
>no backlight
>12 (mini) games
>2 buttons
>a crank
what are they thinking? no seriously I'm asking. what the fuck is their business plan? why is this thing being made?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's ART

ambition is a hell of a drug

keep making threads! I want it so bad

>the crank is part of the controls
>it does not recharge the battery pack

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>a crank

Hehehe, what are you, poor?

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>not cranking your mobile games

I only just found out about this thing. honestly I can see the creative appeal, but not for that price and I would never buy a handheld without a backlight.
like I said I'm genuinely asking. how do they plan on making this work? is it a super limited run kind of thing?

Would be cool for fishing simulators.

I'd buy it for 50 bucks for the novel idea. 150 is a god damn joke.

Status signalling for bugmen. Someone put it well before, it's the opposite of the Quinten comic, fuckwit normalfags will buy this and pretend to play it to look good.

The crank has potential but besides that it's just a quirky art hoe gimmick

No I will not buy it for le epic ironic idort posting, get off my board shill.

Stop give this shit attention. That's what they want. It's made for literal hipster retards.

>look up vid
>the crank isn't to power or charge the thing, it's just another method of control

oh fucking gay as fuck i thought the thing wouln't need battery or some shit and you could just wind it up to power

What IS that even?


Why is Yea Forums treating this novelty handheld as if it's supposed to be a nintendo/sony competitor?

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that would actually be the raddest shit. you could keep it in your jacket or something and it'd never be a bother to deal with.

Imagine being that guy who just HAS to be seen using this in public.

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Called a shitpost

>it's the opposite of the Quinten comic
It's exactly like the Quentin comic.
Also that was you because you misspelled Quentin the same way then too.

I would rather buy the SouljaBoy(tm)

it's objectively retarded, but i want it. it looks like a game & watch or some shit off the gameboy camera. you can't afford 150 for something that makes you happy and probably has a two-day battery life or some shit? plus i'm betting you'll be able to load homebrew games within a month.

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because you could buy a 2DS for less money and vastly more features. a novelty item costs a novelty price. you don't charge $150 for a joy buzzer or plastic dog shit.

Is there any good way to even use that fucking crank, other than a fishing simulator? We don`t even know if this game has a fishing simulator and even if it does, it would suck in black and white.

Pretty sure the only one who's doing that is you. We're all laughing at this Ouya tier mess.

>i dont know the basics of engineering 101

I'm going to buy it, I'm going to like it and (You) will seethe telling me it's not actually fun, while we both know you'll never know since the stock is limited and you missed out.

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the example game they showed seems to use it for rewinding time.

I thought black and white seemed lame and outdated but then I realized it's more artistic than color. Black and white makes you see the world for what it truly is.

What doesn't have potential?

Are you implying that the crank actually does recharge it or that they couldn't make it recharge it even if they wanted? Both are wrong.

it's for gay hipsters who want to be different while sacrificing the good parts of a console.


>what are they thinking?
My 99% accurate guess is that they're thinking of making product. Then sell enough of said product to make some profit.
Nothing much else there. Not any grand conspiracies or even aliens ayyy lmaos

virtual jack in the box

you forgot the games unlock in a timed manner
you basically pay to get cucked "surprise games" deliveries, that are already on the device

I think it's a cool novelty. The crank as a control reminds me of back when the DS came out and developers had to get really creative with what they were going to do with the hardware.
Of course, this is nowhere near that, and it's a much more limited selection of developers. I trust Takahashi a bit because of Katamari (although this is just one more thing on the list of shit he's doing instead of finishing Wattam but whatever) and Bennet Foddy has made some great time waster games, but the rest of the people on this thing are nobodies. You can load your own games, so this thing is either going to have a really dedicated homebrew/indie community grow around it, or it's gonna die real hard after the first 12 games come out. We'll see.

Should be 30 bucks and thats generous

Yea Forums is filled with retards and shitposters

>all the fucking crank yankers in this thread
enjoy your 150-dollar tiger electronics

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Devs haven't even released basic shit and documentation to developers yet.

