ITT: Yea Forums nostalgia

ITT: Yea Forums nostalgia

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_degree's_degree

No fucking way, this happened in 2017? It feels like it happened last month

how can you feel nostalgic on this shit board?
that's like the lowest form of feeling

That was a sad day indeed

I vividly remember posting in the thread before it got stickied, jesus christ. Time is a bitch

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It's astounding, time is fleeting.



How have the last 2 years gone for you, anons? Moved ahead in life like you hoped?

stupid cunt

Also why does everyone crash land trying to get to Earth? Seriously.

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i hate that smug fat fuck gaben

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archives broken, thread is probably too big
what was it, the epistle 3 thing?

Nothing changed, I'm still a NEET and feel like a piece of shit. Even though 2017 was shit I really miss it

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Was true at the time, not so much now that Valve is rehiring writers.

>this is Yea Forums nostalgia
I should stop coming to this newfag board

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Meant to reply to

Probably just someone pretending to be Phil Fish. Why would I ever come to this shit hole?

im going to the gym now and im starting a new job soon. life's better.

I dunno. Why are you here?



Nope. Life still sucks and I don't want it anymore.

I finished my master's, dropped video games, got an acceptable job and now I have no more joy in life as I spend my days working and shitposting online.

You must be very sad.. Cheer up baby

>dropped video games
>still posts on Yea Forums

I genuinely don't understand why someone would do this.

I don't either, to be honest. I guess it's a habit. I enjoy talking about games more than playing them (or watching others play them). I'm also way more active on here now than I was before.
I make an exception for multiplayer stuff, but I do that for like 2-3 hours per week during weekends instead of 5h+ daily that I used to.

Madness...takes its toll

Got a gf(male)

What happened here?

>sticky thread

nothing special. fuck you dramaqueen

Why are these thread mashups so goddamn hard to read? I can't even tell what's happening in this picture

the script for episode 3 got released after the lead writer for the first 2 games was fired from valve.
it means the 3rd episode is not happening like ever.

Retarded children cant use paint

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Dang, who's the girl(male)?

Working at the same job but I got a raise. My relationship has improved a lot. I have gone on an overseas vacation and bought a new car.

I've had a good two years, thanks for giving me a chance to reflect user.

I had a kid within the last two years. I love him. It's insane how different life is after you have a kid, but it's not bad. Just different. I pretty much only play games now when he is asleep, but I look forward to the day I can play with him like my dad played with me.

Just wish my dad was here to see him.

About to graduate at the top of the class of my Bachelor, I should be able to get the Master I want, I'm going on oversea vacation with friends this summer. I generally gotten more sociable and started doing some sports, and play less videogames. Some things still go wrong but I'm generally pretty happy of how things turned out.

enjoy this old wallpaper

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I got kicked out from uni for assaulting a proffesor. He was talking shit about my mom and I just, couldn't take it. At least they didn't call the police or anything. Quickly after that my dog died and I lost my job. Then my Grandpa died. I think my Mom thinks that I'm dissapointment.

Its quite ok :/

I'm potentially weeks away from finishing my Master's, just gotta focus on finishing the thesis writeup. I work a shit part-time to pay rent, have no close friends, never been in a relationship, and crave the sweet release of death every day
>tfw coward

Attached: Manliest suicide.webm (960x540, 2.61M)

Got a job, quit it after a while because management was retarded. Enjoyed the first few days of freedom, now stuck in the cycle of despair. I’m not quite sure what I want to do in life. I just want to enjoy the time I have on Earth and live life for myself, whilst not being a degenerate at the same time.

sauce on that webm?

I confused to my 4 year crush and got rejected then we stopped being friends. So yeah, that was something.

Fled Venezuela and got a nice work visa in Mexico. Moved with my girlfriend, soon to be 5 years with her. We getting married in the next few months. She's going to then get back to college and finish her veterinary degree
Moved to a nice place too. All in the span of two years

Source on this? iqdb and wait is coming up with jack shit.

God I hate phone posting. Confessed*

haha what

Do you even nostalgia?

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You must have dementia.

Wheres this from user? I NEED to see this

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Better place than I was then. I'm ready for my bloomer phase anytime.

Sauce on the blonde?

Based mods
Sue Lightning

>[TenB] Xam'd Lost Memories - 14 [1280x720 Hi10P BD AC3 Dual Audio][D0D4165B]
metadata you dumb turboniggers

>tfw got a Master's but that's it
feel like im a failure

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no fucking way, i swore this was like in 17

I finished college, reveled in the joy of never having to write another college essay again, and then started college again

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look at all these anons having fun UNIRONICALLY, so cringey, look at all the reddit spacing

fucking a really attractive girl (boy) is one of the most satisfying things I do.

so many normalfags holyshit what is this place

got gf two years ago, lost gf 2 months ago, i want her back Yea Forums. I broke it off after she turned into a harpy the last 8 months of the relationship, but she's doing better now. We've spoken here and there after I dumped her, but I still want to be with her. Am I wrong to want to be with her still?

I also failed to get into med school twice, got a job with my engineering degree.

i'm conflicted over the last two years, every week is up and down in mood. I can barely play vidya anymore even though I think a lot of games coming out look fun. All my friends are getting married or beginning to attempt to have kids. All I do is work, go to the gym, and lie down on my bed and do nothing.

Yea Forums has been cancer since 2009 how could you possibly be nostalgic for something that only happened 2 years ago? This place is literally eddit now.

Are you okay?


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>Am I wrong to want to be with her still?
Once a bitch, always a bitch. Believe me.

the idea that everyone here is an obese friendless no-life NEET has always been a defense mechanism for a vocal minority that wanted to project their failures onto those around them so they wouldn't feel like such a waste of space

Why in the everloving fuck would you go back to that shithole?

>ugly trannie makes vapid content

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Have sex

I post on Yea Forums far more than I play vidya. I think that's the case for the majority of people on here tbqh

Doing great in college, still got 2 years left.

Learn to live, it's later than you think.

probably for the best user, at least now you know. I'd rather take the shot and get rejected than to string yourself along wondering "what if?"

hey good going user
God bless the user who made the post with this track, got me hooked on their stuff.

I've been in those on-again/off-again relationships. Let me tell you user, they're not worth it in the long run. It feel really fucking good to go back to that comforting feeling you had in the past, but you gotta realize it won't be the way it used to be. You'll both eventually regress to the same problems that plagued the relationship beforehand. Happens every time.

