What do you drink while playing vidya?

What do you drink while playing vidya?

For me, it’s Hibiki Suntory Whisky™

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>drinking whisky while playing vidya
Hibiki's not that great btw


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>non-alcoholic beer

Drink Nikka like a man you shit taste npc


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I usually drink iced tea while I do just about anything

Hibiki 17 is actually p amazing. To be honest, I prefer Hakushu but even the non-aged hibiki is still better than 90% f American bourbons. Plebs who think Johnny Walker is amazing disgust me. I would rate Chita over literally every Johnny Walker label.

>playing yakuza
>paying premium for bad alcohol
majima would be laughing at your face

Japanese booze fucking sucks ass.
You've been playing too much Yakuza.

You absolute fucking chode.

>muh Bill Murray
It's a nice looking bottle though.

>mfw people actually drink cold tea

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“Premium”. I live in nipland and its standard price. Maybe like 45 USD after exchange.

Casualfag detected.
Hibiki is one of the best blends worldwide.

For Japanese whiskies, it can and often does work very well. I can't speak to the hibiki. But I agree overall, I'll take a single over a blend most of the time. On that note, the Yamazaki 12 yr is excellent.

It's generally a bad idea to mix the two hobbies often. Games take time, and drinking that much isn't good for you. Maybe one glass at the start, and not more.

Alcohol is disgusting and literally only edgy fedora lords pretend to like it.

If I'm drunk I can beat anything and carry any game
but sober I get frustrated and don't care about videogames

My brother gave me a bottle of Akashi for christmas. It was alright, but I'm a pleb so I couldn't tell if it was better than the stuff I've tried before.

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Japanese distilleries design their blends to build a perfect harmony, unlike the scottish who just put together their third-grade malts.

t. straght-edge fedora tipper

>weeb whisky

Nice child's palate.

This is some katana-talk right here.

Bush light or wild turkey.

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I wanted to drink some good japanese whisky for some time now, but I'm really short on money right now. Please enjoy for my sake as well.

Akashi is pretty solid. I have terrible memories of it though because last time I drank it was in Chiba with a friend when we went camping and brought a ton of alcohol but forgot to bring water and he ended up in the hospital.

Water mostly, beer on the weekends


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boston tea party 1773
get firewalled bong

>Fuck the feds
is that why Texas kept voting for retards to congress?

He’s right though. Japanese whisky>>>American bourbon>>>>an Indian shitting into your mouth>>>>Scottish whisky.

Blackcurrant liquor with some soda water

Most of the time water. Occasionally beer. I'm not trying to get fat in my 30s

They just dump a bunch of sugar in it to make it bearable then wonder why they're fat.

>american liquor
might as well drink water

Now you fucking weeblords will worship japanese alcohol? Go back to your sake

I don't understand what people like about whisky and strong alcohol in general. Tastes like gasoline.

Johnny walker isnt american our a bourbin idiot

I thought Japanese whisky was experiencing a worldwide shortage and was basically unavailable unless you pay ~$400 for a bottle. Has that changed?


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friend bought me some whisky while in japan. it was too sweet for my taste.

doesn't change my point

What does alcohol even taste like?
I'm 22, just never really bothered with it since it seemed pointless.

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I meant to add an also in between those lines but am retarded.

How the fuck do I into whiskey?
I keep trying different shit that I see recommended on youtube and stuff, but it's literally all the same nail polish smelling shit to me. What am I doing wrong here?

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if you're american, just drink water, it's the same thing

None of you could take more than a shot of everclear without passing out

Salty bags of coins.

Aged cottage cheese and wood.

Tastes like shit desu, it's only bearable in some sweet fruit cocktails or shit like that and even there it's the worst thing. It's good for socializing though, just drink it without tasting it.

The only thing worth drinking

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>american whiskey
yeah, it's garbage

I gave up drinking two years ago. For the first time in my life I got blackout drunk (I've been pretty drunk before, but I always stopped before I passed out or anything). I did so many shots of vodka, rum, and even had a few screwdrivers. I stumbled over to my bed, puked my guts out all over it, and passed out in my own vomit. I woke up covered in vomit with the worst hangover I ever had. Haven't had any alcohol since then.

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Why would you drink something that tastes awful?

Get a decent cabernet sauvignon or South American Malbec (red wines) with a tomato based pasta dish or pizza and tell me it's not amazing. Good alcohol can really enhance the taste of many meals. Stuff like whiskey can also be excellent lightly sipped on on their own, but I'd advise waiting on that til after you've come to enjoy drinking with meals. Cheap alcohol tastes awful and burns.

might as well be water

I'm talking about whisky in general.

>tfw last New Years got into a craft beer home brew drinking contest with my brother and then ended the night with shots of everclear.
I puked in my sleep which was p cool.

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>underageb@ whos never drank actual hard liquor before

In what context is it even “water” lmao, bourbons and ryes have very strong flavours and are the same abv as scotch and irish whiskey

Tullamore Dew

Did you read my post? It's good for socializing and the buzz it gives you.

Johnny Walker Blue Label with PBR beer

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>american can't handle their drink
not surprising really

I hope you have the chance to tour bourbon country and experience the many wonderful regional craft beers we have (not just west coast IPAs, either).
Try a good Kentucky bourbon or a good craft beer. They often don't export the latter, and you'll have to really hunt for the former.

Whenever I drink alcohol while playing video games I end up pausing the game and shitposting on Yea Forums for the rest of the night and never actually play anything

Actually based

Beer tastes like adult soda except without the chemical burn of citric acid and more of a bad aftertaste and sting of alcohol. You can get apple hard ciders that taste just like you'd imagine apple soda would taste like.

Ah thats not so bad. You can build up a tolerance over time. I can manage a fifth in one night when before I could barely handle more than a few shots.

Drink it until you've Stockholm'd your senses into enjoying it. Or go make mixed drinks like a proper cowboy.

>europe requires 37.5% abv minimum for liquor while the USA requires 40% abv
beer rules don't apply to hard liquor faggot

let me say it again mutt
>american liquor

Canadian whiskeys are a mistake, just grow up a but and get a decent rye whiskey

try the laphroaig 10, very smokey and woody, tastes like memories of long passed good times around a campfire

you need a more IMMERSIVE game something like yakuza or new vegas

It’s actually the other way around. Most people drink alcohol and the ones who are adamantly against it are the straight edge fedora tippers who feel the need to interject their dumbass opinion on how bad alcohol is

into the trash

Sparkling water or coffee

I dunno. I’m an American but living in japan has tempered my liver from the 3x weekly mandatory drinking parties. I would bet a year of my salary I could drink you under the table.

And let me say something you probably hear a lot:
>have sex

Must not be very meaningful if you need to be inebriated for it to be enjoyable.

>implying i would ever go to that shithole america

>OP posts Japanese liquor
>dumbass user somehow equates this to American
Literally rent free

Actually, it's the opposite. Despite never being a heavy drinker I've always been able to hold it pretty well. The very first time I drank I went shot for shot with my friend who is a regular drinker and I got pretty fucked up but never puked. It's just this time I did a total of like 12 (that I remember, I don't know if I had anymore) shots in a pretty short period of time. I was playing video games online with a couple of my buddies and we were all taking shots whenever we lost/died, which obviously was a compounding effect of getting more and more drunk and dying more often.