>$150 for a novelty gimmick toy you'll use for an hour and never touch again
I seriously hope you guys don't do this...

You're right, this is definitely frivolous fun and you definitely shouldn't buy it if you think $150 is a lot. But that just means this isn't for you, not that it is without merit.

>can't crank dat souljaboy
>can crank this

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$150 isn't a lot by itself. It's a lot for this thing though. Rich people don't stay rich by wasting money on garbage just because they can.

>no backlight
>"im going to buy it teehee ;)"
No you won't.

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Rich people don't waste money on luxury? Lol. Tell me more about what rich people do and don't do. Or better yet just shut up, poorfag.

typical crank yanker

>plus i'm betting you'll be able to load homebrew games within a month.
Who the fuck would make homebrew games for this shit?

this mentality is why dipshits buy bottles of cristal and beats by dre. it's the pasty hipster equivalent of trashy conspicuous consumption.

I don't. Would it be possible at all, and if so how much cranking would it likely take to get an hour of use?

This except unironically

It literally only exists to be a cool little knick knack that people will keep on their coffee table or some shit

I honestly might. If the 12 games it ships with (or will ship with, that part's dumb) are decent, and people actually make games for it afterwards, it could be a neat little thing. You will be able to load your own games onto it, so if a bunch of hipsters jump on this it might be fun to see what they make.


Attached: kermit.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Dumb rich people are the ones who buy mansions with half of it being empty space they'll never used, have several closets full of clothes they wear once and never touch again, spend millions flying out to a fancy restaurant in another country for "here is a duck with the bullet still in it because our chefs are too incompetent to prepare it properly, and some fruit slices on leaves."

Granted, toasting bread is very power intensive (unlike what a simple a video game at least could be), but it should give you an idea about how weak harnessed human kinetic energy is compared to what you can get from a socket in a second.

If your reaction to the NES Classic was "just get a Raspberry Pi bro" then this isn't for you

but it's just so low quality. Black and white only, tiny screen, D pad and just two face buttons, plus the crank which just seems like a dumb novelty even if a few people find interesting ways to implement it, no backlight, I'm assuming the hardware is pretty weak; I just don't get what they're going for with this product at that price. It just screams "poor attempt at the hipster market"
Shit, it would be 10x cooler if the crank could be used to power it too, there's no reason it couldn't.

If you have a functioning brain this isn't for you.

I'm sure it would break the rich people's hearts to hear that you think their mansions are dumb. /s

>150$ for a meme
>The whole gimmick is the crank
>You could easily do the crank as a half assed USB gadget for a third of the price

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I'd say this thing has more value than the NES classic or the other mini consoles because the games on it are made specifically with it's limitations in mind (and also the crank). NES games you can run on anything, but whatever is made on this is gonna need this thing to function.
I feel like all the "low quality" bits you listed are a design choice though. It might be dumb, but it was designed with that in mind. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt and hope that it will produce some interesting games, but you're right this is definitely aimed at the hipster market. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but you have to keep that in mind when talking about it. It's not really a videogame system in the sense that the gameboy is, it's more of an "art toy".

Because the consolewar kids are that this fragile.

I'm sure someone will port Doom to it just to prove they can.

I've had several flashlights where you could spin a crank for 10 seconds and have like 30s of mediocre light. A crank could easily power a very low-power CPU and screen.

Yeah, this is like if one of these chairs could run videogames on it.

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I'm not saying you can't I just don't see the point. An emergency crank light is for emergencies, not because it's in any way performs better than a battery powered one. This isn't for "emergency gaming" whatever that would mean.


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Frivolous spending is luxury. In fact, all video games are luxury items and services, this is just a bit more so.

go back to plebbit, you fucking faggot

It’s for games journalists

lots of reasonably wealthy weirdos/hipsters out there

Oh please if the crank was for charging you fucks would be complaining about having to do that anyway

is the crank used for gameplay? or is that what powers the machine?

Gameplay. The console itself is powered by impotent poorfag tears.

Yeah, pretty much this. As much as it's a meme to say this, this is product is not for you.