You have a fucking engineering degree and a job, you'll be able to find someone.

>some of these screen caps are older then most of Yea Forums
god I feel old as shit

it's like looking at the matrix, after a while you don't see the green lines anymore and it all makes sense

the watermark is the most offensive thing about this image

tell me about it. I don't even want to post HARMONY


I graduated, got a job and got my own apartment. Still aiming for wizard. It's gone well, all things considered.

I see, so you're not okay. I'm sorry to hear that.

I'd say link it, but I don't think this thread deserves it.

>met the love of my life
>everything was good
>then everything got bad
>I still want to kill myself

Have sex

Thanks! Not a fan of the fake books, but shes cute

What happened?


How did this video contribute to mystery skulls making video.

I've become addicted to donating to some girl streamer out of a burden of need.

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Fucking why, why would anyone give money to some fuck on a screen?

Holy shit have some fucking self-respect you soifag.

>1 year and 2 months already

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dude don't be a moron. She doesn't NEED you and NEVER will. Put that money into savings or something

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I couldn't keep her with me. i tend to be really defensive about my friends and relationships, I don't want to meet new people, I just wanted her. she tried to make me a better person, she pushed me to open up to others because she loved me and I fucked it all up, because I'm a fucking wreck and i miss her every single day, it's been a year already. i deserve everything that happened to me and im killing myself real soon. my favorite videogame is Thief 1 & 2

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why dont you go to see escort? Or go on a holiday to where this is legal? Better way of sending money than donating to twitch whores

The stream is still small enough to where I'm still noticed and get to have conversations over the stream. She also added me on Discord, Facebook and snapchat and we regularly talk over those too. I know it's fucked up but at this point I've given up.

Don't escorts have STDs?

Small boost to popularity and exposure, I think

>muh victim complex

Fucking sad, i really hope this is a troll...

Why does this pic get deleted everytime it's posted?

>Don't escorts have STDs?
If you don't go for the cheapest then no, they don't have

The Dishonored one I can sort of understand since most of the game up to that point you're not meant to be seen at all and that is assumed not to be seen using your powers either. Hard to rationalize blinking right in front of a guard in a game centered around stealth. Was a shitty design decision imo. Allowing you to turn the guard around with a distraction would've proven to be a better idea.

Granted it's been a while since I played so I don't fully remember the mission but I was a little confused as well and was looking to distract everyone but just ended up blinking to the floor above.

>why is our conspiracy theory thread that probably belongs more on /x/ being autosaged?
>well, obviously it's the reptilian illuminati jews

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>I know it's fucked up but at this point I've given up.
Just stop, there is no such thing as a real relationship through a screen, you're deluding yourself by literally coping. No one is forcing you to do any of this.

Your shallow attempt at disingenuousness is almost insulting

agree, there are no real relationship with females without physical contact
You can always end this, it's never too late

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I wanna go back

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>all the trap post deleted
fuck jannies

how i miss /l/


Helped build a house, traveled the world, traveling again soon. Once I return I have a new apartment to move into across the road from the beach. I’m converting it into a photography studio for promo work. After 15+ years of helping everyone around me I am at the precipice of doing something on my own and making something of myself. I linger from isolated insomnia to hyper happiness on my own and after the one person I loved died I’ve learned to never need anyone again and just focus on enjoying myself and my own time.
Pic related.

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That's not true. You see streamers get pretty cute autistic girlfriends who've they've only talked to through a screen like skyping.

And how do those relationships fare majority of the time?

you need to go back to red iot fagos

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are playtesters even human?

fuck....thanks anons.

>W.T. Snacks
does anyone know what hes up to these days?

I know it sucks, but you'll be happier for it in the long run, trust me

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You need to have sex

About to finish nursing school. Already have a job lined up in the ER. I'm pretty excited. Plus I get four days off a week so I have plenty of time for vidya.

dabbing on zoomers

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I developed a severe anxiety disorder, was forced to become straight after developing ptsd from trauma towards men, and lost my best friend ever

Fuck you user

>was forced to become straight after developing ptsd from trauma towards men
...I'm confused. You WERE gay, but now have ptsd towards all men, making you straight again?

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aka he did it for attention and is probably some easily swayed underage retard

There is absolutely no way you aren't american

What are some posts that make you laugh out loud when you think about them?
here are some that do it for me

>[nods respectfully towards you]

your ex is probably a giant whore just like mine was.

women nowadays aren't worth the oxigen they breathe, ditch all of them and either get a sexbot or go monk, trust me, I lost the last 2.5 years of my life to some stupid whore and I got off easy, Things could ended up a LOT worse.

atleast my emotional scars started finally healing in the last few weeks, life is slowly making sense again.

memes were forced then and theyre forced now. whats the difference?

I work in porno and get raped by women on a weekly basis.
Stop consuming onions

Stay strong user

Everytime I see a post with tons of replies I just imagine a bunch of spergs screaming out of their lungs.

>nostalgia for shit that happened 2 years ago

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have sex

>was a neet back then
>Since then got 1 job which I left in a month
>back to neet
So no haven't moved on

oh yah developed insomnia and have been feeling like trash and suicidal almost every day since 7 months. Today is the first decent day in a week so trying to enjoy it.


practically everyone on the red side outright said they did not support GG, or have literally died.
the only one that stayed pro-GG was reddit lmao

>he doesnt know
Prepare for 24 hour shifts nigger.

hit me with a source

>killing yourself over women

nah. I'm already paranoid with women, and I know her history from my bro and his gf, who've known her since my ex started dating. I was her second. inb4 multiply by 5 for real number.

Im graduating tomorrow :3

Jesus, that existed


>being needy and insecure
No wonder she broke up with you. Do yourself a favour and look up AMS on YouTube.

>Fled Venezuela
Ah, so you are either lying or are upper middle class white person

Quite the opposite, life spiraled downhill and only now is it MAYBE about to pick up

If you are a fuck up your mother will betray you.
For future reference never do stupid shit over women.

Gf broke up with me and moved to another state, I got a job, my drivers license and a car last year. This year I am training in management and considering saving for uni.