I'm not entirely sure if that is a good thing, user.

>implying any of these Yea Forumsags were ever was within a 500 m radius of a campfire

>in japan

> blend

Does anyone else turn into a savant after a maximum of 2 beers or a single shot? After a few beers i become godly at slay the spire and other vidya but any more than that and i become retarded.

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why spend the extra 20 bucks when i could instead spend 2 bucks on a 2 liter of coke and lime juice?

Become an alcoholic.
I can chug rum. Whiskey is also for faggots up their own ass.

It's a big place. More for us though, too many bourbons are overpriced due to demand anyway.

American liquor is bretty gud. American beer (at least the major brands) are horrific. USA even has a higher minimum alcoholic content for liquor than Europe.

>isnt american our a bourbin idiot

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Whisky and Vodka taste disgusting.
Rum and sake however are great.

I fell for the anime meme when someone cross posted HIghschool of the Dead from Yea Forums on Yea Forums 6 years ago and started learning nip. Now I work a soulless salaryman job at a fortune 20 in Tokyo and am a functional alcoholic with a Japanese wife. Life sure is funny.

I'm a 26 yo ex fedora tipper straightedgelord. Drinking some alcohol won't kill you and makes socialising easier and more enjoyable. I spend lots of time with my friends sober already and enjoy that too.

Sake actually tastes like shit unless it's heated.

Almond milk and mineral water.

Sometimes spearmint tea.

Based rum lads.
Cheap, delicious, and makes you a fucking beast unlike Scotch/Rye (lazy fatso booze)

>this seething eurovirgin waddling into the thread to shit up a perfectly decent alcohol convo with his spergout

Did your porn license run out or something? Lose your virginity

Quick post your favorite beer and vidya before the jannies get upset

>Symphony of the night

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Nikka from the Barrel is pretty good Japanese whisky, too.

See I keep hearing this type of fucking fluff about all of them. Like it has fucking "hints of caramel" and a "dash of vanilla" bullshit.
But all I taste is alcohol and maybe some wheat if I'm lucky.
Maybe it's just not for me.

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Two hearted is amazing. As a former Ohioan I fucking hate you michishitters but you managed to make an amazing ale.

I've tried a lot of different brands of liquor. I hate them all, but I find Vodka to be the least disgusting so that is what I tend to take shots of, or mix with something else.

ha ha ha its not!

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>apple ale
isn't that a cider?

>american beer

only a rumlet would call someone a faggot for not sucking down something laced in sugar

Bro, I can chug anything too. What confuses me is people enjoying the taste.

No literally only shitty sake tastes good heated. Go and buy some kuheiji or dassai or number 6 and tell me if you still have that fucking retarded opinion. Spend a little extra cash and buy 純米大吟醸 you fucking pleb.

It is bullshit. There are differences between whiskey, but you're never gonna be able to pick up "hints" of shit.

Coffee for vidya. boomer juice for studying



Water or soda, whatever i have at the time. Gaming doesnt require me to drink a specific beverage every time i do it. Thats whats cool about PC gaming, im not required to drink mountain dew, but i can if i want to.

Isnt it ironic that US is the country that produces the best wiskey in the world?

Oi do you have a loicense for that meme post? I'll carry ya to jail i swear on me mum

what's goin on crew?

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>p amazing

Back to tumblr pls you tranny

>ctrl+f nikka
>2 results
proud of y'all

I like Amarula.

John, is that you?

fuck off

US is a close number 2 though.

You only get to taste those flavors after your mouth and throat are desensitized to alcohol burn.

>Kasteel Rouge

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Bong detected, have fun dealing with achmed and friends and the rape gangs.

>imagine being a nigger

Eagle Rare or Angel's Envy
WT101 Rye or something by High Wrst
Lots, but Laphroaig and Highland Park are go today
Haven't tried many but Hibiki harmony was good.
Don't touch that shit.

My fucking nigger. I save one day of the weekend to play Yakuza while drinking jap-whiskey highballs. Just enough to relax, not enough to get shitfaced. Had Hibiki a few weeks ago, tried Toki last week, liked both.

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Are you telling me it's all just a big meme? And all these whiskey connoisseur bullshit is just pretending?

ANYONE can chug rum. WOMEN can chug rum. Try chugging this fag.

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Water for drinking
Sativa for smoking

Imagine being a nigger and drinking american shit

>not one mountain dew
And ytou folk call yourshelfs gamers

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I love me some weeb whiskey but that shit is hard to get in my area.

T: abdul mohammed jabul, devout muslim

>Geuze boon marriage parfait.
Cherry chouffe is better, my nig.

>everytime I drink vodka my teeth hurt
>it only happens with vodka


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He’s either fucking with you or retarded. At first alcohol will all taste like shit to you. Just like how strong cheeses and coffee tastes like shit at first. They’re all acquired tastes. It sounds like a meme but literally force yourself to try it and eventually you learn to like it and then are able to pick up subtle differences.

thats a new one

>trying not to drink at least not all the fucking time
>watch a tv show
>everyone's drinking and having fun
>fuck this let's listen to some music
>every other song is about drinking and party
>reee okay video games
>oi witcher want a drink??
>alt f4 let's just go to Yea Forums


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>When you've given up on life but your denial comes in the form of glassware

Youre really making hibiki sound like the katana of whiskey

Hibiki is pretty good, but saying that blended shit is better than 90% of American bourbons is just plain wrong. I don't care what the (((judges))) say.

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>Tfw still live in an nonlegalized state

Canada legalized, like what, 6 states have legalized now, mexico legalized pot, germany, other euro countries which is surprising because they're retarded. So fucking tired of trying to hide my shit and finding connects, dealing with dealers to get the plant. I'm going to up and move to colorado some day just so i can walk into a store to buy weed, it's my dream.

>dont laugh
>Shadow of the Colossus

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I can chug 151 like a boss. Vodka is ez.
All alcohol has tons of sugar in it. Are you retarded? lol
I like the taste too, but not even as much as water. My brain associates it with getting drunk. I wouldn't have a drop unless I plan on getting fucked up. Drinking alcohol for taste and not getting drunk is like jerking off but not coming.

>tonic water and gin

jesus christ might as well be drinking coca cola

Why are Americans obsessed with 'light' watery beer? Why not just have a fizzy drink?

Thats not henny fucking weeb ass nigga

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Sapporo and Crusader Kings 2

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Gin and tonic is a fucking great drink in the summer, it's the only thing the brits have done right after hundreds of years of failed empires and reverse colonization.


I have too many I love, but this is one.
Favorite vidya all time is Morrowind. Playing Rimworld now.

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Suntory fucking sucks at least drink Nikka from The Barrel or anything from Chichibu, Yoichi, Karuizawa and Hanyu if you're having Japanese whisky.
Also scotch is fun too, pic related was one I used to have around for fun times during the winter.
Hibiki 17 is okay but for current prices it fucking sucks. JW is shit although Platinum is a lot better then anything under the Chita label. Black Bottle is the only decent cheap blend under $30.

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Outdated meme. America is craft beer producer of the world now. Some random shirt own in Midwest America makes better beer than your shitty yoorup country.

