Why does Yea Forums love japan so much again?
Why does Yea Forums love japan so much again?
Lots of great games and cute girls (2D AND 3DPD) come from there
>Not letting Yea Forums love Japan like the perfect capitalists they are
I would love the west more if they made good fucking games
because I love japanese wrestling
fuck anime
yellow fever
We really like japanese humour.
They make the best videogames, and aren't listening to SJWs.
That girl isn't Japanese btw
>another yellow fever thread by WCK
There's like five of his threads in the catalog.
it's still a bug
and that's s fuck ton of surgery and makeup
>why does the vidya board love the country that makes the best vidya
What a mystery...
>took pictures of multiple people posting in one thread
Lmao are you fucking retarded?
WCK is seething and obsessed.
japanese hardcore wrestling is something else.
They make the best video games and cartoons. Other than that I think they're shit. I don't not care about anything else that comes from that country.
source pls
>post gook
Fucking die
Why not bring up this issue to /qa/ where someone might care?
Because of you.
A weeb discord incel.
isn't korea part of japan
BJW 2.28.2019 Takeda vs Sakuda
my favorite deathmatch wrestler is Jun Kasai btw
Wrong, and they're genetically and culturally very different. That's like saying isn't France part of UK?
Lots and lots of stunning girls in their vidya and anime, IRL females qts as well, and an amazing gaming culture.
This of course leaves aside their history, general culture and other forms of art.
That's not say of cource that they are perfect or that I don't appreciate thing the westerners have done in previous years.
jesus christ fuck off already.
>a board dedicated to video game discussion on a image board that was made in dedication to japanese anime have a favorable opinion of japan.
I cant really think of any reason why
that is a Korean, I can tell cause of the horrifying expression
thanks user
wtf is this
korea is like northern ireland for japan i heard
Wrong, both have slanted eyes and eats dog. Basically no difference
Kasai did Kasai thing
>one autist posting from two devices
>"multiple posts"
kill yourself already, WCK
What is even WCK?
>Jun Kasai can get laid and have a daughter
>I can't
Yep, life's just weird.
they make some pretty fun games and they aint afraid of fanservice which is a plus.
barneyfag's twin brother with yellow fever
A word this guy is obsessed with repeating.
They make good games.
t. WCK
>women love tough motherfucker
that's why you're a virgin user
Nice games
Nice girls
Nice entertainment
Nice culture
Nice food
Wouldnt live there, but I really appreciate them nonetheless
>implying he's not completely insane
I'm a tough motherfucker but girls run away when they see my scars.
>Wouldnt live there, but I really appreciate them nonetheless
I would. Especially if I had a job I could do from my computer at home.
>why yes, I love Japan, period. How could you tell?
No, but Dokdo is part of korea
Get fucked japs
Because they make good video games, other than strategy and first person games; additionally,
>tfw no autistic nip gf
>tfw got in the screencap
>asian women
Man, if i was filty rich or had a big steady income that did not require me to work anymore, no doubt i would go there to spend my days, should learn the moonrunes first tho
Where are your scars? And how did you get them?
Because it's the only country in the world that truly understands beauty.
At what point will you come to see that a lot of people like asians and there is no conspiracy behind?
he's mentally ill, so never
surprise thread is not deleted
Japan lit a cigarette off the torch of western civilization after it was slapped out of our hands.
inb4 he says he cut himself
Did Karen and Tyrone tell you to stop playing on your switch while they fuck? You sure are posting a lot
>cute girls
Surprisingly Choa is supposed to be one of the few Kpop chicks that didn't actually get surgery, though the hair dye should count for something since it ups her looks by 500%
>Nice girls
>Nice culture
Good to know that lots of people haven't actually gone to Japan or know Japanese.
Why are you posting my cute korean wife Choa?
what the fuck
T-this is as fake as American westling is right?
those thumbtack matches cringe me
what the fuck?
