Never played any AssCreed. Is this one decent enough?

Never played any AssCreed. Is this one decent enough?

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play 2 and only 2.

No, not really.

It's basically a worse version of AC: Origins, and Origins was a fairly decent game (not amazing, but one of the better ACs). If you play it, be prepared for copypasta towns and forts everywhere, annoying naval shit and out of place mechanics

It's fun, I'm playing it now. I dont even play as an assassin. I just go in guns blazing and fuck everything up.
It's got a pretty big world too. I think I like it as much as I do because I really enjoy Ancient Greece and the Greek gods.

It's kino.

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Origins is honestly better.

it's more of a god of war rather than AC at this point tbqh

Odyssey is the only AC I've ever played and I am enjoying it a lot so far. Also, Kassandra.

no its mediocre

Terrible Assassins Creed game, decent historical dress up simulator.

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Every new AC game strays further and further from what AC originally was. It's almost like an entirely different game with AC slapped across the title at this point.

and that's unironically a good thing

>from what AC originally was.
Considering the original AC was a pretty but hollow piece of shit that would make the new ones masterpieces, but sadly thats not the case

Fun action adventure game, story and MC (Kassandra) are much better than AC Origins IMO, it's like a lite witcher 3 open world type vidya.

AC Origins was still an AC game, it was just about, well, the origins of the assassins.
It's this game the one that went full retard, but then again, it's made by the devs of Syndicate.
The viking game is made by the ones who made Origins, and people have already complained about how detached it is about AC itself a lot, so I think the next one will be more grounded.

it's a weird mix of elements from other games. You have some off brand Witcher 3 with quests and morality. bounty hunter system that is similar to Shadow of Mordor orcs and combat that is a weird mix of everything with a little bit of stealth and parkour tacked on. I've personally enjoyed it but I don't consider it an Assassin's Creed game. The modern story and the First Civilization elements are probably the worst in the series. The modern day protagonist is so awful that you'll start missing Desmond, The OST is also quite good most of the time

loke all ass creeds you'll get bored of it after 2/3 hours into the game


>The modern day protagonist is so awful that you'll start missing Desmond
What, you don't prefer playing as a quirky, ultra-ironic, daily-Starbucks-visit millennial?

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kys shill

It is a fun game imo. I never finished it because I got sidetracked by the pointless map filling and grew tired of it but I played it for 90 hours.
Id honestly recommend decreasing the XP gain with mods to like 80%.
You level too fast imo

>You level too fast imo
What the fuck are you smoking.
I played little besides the story and had to grind 10 levels to defeat the mythological creatures.
They should remove the level system altogether.

>the next one will be more grounded.
Nah, the original point of AC is about power and corruption on complex societies. The vikings were nothing but primitive pirates that lived in huts. Thats good enough for a God of War, but not for an AC

I dont like you

After about 10 hours you've seen all the objectives, enemy types and combat the game has to offer. Its just 50 more hours of the same shit over and over with a few mythological standouts that aren't particularly fun to fight. Just health sponges that just take awhile to kill

do you do anything in the game?
I am not even talking about completing everything on the map, but they give you so mcuh XP you are max level 10 hours in

I wasnt trying to flirt with you user, Tinder is over there

>but they give you so mcuh XP you are max level 10 hours in
What the fuck are you talking about?
Even all the main story missions only give you enough to get to level 30 something.
And no, I did very little sidequests because they are completely asinine trash that always consists of
>go kill these bandits
>go recover this shit
>infiltrate this copy pasted fort

No you dont, dont lie

The creative lead was rudely kicked out of Ubisoft after AC:2, and you can tell they've been trying to salvage the damage to the story since.

I managed to enjoy Unity and Syndicate despite the mediocre story and overwhelming busywork collectathon bullshit. Like a painfully mediocre sitcom you don't think much about. I thought they'd turn the Initiate of that game into someone important.

the environments are amazing, but it gets repetitive fast. the map is filled with copy pasted objectives so don't try to 100% it, just do the occasional side content on your way through the main story. a solid 7/10 overall

They ruined AC3 with that shitty ending.
All what Desmond trained what, to touch a sphere and fucking die?
And what's worse is that the whole Juno thing was solved in a goddamn comic, so it didn't even matter in the end.
And now they are trying to start a new modern day storyline, but nobody likes the modern day characters and the few modern day sections suck.
Is it that hard just letting us play as an Assassin in modern days a couple of times in each game?