>found pretty good job
>still get existential dread every once in a while but never at the level I was at before
Definetly better

you don't get forced to be gay or straight, you just are. this probably means you either werent gay or you're currently pretending to be straight to get someone's attention. either way you sound unstable and you should seek professional help and maybe try getting over yourself and growing up a bit when it comes to your relationships with people

i passed the bar exam and worked as an attorney for a year, and was let go last month because they weren't doing well financially. now stuck in purgatory looking for another job. could be worse, could be better.

Do you guys still have all your images saved from when you first started browsing Yea Forums?

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>most of Yea Forums got their shit together
>im still a fuck up at 25

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I started college at 25 and I'm graduating this weekend. You can fix your life, user!

Was starting a four year college at that time after getting an associates degree. Got academically dismissed after the first year. Have now spent one whole year doing pretty much nothing. So... Yeah.

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I have a usb full of images from 2007 Yea Forums among other boards

Anyone remember the threads about that government-sponsored school shooting sim anons tried to leak?
It was only like a year or two ago but man those threads were fun.

I have shit that must be like 13 years old now

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colleges here dont accept you after 22..

I deleted most of what I thought was "funny" when I first came here and it was a folder of nearly 1400 images and I was going through them a while ago and just thought to myself "Damn, none of this is even remotely funny to me anymore"

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I'm still a 0 friend neet living in my parents house. I've started putting on weight out of nowhere. I turn 25 next month. Highlight of the last year is discovering and playing hollow knight.

I beat my phobia which fucked me for 3 years, currently in college if things go well I'll be able to transfer to university in the next two semesters.

Hope you can get out of your rut , i'm in the same exact position

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I just imagine a bunch of dudes who just want their mom to live.

What the fuck? Does your country have a 50% unemployment rate or something?

even if she was a virgin doesn't mean she isn't a psycho whore. Keep that in mind, you are playing russian roullete here friend. My ex was also the perfect girl, until I discovered her past and how much of a sociopath she is.

right there with you buddy.

based and redpilled

bullshit, I have seen people enter college after they retired

The fuck?

>and maybe try getting over yourself and growing up a bit when it comes to your relationships with people

Everybody's shit, is that what you mean?

just so you know user all your friends now think youre insufferable because all you do is talk about your fucking kid and youre no fun anymore


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Ok my bad apparently you can do smaller courses after 22 but not engineering etc.

lifes good making bank have my own flat ez mode achieved

i'm 29, and i used to be interested in both, but now i get severe migraines and can't enjoy sexual thoughts about men how i used to

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I thought this was gonna be a great year but it all collapsed before it began.
I've stopped caring about what people might think of me and just move forward a step at a time.

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Horseshit, one of my friends had a son and he's the first one of us to have a kid. We all think its great and he's a fantastic dad. Your post reeks of bitterness.

you were born to be cucked

fix your diet slowly, order a few weights and start weightlifting once or twice a week. Your future self will thank you. You can't gain respect from others if you don't respect yourself first.

same, I still have a few older ones though

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nah, graduated high school and it's as if the past 2 years didn't happen at all

oh...ok. And that trauma was caused

take me back Yea Forums

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2017 was probably the best vidya year for me but shit for everything else, but now thanks to the support of my gf, friends and family I'm gonna to pursue what I really want to do with my life.

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Man time sure does fly

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The delete button was there, it means it was Phil himself.

niggers spoiled themselves on the best suicide

yea, i had a terrible year in general and hated myself for my sexual confusion for years. i tried hooking up with the first guy i could through an app even though he wasn't one of the men i find attractive and he was too hard with me. I figure plenty of gay guys wind up gay because they get raped at a young age so if i can't even enjoy this, alongside the other trauma side effects i've been dealing with since then, that i just need to stick to women

I don't want to, but it's been a year and a half since that happened and i went from desiring cock to an avoidance kinda thing, which i hate because now i feel incomplete and like i'm missing out on people i could've had a chance with or experiences, but considering how everybody talks about sexuality where "Youre just this or just born that" i guess i have no choice now but to get the fuck over myself and just be straight

Even therapists and psychologists won't do shit with sexuality

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yea that's a tough one. Maybe it was just that one bad experience? Have you tried again? It's clear that you feel like you're incomplete and "going straight" isn't the solution to that feeling.

Idk, just a thought. Sucks you have to go through that though user, hope things get better

>t. Bobby bushay

Ayy wish more servers had rp_district 9, it was one of the best detailed rp maps I've ever seen.

>2017 was 64 years ago

wanted to kill myself for 6 years but since 6 weeks i've finally been happy and got some hope again

older internet was for fun. modern internet is just political nonsense. this will never come back

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>got a gf 2 years ago
>married her last year
>she's filing for divorce now
Can't say I didn't try

I feel like it's impossible to try again, i can't even enjoy jerking off to male or gay things comfortably anymore, which is what really pisses me off. I can't even selfishly enjoy my sexuality in private on my own how i want to, and i realize how pathetic and trivial it'd be to try and fix even that for me. Life's just shit

Thanks for the kind wishes user

Pretty stagnant, at least I can drink the pain away

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They never stopped. Just look at all these videogames.

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2017 was my worst year too, what the fuck was wrong with that year?

Finished school, got a good job and got laid finally

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lmao at fucking notch on the blue side. how times change

You have a masters degree and can't use apostrophes? You American?

no, the first statement

kill yourself tonight user, turn it into a good day rather than just decent

Unis are fucking worse, same shit as CC but more expensive and filled with sheep

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Got promoted
Make 200k at 25
Got married

still have crippling anxiety sometimes but chugging along..

Did anyone forget about Freeman?
I never did.

my life has gotten signifigantly worse since 2017. i was evicted, kicked out of school, had to move back in with my mom, and pretty much gave up on having any sort of social life. i gained a lot of weight, and work as a full time cashier, i just get stoned every day so i dont have to think about anything. everything fell apart, bros

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Got married and have children

true unfortunately, there is almost no fun anymore to me it's more of a chore nowadays to browse the net

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>I got kicked out from uni for assaulting a proffesor. He was talking shit about my mom and I just, couldn't take it
Moron. You should have held it in and then slashed his car's tires when no one was looking.

Am I the only one that's 30 that hasn't gotten his shit together in any fucking way?