In relation to light beer (Michelib/Busch etc) it’s amazing when you want to go fishing/boating and want to drink 30+ beers in 35 (c) degree weather

Unhealthy boomers with type 2 diabetes still want their beer but to not have their foot fall off

Hennessy is the quintessential nigger booze. They can't resist that shit, like Newport cigarettes.


I disagree with you, and so does ratebeer, brother.

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I only drink that shit when I wanna get fuckered up because it's dirt cheap, about $15 for 24. Watery beer is good for that because it goes down easy.
For taste, I usually go for pic related. Its not bad with some pizza or a burger. I don't have a pallet for IPAs but stouts are bretty good.

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>want to drink 30+ beers in 35 (c) degree weather
Why would you want to do that

This looks good and you have good taste i'll try this sometime.
>tfw already craving beer at 11 in the morning.

>tempered by japanese alcohol
>could drink anyone under the table
you are aware that like 90% of japanese alcohol is incredibly weak, right?
unless you and your coworkers are shooting up shochu by bottles, of course

Depends on how strong you make it.
We aren't, it's just that those huge pisswater breweries have distributorship deals where pretty much every major restaurant has to carry them if they want access to other alcohols.

>consuming yeast poo

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>he's never gotten drunk with some bros while creek bustin and catching a nice dinner
I pity you user

>America is craft beer producer of the world now.
Not him, but you must be retarded. Craft beer is native to the area you live in.

I can’t handle drinking from these bottles. They make me uncomfortable.

that and southeast Asians

Fuck off Felix.

>man whiskey is so overrated I don't get it
>"go here to get good whiskey"

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>he doesn’t chicken fried
Lmao. Imagine not being American and not being able to identify with this song:


This delicious fucker
Monster Hunter

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That's surprising, I like it a lot more. Thanks for website though.

Water, tea, and coffee are all I drink regularly. I occasionally drink fruit juice but try to not do so since it's drinking calories and high in sugar.

Coffee in the morning, Chai tea at night.

Maybe rum and coke on the weekends.

>tfw german
>everyone talks about us having the best beer and shit
>almost everyone only drinks shitty, run-of-the-mill garbage like Warsteiner, Becks and Krombacher and acts like it´s really good

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>Posting on a german furry yiff meet up forum

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I drink a Guinness or two to agitate my stomach lining, then drink a glass of cheap vodka, chase it with another stout, then normally I'll have another glass of vodka. it keeps things cheap and gets me proper hammered when I do it, though I only drink a few times a year.

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It's also shit because all the hipsters in the business are fucking obsessed with IPAs. Fun fact, look up "brewers droop". This place had a hard on for the soi meme but if you're really worried about estrogenic plants, you should avoid the fuck out of hops.

You realize that in japan we have (multiple times a week) drinking parties where it’s 飲み放題の”lit: all you can drink” for unlimited hours. My drink or choice is usually whiskey highballs which I would estimate average ~10%abv

Don't worry, belgian beer is better anyway.

You give them too much credit. I will say there is some truth to the American beer = piss, but it's outdated in the same way that Brit food = boiled shit is true. Outdated, but does apply to some degree to the poorer and less educated, but even then mostly in a historical context. Severe alcoholics in the American midwest go for cheap plastic jugs of vodka or absolute bottom shelf whiskey, or those massive packs of cheap pisswater beer because then they can drink literally all day.

It's a shame really - Schlitz, Busch, Budweiser - you can tell by the names that European immigrants started those companies. My father was born in the late 40s and remembered when some of those beers were actually decent, and he saw the decline.

You wouldn't drink Hibiki now, would you, user?

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Mom was being weak?
What you know about that? Probably tons

Dark rum and sometimes red ale

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And? That's like beer.

lol I feel bad for Euro niggas
them niggas need vpns for fapping
>In before Ameriamut meme



German beer is good but you guys have been slacking and outpaced.

You're welcome. I miss France and my local bars with 3e pints of this bad boy. Now I'm in Canada, every beer either tastes like shit or is crazy expensive :^)

Enjoy your soda with your tenddies

>breathing plant poo

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This entire post is tryhard though
>look at me i'm a wannabe alchy with "better" taste
I don't even drink whiskey you just type like a twat.

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It depends on what it's made from.
Beer is basically a mash of malted barley that's been cooked and had water and yeast added to it so it basically tastes like a very potent raw cereal as a drink.
Whisk(e)y is when you take a beer and distill it to where you get more of the sugars from the grain to where a corn whisky would of course taste like corn, rye would have more spiciness and red fruits and barley would have more estery lemon and grassy notes.
Personally if you're trying to get into alcohol I'd try a sweet liqeur like limoncello or irish cream to see if you can get used to the flavor, then try beer and wine and eventually harder spirits.
See above. Also I had a nail polish thing when I tried Canadian Club so you're definitely not alone. If you're okay with beer I'd say Jameson is a good starter as it's basically just ginger, apple, lemon and grain and is pretty inoffensive. From there try some basic scotches like Auchentoshan and Glendronach and then get into sweeter styles of bourbon like Buffalo Trace and Knob Creek before getting into the more rye and wheat heavy ones like Four Roses, Michter's and Old Weller.
Also don't listen to as Islay scotch can be VERY love or hate as it uses peated malt which is nice if you like phenols in your whisky but shit if you don't. If you get to the point where you want to try a peated scotch I'd recommend starting with a lighter peat like Highland Park 12 or Jura 12.

Based country music poster

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Any ciderbros here? Feels good now that Somersby and other sugary crap are falling to the wayside as more and more good producers pop up.
pic related is my choice, so light and refreshing after a hard day of work

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Imagjne binge drinking beer for 7 hours on a weekday and having to wake up at 6 am to go to your soul crushing office job the next morning and you’ll start to understand where I am coming from. The place near my house literally does “all you can drink” for 12 hours at 20 dollars.

Try Mount Gay rum you faggots

How do they even survive profit wise?

wrong fuck nigga

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used to love gin and tonics until I learned an 8 oz of tonic has like 40 grams of sugar. fucking ridiculous

A lot of moms go there because for an extra 10 dollars it’s also “all you can eat” and Japanese ladies will drink like 2 cassis tea cocktails and eat a salad and feel like they get their monies worth. I’m not complaining though because im a degenerate alcoholic and they’re funding my habit.

>Japanese distilleries design their blends to build a perfect harmony
That's literally what every fucking blender puts into their advertising in every country.
>unlike the scottish who just put together their third-grade malts
Pro-tip: Most "Japanese" blends source scotch whiskies to use because they don't have enough aged Japanese whisky stocks to use. Most Nikka blends use Ben Nevis as they own the distillery. Suntory uses Auchentoshan, Ardmore, Bowmore and Laphroaig in their Japanese blends because the laws designating what can be called Japanese whisky are non-existent. Heck even distilleries label aged soju and rice spirit as whisky now because of the garbage laws. Unless you're getting single malt straight from a reputable distillery in Japan you're likely getting absolute trash or a scotch blended with a teaspoon of actual Japanese whisky.

Yes, dude, I live in Japan as well and I do know what a nomihoudai is. So yes, I still think being tempered by whisky high is ridiculous. Even my university mates can drink that much.

Sad, isn't it? Worse than soda. I compensate by only drinking one or two on rare occasions in the summer. I also make them very strong, but that comes with its own problems.

