Best Girl Catherine thread

If you really care about the game for its gameplay or its story then you should not give a shit about how they treat a minor character whether it is transphobic or censorship and appeasing to SJWs. JUST ENJOY THE FUCKING GAME.

Attached: Catherine Bride Art.jpg (2048x1448, 233K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love laura bailey so much, bro...

If you gave a shit about the gameplay or story you would have already played it like 6 years ago
Why would I buy it again but now with added censorship?

>if you really like a dish it shouldn't matter if they gimp out the ingredients

nice pits

>if the waiter shits in your soup on the way, don't complain, JUST ENJOY THE FUCKING SOUP


I look forward to hearing Laura Bailey in the new ending. Miyuki Sawashiro does an amazing job, but Bailey will always be the voice of Catherine to me.

Attached: Catherine Arrives.gif (480x270, 3.66M)

Trannies and fags are disgusting shit. You don't want to see a turd in your game.

Catherine would have been perfect were it not for that retarded double pig tail hair.

Long straight hair would fit her so much better.

Except the transphobic shit had to do with the games story. There is a reason the original treated her character that way

So like this?

Attached: Catherine Student.png (347x929, 184K)

I do care. I'm also worried what people like this are going to do to Persona 5 Royal. If you cared, you'd be worried too (assuming you even play these games in the first place).

Attached: 1557847648125.png (3648x2516, 1.98M)

Whether they're advocating censorship, begging for easy modes, or pushing "politics", always remember that modern liberals all share a common disregard for the creative rights of developers.

Attached: 1558671206623.png (604x1865, 272K)

censorship is alway immoral, I'm not touching this one.

YES. That is near perfection. It's almost the ideal woman.

All that's missing is child-bearing hips and a nice ass.

Attached: 1557410881192.jpg (226x236, 8K)

So what exactly is changing?

>if you like the game you should just ignore that it's being censored to appease a bunch of trannies on retardera who don't speak japanese and got fed false information about how the game makes fun of them, and they still won't buy the game because they weren't interested in the first place

Attached: mootcat.jpg (600x524, 36K)

are... are sjws aware that children wear onesies at the beach that don't cover their legs?

have they ever seen a magician or a performer? they don't wear tights, they would fucking rip

Attached: Zatanna_by_Brian_Boland.jpg (236x358, 21K)

I've heard it might be the ending ResetEra mistranslated but I can't say for sure.

Attached: cd676bfc3328495b03e6001db21f5def8708df94c461f1e6a3df5cb15ec54d0a.png (1080x607, 421K)

I have this game on my Xbox. I don't need to replay it again

I'm skipping it. Love the original and I can play it again if I want to. Japanese devs listening to westcuck whining is the sign of the end times.

They're changing "Eric" to "Erica" in the credits and going to make it more obvious that the character is going to transition in the best ending (new C ending) by changing a 1 or 2 lines.

>a 10 year old naked boy dressed as a dragqueen dancing in gay bars is stunning and brave
>a 16 year old girl in a videogame showing her legs is sexist and fascist

Attached: 1483294147495.png (520x388, 198K)

It's not Japan, it's the localization team.

Wait wasn't the point of the best ending in the japanese version that he accepts who he is and decides not to mutilate himself?

that's transphobic user

The localization did not change the script to appease the SJWs, the changes were already made before there was a reaction:
The way Erin phrases this tweet pretty much says that the localization was done which makes sense the JP version was finished by Sep 2018 but didn't release until February. The western version of FB was announced at basically the exact same time as the jp version was.
No that's just butterfly effect shit the people wanted to show off and Yea Forums conjecture
She's got a nice ass too

Attached: Day 5 C pic.png (677x721, 718K)

Not him, but is that the extent of it? If so, I guess I'll buy this used eventually. I hope liberals will be satisfied with this (even though they won't be buying the game) that way they leave Persona 5 Royal alone.

Attached: 1767359-catherine6.png (720x540, 207K)

>No that's just butterfly effect shit the people wanted to show off and Yea Forums conjecture
Ok. Skipping it just in case because that sounds retarded.

I thought Eric implied he was going to change anyway?

Localization teams usually don't actually change in-game assets. Changing lines is something they can easily do, but messing with actual character models is unlikely.

So nothing?

Yes, that will be it. That's the thing, there's hardly anything they can change, the character has 1 fucking line in the wedding scene of the new ending.
Yes but oversensitive people need it shoved in their face so this will make it more obvious.

Trannies aren't people.

>messing with actual character models is unlikely

Attached: this is an american bride.jpg (1061x847, 127K)

Attached: lol.png (610x342, 45K)

Right, because subtext and nuance typically are above those dipshits at retardera. Fair enough.

God, that looks awful. Like she's been dipped in white paint.

I didn't say that they weren't SJWs themselves, they just didn't 'bow down' and appease them because of their reaction. At worst, they're just like them.
At best, they did this to minimise a shitstorm from getting worse with the western release. Same result either way.

I'll just watch a playthrough of the new content instead of buying it now that it's confirmed to be censored.

I deal with this tranny bullshit in real life already and I don't need it in my video games.
I'll skip this.

Atlus have been sjws for years, censoring games worse than nisa.

either way they went full retard and i won't buy censored garbage.

I'll give her credit for openly admitting that liberals care little for artistic integrity and are far more interested in using video games as soapboxes than actually playing them.

Attached: 1706338-catherine_rush01.png (1280x720, 378K)

Why do trannies refer to their former male names as "murdered name"?

Attached: question.jpg (1600x1200, 99K)

because they pretend that they're real women and have always been biological women, so their parents giving them a male name is literally worse death

I'll just buy classic

thankfully i don't care enough to buy atlus games in the first place

Too bad about this happening to the game with online multiplayer

Because they murdered their dick.

When you pretend you're something you're not, hearing the truth hurts you.

how can you enjoy something while knowing it was spoiled by some mentally ill degenerate beforehand?

I am going to import the game and play it.

>censored trash
fuck off faggot, not buying


If you actually cared about the original you were boycotting it for throwing out the themes of the original to pander to waifufags and gays. There shouldn't be an ending were you get a normal and easy life with Catherine. It's not the point.

>mocking someone for having artistic integrity as a localizer
jesus fucking christ
no wonder modern art is so fucking bad, they all think their art has to compromise with societal sensibilities or has to be bad on purpose because "muh post-modernism"

Attached: Masters of Fine Arts Nominees for Slade U.png (444x417, 307K)

I'm making it canon that Joker has Demon Personas because Catherine and Vincent are he's parents

Attached: New_Catherine_ending.png (1003x581, 699K)

Fair point.
Adding story stuff in general is really weird when it comes to a game like this.

Twitter was a mistake.

Attached: atlus bad.png (600x924, 106K)

this game is legitimately just one of those tetris games that reward you with hentai at the end of each stage isn't it? be fucking honest

Best family.
The central theme of Full Body is change.
Even if we take that aside, the actually interesting thing about Catherine's character is that she says she's all about freedom and living how you want, yet the only reason she is seducing men is part of her designated role and job.
In the original game she's actually 'living freely' when she just starts hanging around Vincent and has started developing feelings for him so just spends times with him instead of seducing other men.
The New C ending is just taking this a step further, Catherine finds a deeper personal freedom by breaking away from her role and life as a succubus and living a normal human life with Vincent.

Attached: Long Hair Catherine.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

At least get the game right

Is this bait or are casuals this clueless?

All Atlus re-releases fuck up the original story though.