In shitty uni degree as I got shoehorned into it by parents. Sleeping in little brothers bedroom on floor as sister took my room. Hoping I can get a job and my own place someday

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what made you get kicked out of school user?

yeah browsing the internet stopped being fun for me years ago. im only feeding an addiction at this point

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What happened?

I'm starting part time work next week at 21.90 an hour in a job that allows me up to six hours of just sitting there waiting for someone else to start their process +benefits and finished school after six years bouncing between colleges and shitty factory and rural work

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You fucking idiot, who do you think you are, Ryan Gosling in Blade runner?
She doesn't like you, you don't look like a tragic fallen hero doing this shit, more like some wife-beater wearing pedophile in a trailer park, lift yourself up

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i started getting very serious anxiety issues, i was afraid of failing, afraid i wasnt good enough to be in the university i was in, not good enough to be successful. i stopped going to classes, shame kept growing, i didnt even want to be seen by people. so i just.... never went anywhere, not even school. so i flunked an entire year of school cause i could barely even manage to go outside. i have such... shame, about everything. its weird to describe, but thats basically why

There was Yea Forums- based Youtube about the posts with the pizzaboys and it was playing flash gordon theme and year of these posts was in 2012.

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newfag wtf happened why are there so many responses?

i feel you, i'm paranoid schizophrenic and stopped going to college because I thought everyone looked at me and wanted to kill me. It's fucking shit constantly thinking about what others think

ken, broteam, TB, know your meme, penny arcade, fantano, rockcock amd the best gamers all did not support GG

One of my favorite games of all time, always try to play through at least once a year

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Holy shit you're actually retarded

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Did you think NPC thing was just meme? Most meatbags don't actually have souls.

Unemployed for the first time since freshman year of high school because my college decided not to rehire me despite teaching a lab and getting a 4.0 last semester.
Luckily I'm getting paid to go each semester so I'm not on the brink of death, but I don't know how anyone can stand the neet life. I feel so useless.

Well, let's review these last two years:
I still don't have a gf
I still don't have a job
I still haven't made any new friends
I still take antidepressants

Shit's fucked, bro.

shit, same happened to me, I used to get panic attacks when I woke up in the morning to get ready for class

Anyone can add a delete button to a tweet they've screenshotted if they want to make the person look more pathetic.

Attached: 1543085959263.png (764x796, 86K)'s_degree's_degree
Educate yourself and next time, don't drop out of high school.

this was in 2017? what the fuck is going on? I thought this was last year.

Improving I guess. Started losing weight last year and now with th weather getting better I'm doing a 3 mile walk everyday.
I I'd like to start jogging once I lose more beef, knees would get too sore if I were to try currently.

I WAS doing the gym but some little cunts fucking burned it down.
I wish nothing but the worst for them.

>but I don't know how anyone can stand the neet life. I feel so useless.
The neet life is only good if you have a passive source of income.
Seriously if you can get by with passive income and still have enough to do or buy non-essential things you fucking won in life

sucks that you got anxiety but making 200k at 25 holy fuck i hope i can earn the same when im in my early 20s

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My dad was in the hospital when this thread was going down.
He managed to pull through, so I'm not too upset over this day, DESU.
Go hug your family members, give them a call, tell them you love them. They aren't always going to be there.

those things are the same for me but i'm kinda comfy user, anything else wrong?

>Yea Forums nostalgia
>posts from 2017

zoomers have officially taken over time to jump ship boys

The only gf I’ve ever had broke up with me and I’m still a virgin. I’ve been going to the gym to stave off depression and it’s kinda working.

I lost my virginity with my sister.

Yeah, I've got a long-term GF, I'm doing extremely well in college, and I'm on my path to a fufilling career!

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your wife and her boyfriend are gonna enjoy all the money you are making them user.
unless you made an exit plan. You planned for the future, right user?

ahhh remember this classic, boys?

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Got a GF, planning on doing good shit tonight.
See ya later, virgins
Not really, I'm here in this shithole forever

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>this this was 1 minute ago
Where does time go, bros.

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>got the car i wanted
>finished master's degree
>got the job i wanted
>still no gf

thank you user. i was a bit down recently, but now i've realized that i'm doing pretty alright

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We need an internet 2 goddamit

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On her side, I wasn't giving her too much attention, she felt like I didn't care for her enough, which is fair, I tend to isolate myself in my own hobbies, tasks. She probably felt she deserves better.
On my side, I am tired of being the sole support of the house, I was the only one finantially supporting everything, and tired of getting home and find her sitting in her ass all day while the house was a mess and she didn't even do the dishes. I was doing the cooking most of the time as well, so when she told me she wanted to file for divorce, I asked her where should I sent her stuff.

I love her a lot, but it's evident we weren't happy together, so I guess it's for the best.

>those things are the same for me but i'm kinda comfy
Well, maybe the NEET life suits you, but it sure doesn't suit me. I feel like shit. It was manageable for a few years but now I feel nothing but shame.

i...i...failed with my job interview

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Be careful user, divorce usually means she's going to get everything

same here bro and now I'm at a point where finding a job is out of the question for now

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Small time. I failed the last dozens of interviews.


damn nigga, how much money are you going to lose on this


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I've gone through too many hard drive wipes and migrations, I barely have anything now.

Don't see why you posted here, but good taste.
Have you played the rest of the Xeno games? Just finished Saga myself, it was great.

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A year ago Itook a friends advice and bought the Mass Effect Trilogy

I played through ME1 and had a blast. It was rough around the edges but I really enjoyed its style and world building plus the characters were really interesting. I really got attached to my Shepard as well and couldnt wait to see her in the next game and progress with the Blue Wifu I had gotten so attached too

The next game initially put me off by cutting down the RPG elements but then I realized there were too many useless items treasure chests made no sense and the streamlining of abilities kept it from being moar stats for the sake of moar. The characters were even better now that they didnt have to be exposition dumps and I loved the universe even more as it developed. Now my Shepard could turn into a wreaking ball of death making gameplay even more fun and a DLC finally gave me the wifu back and I cant wait to see how the dark energy thing Tali was looking into relates to the Reapers

Part 3 then came up and the game was expanded where it needed to be and the game was much more challenging but never felt buttpunishing. I play through and and have fun but kinda notice something seems off with the focus of the story

You know how this story is going to end. Going all all this nostalgia just makes me wish I could have been there playing ME with you all before I knew what I was in store for me.6 months later and im still pretty pissed off

what's made you not escape the NEET life?

