Redpill me about Sonic

Redpill me about Sonic.
Give me a list of all the games in the franchise (in chronological order) and, for each one of them, a brief description (no more than 10 words) about how good they are.

Attached: Tails_vs_Amy.jpg (320x227, 17K)

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Google it you lazy fuck

Holy fuck that pic is old

bump because I'm curious too.

Sonic Rush was pretty sick but that's the only Sonic game I've played

The Genesis games and Mania are the only ones worth caring about.

Nah, that's too much work. You do it yourself, cockbreath.

based 9 word response, also sonic was never even good

I'm just getting into it now and playing Megadrive games right now. I always go with release dates as my guide and I have a feeling a lot of smaller releases here can be outright skipped.

There are no bad Sonic games, only bad Sonic fans.

Attached: Sonicpilled.png (517x493, 67K)

Just play Sonic 3 & Knuckles and you will be good

Nah, there are a plethora of bad games and fans who eat up anything because of autism.

I too know the kino of Sonic's Schoolhouse


For some 2D Sanics:

Sonic 1; an alright platformer game where you CAN go fast.

Sonic 2; a good platformer game where you're expected to go fast

Sonic CD (basically japanese Sonic 2); a good platformer game where you CAN go fast, but precise platforming is prioritized. Has nice art direction.

Sonic 3; a great platformer where you're expected to go fast. Builds on the expectations Sonic 2 set up.

Sonic & knuckles; Basically an expansionpack to Sonic 3 that act as a standalone game. Also a great game.

Sonic 3 & knuckles; Combines two games into a complete experience, as originally intended. Often considered the best sonic game in the series.

Sonic 4; A halfassed episodic cash grab with borderline broken physics that ended up getting canceled before it got the last episode.

Sonic Mania; A pretty great game with visuals like that of a 2D Saturn sonic game, had that been officially made. Unfortunately half of the stages are from previous games, but that's just how it is.

I can almost guarantee there will be a sonic thread in either /trash/ or /vg/. Go there and search.

>Redpill me about Sonic.
female characters are made for porn

The thing about Mania is that the returning stages have mostly altered layouts, with few key "gimmicks" still intact. Compare Greenhill Zone, Chemical Plant Zone, Stardust Speedway, and Metallic Madness to their original incarnations. They're wildly different. Especially the second acts.

They're new stages, just with a familiar coat of paint.

The Sonic 3 $ Knuckles stages stay pretty similar, but have enough changes that they're still fresh.

what mania really lacks, however, is the fun little transitions and overall sense of coherency to the whole thing.

3 & K feels like a journey, with buildup and a really well executed finale. Bosses back to back. You know when the game is revving up and shit is going down.

Mania just jumps all over the place and suddenly ends, it feels like. Not to mention the final boss has segments that feel like they pulled assets from a cut boss rush.

They added stage transitions a while back, there are mini-cutscenes between every zone. Granted the buildup isn't really there, but there were some great moments like the Hooligan cameos, Metal Sonic's Transformation, and Knuckles' Lava Reef Zone 2 boss

>list of all the games in the franchise
Bitch there are like 70 games. No one wants to do that.

1: Only worth it for the first stage. The rest suck.

2: Where Sonic really starts to get its groove. Maybe a bit too easy. That said, the final zone is notorious for being 2 bosses back to back, with no rings, so you can only get hit once. Great soundtrack.

CD: Sort of an alternate world Sonic 2. Has really dense level design with four versions of each act. Tons to explore, but with the lack of Super Sonic, exploration isn't as rewarding as it is in 3&K/Mania. Fucking BUMPIN' ass soundtrack.

3&K: My favorite 2D platformer of all time. 3 characters, tons of character mods. Branching, dense levels with tons of replay value. Even the worst level, Sandopolis Act 2, can be enjoyable once you're familiar with it. Phenomenal soundtrack, Michael Jackson was involved. Look for a fan remaster, Sonic 3 AIR, as it's the only one without an official one.
Advance 1: Neat little attempt at a 2d Sonic game on the GBA, kinda rough around the edges. Camera's too tight. Some zones are fucking ugly. No Super Sonic. Zone 6 is a trash fire.

Advance 2: Hold right to win. Tons of fragile setpieces that punish you for trying to play the game.

Rush: More or less the followup to the Advance series. Carries over a lot of the flaws, bottomless pits and fragile setpieces. Really shitty boss fights.

Mania: A return to form with genesis era styled gameplay. Doesn't have some of the pizazz 3&K has, as I said in, but my second or third favorite of the whole series. Tries to go for a more "family friendly" aesthetic and doesn't have that "anime cool" CD had. But I mean, that's nice change from all the cringey bullshit we had in recent years.

Is it really?

Sonic X reached its final episode in 2006 user, it's definitely an old picture.

this unironically

>1: Only worth it for the first stage. The rest suck.
How the FUCK can one user be so fucking based?

