New CoD is literally called Modern Warfare

>New CoD is literally called Modern Warfare

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Other urls found in this thread:

Call of duty 8 modern warfare 3 sounds even more retarded

>Battlefield 1 (5)
>now this
FPSs are made by retards for retards confirmed

>video games are absurd
Gas game “journalists”.

Moderner Warfare would've been better.

Why do you care about this tranny?

Who is still buying call of duty? even my normie friends have broken the conditioning and dont play that shit anymore

Should've been Call of Duti : Modern W4rfare

>not infinite warfare 2
God dammit

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modernest warfare so far

What was the last one about?

It would be CoD 12: Modern Warfare 4 actually. Or maybe 13.

>retard still thinks he’s the target demographic for vidya
Kids. They’re made for kids whoa aren’t jaded or picky about the flavour of the month game their mom buys them so she doesn’t have to look at them.

How about Post-Modern Warfare?

This name will work wonder for the normies.

They don't even care about being original anymore because they know millions of suckers will buy it anyway.

When are people going to wake up. Okay, you're miserable and depressed. Why don't you go take it out on the people who made you that way?

It's always the Jews.

kys cuck

>not Modern Fourfare

There I agree. It seems every game they don't name such gets a bad reception regardless of quality.

>Game 2
>Game 3

Eat shit, Jew.

Batttlefield is fubar.

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What would even be the plot of Infinite Warfare 2? They built up a decent plot and gave it a pretty kino ending, as well as the implication of the SDF getting fucked over considerably because of you BTFOing their shipyard and most of their fleet

fuck pol and fuck racism


Cood: a Post-modern warfare

>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game something
>Game 4
>Game something 2
>Game 7

It’s like publishers want to give videogame historians an aneurism 200 years from now as they try to organize everything

Based and non-incel.

I dunno mang I just want a sequel. I fucking despise COD but for some reason I love the shit out of Infinite. It was really obvious that they wanted to make a new IP
Sucks that it's probably never gonna have a sequel

t. Bandwagoning nigger
The only reason it got hate was because people wanted to get CoD4 remastered but the only way to get it was to pre-order. Fucking retards were complaining about CoD getting stale but when they try something new everyone bitches and complains, CoD kiddies are fucking brain dead

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Current Year Warfare

This year's CoD is called Call o Duty: Unlimited Warfare.

>the first one was called call of duty 4: modern warfare
And the first fallout game was called Fallout 3.


I'd love to buy IW but its still $60. Maybe someday when it goes on sale, it looks very interesting.

>it's fine when god of war does it

>Game 2
>Game III
>Game IIII

You can literally buy it on G2A/etc. for 5 Euro. If you're in NA you're a bit more fucked, but it often goes on sale for 19.99, same with the SP who goes on sale for half off.

Those crime statistics don't lie though.

Idiot cod players decided that verticality and enhanced movement ruined CoD so if you ever get IW2 it won't be anything like the first one.

>crime statistics
you mean the same fake statistics that /pol/ made up and got jontron in trouble because he fell for it and it got easily disproven by destiny?
If so, please go on.

>no Ghosts 2, so no Extinction 2
>Lee Ross left for Treyarch, so no IW zombies 2

When are we going to get Call of Duty: Pre-Historic Warfare?

>made up

Every game after 2 has been a yearly release, and that was 14 years ago.

>but when they try something new
>literally just advanced warfare but with different skyboxes

The FBI makes everything up, I also agree

Yeah, fuck the FBI.

t.didnt play IW

No, it was hated becauze it was a shit game. The single player was garbage filled with plot holes and shitty characters and was just designed to be nothing but pure spectacle, unlike the earlier games in the series, with the most retarded edgy antagonist in series history. The multiplayer was filled with shit maps that weren't even designed around the games core features, like jetpacks. The game was shit, you filthy shit eater. You probably only like this turd because of the phyyric victory at the end. Fuck off.