I joined the military and I think I killed a civilian.

fail twenty and i might show minimal compassion towards you.

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I'm finishing nursing
Already got a job opportunity at a nice hospital
Hit 3 years of remission from cancer
No longer depressed
still no gf tho

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Divorce in my country work a little differently. When we married we signed an agreement that everyone keep the stuff they had prior to marriage, and everything else will be settled on our own. I just talked to her, and she only wants her stuff, not to mention, I don't have anything to give, I'm owned by the bank for the upcoming two years, and she already got a job in the UK, so I guess that now that she found a better footing, so to speak, she doesn't need me anymore.

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Well, that's harsh. How are you coping?

God this thread.

sounds like you got lucky. cut your losses and heed what you learned for future relationships

This was released in 2011.

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I'm probably sure the "civilian" wouldn't give a shit about killing you, dont worry about it

family dying, sometimes I think I'm dying

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These past 3 years have been blurring together, man

I'm more worried about the fact that I don't think I feel anything.
I'm constantly thinking I should be tramuatized or something, but i'm not.

Yes, I hope things improve for all of us. We’re all gonna make it bros

>It's a sadthread again
God, can't you pathetic faggots just kill yourselves already? It could genuinely improve this board's state, so something would benefit out of it.

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wait a second
those colors...

I'm sorry user

i can try

i thought about it but i don't want make my mom cry

If I knew, I would have figured out how to escape.

sounds like you are projecting your suicidal desires onto others. anything you wanna talk about?

Blame the faggot that derailed and gave the normgroids an excuse to blogpost. I just wanted to reminisce the times this board was marginally less shit.

You don't feel any guilt or anything of the sort? Anyway, it's about time you explain what exactly happened.

how come I can see the trailer while I'm reading this

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people have been saying this board used to be good for a decade now. when will you realize you guys are just trapped in an endless cycle of thinking the past was always better instead of just learning to enjoy the moment? if you really hate this board you shouldnt use it, i dont get that mentality


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the internet was a mistake

>don't talk about your problems
and this is why pilots crash planes into mountains

Silence, liberal

Why do relationships fail Yea Forums?

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lol fuck outta here

everything about this thread is cringe
kys you fat fucks

you are a bitch made faggot

it's an endless cycle you can't fight user. deal with it or fuck off.

i'm probably skinnier than you cunt

Don't pretend you haven't been here for more than 2 years either.


I did the same. what I thought was funny 10 years ago falls completely flat most of the time.

>4 years ago

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The year before last was pretty last but this last one has been going better and things are looking better for the future now.

what a defeatist mentality. its inevitable for people to feel that way but only the week actually succumb to it. stop being a bitch, user

Why would you give a fuck? You'd be dead. You wouldn't see, hear or feel anything.
At least give it a fucking break, you fucks already destroyed two threads yesterday

My life is still basically the same as it was 10 years ago.

I don't have any ambitions. I lack the motivation and skill to pursue any kind of well paying career. So I just stick to my dead end job and consume media that I enjoy. I'm pretty content with my life though. Though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

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>Accuses others of being liberals
>while defending "WAAAAAHHH FEEL SORRY FOR US" threads

Yea Forums will never be this good again

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>Why would you give a fuck?
because i'm not a selfish twat like you

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But listen closely

Started Muay Thai and going to the gym, and making gains like I wanted. Got way more sociable and have made really good friends that I'm going on a roadtrip with this summer.
It's going good, we're all going to make it.

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But she actually talks to him outside of streaming?

>nostalgia for a horribly bad moment

>mfw discovered this site around May of that year

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>he needs to pay money to talk to people

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I just don't understand how Yea Forums became so fucking gay over the years.

Can't believe KotOR's lore has been trashed for so long

this website's best animated OC was less than two years ago

Imagine being this faggot

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are you this guy?

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Ancient Yea Forums literally used to call thursday trap thursday, lurk more.

>implying your mother doesn't want your fat, depressed, sedentary ass dead deep inside
She would cry alright. Tears of joy.

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because women are literal children and have too much power nowadays

Sure bro, enjoy losing everything and killing yourself!

Yea Forums is honestly less gay now than it was years ago, if you can believe that. you're just new.

>I feel like shit. It was manageable for a few years but now I feel nothing but shame.

I feel the same way. I was a NEET from 2012 to 2014, and also from 2017 to now. I feel like being a NEET was kind of comfy at first, back in 2012, but these days I feel like time's going by way too fast, and I'm rapidly getting older.

>used to hate Yea Forums during 2007
>then something worse happened in 2012 and thought 2007 was alright
>used to hate Yea Forums during 2012-2014
>then something worse happened in 2015+ and thought 2012 was alright
>the cycle will keep on going while Yea Forums gets even worse
>there's no alternative because everywhere else also gets worse

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bullshit, unless by "ancient" you mean anything after 08 when I stopped going to that shithole

i slowly begin to think that it was always full of faggots, i just wasn't noticing them because i had zero interest in traps back then. i mean shit, maybe all of those dick threads you were ignoring all the time were not a troll, but a dead serious fap thread

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>continued college and seeing old friends
>even working together on making a game right now
>got to see DMC, old-RE, Doom, Quake, Medievil, Crash/Spyro, Metroid, 3D Mario and even 2D Sonic all come back
>best years of indie games to date as well
>fans slowly working on an actually-solid looking Episode 3 fanmake (Project Borealis)

Other than some depressing hiccups here and there, there isn't much to complain about on my part. Valve was already dead to me by that point anyways, Laidlaw just finally answered some loose-end questions and, for now at least, put the legacy to rest.

This is actually a lucrative business in Japan

I fell in love, or so I believe. Our relationship is good, all things considered. Yet, I cannot help but feel something slowly emerging from within--a disdain for the one I love. Whenever I try to reason as to why I'm beginning to feel that way, I fall short, and only end up with confusion. It makes no sense, where have these feelings come from, and why are they emerging? A part of me worries.

That aside--I've taken up painting, and other passive hobbies; I haven't touched a video game in years, but I may pick up something soon, not sure, nothing piques my interest. I continue to lurk and occasionally post as it's tradition. I guess no one truly leaves.

I lost touch with most, if not all of my university friends. I hope to form new relationships soon.

