1 Year ago
Say something nice about him
1 Year ago
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ahhhh yes, good riddance
Good riddance.
Fame got into his head, and he started seeing everyone below him. He deserved this. Shame he couldn't take many more of the faggots that are just like him
lol who is this guy, haah he bald and fat
Did his whore wife ever pay her debts?
I'm glad he is dead
>Pro consumer stance
>PC centrists approach
>But said a couple means things on Twitter so fuck him
later homo
This isnt a jared thread,
holly the whore that you?
why does v hate him? let the poor soul rest in piece
who is he
>>Pro consumer stance
implying this is bad
Epic store chink slave
Hes a divisive figure, even in death
dude's grandma and grandpa have cancer cells at their bowls, there's nothing else to do
He really was one of us.
He's a self important, egotistical faggot who never said anything unique or insightful in his life.
He was a lowborn that got some amount of fame and thought he was above the rest.
Lol, this makes sense why people blindly hate TB, because they can't fucking read
Good riddance
You're a dumb fuck eh.
It's not fucking fair bros...
Does anyone else remember his Starcraft stuff?
most of what he did was mumble stuff that's common sense anyway.
reading comprehension
This, he let the fame and power get to his fucking head. It says a lot about a person when during a fucking convention very focused on internet culture he'd rally up his twitter mob to witch hunt and kick out a guy that made a joke about a meme and then proceed to go on a blocking rampage to anyone that called him out on his BS.
anonymity obviously has gone to your head
yes he was loves in sc2. what happened?
get cancer and die
I member his CATA stuff
Feels man
It's a shame this isn't twitter and you can get an army of blue checkmark fucks after me then, isn't it
I'm glad he's dead. Now Yahtzee next. Fuck these retarded Brits "OI M8 IMMA HAF A LAFF AN TOLK TRASH 'BOUT THIS GAME INNIT? MOIKES IT AUTOMATICCLY OSSUM COS OIM A BRIT M8"
he's dead anyway, can't believe you care about such a minor thing
he never got to play classic WoW.
There was never a more perfect image.
here lies a faggot
missed by none
mourned by less
we're glad you're gone
dude is only hated on Yea Forums. he was a nice guy, not worse than any of u.
>He never got to replay a game he already played
Great argument
>actually caring about the checkmark
>bending over for the checkmark, running away
literally lower test than the checkmarks
Him being dead doesn't instantly make someone's mistakes vanish into thin air. Look at any criminal that has perished, do people just up and forget what they did? No, they remember it cause that's how we learn to be better people.
>white people shit
Delete that pic now
>Yea Forums complains about women
>doesn't realize it's always guys who go tranny, full degenerate (diapers, cringe shit), etc
open your eyes Yea Forums
Sounds like you're just upset you can't find out who he is
i wish i was dead instead of him
30yoboomer here thinking the same thing. glad I never cared about scores on reviews or reviewers in general.
fuck tertiary gamer bullshit play some videogames
mature femdom joi
get cancer and die
So he didn't want to go home, but quit after Cataclysm
kill yourself wowfag
so why do you always complain about e-celebs, but create a thousand threads about them even if they're dead? are you retarded Yea Forums?
also why did you hate him? I never saw anything about him
he was shit at the game. his only contribution to WoW was being a whiny bitch on the forums and his radio station.
> I did not like person he deserved death
Super edgy and cool bros. Upvoted
>people hate on a person, without actually reading what they said and using their brain for context
Pretty much what happened to TB yeah
>Le TB was a good guy
Kill yourself faggot
nobody gives a fuck about that dead game
>he's dead now so I have to kiss his ass and whitewash him being an insufferable chode
so mature. almost sage-like.
he fucking DIED :(
along with starcraft
you know zoomers where his core audience
I'm I was just shitposting, I'm not happy about anyone's death
He was so confident he was gonna be okay. Why do cancerfags always do this lol.
Is it that time already for his saliva salute? Time sure flies.
his life was capped at 30
His Terraria Let's play was fun
He said some good things
Why not? Regardless of if you survive, you're better off thinking you will.
Nobody gives a fuck about that dead body.
>false hope is better than being realistic
Mmm sweetie...