>Black Ops 5
They're so desperate at this point that they have to add MW and Black Ops to the title. Strap in folks for a dumpster fire.

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War never changes

>IW's maps weren't designed around jetpacks
>but BO3's were
Please leave.

>You've just been appointed as the next CoD's game designer
what would you do with the franchise at this point?

Make it as shit as possible so that people stop buying it.

This but completely unironically

CoD Kart

Where the ever living fuck did I ever mention Black Ops 3? Kill yourself.

That would be like if they released GoW 2: Wrath of the Pantheon back in 200x, and then just now decided to make their new one GoW: Wrath of the Pantheon

Postmodern warfare: the video game

Fantasy FPS. M4s and AKs and attack helicopters but there's also dragons and orcs and shit.

zombies campaign

>Sir, we've run out of words

When I browsed catalog it seemed:
> Call of Duty Modern Warfare Amazing

ok, how is it different from the two (or was it three?) future CoDs

Just fucking remix it.
>Call of Warfare: Modern Duty

Call of Duty: Modern Warfour

>he single player was garbage filled with plot holes and shitty characters and was just designed to be nothing but pure spectacle,
>unlike the earlier games in the series

It's even more stupid than it sounds at first, because they remastered CoD4 but called it Modern Warfare Remastered. Some normie might think that the remaster isn't the remaster for CoD4 but a remaster of this new one.

>Yea Forums unironically defending CoD IW
Where did it all go wrong?

just pull a devil may cry
>CoD: Call of Duty

If you're on PC pirate it, if you're on console try looking for a physical release in discount bins which are like 15 bucks or less

Movement is not as fast as everyone says. BO3 was more cancerous in it's movement and didn't get shit on as much

>The single player was garbage filled with plot holes and shitty characters
Most cawadotty campaigns are, but this one is probably the best out of the shit pile. Why the fuck are you expecting avant-garde story in the most casual mainstream game series
>was just designed to be nothing but pure spectacle
You literally do shit in the game that affects the story
>The multiplayer was filled with shit maps that weren't even designed around the games core features
You obviously haven't played enough

I pirated and actually was entertained by Infinite Warfare. Better then having no campaign at all and the other recent COD game campaigns.

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Call of Duty: Post-Modern Warfare

Yeah, it was still pretty slow compared to a lot of things but consolebads (or maybe just CoD players in general) couldn't deal with being shot from people flying around in the air.

>everyone hated it, so I also hate it
have fun never having your own opinion.

>call of duty: post modernism

>it got easily disproven by destiny?
That never happened.

>not Modern 4fare
I'm pissed

meant for

wtf I love console shooters now!

>only counterargument is literally being contrarian

>Call of duty: Veronica's societal warfare

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They've been trying that with everything that came after BO2.

It already went over this at least three times.

I know you´re joking, but please don´t, Ubisoft already tried this idea with Assassin´s creed and it was a stupid idea that turned out bland.

Why is Scarecrow's face in the clouds?

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>Most cawadotty campaigns are, but this one is probably the best out of the shit pile
That's not a defense at all, also hell no. WaW, MW1 and BO1 had way better campaigns.

How about COD [year]. Worked for sports games

>God of War
>Battlefield 1
What's with this retarded trend of naming new entries like this?

What about a WW1 Cod?
>Call of Duty: Great War(fare)

Clearly not hard enough.

2016 elections brought a lot of children.

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It's how the jews confuse the common people.

>oh vey why isn’t it called Call of Israel
Fuck Jason schreier

These games are targeted at children who weren't around for the first release. The last Modern Warfare game was 8 years ago.

You literally described every COD game and yett you still wrong. How you feel being so retarded.

>game (the year it came out)
>game (the year it came out)
>game (the year it came out)
>game (the year it came out)

Or, you know, get another hobby?

But the whole point of calling it MW is nostalgia bait.

>Not Ghosts 2
Why even live?