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You weren't around back then, stop LARPing.

Don’t have a gf. Haven’t had sex. Earned a degree, getting my second. Quit my shitty wage slave cnc machinist job for a higher paying tech job with a 40% increase salary.

Hate white poeple. That’s it.

being gay isnt even real, glad you had a wakeup call

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>Got my office skills cert that has got me jack shit
>Got fatter
>Father died
>Doing a radio course, will complete it but I realized it's not for me and probably get no job for it
>Still poor as fuck
>Dog I had for 14 years died yesterday
I've had fun here and there but no major self improvements

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think i have nut cancer and i dont want to go check

>Only started coming here around 2011
>Remember 2011 and 2012 Yea Forums being an off-topic shitshow, with way more non-vidya threads than there are these days
>The state of Yea Forums these days makes me miss the shitposting that was on Yea Forums back when I was new here

I will miss nintendo handhelds, the switch is a shitty frankenstein that I am never comfortable bringing around because the battery is ass, the controller wears fast in my bear hands and thw system is way too big to be incospicuous and truly portable, I have to play filthy mobile shit at work

Trapfaggotry and gayfaggotry was worse back then than it is now.

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Nah, if you think that way you will have to accept cunny posters, gore and nazis. So nothing changes

Dios santo I pray that the japs gain some sanity

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Didn't dragon dildos used to be a big thing on Yea Forums back around the early 2010's?

there will be a time when wojaks and pepes are remembered fondly after a bigger cancer takes place like what happened to rage comics

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I used to have no respect for drug addicts but people like you managed to fall even lower

even a cuckold has more self respect

I miss the times when rage comics were the main thing that made Yea Forums mad. Simpler times.


what was the moment you realized you are getting too old for this place?

for me, its when there are unironic CoD and Halo nostalgia threads

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bad ending
fuck bears

Bears are bro-tier.

>people thinking about leaving Yea Forums

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>you were here longer than moot himself

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so like 7 years ago?
A ragtag group of Yea Forumsirgins run by a furry and a BR with 140 ping.

I am 100% sure there were never any fucking CoD nostalgia threads 7 years ago. Not sure about Halo, but it is prominent last year

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God almighty. Being this disconnected from the world.

>Yea Forums was always fucking gay you retarded election tourists.

you probably got here 2 or 3 years ago

>I still take antidepressants
dr shekelberg has you by the balls, user


I barely come on Yea Forums anymore. /tg/ is my new Yea Forums fix and I barely even go on that board. People who say "You're here forever" are full of shit, if it wasn't for the porn boards I don't think I'd be coming back at all.

I have since then become homeless and single but I finally got a second part time job so that's something right?

if they are serious they provide medical certificates on demand

I hired one to go to a wedding, bought the gf package 400$ bucks for a day at the receiving table eating cake and dancing then I railed her for the whole night, she taught me a lot of tricks and was very professional, we are friends now and I even get discounts on top of being allowed to anally penetrare her

I don't remember what Yea Forums thought about Halo back in 2012, but I do remember that 2012 was when all those "xXx_MLG_420_QUICKSCOPE_DUBSTEP_YOLOxXx" ironic videos were popular on Yea Forums.

Ease the pain with comfy GoldSrc modding. Also HL1 is getting some updates again in some various bugfixes and the long overdue GL nop2 texture rounding thing finally delt with which is nice.

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No, not really. As stagnant as it gets

Just ending my first 3 months period of serious job. Couldn't handle it.
I am also starting a therapy so I won't actually kms.

These threads are theuraputic for the anons
Only neoliberals and fascists disavvow peoples' emotional needs


>Yea Forums users used to be OK with calling themselves "Yea Forumsirgins" as a joke
>These days people on here freak out about the "incel" and "have sex" buzzwords

Why are you jealous? Even if it is pathetic in your eyes, maybe he's rich at least and has money to blow.

not the user you replied to but are they used to the ""inexperienced""?
right now being laughed at for having no experience at my age is giving me anxiety about ever getting close to someone

>Sadfags flood another thread
Everytime I see your kind I want to kill you retards myself. You are no better than people on Tumblr and Facebook asking for attention because MUH SUICIDAL and get a thousand likes. Maybe that's where you all belong, if you seriously thought this much about killing yourselves you'd have done it by now, just jump off a high place, I'm sure Hell is full of assholes like you.

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Finishing up my Master's thesis, also working. Good pay, I like it. Need to do something with personal life.

Projecting like a retard won't make you right. This isn't your safe space, faggot.

What's the point? All roads lead to the same destination and that destination is death.

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My life is a joke. I have no friends, online or irl. My online ex made me realize I will never be happy no matter how much I try. I only have video games and anime.
>inb4 online dating
It was a mistake and I learned edating is never real. even if the distance is possible.

I guess the best option is to end it.

It was dead before he posted that. And I'm glad that shit story he posted will never become a HL game

Unemployed. Drinking less and in better shape so that's good I guess.

They want to make money, ruining your self esteem won't help that

I'm a spoiled trust fund baby and I think its embarrassing when I see people tossing 50+ bucks at streamers to read comments.

>goobergate was almost 5 years ago
fuckin christ

its a constant circle of suffering

>family does well
>personal life and work is ass

>personal life and work improve
>family goes to shit

its like a shitty equation

I wish I had them.
No, many iterations of my image folders were lost during old PCs crashing, bricking and other disasters.
I actually have to rebuild them from scratch every three or four years.

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>back when completely normal people still posted on the site

>Turned 18 in 2010
>These days Yea Forums is full of people that were still kids back in the early 2010s

It feels weird that even the people that are allowed to post here are now nearly a decade younger than I am now.

The mistake was making it accessible enough for a critical mass of users to join so that it bacame strategically beneficial to shit up every single social media site with identity politics garbage. You have to go to some obscure oldschool shit like IRC or Gopher to escape it.

Still looking for a way to not be a wagecuck or NEET.

>Source: my uncle who works at Valve

I don't know how much that idiot spends on that "relationship", but any relationship that hangs primarily on exchanging money shouldn't be something worth keeping.

I can honestly relate to this, but difference being I'm actually friends with a a couple streamers from sweden and netherlands and we've actually hung out for a few months over the summer.

