area 59?'' were results of this instability
I had a similar theory that the future levels were the result of Cortex's warning, since they don't fit with the overall premise of the game (Cortex's minions are travelling back in time to steal the crystals and gems before Crash finds them in Crash 2).

I'm just happy that my main, Crash, has already been confirmed.

Brio settled down after getting his revenge on Cortex. Tiny has a desire to crush everything, so working for Cortex was in his best interests.

>Besides that, it has great track design, music, and I love the bosses and story.

Major ND purist here, but the music on display in CNK is simply better than CTR at points, whereas in CTR the music is often just 'decent' because Mancell has all these really subtle sounds in CTR's music that your ears just completely ignore.

crashchads ww@?

yfw the trophy girls are replaced with Tropy girls.


CNK's music always seemed mixed too low in-game for its own good, there's some top tier stuff in there

Attached: 1.jpg (354x286, 25K)

I'd believe it.


Would be aggressively perfect

It sounds like Mancell really struggled with using the PS1 hardware for music. I love the PS1 Crash music, but the compression and sound quality isn't the greatest. Compare Mancell's work to Stewart Copeland's compositions in Spyro. Spyro 1-3 sound so much more high fidelity and rich, it's incredible.
Agreed. I had to turn down the sfx volume in the options just to adequately enjoy CNK's top tier music.

Holy shit, based.

This guy does a better Oxide than the guy used in Nitro Fueled lmao

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>Megumi Bandicoot has been executed because SNOY politics. They're too sexual despite having a 6 second role.

Fucking kek

Why are you guys acting like the Trophy Girls contributed to the gameplay? Besides, if eliminating them attracts more people to play then doesn't that let everyone win? More money coming in means more tracks possibly a sequel or more. Seems like a small price to pay for getting way more.

>Why are you guys acting like the Trophy Girls contributed to the gameplay?
They contributed to the setting. Professional racing events have grid girls that hand out prizes, trophies, advertisements, etc.

>Besides, if eliminating them attracts more people to play then doesn't that let everyone win?
They're on-screen for 6 seconds.

The people who would be pleased at the exclusion of the trophy girls weren't going to buy the game anyway. Not to mention that N. Sane Trilogy still sold very well despite the inclusion of Tawna.

you can see the girls hands in the original trailer with the track looking race.

Looks like Slide Colosseum. Chick and Stew make an appearance there too, or maybe its Turbo Track. Clearly Beenox is hiding something there though.

Well there is something going on in that level. why havent they really shown them yet? mabey they are somewhere in there.

That's Turbo Track with Chick and Stew.

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Does anyone else feel like Uka Uka has been horribly underutilized in the series?
>always felt Warped felt was building up to a "possessed Cortex" boss in the secret warp room after you get all the gems but instead you just redo the same final boss with different dialogue
>thought for sure Uka was going to be the 5th mask Crunch uses in Wrath, but it's just Cortex plus all 4 Elementals are somehow back
>Uka says he's tired of relying on minions after you beat Tropy in N-Tranced, but nothing ever came of this
>fucking midgame boss in Twinsanity (awesome music, though)
>N-Sane Trilogy could've added murals of him or something in Jaws of Darkness to better connect the lore but didn't

I wonder if there will be some sort of celebratory cutscene at the end of the game taking place at the stadium? Trophy girls and all. Maybe Chick and Stew do a newscast.
>Crash Bandicoot has just saved the Earth from certain parking lot doom!

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We finna have 3 with Tawna and Nina

These characters look so generic and out of place.
CTTR pandering was a mistake

Just wait til e3. They'll be playable. probably DLC

Does anyone else dislike the menu gui now? I miss that old flag like menu look in the original


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anybody seen the out of time track yet
kinda upseting that the giant clock no longer resembles the painting persistence of memory


Yes but women get offended with this sort of thing so Sony is playing it smart by appeasing both crowds. It would be foolish for Sony to not try to tap into the biggest market in gaming. They already have you and I sold, now it's time to broaden the audience.

How about no.

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For shit's sake, stop responding to it. It's the same tripfag as earlier under a different name, for crying out loud.

Women don't play videogames.

I actually quite like the new Out of Time, but losing the Dali influence is a shame.