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Advanced Warfare, Black Ops III and Infinite Warfare were absolutely kino games.

Prove me wrong.

>Call of Israel

>it's bad on purpose, soo it is good
Absolutely retarded.

There's this perception that people might not want to jump into a series without the others, so ditching the numbers makes it look more inviting to a newcomer.

Beyond that, do you honestly think anybody even remembers the first Prey which had nothing to do with the recent one anyway?

>titled infinite warfare
>ware is not infinite

>The last Modern Warfare game was 8 years ago.

Attached: ten years ago.gif (400x226, 1.6M)

Advanced Warfare was fine, the story was alright too. Black ops 3's story was the biggest shitshow I've ever seen, Zombies weren't that good and multiplayer wasn't either. I haven't played IW

found the snyder fan

W-will Soap be brought back to life?

It baits in the people who were literal children a decade ago, while seeming like it's something new for the literal children of today.

>Call of duty: CoD: BO5: Black Ops 5 (2019(two thousand nineteen (pronounced: twenty nineteen)))

Ghosts wasn't as bad as people say it was. I liked it, the campaign was good too. And Extinction was kino

>You literally do shit in the game that affects the story
You mean like every other game in the series? Or are you trying to act like those shitty copypasted side missions in space change anything? They don't, and the other games had far better campaigns and antagonists. Get fucked.

Advanced Warfrare ending is still shit. I wanted to work for Atlas! Then in third act they just went, hur dur dur, Atlas super bad now, You good.

The whole idea of taking the controll by Atlas, it was quite good and I would love to help them, but then they wrote them so fucking bad, with the whole prisons and shit.

No, but the second best character from MW2 will be. Well not brought back because he didn't even die in the first place

They might make it that Ghost prequel game that people talked about back before MW3 was revealed.

He never died.

It wasn't particularly good, either. It was just a normal Call of Duty game with nothing truly special about it aside from dual-rendered scopes.

>video games are absurd

Soap died you dumbass. It was Ghost that never died

Call of Booty: Pirate Warfare

I'm excited because i want to use the ak in the multiplayer again.


know the difference, it could save your life.

Exactly, it was mediocre. It wasn't the worst COD like people said it was when it came out, especially after the shit we got after it

They need to just do what Madden does and call it Call of Duty 2019

No you need to add up the numbers in the title so it would be:
C0D: M0d3rn W4far3

They'll just call it "call of duty" at some point.

So I guess not getting burned alive kills you? You're a retard

id software realized their mistake with D44M always being referred to as Doom (2016)

It's hard to have a "worst" game when they're all exactly the same.

They're actually not allowed to use years in their titles due to copyright claims by calendar companies.


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>Ghosts was the last CoD that had map originality
>great unlock system
>good perks
>field orders that make cool shit happen like Micheal Myers and Predator
>last CoD with actual sniper maps
>last CoD before the whole lootbox shit

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The suits have gotten it into their head that the number 4 is bad. Anything beyond a trilogy is to be avoided at all costs. The original MW got around this by adding the subtitle and basically becoming its own sub-series.

the legacy edition has been jumping between 18-25, where the fuck are you seeing it for 60?

Number 4 is bad in China.

CoD civil war would be cool but nah.

wait wasn't that japan

Shit like this makes me feel old as fuck considering I played the first CoD on the PC. Since then it's gone WW2, modern, future, BACK to WW2 and now back to modern. If I hadn't burned out on FPSes years ago (nuDoom not withstanding, that was a pleasant surprise) I would be tearing my hair out over this shit.

Also Japan but Activision is American

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To be fair, that sounds stupid as fuck.

Every person I've ever heard complain about IW's MP maps and its movement never had bad things to say about Bo3 and always said it was a way better game. BO3's maps suck ass and compared to IW have less spots to wallrun and shit. BO3's maps are garbage.

What would it even be about?