At least make yourself a thread so you can all cry and suck each other's dicks, don't derail a comfy thread. Or better yet, go to Yea Forums

>Remember being here back around 2011
>Was a retard and didn't back any Yea Forums stuff up
>Got malware in 2012 and had to reformat my computer

We also used to play video games. Occasionally.

This place is no longer the raging Yea Forums I used to know, it was always filled with off topic blogshit but holy fuck, you might as well go to anywhere else on the Internet and you wouldn't notice the difference. 4chinz is dead

>Signs of autism:
>Inappropriate or angered response to other people's emotions
>Lack of empathy

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They were on my old pc and the hard drive died so no

no friends,never kissed anyone,still a virgin,unemployed,scared to even talk to anyone outside my brothers and dad,and to top it all, my mom suicided out of a crippling depression this week and i am pretty much guilty of not being there and also was an edgy kid who never hugged her and said "mom i love you",literally dont know what to do anymore,i always tried to be good to everyone irl,but everything keeps going downhill,the only thing i know is that i have to be strong for my brothers and dad,they're all older than me and i can't afford to make them feel sadder about me,any tips to continue?

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Not for very much longer...

Friendless High school dropout virgin that has okayish job Package loading at UPS
Friendless High school dropout virgin NEET looking for purpose

>my mom suicided out of a crippling depression

Holy shit am I sorry to hear that. How on earth are you managing to cope?

>you might as well go to anywhere else on the Internet and you wouldn't notice the difference.

I feel like Yea Forums has been taken over by Twitter these days, with how much Twitter screencap and meme shit I see these days. I miss when the shitposting on Yea Forums used to at least originate on Yea Forums, like those "Ruseman" things that Yea Forums made in 2012.

At least I'll know when to kill myself when I'm reduced to the pathetic piece of human trash that you are. Autistic people can be thousands of times more productive than the waste your mom is proud to call "her son".
I'm saying this assuming you AREN'T autisti yourself when it's very probable

>Was 11 in 2003
>Memory is so fucked that I barely remember anything from back then

It feels odd seeing so much "childhood nostalgia" stuff on the Internet, while I can't really remember my own childhood.

How old are you?

I have literally never seen a single cod or halo nostalgia thread in my life

my mom was the "dont care about me" type, just as my dad,i am living by the idea that she wouldn't want me to feel sorry for her,but whenever i am alone i just cry,i'm coping with the fact because i have to be strong for my brothers and dad,that's the only thing keeping me alive,they all have golden hearts and would jump in front of a bullet for anyone,cant let them down

This was such a fucking disaster.


>Got a new job with an amazing boss and a good income for my third world shithole country
>Learning to do mobile apps and getting quite good at it
>Hanging out with a girl but still far away from making her my GF
>Got a new laptop to play comfy in my bed
>Getting my master next year if not the next one

Im way better than I was expecting. Also, my face on the pic related while reading about anons that never move from their high school years

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>Was 6 in 2003
>Revealing this fact would've netted me several (You)s and a ban when I started posting in 2010/2011
>Now I'm probably within one standard deviation of the average age here

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I'm pretty sure my mom loves me more than someone who's such a fucking no-lifer that he's genuinely angry about what other people feel on the internet. Someone who has so little going on for him that seeing people type "I'm sad ;(" is enough to bait him so hard. Fucking kill yourself. You're already there.

I lost mine when my PC died.

>Fled Venezuela
Honestly, this was possible 2 years ago. Actually, nowadays, if you didn't did it before, you're stuck condemned to die starving, slowly in agony for the rest of your """""life"""" in Venezuela

I heard about a neighbour's friend that just died at the age of 23 for a fever.

Yes. I'm now the President of an entire country.

Get a N3DS. You can play every DS/3DS game and get emus for like every other nintendo handheld/console prior to the Gamecube. That's like decades worth of vidya that you'll probably never finish.

I moved to Japan 23 months ago with my wife. I'm in the airport now going back to the U.S. because we're divorced.
I think life is too difficult for me.

>We're now further away from 2012 than 2012 was from 2006
>tfw 2012 still feels like a "recent" year to me

Actually managed to get a job and then move up ever so slightly to a position that doesn't wanna make me kill myself. As a trade I lost so much free time and had to drop so many things I used to love doing while I was NEET that I'm not sure I'm still "me" anymore. I'm barely holding onto video games, at least money is no longer an issue.
As far as my social life goes, I'm finally reaching wizardhood in like two weeks and I'll ascend past such silly, unnecessary things that mortals concern themselves with.

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still young you'll be fine
get a warehouse job to start since those are pretty impersonal
outside of work exercise so you're too exhausted to feel sad
something might happen eventually. or not but at least you should be able to get out on your own

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Hell, when was the last true OC? It's all so fucking homogenized, no one even lurks moar because there's no more site culture and shenanigans.

>tfw I unironically miss the times when Yea Forums was flooded with Yea Forums-tier nonsense instead of political arguing

>tfw used to play a fuckton of this
>tfw the devs work within driving distance of me
I'm gonna burn the smite servers bros

I guess Mr Bones' Wild Ride, but that was 7 years ago.

I was you lying sack of shit. I remember all the rickrolls, EFG and longcat threads like it was yesterday.

The only reason your mom shows the bare minimum of affection towards you is because she gave birth to you. You came out of her. If it wasn't for this fact she would most definitely want you as far away from her as possible. How old are you? 25+? If so, she definitely's already tired of your unproductive ass.
>seeing people type "I'm sad ;("
More like "Boohoo feel sorry for me let's talk about our feelings for 200+ posts". No matter where I am, you are definitely below that. I'd say I feel sorry for your mother, but if she didn't put you out of her house by now, maybe there's something wrong with her

more like the day Yea Forums went to shit

haha you dont like redrawn wojacks? what are you, gay?

19 and in my exam years of highschool. I could have finished highschool faster if i didn't do HAVO and instead went for a mbo college course. I now havo no idea for what kibd of hbo college i should go because i fucked myself up with picking a shit profile as Economics and Society. Don't know what to do now.

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Go post on facebook instead, then. On Neogaf. On Reddit. Yea Forums is where nothing but fucking losers talk about this and that, and the most bottom rung normies come to try and act superior. Which is what you're doing. Literally comparing yourself to the scum of the Earth and saying "I'm better than that." Like it needs to be said. You low self esteem nigger.