If it was $50 less and a little bit bigger it'd be cool

yeah because a toaster uses the same energy as a shitty cpu for a pre 8 bit era console

A year from now this will be dead

Why don't we have a playdate wojak yet?

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How about playdate-tan?

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gameboy/atari emulator for one


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Like I fucking said in the very post you're replying to. Listen, if this was a console for people in countries without developed infrastructure then maybe a crank would be a good idea. But why the fuck would a hipster console made for first worlders who quite literally wade in electric power charge with a crank?

here you go

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Once again, resetera appeals to novelty. It doesn't matter how shit the 'thing' is, if it's new it's the best thing ever.

Seems like the kind of thing that would appeal perfectly to hipsters desu.

Glad I'm not the only one who was dissatisfied with the crank placement in the first version.

T. Schizo

because if you want a crank at least have some use for it

using it as control in not a use is retardation

Oh, sorry. I didn't know you already played it.

wtf I want this console now

Attached: MilhousesPlayDate.webm (500x464, 2.52M)

Its for the hipster crowd that buys old NES consoles as decorations.

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Nice interactive movie.
>crank forward to win

becouse of the pricepoint?

>look, you can make the cutesy animation go back and forth with it!
I want this company to fail horribly.

"Emergency gaming"
Absolute top kek. This should be used for some sort of joke marketing campaign.

>It's not really a videogame system in the sense that the gameboy is, it's more of an "art toy".
That is such a bullshit excuse. It is a video game system, calling it a toy doesn't change that cause video games are toys. And you can put what they qualify as art on any system, even the crank is just inputting a circular motion.

It is the Ouya 0.5, selling purely on the novelty of ooooh someone could do something cool with this. Without sitting back and asking actually how could anyone do anything with this? You could easily make an app that fills the same niche

This actually m8 b cool if they manage to create some weird time puzzles with it.

Ok this thing is shit BUT you guys are also dumb. They clearly show off the mechanic there that certain things ignore the movement so it becomes a puzzle game to move forward and back in the right way. Notice that he always stops to smell the flower but that they use that motion to avoid hitting the butterfly that ignores the forward and back movement?

What I'm saying is that the game mechanics have SOME potential for puzzle gameplay. But thats like saying a game on the virtual boy was good: Yeah, maybe, but it doesn't mean shit because of what it was on.

>Frivolous spending is luxury.
that doesn't make the retarded product a luxury product

So a golden toilet is... a good product?

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they're not really people are just shocked that it's so bloody expensive for what it is while journos and shit shill the fuck out of it

nigga I get nervous paying more than £30 for a game buying this thing wigs me out no thanks I dont like being taken for a ride


a golden toilet is made of gold, and is inherently valuable because it's made from GOLD.
the playdate is a cheap electronic device which costs more and does less than the standard, and its only value is being a limited collectable.

Why are you so bothered by it? So it'll be OUYA 2. Don't buy it and just wait for its failed release to make fun of the idiots who fell for it.

So a diamond studded golden toilet then (typical size diamonds don't have high resale value). Or a spa visit? Or a first class plane ticket? All these things cost more than the sum of their parts (if any).

Holy fuck you're right. You could buy a 2ds, hack it, and have access to the entire library of ds, 3ds, gb, gba, nes, and snes games. For half this price. NEW.


So fucking true

those are good examples of luxuries but they don't align with the playdate. a first class plane ticket means more legroom and better service, whereas the playdate is like paying more for an exclusive offer of less legroom and worse service.
or like visiting the spa, buying the 'luxury' package, which forbids you from using the sauna or interacting with any of the therapists, but you get to sit in the special exclusive (plastic) chair.

This isn't luxury though. This a worse gameboy. There's only a very few select people who
>a) want it
>b) can afford $150 like it's nothing
Doesn't mean those people who fit a) but not b) still won't get it, but that's whom this thread is aimed at; retards.