I thought it was edited.

Nah it's legit, from the Japanese version. They slipped in lots of innuendo and PG13 stuff like Eggman/Shadow flipping the bird. I remember it from the old Sonic X Uncensored site that chronicled all the 4kids changes.

I think I saw it like 14 years ago.

For 3D
>Adventure: filled with charm, soul, and glitches/exploits
>Adventure 2: tighter than 1 and a more streamlined experience
>Heroes: a huge mess of bloat and filler
>Shadow: slow and very questionable at times, but still fun
>06: not absolute shit, but still pretty bad, mod fixes coming
After that, the only one worth giving a chance is Generations, ignore the rest.

It's edited, I'm simply saying the source material where the edit comes from is more than a decade old and so is OP's pic.

Adventure: Nostalgic AF. Definition of a guilty pleasure. Actually has bits of genuine goodness. Maybe untapped potential. The level design is pretty simplified from the Genesis days. Chao Garden.

Adventure 2: Where the first Adventure had the characters relegated to their own campaigns, 2 forces you to play treasure hunt/shooting gallery stages between the Sonic/Shadow stages. But the stages that are there are fun little rollercoasters. Chao Garden.

Sonic Heroes: Haven't played this in years. But the consensus seems to be it's ok. But the four campaigns are hardly different.

Shadow the Hedgehog: I 100% this as a kid. I was a stupid kid. I don't remember shit, besides the Billy Hatcher gun. And that one ruins level that loops.

Sonic 06: People won't admit it, but this is Sonic Adventure 3. Just really rushed and really jank. Really, REALLY jank. "The Room" of video games, people love to say. I played through it wasted with friends. Surprisingly enjoyable.

> People won't admit it, but this is Sonic Adventure 3.
Take your shitty meme and leave.

Attached: 1542899564438.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Unleashed: Just skip the actual game, and play the Generations mod that ports all the sonic levels to it. The werehog is horrible.

Colors: I just started playing this. Levels are really short and simple. But there seems to be tons of them. Gone are the huge, multifaceted levels I love so much. The bosses are piss easy. The script is horrible.

Generations: If you play the classic levels back to back with the genesis games. It feels a little off. Also, the levels are a little too simple. That said, the best of the modern offerings. Very short.

I'm not going to do that for every single game. Here's what I'll say:

>Sonic 1 aged like milk, and only Green Hill Zone is still good
>Sonic 2, 3, and S&K are considered good games that still hold up, but I haven't played them fully so I don't know
>Never played SA1, so I can't speak for it
>Sonic Adventure 2 aged like milk and isn't worth playing at all
>Heroes is a mixed bag; some say it's good and some hate it
>The Advance games are good and Advance 2 is the best
>The Rush games are good and the first Rush is better than the second
>You should already know that 06 is a bad game; not going to bother telling you why
>Unleashed isn't worth playing, even if the day stages are considered fun
>Colors is great, but I wish it had more 3D gameplay
>The Colors port for the DS is like the first Rush but even better
>Generations was great, and I still go back and replay it to this day, but it could have been even better
>Forces should have fine tuned everything wrong with Generations to make the perfect 3D Sonic, but instead it was just wasted potential and a huge disappointment
>Mania is a love letter to classic Sonic fans, the new stages are great, and the old stages were remade well

only thing it's lacking is a chao garden

The moment Heroes released with different level design/mechanics and its enemy oriented style, they stopped being Adventure. 06 builds on the changes that came from Heroes and Shadow so it will never be an Adventure.

Sonic is an autism honeypot. But autism has creative merits. Tons of fangames and projects worth checking out.

Sonic Before the Sequel and After the Sequel are worth checking out if you want an extra classic Sonic fix.

Tooooons of mods for Sonic 2 and 3. Which is how Christian Whitehead and other folks got the opportunity to make Sonic Mania.

Sonic Studio seems to be shaping up to be a really well made Super Mario Maker parallel.

Sonic World is rather jank. But if you're looking for an attempt at another Adventure Game, complete with a chao garden, it's sorta worth it.

Sonic Robo Blast 2, an odd little fangame on the Doom engine, is surprisingly good. Has a really well made Kart racing mod.

Sonic Utopia is looking great. Good tech demo out for it. A really good effort to translate classic Sonic gameplay to a 3d format.

Project Hero is shaping up to be fucking slick looking. Very promising.

No one has mentioned Sonic 3D Blast or Sonic and the Secret Rings because those are the two most godawful Sonic games yet

Here you go OP

Attached: STL.png (1232x576, 972K)

>Sonic Robo Blast 2
You should play it with the low poly mod :)

Not him, but I prefer the low poly Saturn inspired models, though those are good too.

>Not playing as Toei Sonic

special stages being NiGHTS is fucking genius

>Sonic chronicles
>F tier

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It belongs there.

Finally, a tier list that isn't complete shit.