>he was a "bad" person because he did some things in game industry I did not like. Death to him lol
Upvoted friend.
RIP, I never really liked you much but you didn't deserve this.
>White people stay taking L's
>not being glad hes dead is kissing his ass
The teenage edgelord posts again!
I was sick for a week and that was a pure nightmare. I can't imagine being sick for years. Nobody deserves that.
abloo bloo bloo. save your tears for twitter mr. bleeding heart.
You're so cool man.
thanks bro. not as cool as TB's ice cold corpse though I bet.
Well, at least he didn't betray his morals before dying and thus completely compromising his character and legacy, in a pathetic and foolhardy attempt to gain the favor of the same people he fought for years...oh wait.
his port reports were useful until they devolved into
>my 3x SLI titans can run this about 60fps therefore it's a good port
This, but unironically.
His legacy is being that guy that said to someone to get cancer and die and then getting cancer and dying
didn't care much for his content but he helped bring Dark Souls to PC which helped it get the recognition it deserved so he's good in my book
he's not the problem, his braindead audience is.
You have not been forgotten, because OP reminds us all.
Rip in piece, buddy. Unironically miss him and his video game videos.
E D G E masterflex
>Yea Forums constantly shits on miniorites
>While people like this LITERALLY shits themselves
it might not have spread into his lymph nodes and metastasized if he didn't wait a year while shitting blood, he had insurance.
this but truly unironically.
That is because the majority of Yea Forums user are bitch ass niggas who have never been in a fight.
Get cancer and die.
What the fuck are you talking about. How did he betray anything
Alright nigger, so in your dream Yea Forums everyone accepts furries? Yea Forums always shits on niggers and furry fags.
that'd be cool desu uwu
You wouldn't say that in real life with your bitch ass
yeah, furries are pretty hardcore. wouldnt want to make them mad
when you are a public person you can't win if you side with either the SJW or anti-SJW's
they are both autistic
They just get pissed that you arent picking their side, childrens logic
>his wife left the kid in the USA and ditched to Korea
fucking LOL
of course not, i don't want to get shot by a nigger.
Two different people
different Personalities
Arguing about something subjective sure is working out for you, bud.
based and hypergamouspilled
I refuse to believe
kid is either super autistic or a downie
I appreciated his messages about consumer responsibility
>Reddit eceleb
Not video games
the right one is accurate though
they are influencers, nothing more nothing less
its true, she left the kid with her mom
He was /ourguy/, he was on our side in the battle for the soul of gaming and for the preservation of european cultural norms. I am just thankful that he escaped this rotten world in time and didnt have to see what SJWs have been doing to the industry lately.
you won't get shot just stomped out for your ignorant views of society
it's her child, it's TB's Wifes son
yep, which makes it even worse. hes having a pretty rough way of it.
any proof etc?
TB died at 33 years old
Jesus died at around 33-34 years old
>You'll never know who that guy is.
>You'll never be able to go to your discord group or your faggy subreddit designed to dog pile downvotes on comments you dislike.
>You'll never be able to doxx him and get him fired.
>says this
>gets butthurt if some from across the world says he doesn't give a shit about his cancer or problems and that he can rot in hell because i cant possibly care about every one and everything
>im just being honest sweety you dont want me to lie to you so you? ;^)
i still cant understand how anyone can take someone who unironically uses words like creator, influencer, or anything about subs seriously. they are idiots who think meaningless businesses buzzwords mean something and they gabble down anything utube tells them
>acts like an angry chimp every time someone calls him an angry chimp
cringe and niggerpilled
Except he publicly attacked his wife for not voting for Hillary and instead voting for Stein.
He was a fucking retard man.
I know next to nothing about this guy but I hope he rests in peace. My mother died of cancer a year and 3 days ago, and I wouldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy.
Thanks to him I went to a doctor when I was shitting blood.
Except Freddie Mercury was an aids-ridden degenerate and TB was someone who had the decency of telling obvious fucking things straight to people who lack common sense.
It's okay user my people will still be here in 2055 what about you.
faggot nigger
Literally who?
I won't be here in 2055 either, so I couldn't care less if apes or cockroaches rule the world by then.