It's a Japanese school girl ask to see your dick, you'd probably break your hand trying to scramble your Tic Tac out.
American do deathmatch too
Japanese are more crazy tho
Is this considered offensive over there? She's lightening her skin with makeup and dying her hair to look like that of a minority(white) within her country.
It'd be like a white person trying to look black.
No. Look up stranglemania. They use barbed wire and broken glass and fuck each other up
There are less niggers in Japanese games than in American games.
Post more Choa please
>a lot of people
One autist faggot (you) spamming yellow fever threads on multiple boards isn't "people".
>this nigga is at it again with the same handful of images
literal weapons grade autism at its finest. imagine if he actually did this for a cause that mattered - he could be starving kids or something, instead he's trying to convince people to not fuck their preferred flavor of women.
>Mfw I find cargo pants stupid unless it is tour work attire.
>Mfw not needing glasses
>Mfw polo shirts are gay
>Mfw I look nothing like that
>Mfw I still prefer asian girls
Whoever drew this is retarded. Your not supposed to make the guy look decent. He’s supposed to be ugly too
Why are japanese girls so cute?
Sure pal
>this yellow fever faggot has been at it everyday for many years with the same handful of images
literal weapons grade autism at its finest. he's trying to convince people that asians are ugly with his folder of photoshopped pictures of asians with plastic surgeries and make-up
Cultural invading fags
why are gooks so ugly
Wait, asian girls set the bar so low they go for a chin like THAT?
I should have never been worried.
you're the one with pictures of high school girls saved on your computer.
These girls are South Korean
Asians will fuck any foreigner, no matter how ugly they are
Why do you think this yellow fever incel is constantly spamming yellow fever threads
>only ONE person likes jap women
>on Yea Forums
you're arguing with either a hambeast, or a trannie
I've had 2 asian girlfriends, one japanese, one indonesian. And a few one night stands. Let me tell you it is so worth it. Even the SEA girl, though she was just a great fuck, but crazy patriotic.
It's same exact words and pictures in this thread too.
It is really one autistic faggot, or one small group of autists with the same pictures.
White people in Japan, even if they live there, are just visitors, not a minority. They could spend their entire life there and still be a tourist. ....and that's a good thing!
>imagine having yellow fever
As an asian, I feel horny reading these posts.
Thanks guise.
jesus christ could this be any faker
>learning moonrunes
>not just hiring an busty OL translator with glasses and a beauty mark to accompany you everywhere you go
Baka gaijin
Please be sub 200 lbs
wh*ty women will fuck any non white, no matter how ugly they are
The games are good.
Certainly not Koreans. Japanese women might, just for fun and as part of gaijin hunting. But Korean girls actually living in Korea? You'll stand no chance of even speaking to them.
Dancing girl isn't
>plastic gookshit
based retard
white women truly have no standards
The contrary is true, also.
I love black girls and I constantly fuck them.
God dammit, this instantly makes me lust for Korean girls.
what the fuck?
It's a great nuclear testing site.
Fuck dog eaters, by the way.
>gladly using a term founded and popularized by a woman
Fuck off you literal beta male
>engaging in bestiality
the only thing you fuck is your hand watching cuck porn lmao
If you got the looks, go for it. Beauty plays a big role in South Korea, which I actually enjoy. People try to be their best in order get what they want.
only 2 nuclear explosions have happened in japan
over 1000 nuclear explosions have happened in the US
explains why americans are so ugly and mentally fucked up
Whatever you think, user.
I even impregnated one.
>meanwhile, two nukes were enough to turn a land of nobility and military honor into the autistic infantilized whole modern Japan is
Fuck anime
Fuck yellow sluts
Jap game and wrestling are fucking the best
It's a disease, ok? Stop judging me!
>If you got the looks,
How do I get the looks? Are they at least short as a race? Will I at least tower over them?
I miss Shibata...
