Great video game concept

>great video game concept
>horribly executed

What went wrong?

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they copied outlast but didn't copy the short length to anyone who isn't a tard will notice how bad the stealth is

Literally a spelling mistake in the game's code

Game also drug on way longer than it needed because they were afraid of it being criticized for being too short.

Wrong game, thats Colonial Marines

>>horribly executed
The execution is absolutely fantastic. It's one of the greatest licensed games of all time that effortlessly translates Alien as a series into core mechanics.

Its fucking fun, stop spreading lies for (you)s

Tethered alien ruined the game for me.

great game. does anyone even have legitimate criticism except the game length? I honestly can't think of any

kino visuals
kino atmosphere
kino alien
kino gameplay
non-kino length which means most people won't finish it

>throw noise maker

The length isn't a legit criticism. I fucking love the drawn out ending, I played the last third or so of the game in one sitting and it was a great way to make the player feel exhausted and really put them in Ripley's shoes. It's not like it got boring, it just kept making the situation worse for you whenever you thought you were at a logical closing point. I really loved it.

I hate it when people pretend they aren't scared by jump scares.

It is, you just have horrible taste. The game should've stopped half way through. It starts feeling inflated and ultimately becomes a chore in the second half.

The alien is almost omnipresent, and that become quiet... boring. Pacing issue.

But it stills be one of the best survival horror of the 10 past years.

>playing video games at all
Found the shit taste newfag.

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>Game ends like 3 different times
The only major thing that bothered me to be honest, other than that it was pretty great. Although some points where it seems like the alien follows you around the station is frustrating, there are still dozens of other survivors it could be hassling but for plot device reasons it seems to stick around your general area until it's required to fuck off for a while

>being so depressed you can't even enjoy vidya

I suggest finding a therapist mate

They gave you a flamethrower before the finale

stretched the game out too long

Ah yes I remember when in the first movie the alien stomped around the ship and was unable to see Ripley when she hid behind a coffee table

>red light green light gameplay where the alien can't see over wait high objects
>retarded puzzles
>do button press sequence to do everything

Attached: perfect organism.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

>it just kept making the situation worse for you whenever you thought you were at a logical closing point. I really loved it.

Exactly. Length is part of the design because it's supposed to be exhausting. Ripley in the film got that across nicely too. Really drove the point home that it was an Alien game, not an Aliens game.

Attached: ripley_final_fb_1.0.png (875x1000, 901K)

>it seems to stick around your general area until it's required to fuck off for a while
There's an AI mod that makes it roam around more. Not too bad either

>they copied outlast but didn't copy the short length to anyone who isn't a tard will notice how bad the stealth is
This is probably my biggest issue with the game. A casual playthrough might take you around fifteen hours, and among that time you're just doing the same thing over and over again with little creative variation aside from that small part at the end where you have to maneuver around humans and the alien at the same time. I would have vastly preferred the game be much shorter with different routes/choices/endings available instead. The long campaign length also makes the alien's "tether" mechanic that much more noticeable.

Still a decent game though.

Attached: 1382483040678.jpg (720x540, 210K)

Same as most high fidelity modern games. High fidelity visuals, completely dead world. It's subconsciously highly disconcerting.

>aside from that small part at the end where you have to maneuver around humans and the alien at the same time

You start finding other groups of people around 2 hours into the game, did you even play it?

I stopped when I was on half the length of the game. Past the moment where you keep the alien on a different part of the station that you cut loose from the central station or something. Anyway game got very repetitive and boring. And it had awful fps drops (I played on Xbox) when you would throw a moletov cocktail you would reach 10 fps and all.

Garbage gameplay cool scripted alien AI

>Although some points where it seems like the alien follows you around the station is frustrating, there are still dozens of other survivors it could be hassling
I thought the hive you find before the final third of the game implied that there were multiple aliens on the station that you just happen to be regularly crossing paths with.

>Yea Forums has finally turned on Alien Isolation
All of you faggots that say the game is too long can eat shit and fucking die. Fuck your mothers with a red hot iron rod. Fuck you pieces of shit. We don’t deserve good games. “WAAAAAHHHHH THERE’S TOO MUCH GAME!!!! I WANTED A 4 HOUR WALKING SIMULATOR!!!!!”
Are you guys fucking kidding me!?!? For fuck sake Yea Forums this is an all time low for you. Sage and reported.

I will never understand why this game is so polarizing.
Some will say it's ass while some will say it's the best of its genre.
I am more in line with the latter. The game is super high quality, look, feel, story and gameplay wise.
It's not anything like Outlast 2, which is good in its own way.
The nods to the movies and the featuring of some of the original setpieces were great as well.
You could essentially watch Alien, play this game, then ignore all the other movies and tie-ins and be content.

Oh look. Another game Yea Forums hates because it isn't weaboo trash shit.

Fuck you guys. This is one of the most well received horror games in a while. Not just from me but from reviewers as well.

Yes, you dolt. My point was that the game should have had more scenarios where the different "factions" were mixed together in creative ways. Instead, most of the game was split into "here's a section with survivors, now one with androids, now another with the alien."

I think I can recall only one other section where survivors and androids were fighting each other, but you can pretty much let the androids just kill the survivors for you. Then another where you'd have a lone android wandering around while the alien's hunting you. Just very basic stuff.

Did you play on PC or console? I feel like that seems to be the deciding factor. If the game is a slog on consoles I could see people hating it, especially through frame rate drops and other bullshit.

On the PC it runs great.

With mods, it's even better.

>muh realism
do you realize that AI knows where you are at all times?
And that the only way to make any game playable is to give the ai limited vision/lower damage/bad accuracy?
fucking retard

It stops being scary when it happens like clockwork every 90 seconds in a 30 hour game

*the only good movie game*


man if only the player had some kind of machine that would let him keep track of the alien without having to stare at it that would make it possible to have LOS that wasn't retarded

Consoles, as always. Can't save whenever you want really ruining the flow of the game.

bait or 12 year old from reddit?

>"horror" game
>the monster is visible 90% of the game, but you have to play hide and fucking seek with it
wow 11/10 goty a masterpiece by kojima!

that's the default state of alien isolation tho


way too much time staring at a valve or some other piece of equipment and suffering though a long animation

Ultrawide, max settings, chromatic abberation off, and fov between 90 and 100.