God Hand

I still don't get why people is so obsessed with calling dark souls one of the hardest games in history when this thing on hard mode is basically Fuck You: The Game - Rage quit edition
also help me out please the Sensei is kicking my shit in with his secret technique

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Zoom zooooom

>implying zoomers even know this game
cringe and cockpilled

God hand is fucking awful and this board needs to stop being contrarian retards

you probably just suck at the game

t. Imagine Party Babyz fan

>zoomer eCeleb releases a God Hand video
>Soulsfags get an ego check
>suspicious amount of God Hand threads appear

it's not rocket science

clearly you haven't beat the game even on normal more
zoomers need to leave.

Okay user, just point in the picture where the evil niggers touched you. Did they hurt you much?

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Imagine being so contrarian that you only like contrarian games and post on a contrarian board about them constantly and the minute the contrarian games you post about get even a bit of popular recognition you immediately hate them.

Sensei isn't bad OP, you've just got to keep the pressure on him and make absolutely sure that he can't get his clones out. If you're playing on hard mode and he gets the clones out it's basically over lol. As for the rest of his attacks it's just a matter of recognizing what you can duck and what you need a side dodge for (backflip will just get you killed more often than not unless you're using it to reposition for a combo, but you already know that.)

When you talk about difficulty, you usually refer to how hard it is to beat with any (legitimate) means possible. Then again there are plenty of games with harder base difficulty than Souls but that's another story.

>When you talk about difficulty, you usually refer to how hard it is to beat with any (legitimate) means possible
Dude the better you play, the more you get penalized by the fucking game

fuck you i beat the game

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Sure but easy mode will still be easier than hard.

Beat God Hand hard mode 2 months or so ago and can confirm it's difficulty is fucking insane.

Yeah I couldn't. Fuck you. Also congrats

>the got called by Death Shudder
I somehow ekked by 3 stooges but I just fucking can't

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If someone wants to show zoomers good games that aren’t battle royale then god bless his soul.

tried doing a hard run and demon elvis kicked my ass

*tfw got walled

that's a photoshoped, no one can beat hard mode. Everybody quits during the Sensei boss fight.

My strategy with that fight was do one attack then react to his attack with a back dodge or side dodge is he charges, rinse repeat.

If you use the Shaolin Blast roulette when he summons copies and hit them together it does a massive chunk of his health, trivialises the fight.


Anyone remember that one AAA game in development that's supposedly inspired by God Hand? I forgot the name.

Never give him a chance to split up, if you do then unleash the God Hand and fuck all the fakes up. You do know the real one has a shadow right?

Keep in his face at all times, he's not "too" hard to keep in check if you get the guard breaks right and don't allow him to break your punch combo and counter you, you can keep him from splitting a lot. When he's about to split, chain yanker + ymk him for a good way out, I think you can even throw pots at him.

Although, if you want to cheese the fucker good. Wait until he splits, run away to a faraway corner. Wait for all of the clones to be in a line, and then unleash a Shaolin Blast. It'll go through each of them and get him down to like 5% health, you can then unleash the God Hand and fuck him up without any difficulty. You didn't hear this from me.

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>taking 24 hours to beat god hand on hard

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stay in his face, reverse hell kick has a lot of range so if you can work it into your moveset it may come in handy. IIRC hand plant kick him when he is backed up into a wall and if he goes for the rage backflip you should have enough time to juggle him with some fast punches if you dodge-cancel the kick. If he splits up and you don't mind using the god hand or reel, run away and use head slicer when you think you can get everyone which will instakill the clones and do some damage to sensei himself.

God Hand is only really hard when you can't use the God Hand. It's amazing how powerful that thing is and how you can just destroy tons of people if you have the right amount of moves set up. Getting it back is trivial, hit a couple of guys, taunt, dodge and it's back.

When you can't use it is when GH fucking spikes in difficulty. I spent like 9 months on my Hard KMS run, and never could finish it. I got stuck at 7-2 for 6 months because it was just so fucking difficult (mob of 3, follow by another mob of 3, followed by a mob of 5 followed by a sensei student). I eventually lost my save but I don't think I would've ever completed it.

Pic related, I talked about it on Yea Forums years ago as well.

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It's like Sekiro. Just a frustrating experience and it is not addicting enough for me to bother getting good at the game.

I've had this game years before anyone promoted it.
It's a fun and OK game. Hard as shit, too.

I made a fucking tucker carlson face when I read this dude what the fuck did you just say?

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It's literally one of my favorite games of all time. I've beaten it over 10 times.

Do you have the move Yes Man Kablam? It's a must have, builds your meter and you can cancel out of the second half of it.

You can also combo it with Chain Yanker and use it a bunch of times to build meter really fast.

GH hard mode>Sekiro
Sekiro with bell demon+charmless>GH hard mode

I recently played Devil May Cry 3 for the first time and even that was harder than any Souls game

Seems like Dark Souls actually dumbed down the industry and now games are easier on average.
This shit is all backwards.

Forgot the last one.
God Hand kms run>Sekiro with bell demon+charmless

Use head slicer when he uses his secret technique.

>I still don't get why people is so obsessed with calling dark souls one of the hardest games in history
Not people, just zoomers and millennials.

>guy who doesn't like a game isn't good at it
Gee how'd you guess

It's funny because Dark Souls is actually one of the easiest video games in history.

What's harder: God Hand on Hard or NG Black on Master Ninja?

>Seems like Dark Souls actually dumbed down the industry
not really, most big games, particularly western games appeal to a mass audience of casuals
dark souls is just normal difficulty but compared to all the walking simulators it is hard
there are "people" who think that the last of us and skyrim are for "hardcore gamers"
normals are just braindead

i still have this game sitting somewhere at my dad's house
beat the gorilla and never went at it again, I've been jonesing to go get my PS2 from my dad soon
>>zoomer eCeleb releases a God Hand video
sseth isn't a zoomer nor an eceleb

honestly, even before that god hand wasn't super unpopular
even matthewmatosis and fucking dunkey of all people have mentioned it before
but yeah it is clear sseth's video reignited interest in god hand, 2 days later IGN released what was basically an apology video for saying god hand was bad over a decade ago and the amount of threads on Yea Forums increased a bunch, before that there was always discussion on Yea Forums about it (there has been since like 2011 at the least) but rarely did we get dedicated threads and discussion wasn't as common

guys help me out here

MN NGB is maybe the hardest thing in gaming. Very Hard on its own is ridiculous.

I'm interested too but it sounds like you were dreaming user

>help with Sensei
Get the drunken twist move and spam it as fast as you can by canceling the last frames after the hit with your up dodge. This basically hitstuns him and even if he does break out your spam with an attack, 90% of his attacks are highs and the twist evades high attacks so it's extremely safe

Long story short, just spam drunken twist

Also apparently I'm the only person that knows this secret technique because ive never seen anyone else recommend this to other people having a hard time with the fight. Admittedly, it's unironically cheesing the game

High side kick cancelling will change your life.


That move is fucking broken and a crutch, kills most of the fun of the game. That's why others don't recommend it since you're not actually getting good at fundies. Then again it's great sensei which is luck based bullshit even if you're good at the game so cheesing him is ok in my book.

godhand was made in the 2000s so of course zoomers would know about it.

It wasn't 100% Godhand, but it was AAA game or not indie atleast, developed by a foreign studio. The camera was behind the shoulders + melee. The main character has devil looking arms. There was a short announcement trailer earlier this year.