I am annoyed that despite living relatively close the to the Caribbean that it can be very expensive or difficult to find good rums. Used to be the top alcohol consumed in the US, along with cider.

lol your just mad your country gonna get a lot darker in 15 years

how is mead, lads?
it's become quite popular in the south of my country and i've been wondering if i should order some

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Kekked and kekpilled

It sounds like your roommates are pussies who drink at a very slow pace.
Which university do you go to? If you live in Tokyo I’ll take you out as a treat and show you how men drink.

I bought a 1.75L liter of that shit, had a single shot, then my friends fiended the rest of it. It was trash anyway.
Pic related is my goto, even if its poorfag liquor.

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>t. never drank Yamazaki

only puked in bed once, but the hangover wasn't that bad. I got kinda lucky though because I was sleeping on my back.
going through alcohol withdrawal is a lot worse than a hangover though; I can't even imagine the shit heroin users go through.

I mostly stick to Czech shit nowadays, Budweiser and Pilsner Urquell. It´s available everywhere, affordable and tastes good.

Craft beer is like every other liquor, only 1% of the stuff made is actually worth buying.
Personally I only buy local stuff but even then local stuff is a roulette for finding a gem, such as Evil Twin for example.

>in Japan.
Not even him breh

>nothing but vodka & redull for the last decade

I'm dying and I'm glad

Hakushu and Yamazaki 12 are great and they're both single malt. Coincidence ?

Its pretty good, not very strong punch, so I don't lose focus, and its pretty smooth. Its good for gaming because it doesn't go right into the head. Next time I would want something similar to Mount Gay XO, when I play slower games, like Kenshi, because there drunk state doesn't really matter.

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Or get better taste and drink better Bajan rum like Foursquare instead.

lemme guess, yakuza secondary?

still not as dark as your country is now.

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Japan Manly sure my nigga

Let's talk about something genuinely japanese way beyond the average baka gaijan, which is shochu. My favorite is imo shochu, preferably the 5 litre plastic straight from familymart, when available.

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I wish there was a way to remove all of the energy shit from Red Bull because holy shit it’s such a good flavor to mix with vodka

What the fuck are you saying? Do you want me to pay for your poor 留学生 faggot ass to drink for a night or not?

this doesn't affect me
I'm 200% nigga

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Cold peppermint tea is god tier in summer.

Different user, but great advice and props to talking about my favorite distillery: glendronach.


As long as it Modelo time

Caorunn Scottish gin with tonic and lime. Maybe some muddled basil and cucumber if I'm feeling a little gay. I'm a bartender and a slut for gin.

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I like this one better than the 12years

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For the Americans, what state are you repping and how is your brewery scene?
>It's pretty good besides the Asheville faggots obsessed with IPAs

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Give me your line ID then.

t. Has never tasted an American beer other than bud light or PBR in his life before.

I'd like to taste shochu.

>a slut for gin
how appropriate

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Heineken and Jack Daniels.
I'm basic as fuck.

>he puts sugar in tea

Yeah Glendronach is a favorite of mine too! Some guys I know tried a 30+ year single cask of Glendronach a while ago but it's basically impossible to buy now because the markup has gotten so insanely high to where 11 year old Glendronachs are going for almost $150 at MSRP and it's just not worth it anymore. At this point Benriach (and maybe Glenglassaugh eventually) will have better valued single casks but for now I'm just sticking with any European IBs because the quality hasn't tanked below the price just yet.

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God bless Founders, New Holland, and Arbor Brewing

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*hits bong of cookie dough vape*
heh that's right man why drink alcohol when you can vape flavoured cocaine

hold make one my nigga

And how could I forget Bell's?

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>this shit
>idk prolly ffxiv or P5

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>Ching gbing ding dong
The absolute state of this incel. Your bench is probably shit.

Free brew on you
you tha goat

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fuck that shit

drinking is fucking gay

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>USA even has a higher minimum alcoholic content for liquor than Europe.
So what happens if it's a distilled drink under 40%? Does it become illegal? What actually changes other than semantics?

Why is whisky often in so awesome looking bottles but tastes like puke?

But if you think about it logically

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>japanese whiskey
>not glorious tennessee whiskey

Actually I usually dont drink when playing vidya. I'd rather watch a movie or shitpost if I'm drinking. I did drink while playing Mordhau recently and that was fun.

For me its any of the cheaper whiskeys or cheap beer.
For whiskey its usually:
>Lord Calvert
>The Fat Trout
>Highland Queen
>honestly any whiskey, I dont have a refined tongue for this swill


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Only real nigga drink this

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>french niggas

Whisky tastes good user. Just don't be a bitch about the alcohol and actually try to taste it.


Unlike other hard alcohols, you can tell the goodness of a vodka without ever tasting it. It's literally dependant upon the times that it is filtered. If it's 4, it's "fine". If it's 7, you know it's good.

Unlike whiskey, bourbon, tequila, brandy and wine, where the prices and quality are all over the place, you can look at a shelf of vodka and be confident on the quality immediately, and not overspend. Some fuckers try to prey on retards and make a cool looking bottle of vodka and price it at 50 bucks, but then you look at the number of times it's been filtered and laugh.

It's quality drink for a tiny price. Never spend more than 25 dollars for a 1.75 liter bottle.

Not only that, but you can mix it with ANYTHING. When you get other drinks, you have to make specific cocktails to match them. Not so with vodka. It's anything your heart desires. Vodka is the greatest of all alcohols.

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You have to be a literally smelly nigger to drink this.

>American beer (at least the major brands) are horrific
I think it's funny how them using shit like rice and corn as filler for their shit beer changed from a dirty little secret to something they openly advertise.

>if we just act like we're proud of it, people will think it's a good thing!

All vodka tastes the same. Its not bad, its just that it doesnt matter if its cheap or expensive brand.

Either water, coffee or beer. I only drink whisky when watching a movie, shit hits me too hard and I lose my ability to play properly and that frustrates me.

If I wasn't poor as fuck I'd be drinking all the time. Shits too expensive as an addiction, All I can afford is cider and on good days vodka. But for the life of me I can't understand how people can like beer, shit is awful. Maybe I've only had bad brands.

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tnx doc

While this is true, the amount of times filtered determines your hangover

Out of my way, plebs.

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I drink this
Roast me

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you spend money on water you can get from a tap.

Drinking is free if you just learn how to do it. The finns have mastered a magical art to create liquor just using sugar by making "kilju". I havent tried it myself. It appearently tastes awful but its not dangerous and you can mix it.

>wasting your money on drinking
>drinking in general
Fucking normalfag cancer

I always said the same until I had some friends over from the East. They showed me how wrong I was. Same for tequilla. We always drink it as a shot that kills you, but a good brand vodka or tequilla is actually fucking great.

Sounds like a myth.

