He's been going at it for 15 years. What's your favorite AVGN episode?
He's been going at it for 15 years. What's your favorite AVGN episode?
Other urls found in this thread:
Action 52
Bible Games
Earthbound is what got me into the show, all the hullabaloo about the episode got me to check him out for the first time.
The bugs bunny double feature
I haven't seen a ton of his videos but the Ghostbusters one is GOAT.
I can't decide, i really like Pong Consoles, Nintendo Power and double vision but i have a soft spot for Zelda 2
The part in the power glove episode when Mario won't stop jumping and James's reaction kills me every time
Friday the 13th and plumbers don't wear ties are literal perfection.
From back when I followed him, Atari 5200. Haven't watched him in years
Sega CD and 32X.
>it's been 15 minutes, let's have this thread again.
I liked that nintendo world championships episode
Sword Quest
Screenwave AVGN is the definition of soulless
The Pepsiman episode was funny
When he got cucked.
>polybius in e tier
>earthbound in c tier
>ikari warriors not in s tier
i actually liked the re survivor episode a lot
>Gameboy accessories not in S tier
you had one job user
Season 6 is when it started to go downhill.
The first episode where you could see how fat mike matei got.
>tfw you realize avgn is a literal retard who attended special ed school and mike was behind all nerdkino
Excuse me friends but I do believe we JUST had a sticky regarding internet celebrities not being allowed on Yea Forums - Video games.
>start e-celeb thread
>no one loses their shit because its about AVGN
I don't know about my favourite, but Treasure Master is his worst
The one where he played avgn fan games
Why not just make an eceleb board? That way it stays out of everywhere else
the big brawl between the nerd and nostalgia critic was EPIC roflmao!
great thread guys
don't really have a favorite, but bible games 1 was my first time seeing him so i guess default to that
>*makes infinitely superior content and isn't an actual cuck like AVGN*
too based for Yea Forums
Die hard , it still makes me smile
I love his videos where he tackles a whole slew of things, Nintendo Power, accessories, consoles, Atari porn.
Sliver Surfer he’s so fucking mad in that episode I love it.
4 part Castlevania series
>in an open relationship
>not a cuck
Lmao. At least he cucked Ross.
>Hong Kong 97 in D
Dang your harsh. Good list though.
Dark Castle is probably the funniest one imo
Where this info comes from? The only place I found about this special ed story was on Reddit I can't access the page anymore. It says he went to special Ed for 7.5 years
Winter games. Overall very comfy atmosphere, especially due the DK ice cave chant.
Hong Kong 97
Reminder that they did not re-rupload the atari porn game in the season videos on his official channel, gotta find someone else that has it up.
There are actually a lot of videos that still have links on cinemassacre but are just dead or link to mike's shitty let's play channel.
64 bits
For purely personal reasons, Earthbound.
He tries to be angry, but just can't.
Maybe because back then when a kid said he wants to play “Ghostesses and Goblins” they think his brain is a little low
It feels like James is in the same fate as Doug Walker, aside from completely sperging out and burning every bridge. The new AVGN videos feel like little movies or skits, given more guest stars. It drags away from shitfuck humor and more creative humor. All James has to do is say fuck more; can't forget his roots.
All the slasher episodes
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm st.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
I know that it's literally part of his name, but I wish he'd stop with the fake anger thing already. AVGN was always at his best when he just talked about old video game information and pointed out its flaws. Even when I was a teenager watching him I never found the "poopy diarrhea horseshit" stuff funny, and I doubt many of the fanbase still do anyway. He's clearly getting too old to do the angry screaming, and the only time I can think of where it sounded genuine and funny was his reaction to that Batman game
He's more like the cynical video game nerd now. The last time he got really pissed was Bill and Ted
Little Red Hood, such a badly designed game. But honestly the Sword Quest episode is the first time I heard of that story and it was super interesting.
AVGN hasn't even come close to slipping away from what he did than Douge. He has always done skits anyway, especially in his horror episodes. James just doesn't seem to have the same amount of hubris Doug did, it's not like James killed off the nerd to start some other horribly unfunny series...
He mentions it here:
Spootubers are not spideo spames.
>15 years
I've never watched a single episode
Best plot twists ever
What was going through his head?
This one's cool because it's an owl and owls are cool
There is "cheating on your roastie girlfriend" cuck and "letting your wife kiss a black man in a theatrical release movie" level cuck. I think AVGN has him beat
>"Beaners. Hehehe. Beans. Beans make you fart."
>*fart noises*
Where is bernstain bears on this?
Male pattern baldness
>Friends = gamers
>Gamers = fat
>Fat = friends
Bible games was the first episode I watched and still remains my favourite
I can't say for sure what's my absolute favorite but Earthbound would easily be the best one in recent memory.
Game boy accessories was the best imo. Good balance of info and fun.
Pepsiman episode was kino as fuck too, I'd say it's my second favorite.
Just thinking about it makes me feel like having an anal evacuation
Male pattern baldness sucks. It'll probably happen to a lot of us in this thread
Why doesn't he just shave or wear a hat
>probably happen
LOL I have the same pattern on my head too.
Ninja gaiden ep
>You made your own hell playing shitty games
You can't get any more kino then this.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
32 bits
Where did his hair go? youtube.com
2/3rds of men go bald
1. Get the knife
2. Get the knife
3. Get the knife
Either Godzilla or NES Accessories.
Plumbers dont wear ties
Dick Tracy
Zoomer detected
Dick tracy is easily underrated
¿ʇi ʇǝפ
No I don't get it!
The female lead in his movie wasn't his wife.
He wants to take it right up the ass, Sucking dicks and licking some crack, He wants to have, A Juggalo, Stick an veiny clown cock in his rear, He’d rather eat, Your father’s asshole, Rollerskate around his town like a queer, He’s the gayest person not to push turd, He’s the Angry Virgin Gay Nerd
gameboy accessories, close second is the gliches one
off the top of my head the nintendo world champion and glitch gremlin episodes were pretty kino
16 bits
>wow, this VHS game sucks