>Started going on Yea Forums around the early 2010's
>tfw I still think that Yea Forums humor was better back then than it is now

I still find stuff like "RUSE CRUISE YOU'VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED" stuff amusing, while the new stuff like "CRINGE YIKES SEETHING" doesn't appeal to me at all.

If SOPA happened on modern Yea Forums half of the board would unironically support it to totally pwn the other half and farm assblasted
replies, just like they're doing now with censorship controversies.
I came here to hide from real life bullshit and have fun with others tired of it but now the normals dragged it in here while complaining about how the culture isn't the same sterile shit as reddit or twitter.
It's only going to get worse with 2020 coming soon.

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because you read about those on encyclopedia dramatic and knowyourmeme yesterday

You're in your prime, my man. I can't deny your stuff sounds tough, but you have more than enough to pick after yourself. Treat yourself well, and don't let your fears dictate what to do.
If you have no desire for a job, or social interaction, then that's fine too, but youth doesn't last forever, take it from an old man that already left his life goes by uneventfuly.
Find a craft of your liking, find people who also like it, and don't alienate yourself just because it's easier.
This hellhole of a board had gave me enough endurance to tolerate any asshole irl I would have punched without a warning ages ago, and having to deal with the shitposting here and not die trying made me a better person in a way.
23 is too young to give up, I was 24 when I first kissed someone, I had friends through all my life, but it wasn't until I turned 25 and being in the workforce, that I made friends that I've kept to this day, and most importantly, All that came because I decided I was done sitting on my ass, wondering why things didn't happen to me, and decided to make them happen on my own.
I am still a nerver wreck when I interact with people for the first time, but I manage better and better the more I do it.
But nothing will come if you don't stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Post 2024 is going to be worse

>It's only going to get worse with 2020 coming soon
Care to elaborate?

i agree with everything exept the battery is actually fine for me. 3 hours is enough unless you go on some monumental train ride

i wish theyd do another 3d handheld but with higher resolution. The 3ds low res weakens the effect i think

Attached: 1549835502181.jpg (203x254, 54K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 68470030_p10.png (924x1000, 593K)

Did you not see all the bullshit in 2016? Imagine all that but 2x worse

>When was the last true OC
The Virgin versus Chad wave, before it got hijacked by cancer and turned into VIRGIN BAD, CHAD GOOD

Attached: virgin pee chad sprinkle.png (1013x1249, 147K)

>Remember people getting mad when Megaupload got shut down right after the SOPA thing almost happened
>If that happened now, Yea Forums would be full of "MEGAUPLOAD FAGS SEETHING" shitposting, and spam of a crying Wojak with a Megaupload logo on it

Ah, this.
Yeah, well. One more reason to use the rope.

I wonder if Yea Forums is still capable of that, or of something like The Tale of Chinman. Some kind of creative storytime that everyone goes along with. Even a thousand Oregon Trail threads would be better than 99% of the entire catalog. I also remember almost dying of laughter on play-alongs of eroge, but now this place is censored to hell and back.

Holy shit is this you Matt?

>Go post on facebook instead, then. On Neogaf. On Reddit
These places are filled with people asking for attention because of depression. You are seriously retarded aren't you?
>nothing but fucking losers talk about this and that
I'm a loser compared to most people, but you guys take it and turn it into a fagfest
>Like it needs to be said
Do I need to hear about your depression periods on a thread that has nothing to do with it? Again, go to Yea Forums if you want to talk about your personal faggotry, Jesus Christ
>You low self esteem nigger.
This has to be bait. You cannot be this retarded

The next US elections, which means another colossal influx of mentally ill activists from all over coming here to fight a culture war that only exists in their heads.
Remember "lol, internet"? Now thanks to social media bridging the gap between online and offline life people take the Internet way too seriously, there's no going back.

I still find it weird that people believe the Virgin vs Chad was the original image. I've seen people literally refuse to acknowledge that it's just some dumb shit Quentin drew to try and make people feel bad for doing shit literally everyone does. Either way, Virgin vs Chad is fucking great.

I fell in love with someone.

These days I honestly think that Yea Forums has turned into the same "LE EPIC MEME FACE" shit that 2012 Yea Forums used to hate, with how Wojaks get spammed on here just like how sites like Reddit used to spam rage faces.

thanks anons,i basically gave up before,but now i'll try to live for my mom,she was the best ever,i'll strive to be even better,have a nice day

Attached: kakashi.jpg (640x480, 69K)

Virgin Walk is ancient, but the first Chad was drawn in late 2016 or early 2017 on /r9k/ by some user mocking the Virgin Walk.

I'm glad you're having a good life user

>there's no going back.
I know that since 2014.

I was in this thread.

Good fucking times.

What is actually going on there venezuelan anons?

weeb status: owned

Is Anonymous Agony confirmed dead? That was a goldmine, I'd really love to experience the sequels.

>The Best Gamers

Were they even relevant in 2014? I mainly remember seeing their videos around 2011 and 2012.

Well, I'm not glad you're invading threads to talk about this retarded shit. Leave

>This has to be bait
Yeah, it is. Because you're literally using fucking losers to bolster your self esteem. You're going on about how you're better and how other people should just die like you're not the same for going into a thread about people's feelings to say I'M ANGRY. Just fuck off. Go away. Report it or something. Kill yourself. You're a lonely retard if you keep replying to this shit.

>it's been a year

Attached: january 2018.png (1890x555, 506K)

I've heard some stuff about a sequel recently, though I don't know exactly what's going on with that.

The sequel barely got funded, thanks to some richfag from 8/v/
No idea how it's coming along so far though

fuck off underage newfag

Almost 2 years after my break up from 6 year relationship. Working on a same boring job. I have lots of debt and im an alcoholic. I think it just keep getting worse

I was 11 in 2003. It feels weird that I was a 19 year old zoomer back in 2011, but now I'm already approaching the age of 30.

thank you soo much

>Because you're literally using fucking losers to bolster your self esteem
No. I want you to stop invading random threads to talk about this shit. I'm tired of reading this kind of post to the point I get to this level you're seeing
>thread about people's feelings
Fuck off
>Report it or something
Would it matter? No, it wouldn't because people here are fucking incompetent morons like you
>Kill yourself
You're depressed here. You do it.
>You're a lonely retard
I am, but at least I'm not crying about it like you do