I bet this remains valuable simply due to the retardation of people over stating its worth
a piece of shit being exclusive doesn't just suddenly make it value
it's all about marketing which sucks, it's like superior, people are gonna buy it just for the name and to own some exclusive shit
completely fabricated value
all I can hope is that it one day plummets in value because people stop giving a shit about it


>ovepriced "lifestyle" items
>luxury for rich people
Pick one.
I mean do you genuinely believe it's Jayz, Drake and other millionaire rappers that are the target audience for shitty 1000$ Kanye nikes?
Or are they more targeted at niggas with poor financial planning that want to be like Kanye but in reality expensive nikes are the only taste of richness they'll ever get?
It's the same with this shit.

Honestly, I thought at first that it actually powers the console and therefore doesn't need "evil electricity made from fossile fuels" or "batteries made by child labour" or some bullshit like that

Why would you pay $150 to emulate Gameboy games?


>10 years of apple software development has come to this

Spa sells you a service, the experience of being in the spa along the bother of everyone doing the stupid shit for you.

A first class plane ticket sells you the experience plus the chance to network with people of the required status..

A golden diamond studded toilet is useless to anyone but the fuck who wanted it in the first place. worthless in the sense the work put into it to shape it doesn't contribute to the material that composes it. See Zimbabwean dollar.

when you've gone so far with your minimalistic design, ease of use and aesthetic that you've made a literal toy for children and people are still going to give you 150 bucks for this shit

I'm just saying that luxury doesn't make sense in a typical cost/benefit analysis,

They just wanted to make a cool toy. It is a little pricey though

looks kinda like the teenage engineering synth modules
probably only popular with indie game developer people
limited production hopefully,
not gunna take off. one round of games with a release schedule that takes a year.


What bothers me a lot:

It allready smells like something people with connections to video game journaliusts did.
It stinks like the people who made the cranker yanker are friends or buddies with people from IGn Gamespot or something like that.

Rather than asking question like :"Why would anybody buy this" or "Why not make a USB power cranker for the Switch" they are allready in defense mode saying some shit over artistic choices.
FUcking artistic choices from journalists who literally demand games to be changed becaus ethey dont like something in your game


Found the hipster fag
>It's not just shit. This shit is actuall from a surviving relative of Ann Frank. So I bought a strip of paper with some smeared on it for $15,000. What too poorfag to buy something so amazing? Heh

We're quirky (and we live in expensive as fuck area) so overpay through the ass for our gay ass trash. These fuckers are gonna laugh their way to the bank, probably costs all of 10 dollars to manufacture these things.

Wow, the poorfag cope is palpable.

This is what buyfags and mobile gamers actually believe.

It's a neat gadget, not a serious platform. I'm looking forward to getting one.

>Not wasting money means you're a poorfag.
I remember when my parents gave me an allowance too.
How many times do you need to mow the lawn for this toy, Little Billy?

I get it, user. I mean, I don't get why you are like this but I get what you are. Don't need to harp on it.

it's not meant to compete with mass market consoles, it's going for the techie nerdy audience who earn more money than they know what to with and waste it on funko pops and shit like that.

Always such terrible arguments when you fall back on "don't you guys have money?" You could get so many actually good portables for that price, such as a used new 3DS which would play a huge number of pro-made, fully developed, quality good games. This thing will get maybe one or two novelties and will barely be worth the material it's made from, I for one look forward to seeing them a year after release, flooding eBay for 15 bucks and free shipping.

It's a bit curious that they put a crank on there and never thought to make the console load battery through a dynamo or something. It would've at least justified the price a bit... not much.

>tfw not poor

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>2DS is considerably less
>comes with a game that will give you more playtime than this things entire library will
>can buy most of the virtual console games or just a single 3DS game along with the 2DS for the same price as this thing
>can get a PSP which is easily hacked and can play numerous games from multiple consoles and handhelds for free

Literally anything with rotation, pong, steering a ship, the possibilities are "endless"

Only good post in this thread

Ask your mom to find your family dictionary. Luxury doesn't mean "something this particular poorfag wants".

Should be $15 on aliexpress.

seething hipster

>why didn't nintendo think about using the mic hole in the 3ds for a wind turbine so you could charge it by blowing into it???

I live in SF, make $250,000 / yr, and plan to buy this thing. I like Panic; their other stuff like Coda helped a lot with my career.