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While I like the new frozen area in the track, I feel like they could've just kicked down the clock and it'd have looked cooler

I strongly dislike the menu and the character icons and I fuking hate the new engine and boost sounds.

fake crash is there, i just know it

It's not a Sony game, retard.

It would so fucking kino to make a callback like that with VV and Beenox at the helm

I was expecting a change but I didn't think it would be that drastic. The checkerboard flag was a fantastic racing motif and it sucks to see it gone.

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Is GT Sport fun?

>TeaN. Rocket
Ayo wtf

They also got rid of the sandworms for some reason.

>>Megumi was an actual person that worked at Sony who was the creator of the now censored Crash dance.

What is Sony's angle here?


You think marketing executives think this? They see statistics like this:


And will use this to justify marketing to women. You might not like it but in a business perspective it makes sense. Hardcore gamers will buy the game regardless and targeting women is just gravy.


>crash has been multiplat for 18 years
>people still think he's a sony character
I could understand the misconception that Sony used to own him but then sold him, but thinking they own him today is just retarded.

6 seconds.

6 fucking seconds, they are onscreen. Piss off.

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Why are you trying to make it seem like like I am making the decision to cut them out? I am only explaining the reality of the situation to you.We saw it in the remakes with making Tawna less of a damsel in distress and sexualizing her less and taking out Crash's pelvic thrust. No one cared and everyone accepted it. This is just another out of date thing they took out.

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That's because Crash was specifically marketed at a Sony mascot, even though he wasn't officially one. It left a mark in peoples minds

Japanese Crash intros are kino.

I'd laugh my ass off if the PS4 version doesn't have trophy girls, but the Xbone and Switch versions do.

So was Lara Croft, though.

Some people still see Croft as a Sony mascot, but she's not talked about as much in that regard because mascots are generally viewed as funny cartoon animals (or people in Marios case)

Nu-Lara turns off people

The menu music is good at least

>SUfag has a shit opinion

Jak deserves to be dead though.
Everything past Jak and Daxter was a mistake

Unironically better Oxide voice than the Nitro Fueled one.

>Why are you trying to make it seem like like I am making the decision to cut them out?
On the contrary, you are promoting the decision to cut them out under the pretense that having sex appeal (ONLY beyond male characters, that is) will lower sales.

You are beyond retarded. There are people buying this game just to stare at Tiny and Crunch's bulging muscles. Sex sells. Always has, always will.

>We saw it in the remakes with making Tawna less of a damsel in distress and sexualizing her less and taking out Crash's pelvic thrust. No one cared and everyone accepted it.

Both characters were still in the game.
Crash N. Sane Trilogy still sold over 10 million copies.
Fuck off.

>This is just another out of date thing they took out.
Grid girls are very much real and it is not 'out of date' to have cartoony representations of them.

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dude, you're a moron

That really the best comeback you could muster?

there's more than one person in a thread you know, I'm just telling you you're a moron because you think you're being persecuted when the other person is only trying to tell you probable reasons they canned it, not trying to persuade you that it was a good idea

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I wish it was out now.

>THIS is the best your planet can offer?!

Different user. I agree with you. Just felt we needed some more CTR

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>On the contrary, you are promoting the decision to cut them out under the pretense that having sex appeal (ONLY beyond male characters, that is) will lower sales.

Right because this is the direction the audience is shifting on what is acceptable.

>You are beyond retarded. There are people buying this game just to stare at Tiny and Crunch's bulging muscles. Sex sells. Always has, always will.

Those are in the minority we are talking about the average consumer here.

>Both characters were still in the game.

I'm not arguing they were not in the game, I'm saying they were tailored to fit today's standards.

>Grid girls are very much real and it is not 'out of date' to have cartoony representations of them.

Yes it is when you are selling the game to a worldwide audience. NASCAR is a niche genre for a niche fanbase and they are not looking to broaden their horizons.

There's such a drought of games right now, I want CNF so bad

We need a new thread. I'm amazed this game has generated so much discussion. Crash threads consistently hit the 500 bump limit.

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Good job on the relative lack of lewds in this thread. I'm surprised.

>the only few lewds was Nina
Utterly based thread too


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