Do burgers actually believe their mutt wasteland is better than Japan? lmao
Koreans are the ugliest asians of them all, there's a reason they need so much plastic surgery.
Master plan there sempai
I can see my post!
Solely because they're hard to get and I like their movies.
>Fuck yellow sluts
Don't speak rudely of Asian women! But otherwise, yes, that's the plan.
sasuga west
god, i really fucking love those boots
In what kind of parallel reality do you live in?
She's Chinese.
I think thats just like it was in Europe in the dark ages. Having a fair and soft skin was proof you did not have to work in the fields, and I get that must have also beein the case in east asia, therefore there is a preference for fair skin, no matter if natural or achieved with makeup
why are anti-asian female posters so pathetic and delusional?
>tfw no pale-skinned latina gf
Gee, I wonder who posted this.
Why does that baby look like a 20 y/o male?
Polite people, delicious food, love the 80's neon vibe the cities have going on, monuments, history. Would love to visit it again sometime, plane ticket is expensive as fuck
Like this one?
You would be surprised to see me IRL.
I'm not saying I would beat you up or nothing like that. Just that you would be surprised.
Give me an 11, 18, 20 and 22 please.
I don't see a single bit of improvement.
Just a bit darker plz.
Yes, Japan is non-white territory, which is why they are the enemy.
Not to mention that, after centuries of generosity, they stab us in the back.
Two nukes weren't nearly enough.
>Literal angry succubus
Dick is hard yet scared
>posts k-whore
i'm on to your shit
Yeah, because these are your ideal girls.
She looks like a famous game developer, I cannot remember his name, help me Yea Forums
I don't know, her boyfriend looks drained of life.
Japan is, in current year, the most homogeneous country in the world
Oof sorry to bust your balls user.
Is this the part where virgins cherrypick pics of beautiful and ugly people and try to reduce an entire race to made up idealizations, to the point where what you talk about is no different than a 2D waifu?
Damn, get his ass
>horns on the pic
Succ confirmed.
>actually thinking people liking asian chicks is strange on Yea Forums
know how i know you haven't been here for longer than a year?
far left is better than any chink posted ITT
>the most homogeneous country in the world
But it's not white.
As such, it must be destroyed.
Isn't that a fucking gook? Koreans are not the same as Japanese.
You can tell just by the way she looks. Koreans have that ugly gook face, and they always color their hair like some corny American musician.
Nice try shlomo
No, it's just the new generation of people who come here to shitpost about race because they are fatass millennials who have nothing in their lives beyond politics, most of the times is even worse, they are american millennials.
Is this.. anime..
Meta thread
Just no
>t. Muhammad
Schlomo is happy with Japan, they are the infantilized society everyone wants.
Some war would do both Japana and the west good, peace only creates manchildren. Peace is the societal equivalent of obesity.
t. seething jealous mutt
>after centuries of generosity
Assuming you are an American, you never had any positive relations with Japan prior to the war other than some private citizens helping with the development of Hokkaido. The closest thing is the negotiating of the Treaty of Portsmouth; but, the Japanese, at the time especially, view that as biased heavily towards the Russians.
>Fuck dog eaters, by the way.
that's the chinese retard
At that point she is more plastic than Korean.
i cri
What does anti asian even mean, WCK? Those girls look like abominations too.
disgusting bug creature
Not being destroyed by us should always be seen as generosity.
You stabbed us in the back for no reason at all, and thus, you deserve to be destroyed.
You branded yourselves enemies of the west.
Because Japan loves us
Always count on WCK to post BBC shit and yellow fever threads garbage from his personal had drives.
Really makes you think.
t. roastie
lol no
This girl's attractive yet plastic face and bouncing tits don't save her when her legs are gross toothpicks
holy shit you're actually autistic.
sure is r/hapa here
Considering the propensity asians have towards racemixing, i'd say they are bigger whores.
Not being loyal to your race is always something to be mocked.
>t. baizuo
Lol based jap boomers