Well if we use something like pic related as an example the answer basically comes down to the fact that liquor companies make much more money selling shit to the masses in nice packaging then they do quality juice to the enthusiasts who only buy certain bottles. Last year the best selling whisky brands were all blended scotches: JW, J&B, Dewar's, Monkey Shoulder, Grant's, etc. so of course the reason they sell if because of low price and a fancy bottle when the product is absolute shite.
Same goes for a recent Irish whiskey called Proper 12, the stuff costs more then Bushmills and tastes shittier then Bushmills and is literally sourced from Bushmills but yet it sold well because Connor McGregor is the face of the brand.
So basically when it comes to selling whisky, marketing is worth a lot more to most companies then product quality however occasionally we'll get a decent one from a big producer but it'll likely be overpriced and will always go down in quality after a few releases (Diageo Special Releases, Aberlour A'bunadh, Laphroaig Cairdeas). So basically it's why I tell people to buy independent bottlings of any type of whisky, especially scotch, from good companies like Cadenhead's, Adelphi, Gordon and Macphail, etc. instead of wasting time on the majority of distillery bottlings.

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but the purple drink is good user

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Regular normie beer like Heineken or Carlsberg is fucking piss. Craft Ale/ Craft beer is where it's at bro. Find a small local brewery with a real drive and passion, often that stuff is magical.

Still, I will admit beer/ ale/ and stuff of that nature is not for everyone. In much the same way I cannot stand Cider. It tastes like shit to me.

Get sparkling water and frozen cherries and throw them together in a bottle. Same shit, half the price.

>He thinks I’ll deanon myself over a promise of a nomihoudai

Nah mate even as 留学生 I have more than enough money to pay for my own booze, and I’d rather get wasted with friends than prove myself to some literally who gaijin salaryman.
It seems tho that some else has been replying to you, so you guys go ahead and have fun.

Minnesota is bretty gud these days. Surly is probably the most well known and is definitely enjoyable, but personally I'm a Castle Danger man. Loads of decent small neighborhood brew'ries in Mpls/st. Paul too. But along with that comes a lot of the pretentious beer snobbery that I'm not too fond of. Also a decent homebrew scene around here, just started fermenting my second batch, first turned out surprisingly well!

If you drink shitty vodka, you get a shitty hangover. There are entire brands I avoid because I'll get a hangover before I'll even get drunk.

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I can't really do anything remotely cerebral while drinking. My brain turns to mush pretty quickly and if I try to play games I get sleepy.
Right now I'm drinking Irish whiskey with soda. I'm trying to lose weight, so I need to get off beer, and I'm trying to get a taste for spirits since they have non calories.

>sours are becoming a meme too
even if the menu's 80% IPAs it still beats bars

For American whiskey, I only drink bourbon.
Other than that, I don't really drink at all.

Imagine living life without enjoying it.


I was a alchy in my 20s. I had a dying gallbladder for years before I found out, so I suddenly got stomach aches for like 10 years and stopped drinking.

Lost my taste for it completely. Coffee, though. That's the shit. I have a pour over, an aero, a percolator, and pounds and pounds of different kinds of coffee.

Light roasts are my favorite.

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cheap vodka

Your'e exchanging one poison for another?

t. Inaka N4 faggot that will become a JET faggot because he’s a failure weeb.

Coffee will also kill you. Use soft drinks instead.

frozen cherries are pretty expensive where I live desu

>The brewing state to which all other brewing states aspire to be

I work at a liquor store in the heart of Athens, i.e. the home of Creature Comforts, Akademia, ect. Its like beer heaven here. All the restaurants have craft beers on tap and we stock entire half barrel kegs full of craft beer regularly. Its the one and only good thing about living here.

I hate how hipster IPA's are. I've looked for years for the type of beer that I loved, and a lot were great, but nothing that I truly loved. Until I tried an IPA in Belgium some 5 years ago. Shit was fucking good. Immediately tried to find them back home, but realised very quickly it was an extremely overhyped hipster type of beer, with dozens of different bottles with retarded names and all kinds of fancy packaging. They're retardly expensive, too. I might be a true hipster, but I'm not going to avoid the taste I love because some retards do too.

>Johnny walker
And obviously you’ve never had blue label

The irony here is getting fat off soft drinks is way worse than fucking coffee.

Popov is the last stop for broken souls.

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Really? Here they are like 2 euro's for a kg. From that you can make like 5 liter of flavoured water.
You could also use a different fruit that's cheaper though. Lemons are great as well, or oranges.

based 13 yo

Rekorderlig is the one of the only brands of Cider I like and would recommend to someone who doesn't like Cider, I would buy it by the crate if it wasn't so fuck off expensive. It's like a fruit cocktail.

>Euros screeching about Americans instead of recommending whiskey
What is wrong with you.

living in scotland currently. i've always "liked" whisky but never tried enough to decide what i do and don't like.

the last year though i've gone all in on trying a new one every couple weeks. really enjoying this currently, it's a good stand-by. i've tried better but for the price this is a damn good islay whisky

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Coffee didn't give me stomach aches. Studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases.

Granted, the mass media flip flops on what food is healthy every month, but the antioxidants are there especially if you brew in a way where the oils are still there (so no paper filters). Light roasts have more flavor, too.

Alcoholism is not a personality.

Well, actually, that's not completely true: as soon as people learn you're an alcoholic, they will place you in the "avoid this person" bin.

I think it was a joke user. Calm down.

>pic related
>DMC5 Bloody Palace as V
feels good man

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N2 government-funded grad student of one of the top japanese unis, but at least you were correct about inaka

>you can tell the goodness of a vodka without ever tasting it. It's literally dependant upon the times that it is filtered. If it's 4, it's "fine". If it's 7, you know it's good.
You have no clue about what you're talking about. Filtrations mean shit if the grain quality, yeast quality and fermentation times are fucking trash along with the quality of the distillate cuts being made (aka how much of the heart is being kept for further distillation).


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LOL, I'm not drinking an 80 dollar fucking bottle of whiskey. I'll go for Jim beam if I want some whiskey.

BUT I don't drink anything but Reyka vodka anymore. Best fucking vodka I've ever had.

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I get a small bag for 4 dollarydoos
Not a leaf btw

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There's no escape

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Just admit it, no one likes the actual taste of alcohol. They either drink it to get buzzed or to look cool.

jap whisky really nigga ?

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Don't bother trying. It's a great taste and a great tool in social situations to loosen up a bit, but it's literally poison. I still drink and have no problem with people drinking in general, but I wouldn't ever advocate others to do it too.

Wasn't a huge fan of that one but I'm going to Islay in 6 months and am very excited to try some of the better shit.

>distillate cuts being made
shorthand for that is filtration numbers. It's filtered each time.

why do whiskeyfags always have to talk about how cool their whiskey is?

how much does that cost?

>top Japanese unis
Lmao I went to one as well and it was about as difficult as my American middleschool. Don’t kid yourself.

To be fair it's hard to tell, there are boards here that think if you avoid jerking off you'll end up jacked liked 80s Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Whiskey bros, you are good dudes but ww@ coffeefags?

Cream and sugar need not apply. If you NEED cream or sugar, get better coffee. It's not bad once in a while, but it's mostly to mask bad coffee.

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The mass media is basically Cali/NY. Ignore them. Coffee is fine for you.

i love the stuff, just honey mead is kind of like a really sweet wine but you can get it mixed with other stuff like fruits.

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Try living in Australia where the tax on alcohol is fucking disgusting.
I don't have anything for comparison, but if you want a weekend worth of drinking you'd have to spend close to $100.

I don't think you realise how wrong you are. This is literal projection. I didn't like fizzy drinks when I was younger. Does it mean I now only drink sparkling water to look cool? Not everybody is concerned with what others think user. Sure, some drink to look cool, but a lot of people drink because they love these taste.