Normies will be more likely to buy something

>pirate a CoD
Why the fuck would you do that lmao? Every CoD except BO4 can be had for next to no money if you get it off keyreseller websites. Do you just want to play the campaign once and be done with it? No MP or zombies? LMao.

Both suck dick, the maps in both are trash.
IW is just a slower BO3.

All the MP maps in all COD games since Black Ops 2 have been pure shit.
And lets not even talk about guns, perks and customization which is completely ruined.

>Call of Duty: Postmodern Warfare
>FPS (First Person Shitposter)
>you fight your enemies not with guns but with keyboards as you battle online microaggressions with microtransactions

People forget that The Fappening happened like a week before Gamer Gate. The Fappening was a much bigger deal in terms of attracting the attention of the normies.

>Modernst of Warfare

>It's always the Jews.
I'll come to your house and fuck you in the ass you miserable piece of shit anti-semetic.
I'll fuck you so hard then strangle you with your entrails as I cum in your ass.

Read it like that everytime.

Calm down there kike. Go read Germany Must Perish again to quench your fantasies.

Don't cut yourself on that edge nigger.

>every cod post mw3 was just building the games around their spectacles instead of building their spectacles into the game and didn't specifically make it the focus point
>every cod game doesn't build its maps around core features like movement
>every cod has a pyrrhic victory ending
And you call me retarded?

Didn't this just become Ryse?

>that image
I saved it too but fuck me was I not ready for that thread

Sure, but Infinite Warfare is also shit. I never even brought up Black Ops, you mentally ill fuck.

Go kill yourselves you lazy retarded Nazi larpers.

Dunno kike, lots of people kicked you out of their countries before the concept of National Socialism was even dreamt about.

Why do companies have issues with this? Wouldn't keeping it numbered make it sound more prestigious and important?

And now we rule over them all now.
So go hang yourself as you cry about us.

Pick your warfare:

And then you wonder why people don't like Jews when you act like this. Really makes one's neurons fire up.

t. played for 30mins and got his ass beat by an NV4 user
You're guaranteed to also have played BO3 and like that game more, it always turns out that way.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Infinite: Black ops

Call of duty: Modern Black Ops

1. if CoD hadn't saturated the market, Infinite Warfare would've been one of the best CoD games
2. All CoDs have been garbage ever since they decided to be mainline console shooters first and PC ports later
3. OP is a faggot
4. Fuck game journos
5. Fuck twitter
6. Nobody asked for a new Modern Warfare, the last thing anybody wants is a Σοyvision Rage2
7. It'll basically be a cash-shop disguised as a team-deathmatch FPS simulator
8. Fuck you bitch

>reeee stop being mean to me
Wew what a faggot.
Go kill yourself incel.

No, black ops 3 is fucking shit. You are pulling so many argumentative fallacies out of your ass right now, this is fucking pathetic.

why can't they do a cod medieval warfare.

Mannn, shut yo trollin’ ass up you lame, geeky, goofy, bitch-made ass eternal virgin. You probably the brokest nigga in the entire thread but you tryna act like you pullin’ hella bread on the Internet you internet thugs that stay poppin’ shit online but turn straight HOE in person be killin’ me OML. Now get tf off 4chsn and go back to sucking ya mother’s dick before she gives yo ass the beats again ya faggot ass, dick-in-the-booty ass bitch

360Noscope MLG when?

>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (originally was supposed to drop Call of Duty name for just Modern Warfare 2)
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

>People pretend Infinite Warfare was good
Imagine having this shit tase good dammit

Infinite Call of Modern BlackOps Warfare

>not call of warfare

Seething Jew just like your grandparents :^]

That's weird because a lot of jews are incels, since you're also more predisposed to anti social behaviour and psychopathy


Retarded incel.
>source my ass

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>Game 4: Modern Warfare
> ...
>Game: Modern Warfare (2020)
I hate this.

