How do we fix Pokemon?
How do we fix Pokemon?
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think about the aroma
go back to sprites
put effort into the games instead of shelling out watered down remakes for full price
Looks like me
Yea Forums people: How do we fix Pokemon?
Serious answer: fanservice. why hasn't nintendo done this? give us some bath scenes and upskirts and tight pants showing off curvy young underage b& asses. that would make me shovel money at pokemon.
You must be 18 years of age or older to post on 4channel.
you better have a fat cock and cute feet
well do you have cute feet and a fat cock or not, user
answer the question
You just saw this bro
Let it cool down first
I'm actually in bed in my phone
Make Sabrina the main character. Her being the main villain would also be acceptable.
A better version of Pokken
>dude just let me ERP in unrelated threads in peace, gosh
eat shit
>50th ERP/Fapbait thread in a designated video game discussion area
>"dude you're so antifun for not liking this"
I don't understand this fucking meme. What does it even mean?
whats with the samefaggotry in this thread
it reeks
Sure, but you have to keep her in the slutty miniskirt and tights.
I'll never forget my boner in the anime episode with sabrina
>tfw one of the few things that kickstarted by size fetish
Wtf, sabrina looks like THAT?
The only way to fix Pokemon is for people to stop buying the games, which will never ever happen. Pokemon is a smash hit and system seller no matter what, so there's no real incentive to put more effort into the mainline games and therefore raise the amount of resources needed to make them. And that would also raise everyone's expectations for the games to come so they can't ever revert back to the formula they used before. There's no incentive to make the games better if they still sell insanely well regardless of whether the games are absolutely incredible or just okay.
First: feet
Second: make that damn open world Pokémon game already. What better than to have an actual massive game where you can go to any region and do whatever you want?
I prefer post-edge phase Sabrina dressed in a cute outfit
It doesn't need fixing. No, whatever epic idea you have to change it is stupid. No, giving it to another company and making it an empty open world will not make a killer app.
Wow user here hitting us with some cold hard facts
Nobody fucking asked for changes to be made. It's actually being used wrong here.
Revert back to 2D. It's that easy.
How about you stop using EXP share and have your battle settings not on Switch you fucking casuals
pokemon mmo with outfit customisation when
Make it like ni no kino in art direction
Have all players live in a big hotel where everyone has their own rooms they can stylize and invite people over to check it out using a password key entry system in the overworld or have battles in it.
Let there be communal lobbies like the hotel pool, gym, kitchen, lobby ect where people can meet randoms and occasional visits of big hitter npcs
Those 2 alone would give huge postgame value
Put some pricks in the game.. real bully types
Make Albino and #2shiny variants of all Pokemon to fuck with shiny shutters
Make legendaries rare at to fuck with... Everyone
Give us post game content that isnt the mandatory battle tower, that's literally all they have to do
Yes because nearly everyone wants the games to change.
take it away from gamefreak
i think that the mario team should get a shot at directing a pokemon game, just to absolutely school gamefreak on how to design a game
Pokemon Palego but with actual trainers
Get rid of the autistic manchildren and softbois that plague the fanbase and turn it back into a kid's franchise.
Come back and tell me about game design when you can make a proper RPG with 18 types, 800+ monsters to balance and new things to offer
This is one of the reasons i can't wait for the future.. just to see what happens to gamefreak when nostalgia doesnt work for people anymore and the series tanks hard.
Or the number of Pokemon just gets too much
I don't know much about Game Freak besides that they made Drill Dozer and completely fucked up development on Gen 2, but the amount of FPS dips in the 3DS games make me feel like they probably shouldn't be in charge of making the main product of the highest grossing media franchise in the world.
Seconding a return to sprites.
Have a Showdown-esque multiplayer and team editor so players can at least attempt getting into competitive MP without grinding literal hours with BS RNG catching and breeding mechanics.
She probably did for a lot of people. And yet she barely has any art for it.
Make it an h-game.
Thanks yo Hyper Training you can now take any pokemon you catch into competitive level, granted it has the right nature.
>gave lots of people size fetish
>yet no art
then it clearly did not have said effect
I just want more interaction between anons or friends.. all we got currently is
>Trade in pkmn box with user
>Battle in generic area with user
>Anons clothes are slightly different to yours
I want to visit anons house... I want to learn about anons tastes.. I want to go on an adventure or play minigames with user.. I want to send user a luvdisc card on v day
Let Monolith Soft do a Xenoblade-like spinoff.
Imagine actually being a fat sweaty neckbeard that wants to ERP in a fucking video game thread with another degenerate and play pretend
Good christ you fuckers are sad
user pls this is all I have
and the right ability... and the right egg moves, etc
Like, how about just some drop-down boxes, please?
Good spin-offs aren't allowed anymore, they make the main series look too bad in comparison.
>right ability
Ability Capsule
>Egg moves
Most of OU is current gen legendaries and Megas have a abilities so you really can get far with like 6 gold bottle caps and some pokemon with the Synchronize ability.
>can start in any major town of that region, usually housing a gym.
>starters are based on your town, the gen's big 3 are in the default town that has no gym. The other starts are just region-common starters like ice in ice areas, water in water areas with some variations like normal, rock etc for diversity in starting positions
>gym progression is non-linear, but every badge "upgrades" the worlds average level and level-locks areas you've been to.
Those two would be a huge change, just take out the Team NEW shit out so the story doesn't railroad and bog down the game.
I would also either have gyms limit how many Pokemon you the player can carry, or give more trainers more pokemon. Trainers 10 hours into any of the games still have maybe 2 at most is ridiculous
Okay cool so add however many hours of Battle Tower grinding you have to do to get enough Tower Points for the capsule every time you need to use one, also odds are that's the most expensive item at the bottom of the list.
How to fox pokémon: fox the models,made it difficult as Black2White2. Not so much.
Fix /vp/: Gas the furrys and the retards who treat male and genderless pokémon as "she".
There. It wasn't that hard.
yeah why wasn't nobody done anything like that wtf
Oh fuck Natsume I'm cumming! I can't hol--uuuuureeeeeeeeinnnnnnnnnnnnnnghhhh
Jesus Christ, I am just giving you examples to use competitively a pokemon you catch OFF THE WILD. Breed a little, like christ things cannot be easier these days
>Weights ensure 31 IVs on a specific stat
>Destiny Knot ensures 4 or 5 IVs from a parent is passed down
>Ever Stone ensures Nature is passed down
Like earn it a little, my dude. Worst comes to worst just use Custom Firmware and edit the save, no one will know.
Point and laugh at these ideas guys.
Find some of your own 'effort' and apply to gamefreak. Or make your own game. Using 'there's no effort' is not criticism because effort is a blanket term. You're simply not contributing to the conversation.
>B-but le jew company
Games a commodity. Pay whatever they tell you to or don't buy it.
I've never seen a community that consistently buys/plays the games they KNOW will make them seethe. Have sex.
the story of user v 1.2
he wants to jerk off in Yea Forums instead of the 10 different porn boards
I'm the last guy you quoted and none of what you said relates to what I said
Fuck off with this zoomer Facebook meme you fucking underage faggot
Make all the Pokegirls barefoot like Maylene.