I can't stomach the stuff, but it wildly varies in flavors. It's insane how much variance there is in such basic ingredients.

>If you NEED cream or sugar, get better coffee

why is everything a fucking contest to see who is the most cultured?

>Peated Jim Beam

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>expensive games
>great Firewall on internet
and now you're telling me is costs that much to get plastered? Truly, a fate worse than death.

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Yeah no clue what kind of fruits you have over there. Just get some cheap ones, slice em up and just throw them in. It's so easy, and relatively cheap compared to buying cans of the stuff.

There's a really good local brewery called Bent Spoke.
They do really strong, hoppy beers. I really like one called Crankshaft which is basically just hops hops hops and nothing else.

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At least drink Angry Orchard or something man, Redd's is hot garbage. At least you've got some decent Vidya taste.
For me rn it's
>Mr. Blue Sky
>Dark Souls

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for the same reason it's laughable if someone uses ketchup on a 50 dollar steak or orders it well done.

You clearly don't like the product and are doing everything to cover up the taste.

What the fuck is that?
>Look it up
>Only for UK and I would need to contact them if I want it delivered to me
Damn, maybe next month.

Kek, I know, I frequent that board. But that looked like a genuine joke to me. Not everyone is a retard, not even on Yea Forums.

It has runes on the bottle that I can't understand so it must be sophisticated.

Do you even know what filtration means? It's passing the spirit through a chill filtration system or a charcoal filter to get rid of impurities. Taking cuts of the spirit has nothing to do with filtration you stupid fuck.

how come every smalltime brewery in america has a hardon for IPAs?

This thread is full of fucking children. Holy fuck. First off Hibiki sucks ass, when I was young I started off with crown royal but that shit it too syrupy and sugary for me now. Just do Buffalo Trace, Makers Mark, Tullamore Dew and fuck off you babies

This. There's plenty of people who drink coffee for the caffeine, but don't like the taste and just use cream and sugar. That's fine, but some people genuinely enjoy the taste of a good coffee. Don't pretend to be the latter if you add cream and/or sugar.


Never said it was difficult.
But it is prestigious enough to possibly net me a job in a big enough company.

yeah buffallo trace is pretty solid and reasonable. bulliet is also good if you want something more ouchy

I need to get back into coffee.

I stopped drinking it for a while because I was drinking too much of it and it gives me anxiety frequently, but I started a new job and I forgot how nice it is to wake up with a cup of coffee before work.

Can someone give me advice on how to brew my own coffee from whole beans? I have a small hand grinder and a cheap french press but it never feels like it comes out quite right.


come the fuck on, bro
>I pay more for wax I am now THE CONNOISSEUR

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Damn, I was out in Iceland for a while and it was like that. Crazy prices for alcohol (crazy prices for everything if I'm honest). And you could only buy Alcohol from these officially sanctioned government owned shops. Like you couldn't just pop into the supermarket and find the booze isle. It was hell, especially as I like to live up my Irish stereotype.

>look at my sophisticated middle shelf taste

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I feel you user. IPAs are great.

Yeah, I don't know exactly what the alcohol tax is, because I think it varies, but for example tonight I bought a 700ml bottle of Dubliner Whiskey, 22 standard drinks, and it cost me $51 Australian.
And that's one of the cheapest items on the whiskey shelf. A case of semi-decent craft beer would set me back about $50-$60, and a really nice whiskey might be $70-$100.

I don't know that much about beer, but my dad, since retirement, is really into his homebrew and he's basically told me that the name of a beer means almost nothing, because they can slap "IPA" onto almost anything really.
Also, BentSpoke is an Australian brewery. In Canberra, the capital city, actually.
That 4pack of beers is about $25, it's a pricier brand, but it's worth it.


it's nothing incredible, i mostly like it because it's a cut above its price-range. a lot of cheap islay whiskys are trash

a good islay whisky is a fucking revelation but they ain't cheap. the good ones i've tried were mostly at whisky parlours for £30-£50 a dram or more. that's in edinburgh though, so it's undoubtedly inflated

Makers mark is top boomer. So congrats grandpa for being the cringeiest motherfucker in the thread

percolator. It's the shit. Or like this sometimes:

I used to go camping, and I love coffee made this way.

I took the same path user. I work at a fortune 20 in Tokyo now. It’s shit. Don’t fall for the Japanese meme and plant the seed in a Japanese girl like I did.

>mine is better because i pay 80 dollars a bottle
>i enjoy fretting about how much of the bottle is left after i pour a drink.

Water, black coffee, sometimes a coke zero and occasionally whatever tea I have lying around.

>Also, BentSpoke is an Australian brewery. In Canberra, the capital city, actually.

my mistake. all of the startup brewery companies in american all have logos and designs that look EXACTLY like that.

Cheap and cheerful. Literally Jack Daniels but better and without meme tax.

Scotch whiskey is icky desu. Tastes like you're licking a sweaty sauna bench.

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>Crown Royale
>Maker's Mark

You've never tried Hibiki you dumb bitch. You've probably been drinking the same three basic-ass whiskys for 30 years.

I'm not an expert myself on brewing, but I have a local shop where they are experts. I think the size of the grain is very important for the brewing method. I know for french press it needs to be fairly big or 'rough' (don't know the English word), but not sure exactly how rough. Also, the time you put the coffee grind in is crucial. Again, not sure on the exact details, but I usually but my ground beans (which the shop grinds to the proper size for me) around 4:30 minutes.

$200 for a bottle you'll go through in a few days

Just why?

It requires no skill as a brewer or knowledge of what a proper beer should taste like to brew IPA. You dump a fuckton of hops and yeast in and call it a day. You know you have IPA when your beer has that genuine flavor of skunk and bong water.


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>coke zero

do they not have splenda diet coke where you live?

To be honest, the only thing I have even slight interest in is wine.


IPAs taste like fucking ass, like someone grabbed a bunch of herbs and fruits and put them in a blender with soap and motor acid

Budweiser is shit and tastes like piss

Most American beers taste like piss too

Belgian beers are good though

Also rum best drink

All alcohol elitism is larping and bullshit. It's all the same. It can taste different but not actually "better". They did studies for wine reviews where they do the "fruity fragrance with an earthy aftertaste" and found that their descriptions couldn't be reproduced by different reviewers ie it's no better than random. Just faggots blowing smoke up each other's ass. Alcohol is for getting drunk or disinfecting shit, if you want something that tastes good buy a milkshake

Yup, rough grinds for press or aero, fine for machines.

Keep patting yourself on the back for buying a bottle of Jim Beam with wax on top for double the price.

Also my favourite game is either Pikmin 1/2/3 or Metroid any game in the franchise.

That’s what I intend to do eventually.
I’d still have to become a wageslave too, so might as well aim as high as I can.

>t. I have tongue

Why do IPAs always have some crazy colorful design on the can and a silly name?

jokes on you i don't even drink whiskey. i buy a bottle of beefeater like once a month and thats it.

it's the hip new thing to do so everyone jumped on the bandwagon, same with $20+ bottles of bourbon barrel aged stouts
both are probably a reaction to decades of cheap lager

Why not drink fruit juice or cocktail at that point? Not being sarcastic here. Always thought alcohol was a bit pointless

>wine reviews
Wine is bullshit, but beer actually has a wide variance of flavour because it's a highly complex product. Wine is just rotten grape juice, it has literally one ingredient.