Clearly a marketing gimmick. This way stupid tards might forget about the already existing remake and consider this the remake. Or they might just go 'MODERN WARFARE GUD, THIS MUST BE GUD SINC IT SAME THING'

People can change, but you'll always be a jew

And you'll always be a seething incel.

Honestly I get that Captain Price was kinda the big posterboy for the franchise since he's the one legacy guy from its WW2 days but I'm kind of disappointed he didn't die in 3 and Soap took up his mantle.
It feels like they cut all that neat development in 2 short just to jerk off Price more. It was a neat thing, seeing the generic faceless grunt you controlled through most of COD4 become this confident leader that commanded your new character, then Price comes back and takes over being leader guy and then it does the shocking twist thing and you're back to controlling Soap for the final few levels.
Then it does the whole shocking development again in MW3, along with the utterly forced shock value segment of being forced to watch a terrorist attack through a family vacation video. Killing off Soap and preventing him from reaching the endgame feels like they just arbitrarily cut sort what could've been a neat whole trilogy arc and didn't really fill it with anything worthwhile.

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>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

>Xbox One
>Xbox One X

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Time Travel warfare

Seething little faggot lmao.

Stone Age Warfare

What's the problem though? CoD as always been aimed at kids and preteens, they haven't played any of the other ones and you don't want to alienate them.
>imagine being over 14 and caring about the next CoD.

>but I'm kind of disappointed he didn't die in 3 and Soap took up his mantle.
Yeah but the end in MW3 where he smokes a cigar is kino so it was worth it

It was also just another bland, generic reskin and was so mediocre it wasn't even worth existing. Even top MLG "pros" violated their contracts and called the game epic shit in live interviews. One even said that Ghosts was so fucking bad it will be his last CoD game. Activision gave the okay to sell game the game for a fucking dollar during Toys R' Us's black Friday sale because nobody was buying it. Gamestop and bestbuy was able to price match it too. Nobody gave a single fuck about Ghosts because of how fucking boring it was. Fans knew to just stay with Black Ops 2 for another year and that's just what people did.

>Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)
For what purpose?

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Game 2
Game: Subtitle
Game 3: Subtitle
Game - Sub: Title
Game: Subtitle#1 Sub: Title#2
Game 0
Game: Subtitle
Game Subtitle
Game Subtitle 2
Game 4
Game: The Subtitle
Game 5
Game:The Subtitle
Game: The Subtitle 3D
Game: Subtitle
Game 6
Game 7: Subtitle
Game 2

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Street Fighter


Personally I'm waiting for Call of Duty: Modern Waifu

I'm talking about grug-on-grug action here.

COD2,4MW1,BO1 was good competitive PC fps.

Absolutely based. Will it actually be based on our current present modern warfare? There's no way they could have predicted how our technology and tactics would have played out ten years or so ago.

Call of duty: mystic warfare.

It's call of duty but now with magic and timeline/multiverse shenanigans.

Wasn't the recent CoD4 remaster called exactly that? They even dropped the number.

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII

>Ubisoft already tried this idea with Assassin´s creed
You mean Far Cry?

Prey wasn't a new entry, they just took the name.
It wasn't even a good name for Prey (2017)

Call of Duty: Darker than Black Ops

Who would be the enemy? Muzzies again? Russians? Or do you play as muslims taking out amerilards?

That campaign was pure kino, the only good campaign from the past decade, incredibly underrated and unfairly ignored because of all the hate bandwagon.
>tfw listening to the crew messages during the credits
Zombies was great as well, probably the zombies mode and maps i have enjoyed the most since BO1.

Attached: how-the-call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-campaign-actually-works-1465922536840.jpg (3239x2160, 2.77M)


Could be a Ghost prequel.
If so, you'd be up against south american drug cartels.

I mean, the concept of modern warfare in 2019 is different than it was in 2007

It is a shared cultural thing in East Asia, Chinese and Japanese both use similar words for the number 4 and death.