>dont play game
>why am I lvl 2

I couldn't.
Everytime I play Unity or Syndicate I just end up annoyed as fuck to the controls and other design choices.
The game fucks it up even if I just want to jump down to the floor and instead ends up grabbing every goddamn ledge along the way except jumping down.

Ok. Either way, you're wrong

>being forced to play side quests
What kind of game design is this?

>t. plays rpg games on easy

Yep, AC3 was a disaster of a story they still haven't dug themselves out of, and likely never will. I'd have preferred a hard reboot. And apparently it is that difficult for Ubisoft.

AC Origins was kind of a soft reboot, but the modern day just barely has any plot.
They need to stop making us play as employees and just let us play as actual assassins.
Hell, back in the day I thought AC3 was going to be a full modern day AC game and I was actually hyped to see what it was, and it just ended up being a bunch of mediocre levels, and you don't even kill until the last one where everything about Desmond gets rushed to hell.

>more grounded.
>no tall buildings
>another combat focus game
>figthing nord gods and mythological beasts because reasons

nah I really think they wasted top tier settings like russia or china in shitty mobile tier games

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I love exploring in AssCreed games, and this game is more of the same. There is a lot of copy paste content though, especially for caves.
The side quests are fun too. And there's no shitty templar vs assassin conflict.
At least not in the past and the current time is irrelevant anyway.

Yep, it's fun.

neck yourself counter-shill

>Assassin's Creed II
>Black Flag

>Unity (post patches)

>Assassin's Creed III

An epic brainlet post.

It's pretty decent

Seething odysseyfag

AC2 is shit. Play it again and you will notice that the game is full of filler missions to drag the playtime out and the cities are soulless and empty by todays standart. The story is painfully mediocre and the dialog is atrocious. I agree with the rest of your list except for odyssey. Its good but is suffering from all the grinding you have to do.

Nice meme, but not with that garbage control system.
Oh, you want to jump jump to the ground? Nope, you are going to be grabbing to a hundreds of these ledges.

Start with the first cause it's the only actually good one.
The gameplay is realistic and the story well-written.
The second game ruined the series by making it fun.

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Every Assassins Creed game has this. Unitys system was supposed to fix it but it never worked. Nevertheless its still my favourite parkour system. I just think it feels the most flued.

origins was just awful
it started the mediocre trend of adding more shitty rpg mechanics into the game like levels and other bullshit

That's just because the animations actually looked like a guy doing parkour, but that's all Unity is, pretty animations.
Overall, I feel the best parkour is the one in Origins, a good compromise between the older style and the more fluid and well animated style of Unity and Syndicate.
Shame the map is so flat.

You are better off not playing an Assassins Creed but nu-Yea Forums is so shit they will sincerely tell you to play Ubishit open world game #63

I can agree with that. I just don't like how running/riding works in those games. The slowdown when going past a fort is really annoying and it takes way to long for the character to accelerate

I have honestly never had this problem in like 60 hours of Unity. I've gotten stuck on windows because it wouldn't register me holding the button to enter windows at times, but the Up/Down system never failed me when it came to climbing or descending. If I remember right you could even force a jump like in every other game by doing RT + A and a direction and it still worked.

>playing origins for the first time
>first 2 areas are packed with cities, towns, side quests, gear, etc
>look at the size of the map and get really excited about all the stuff I'll have to do later
>every new area after that has less and less to do
>the quests start to heavily tend towards recycled busywork
>it doesn't matter since you will outlevel most of them just doing the main story first if you get to a new area, making the rewards useless
>but enemies more than two levels higher than you are mystical golems made of tungsten and rape
>if you decide to wander ahead of the story in the "open world" game you can't do anything but pick up trash

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