I was shitposting until now but enjoy your ryuugakusei time as much as you can. It was the best time of my life hands down. Now I’m a wagecuck making good money but I dream about killing myself a lot because being a wagecuck is suffering, especially in Tokyo.


Then definitely try a decent red one, like a Carbarnet Sauvignon. Don't go for the most expensive one, you won't taste it anyway, but don't get the bottom of the barrel housebrand tier. €5-7 for me is the cheapest I go for a 0.75l bottle. Not sure if prices are comparable wherever you live, but if it's like half of that it's probably shit.

I usually try to stay sober to focus on the game. When I do drink, I prefer Coors regular.

During winter, Sam Adams Winter Lager.

If I ever do drink whiskey, I prefer Knob Creek but I have to avoid buying whole bottles and just get shot bottles to avoid getting too drunk or blowing my budget.

IPAs are shit beer for shit people. I used to be mostly into stouts, but I've started trying out different cream ales lately.

I live in San Diego so the craft beer scene is huge. Thank fuck the hipsters are over IPAs and "mead" is the next big thing.

Cocktails are great to get shitfaced on
The only thing I drink straight nowadays is rum, the rest I mix

What's a good whiskey for a semi-beginner?
I've gone through my fair share of whiskey, but I still can't drink it straight. I have to mix it with sodas or I just can't get it down.
Is there a good, smooth whiskey to start off with that I could develop a taste for and work my way up to stronger stuff?


Beer is beer

I would agree wine tasters are full of shit, but if you can't taste the difference between whiskeys you literally have no fucking taste buds.

buffalo trace is pretty palatable on its own, its also reasonably priced.


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Why does Yea Forums like whisky so much? Is it because you're all too pussy to drink beer?
>It's too heavy/gassy it hurts my tummy!

You fucking babies.

I'm in the same boat. Maker's tastes like shit. I bought a bottle of Bulleit for after work today. No sense spending a ton if it all still tastes like shit for me.

Hey, don't knock IPA because hipsters make it. They're bitter and herby. Obviously you wouldn't like them if you're into stouts. You probably dislike blond beers as well.
Not saying IPAs are not dominated by hipsters, but there's definitely good ones.


Is there such a thing as a non alcoholic cocktail

My liver can't handle alcohol

>not drinking both
hahah look at the faggot with his weak stomach

Then get off Yea Forums and get yourself to bed user.

There are, but it kinda misses the point when cocktails are all about getting the taste of the alcohol inside something that actually tastes good

You do you though

fuck the source who cares?
If wine tasting is bullshit then everything is bullshit. It's all fermented fruit or vegetables. Even if you can taste the difference (which most people can't after a few, I've done tests), it doesn't mean it's "better" or "worse" like if I pay a bit more I'm going to get a "better" alcohol

The only legit difference is that clear spirits like vodka give you the least hangover so it's the most efficient


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I'm sure there are good ones, but the breweries here were pumping out "triple IPA QUAD IPA!" so see who could cram the most hops into a bottle.

I would say 90% of the people drinking them were absolutely posers. Mead is surprisingly good as fuck, though.

I drink beer
I drink wine
I drink whiskey
I drink rum
I drink gin
I drink brandy de jerez
I even drink vodka from time to time
Bitch I drink everything

Because all alcohol tastes like nigger sweat. it's literal poison. Sme go down smoother than others but that's the extent of it if yor're not memeing.

You can just not really like whiskey and accept it, that's always an option too.


Yeah, they're called 'virgin'.
Just order a virgin Long Island Icetea and you get the non-alcoholic version.
It's pretty funny with cocktails that have raunchy names
>Yeah I'd like a virgin sex on the beach please
>Don't we all

Drink a bailey's or a crema de orujo sometime, that shit lifts your spirits

havana club rum and Rising Storm 2
curiosity: can you get this on your country, nowadays?

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>Because all alcohol tastes like nigger sweat
This is the part where I start having several questions

Tea with milk and two sugars, or water.

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>reasonably priced
>$51 for 700ml
I love living in Australia.

I'm guessing you're drinking it just because it's Japanese?

Never was a fan of it myself

Shut up hipster.

Yeah I'm; I'm very aware of the 'scene' and I hate it, but I love the beers goddamnit.

came here to post this

Löwenbrau or Staropramen
Heroes III

Best run is BANNED in the USA

isnt this from a music video?

Jim Beam and Jack daniels are the reason I turned to rum when I was younger. I can still remember how fucking awful these two were its literally the "LEL I'M AN ADULT FINE GENTLEMAN BECAUSE I DRINK WHISKEY" tier person's choice, who drink vodka with redbull.
Seriously both are fucking garbage which are popular for those people who drink to show off and don't like alcohol at all. Its exact same type of people who drink coffee and put a lot of milk and at least two teaspoon sugar in it and call themselves coffee enthusiasts.

you can't advertise it as hard liquor and can't name those as such
basically you can do whatever you want but if you want it to be label a certain way then you have to meet the standard

>it tastes like shit
>"what, you don't like shit? you fucking baby"
the absolute taste of beercucks, enjoy your low abv to cost ratio

okay retard

yeah beer is just cheap when you're in a venue cause they rape you on cocktails that's all it's good for

I sometimes drink just tonic water with a little lime

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Drink better whiskey man, Johnnie Walker turned me off from whiskey entirely until I discovered Jameson's, Dewars, and Knob Creek

Looks cool in films.

Ever had this gem m8?

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Grow the fuck up

What makes it blue?

I'm very sorry, but a mouthful of malt just doesn't taste good to me.
I don't know where you live, but where I'm from they're considered teenage girl drinks.

It's windshield washer fluid

The glass

Unsweet iced herbal peach alllll dayyyyy

For me, it’s Habushu™

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You should find help before you fall too far down the hole

try the Yamazaki 18 year, shit is pure fucking bliss
other great nippon whiskey's are the Coffey Malt (avoid the grain it sucks) and the Chita is also quite nice
the Hakushou is ass, leave that shit alone

Which spirit is the best? I'm new to drinking, essentially, so I'd like to try out some different stuff. I've had a few whiskeys and rums, and I'd like to try some other spirits.

Sometimes I sip wine or beer. If I'm gonna drink I want to party generally speaking.

Is good vodka actually good? I've only had cheap vodka and it tastes like poison, I can't imagine it being redeemable but maybe it's not for me.

for me its

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>little particles of snake in my drink
no thanks, bro.

Gin tastes like nail polish remover and tonic water tastes like chewing on a lime peel. If there's one thing I will be bewildered by til the day I die, it's gin and tonic drinkers.

t. a clueless mongo

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They sell tiny bottles at most liquor stores, you should sample a variety of types. Just don't overdo it.

Same here, mate.
Yeah, I am having the time of my life right now. I was a wagie for a couple of years back in my country, so I’m not completely clueless about how soul-crushing that life can be, but definitely nothing close to your level.
Stay strong my dude and don’t drink yourself to death, you can definitely do better.

A real man drinks to his limit of being tipsy

i drink crummy pails of water

Don't forget actual venom aswell

Just try whatever you find available and you'll see what works out for you best. It's pointless to give specific recommendations, since I could say "try pálinka", but there's a fair change's you don't live in Hungary or nearby.