Also, I think has a point, they want to make it a fresh inviting game so it the want to deatachid from the precieved history carried by the previous numbered games in the series.

far future military sci-fi FPS set in a dyson sphere

Yeah, my bad.

I'm already having a brain spasm Everytime I look for anything Battlefront or original Xbox.

No I don't give a fuck about any mods made for EA's Battlefronts, I want to mod the original Battlefronts.

Makes sense Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered are a success, why not make Modern Warfare next?

New mode announced!

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They better fucking leave Price alone. His story ended in badassery so don't ruin it.

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Oh they will find a way to shove him in just to kill him off

Tbh I want ghosts 2 because Rorke was such a great villain.

>you can choose between an internet troll and a SJW
>the later's currency is brownie points.

who cares about cucko dookie

Remaster Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and just slap CoD logo somewhere in the corner of the menu screen

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I dun wan eht

neva 'ave

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Lesbian BDSM assassins.

>Just sits still and lets his AI partners do all the damage
nice """gameplay""", weeb.

>Yea Forums

And the troll currency would be rare pepes?

>Mars aetern.. Mars aeter... Mar... I... LUV MAH KWEEN

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It wasn't bad, but got sadly sandwiched between the old and new gens and was just... there
Personally I really enjoyed it and the ayy mode instead of zombies was really good too

>Call of Duty 12: Modern Warfare 4 the 2nd: Moderner Warfare
I guess it's not much worse than when they represented Black Ops 4 with Black Ops IIII.

>CoD: BOIIIII is a good name
>CoD: MW4 isn't
Activision what the fuck are you doing?

It was shit. Spaceland was the only decent thing about it.

Wouldn't mind this. It was ok.

If you actually liked that turd of a campaign, you really just like eating shit.


>no response

Can't be more retarded than WW2

Who still plays these shit games?
I assumed even Normies at this point know the games are for subhumans.

CoD Deadliest Warrior.

Freak time accident merges maps across different timelines. All factions are playable from CoD4 onward. And weapons from all eras are included.

>NVA vs Wehrmacht
>Black OPS vs TF141
>SAS vs Mercs
>FBI vs Marines.

Attached: 1468812784320.png (640x480, 367K)

Probably a hard reboot. They just want a reason to get to revive Ghost and make easy bucks from 2009'ers


include me in the screencap

cope bugman

thats because ubisoft are retards. They could turn a 3d rayman into assassins creed .

Just make episodic like missions where each has its own standalone story and style, like Mass Effect/Star Trek which they seems to aimed for

It's literally mordhau set in ancient times.

At least it isn't WW cancer again.

>The single player was garbage filled with plot holes and shitty characters and was just designed to be nothing but pure spectacle, unlike the earlier games in the series

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>Cinematic starts ad we see a viking slaying some faggot
>Call of Duty: Ancient Warfare
>Cinematics 90% of the game
>Combat is 4 QTEs


I really cannot care unless they show me they're returning to big organic maps instead of lane combat like they've had since BlOps.

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He's probably at least 13, which means too old for you anyway rabbi

Call of duty is the fifa of shooters, just the same shit over and over

add a bunch of waifus and porn and just jack off to it everyday

>call new system xbox one, as in all in one machine
>can't play 360 games

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White people

Either a real COD:Vietnam (no, BO1 isn't vietnam war, fuck you) or a game set in the 90s, gulf war i guess.

It would've been even more kino with Soap smoking Price's cigar, officially passing the mantle.

People got tired of advanced movement quick, it was growing old by the time of BO3 so IW broke the camel's back

i think the problem was that AW was really frustrating on consoles.
If it was like BO3 from the beginning it would've been fine.