I miss the guy tremendously. He was the only one in the industry that ever supported PC and customer rights. His opinions and reviews were based as fuck and he never stood back.
A big part of the pc gaming spirit died when he passed on. I'll always miss him and what he stood for.
Only trannies and underage faggots hate this guy. Fuck em.
I do, because I carry a pistol on me at all times.
>Some nigger blocking traffic, sitting in an intersection over a road rage incident during my commute.
>Light turns red and nigger finally leaves the intersection.
>as nigger drives past, it catches my eye and I give it the middle finger.
>nigger again stops in the middle of the road and gets out of its truck
>"you want to die stupid white boy?!" it yells as it approaches my window.
>I point my pistol at the nigger.
>nigger 180's and runs back to its vehicle.
>throw my car in park, get out and take a Pic of the license plate.
>call the cops.
>report the nigger, it's direction and plate number.
>"thank you sir, we've already received a few complaints about this individual and a squad car is on its way."
>a minute later I see a cop car with lights on drive past me on the road heading in the direction the nigger was last seen.
My only regret is that I didn't shoot that monkey.
>Make a concert
>Start singing "Another One Bites the Dust"
>Someone from the audience with a megaphone starts yelling "That song sucks! Sing Under Pressure!"
>Finish the song, start singing Under Pressure
>Someone else from the audience with a megaphone starts yelling "I hate Under Pressure! Sing Radio Ga Ga!"
>Get a little bid aggravated, but you start singing Radio Ga Ga
>Someone from the audience with a megaphone starts yelling "Fuck Radio Ga Ga! I want you to sing Bohemian Rhapsody!"
>The rest of the concert is like this
I wonder what would Freddie's reaction be.
Heres your reply captain edgy
lol nice copy pasta you still a bitch and you don't have the balls to shoot someone
yeah thatd be pretty weird
the left are fucking lyrics you retard
straw man
>Be TB's wife's son
>Real father abandons you
>Get new father who is an eceleb
>Form bond with him for years and start to see him as real dad
>Have to watch him die of cancer for years
>His last words were about Thanos in fortnight and not you
>Mother abandons you a year later
Poor kid
Proof on mother abandoning son????
Not that guy but I would absolutely shoot you. I have shot fucker like you before in self defence during house breakins. I don't hesitate when it comes to protecting myself or my family. I would put a a few rounds through your nigger skull to make sure you are dead.
I'm only 25, why is time going by so past
nice bait
That's not real. I know she's a shitty person but that too crazy
No one cares about your tranny opinions. Go dialate somewhere else. You smell like shit.
why didn't he get checked when he started shitting blood? why would someone be that stupid
not video games
It's embarassing :(
Fuck TB. He was a total cunt.
He's dead.
Grow a fucking spine and just do it
>17 posts by this ID
have sex
>t. Underage
unironically this
yeah this. dude was a total piece of shit honestly. I won't say I'm glad he's gone, but I don't miss him
the fuck? how do a small amount of weird degenerates hand wave away 100% of roasties being subhuman garbage?
wow yeah really embarassing to see a guy who studies all his life to work and saves peoples lifes and probably doesn't even feel anything when checking random peoples assholes
so now it's just a small amount
fucking lmao
>""only"" 25
okay whatever you say grandad
>didn’t even get a sticky
uhh yeah. go to the store and you dont see a bunch of weirdos with tails and strap-on dildos walking around.
I'm amazed of your goalpost moving
get fucked in the ass
Honestly this was kiiiindaaa shitty of the mods.
a homophobic meme got a sticky but not a Vidya icon
what? im not even the same person. you seem very mentally-unwell.
when was the last time you saw an adult wearing a diaper in public? people with actual disabilities don't count
meanwhile, every f*male you see is a hypergamous roastie
>a homophobic meme got a sticky
which one
no she talks about it on the podcast
all of them
Incel much
it's okay you're all doing the same lmao
I don't have x-rays retard
however you can see the retarded tranny thread spam in Yea Forums, that's what we're talking about
>e-celeb shit
Wow, no.
thread theme
>Be at convention
>Dont get stupid internet joke
>Ignore it
>People start coming to me with complaints after complains about it
>Decide to do something about it
>Now I'm now based anymore :v(
Fuck off the meme, the guy and you are faggots
>Game reviewer
>not even based
>not funny
>memes about his death is funnier than anything he ever made
>Say something nice about him
He hasn't done anything asinine in months.
roastie much
trannies are
Leave underage
"B-but he didn't get a dumb joke and then acted accordingly at his convention when people kept issuing complaints about someone it's so unbased we have to celebrate him being dead!"