Imagine actually being a stupid person.

>tfw green tea, coffee, and water

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>not drinking Peak 50/50
lol get taste, pleb

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>Japanese whisky
>not Yamazaki
How can you have such utterly awful taste? Might as well just piss in a glass and drink that to save yourself some money.

Possibly the greatest cocktail in the universe. I hated gin right up until I was about 24, then all of a sudden I decided to make them as it was cheaper than beer for getting drunk during predrinks and it blew my mind. They are, to me at least, the most refreshing drink of all time.

Well, I suppose I mean what is the versatility of various spirits? I'm pretty weak, so I can't drink any spirit straight yet. But I'm interested in trying different things to mix with soda.
As I understand it, vodka is basically just alcohol, so it mixes with anything. What about gin? Is it versatile?

For me, it's Strong Zero™

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Gin is the liquor of most cocktails man, get Bombay, tanqueray, London no1 or any local gin man

Anyone like these bad boys? I live in SoCal so they're everywhere and I developed a taste for them. Not sure if they do micheladas in AZ or TX.

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What lagers you lot into? I tried this as it was any two big bottles for £4 at Tesco and I was pretty impressed - i'm not usually a lager drinker but this has converted me.

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$185 for vidya booze?

Bombay, that's Bombay Sapphire?
It's relatively cheap. I might try it out.

This is more personal opinion that anything else. Vodka goes with just about anything you can think of. Gin is limited. Rum is still fine (can even go with tea if you like that), still fairly versatile. Tequila, whisky, and especially national/regional spirits are best on their own, because they tend to have a lot of special taste to them.

Rum overall (especially Mount Gay XO) is way too good to give up, but I'll try it sometimes. I can still remember the day I tried JD and JB. Both tasted like some cheap shit mixed with sugar and put some brown food color in it. You might as well drink vodka with a sugar cube and chug down food color with it. They are the equal to Diplomatico in rums to me.
Overshilled, overpriced, it tastes bad and its only put on fame by those legit never had better. You can legit feel the cheapness from it. The only way you can consume it is where its mixed with Coca Cola at worst, because Pepsi is not aggressive enough to overwhelm that shit taste.

You're really stupid. I mean, in America, there are people that kill liters in a matter of 3 hours or less, and walk around like nothing happened. I'd drink you under the table, myself.

>friend comes home from a wedding, is standing in his kitchen in a suit with his eyes closed.
>all he will say is "I love Crown Royal" over and over.
>leave him be for 10 minutes
>come back, he is still motionless, eyes closed, standing in the same spot, only now he is only wearing his underwear
>keeps repeating "I love Crown Royal"

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I lived in Spain for 3 years and man was it good to drink gin there. You could get the good stuff for around 18 euros or just settle for Gordons/Beefeater for 10. I'm talking 1 litre bottles by the way

What would recommend, brand wise, in a vodka? I suppose they'd be pretty similar, but there must be level of quality to vodkas.

make sure to tell him vodka is very deceptive, gotta know his limit or it gonna fuck him up and he won't even know it

So instead of a Scotch you go for a Jap?

>What about gin?
Gin is the vodka of western Europe. It's almost exactly the same, functionally. It just has berries in it that are barely noticeable.

I have a nice Yamazaki.

What shithole do you even come from?

I unironically agree with this. When somebody tells you something is an acquired taste then they're fucking retarded. i'm sure you'd end up loving get fucked in the ass too if it made you cum real hard. Fucking queers.

A friend of mine was literally named Hibiki after this whisky, the same kanji even. Is it even any good? She says it's good but she's obviously pretty biased.

this thread is bad for me, i havent touched hard liquor for months now
fuck fuck fuck

Most Cocktails... Nope. However if you mix it with bitters and a citrus liquor, stir it on ice it's pretty good.

My Favorites are Brandy Cocktails. Love good Brandy. Not even that expensive if you stay away from the meme brands.

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there absolutely is. Grab a bottle of Grey Goose, which is a great entry vodak, and buy a 5 dollar bottle of Popov. See which one makes you smile, and which one makes you dry heave.
>projecting this hard
Man, you've been fighting off that "gay demon" inside of you for a while, huh?

Rye>all that gay shit

lol that's $10 for a half-gallon.

>Grey Goose
>$71 for a 700ml bottle

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What brand do you guys recommend for a beginner and how to drink it? I want to forget stuff...

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First off, listen to , because he's completely on point. Other than that, it heavily depends on your budget. If you're cheapo, Kalinka, Royal, whatever. Absolut, Belvedere, Ciroc, Grey Goose, if you're aiming higher.

It's worth noting that in my experience, it's worth to sink extra into good vodka, because otherwise it'll fuck with your head no matter how careful you try to be.

I kindof agree. I've never tasted a Canadian Whiskey I liked.

I wholely believe they are only popular because they were safe to drink during prohibition.

Red Stripe is the greatest cheap beer ever created. Try it and jah will nah go back me sir.

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>All alcohol has tons of sugar in it.

What a gamer moment, bruh. No, it doesn't. Some do, most don't. Whiskies, vodka, scotch, bourbons, have no added flavorings or sugar.

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Based ciderbro, I can't get the cider in your pic where I am, pic related is one of my favourites

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If you want to drink to forget I recommend cheap stuff. Good stuff you might end up savouring and that won't get you anywhere in terms of forgetting. A cheap whisky that you drink by holding your nose is much better for that stuff.

>being alive
Hurry up, user.

If anyone has any info about it let me know. Can't find anything.

My fiances nip parents told me it was rare.

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You're paying for a meme. You can get better Brandy for less.

lol wut? Where do you live? It's 32 bucks here. I misspoke, it's a mid level. It's also super smooth. I can't drink cheap vodak because it makes me choke.

>not eating bread

Australia. Our alcohol tax is cartoonish.

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where do both of you live? It's not that expensive lol

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He's fucking with you or a tastelet.

It takes a good amount of time until you can reliably make out specific aromas in whisky. However, even the most tasteless person should be able to taste the difference between an Islay and a Speyside. Caramel and vanilla are some of the easiest flavors to identify in whisky. Hint: It's what decent bourbon tastes like.

Something like a Talisker, on the other hand, will taste smokey, earthy from the peat, with hints of salt.

>must add water
ishygddt , way to ruin the flavor

Google "fat British people"

That stuff is shit m8

This stuff is so fucking good. It's still a hidden gem in most stores.

This is very true. If you're not careful you'll start going through a 1.75 every week until you start shitting and farting out black tar. but FUCK does that first big sippy of the day feel great. don't become an alcohol bros.

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I mean, Dan Murphy's isn't exactly the cheapest retailer, I could probably find it cheaper elsewhere, but this is about the average price.

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vodka is mostly a meme as long as you're buying something more expensive than Popov or Skol. Everything from Burnett's up is all the same. Even Burnett's, 9 bucks for a 750, is distilled 4 times.

This is you isn't it, user

>Wal Mart will sell me three for the price of your one
that's horrifying

>1.75 every week
oh fuck.......
im passed this point.......
alcoholism isnt fun bros

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That's life in the land down-under.

My head hurts just reading that word. Plastic alcohol containers are like bright colors in nature; a warning.