It's because 4 in chinese sounds like their word for death, which always sounded dumb to me because by that logic we should be afraid of deaf people, fuggin over-gesticulatin', scythe-wieldin' skellybones muhfuggas

games with duplicate names automatically get (year) added

e.g. Modern Warfare (2019)

cod shows what is just consume products and get excited for new products

Also cringe

Schizos that blame everything on da joos are retarded, but so are people that get triggered when someone doesn't like Jews

kill yourself

You forgot our oldest younger brother, /vp/

Better then a jew

that's pretty gay user

Casualfag here, why do video-game journalists despise video-games so much?

It's not gay if I'm the one shoving my dick inside your ass.

>cool shit happen like Micheal Myers and Predator
zoom garbage

>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (2016)
>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

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>Literally called Modern warfare.
Good. Fake, made up wars in video games are superior to games based off real ones.
I've fought in Europe circa 1944 so many god damn times now, I would at least appreciate if the Germans came with robots or undead knights or something.

Attached: 1556126845419.jpg (1440x878, 965K)

>Game remastered
>game remake
>game HD
>game 3D
>game day 1 edition
>game play station hits
>game platinum
>game directors cut
>game special edition
>game demo
>game beta
>game (in a colection)
>game (in a bundle)
>game (codex)

Attached: www.png (542x466, 362K)

The only 'made up' stat is race + income, which was a stat compiled by /pol/ using regional data. All individual stats on race crime, both towards their same race and another race, is from the UCR

I'm not sure whether you were referring to that game on purpose, but if not then you should definitely play Return to Castle Wolfenstein

>Good. Fake, made up wars in video games are superior to games based off real ones.
definitely better than how they handled cod ww2. They said pre-release that it would have "multiple factions" but the teams would be axis vs allies. multiplayer ended up being only americans vs germans which was fucking retarded.

>spelling 'than' as 'then'
White nationalist brain in action

why not just come up with a new subtitle? is it so hard?

I can't play ROTCW anymore, I played it too much, I'm burned out.

Attached: 1542679836731.png (1194x942, 175K)

>in it's movement

I think "Modest Warfare" makes more sense.
Because, like, warfare ain't modest no more. Kinda like a tongue-in-ass approach to the name.

I don't understand people like that.
I know someone who literally said "It's Call of Duty, you gotta buy it" or something along those lines.

based and VERY redpilled

>"mommy, I want Call of Duty Modern Warfare for Christmas"
>proceeds to buy Modern Warfare Remaster since it's cheaper

Reminder: When people say they want "CoD to return to it's roots".
They dont remember the first 2 games because nobody but old boomers do.
They don't want World at War because WW2 has been done to death.
What they mean is they want more Modern Warfare.
Stop giving us boring futuristic shit, they want more modern more realistic CoD. They dont want World War 2, cause again thats boring as sin, they want Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan fighting, they want to hold an M16 while watching russians invade america, they want to watch a fucking BMP roll down the street and having to follow it as you progress down a russian roadway.
That shit is kino to the max. THAT is what put CoD on the map, and THAT is what will (probably) make CoD great again, is giving us normal warfare not futuristic shit, and not World War 2 shit.

Because it's fun

I would stop the series for about 5-10 years, Rebuild the whole thing from scratch, Focus on war and the brutality of it, Make it horrifying enough to trigger a soldiers ptsd, Through gameplay and the cinematic's alone, It would be high octane but not fast paced, Each kill should be memorable and satisfying. Maybe show war from the axis point of view for once, Dive deeper into nazi black op projects, Was pretty interesting in BO1

Latest Warfare
Newer Warfare
2019 warfarer

I haven't bought a CoD game since Bo2 because futuristic shit is dumb, i'm excited for Modern Warfare to be good

whats funny is that you retards are going to fall for it

How about a a Reinassance Warfare?

DaVinci is the bad guy

No Is (you)'s

console babies dont like verticality, its too fucky for their aim assist. hell drop shotting completely fucks them over imagine people flying and climbing on walls

Current Yearfare

The next one is the Xbox One X S XL Scorpio