I swear to got the anti-sjw crowd are the biggest bunch of triggered grudge holding snowflakes ever
fuck ecelebs and fuck you faggot
I'm 22 old timer, get in the ground where you belong you fucking boomer
why are you even here?
haha fuck outta here, limp dick
>Fame got to his head
>Donated to charity, and told people to donate to a bowel cancer foundation instead of them donating to assist with his medical expenses
Sour grapes aplenty. Stop being jealous of his success.
i really liked his koth sc2 tournaments. rip
It's a shame, I really enjoyed his reviews
because I like talking about videogames
>things that will never happen
you lived a sad life, you must end it
>get triggered over a few words - are traps gay
>meltdown and seethe and block everybody
>n-no UR the snowflake!!
I like laughing at both sides but people of Yea Forums have some fuck up lives and it makes me feel better knowing I'm not them.
so why are you even here?
Because you incels need a spanking t b h
Sure you are kid. Adults are talking, back off
you sound sooper smart
I remember being 20, now im 25 and dont know where the time went..
What's that mean. Hes only allowed to be here if hes a belligerent edgy asshole?
im not incel but I don't like my gf so eh..
>having to go to this place to feel like a better person
Wow 5 whole years. Get a grip nigga that isnt that long
Imagine not being able to hold your piss for three hours
seething tranny
Leave her cuck
You'll understand when you;re 25 zoomer.
Followed him since early wow radio days, Blue Plz along with EPIC, that kinda shit. RIP enjoyed his content and aged with it
>durr the right is obvious
autism. the point is the tone, the fans and freddie both know that they don't know each other, but the point of his statement was to send good vibes to people and try to thank them as a group even if he can't thank them all. so it's a gracious thing to do versus some autistic, soulless breakdown of realities, it's not like anybody thinks they are going to be a celeb's friend except maybe zoomers who donate to twitch streams. this is why people consider genuinely nice people like freddie to be charming chads and pessimistic autists like TB to be mean and unattractive.
Holding your pee in is unhealthy
But I don't want to make her sad :(
I'm 29, but okay. Like i said get a grip.
cute diaper >w
sit down kid
t. 26 year old
>dont like her
>care about making her sad
Grow some balls nigga. She will get over it like anyone else whose been broken up with
I just don't know how I could live with myself
Nice video game discussion
Go back to your containment board zoomer
I'm sad that he's gone, but i can't help but wonder if he'd have lived would he have continued down the path of social justice apologetics defending his disloyal friends, or if he'd have had the sense to pull back. I wonder if there would've been another coxcon, or trump like incident.
shut the fuck up kraut
>plan to get some good shit done as though you're not gonna die
>worst case scenario - you die midway but don't have to deal with the consequences of not finishing stuff
>best case scenario - you get some good shit done and people praise you for being so brave and carrying on in uncertain conditions
thats spot on innit
get cancer and die
His death brought me many laughs
TB actively rolled his eyes at the idea of Vanilla servers every single time it was proposed, vocally hated the idea in general, and if you go back to his early Blue Plz podcasts it's easy to see that those feelings are genuine. He mentioned multiple times that he fucking hated most of Vanilla, from questing to professions and all sorts of things. He only kept playing it because his perpetual gaming group migrated to it from some other game that's escaping me at the moment. A shooter, I think.
>gets cancer and dies
>ass cancer too
yikes. Is this gods playing a joke?
Easily. There is no point being with someone you dont like my guy lol why would you be unable to love with yourself
>He only kept playing WoW because his perpetual gaming group migrated to it from some other game that's escaping me at the moment. A shooter, I think.
It was Planetside that you're thinking of.
>"Get cancer and die."
>*gets cancer and dies*
his troubles are over now, try not to be jealous
>Grow a fucking spine
Why, when I can grow tumors?
This. I hope Pewdiepie is next.