>the joke character ends up being the best written and one of the most powerful in the game
What other games do this?
The joke character ends up being the best written and one of the most powerful in the game
Other urls found in this thread:
picture unrelated
he's the only good character in Persona 3
>best written
>most powerful
not when aigis, (you), and akihiko exist
"one of"
Junpei's not a joke character.
P5 cast > P3 cast > P4 cast
prove me wrong
only being stronger than a dog and a fifth grader and three girls with more support based skills isn't that impressive
P5 cast is the absolute worst
Nice meme.
How the hell is Junpei a joke character?
The closest thing P3 has to one is the dog
>best written
>wow school is shit but super power are cool
>i'm in love now so school isn't so bad
Also the joke character is the dog.
>best written
This isn't saying much at all. Stupei gets character development as opposed to none like most of the other cast, but that doesn't mean his writing is good or his character is engaging. The only real good moment he gets is in the fucking Answer and that's mostly because every other character goes full retard
OP is right though
what makes you think Junpei is a joke character
He's definitely better than Akihiko thanks to well of life
P3 cast > P4 cast > P5 cast
Legitimately though like 3 or 4 of p5's cast carry the rest if the other members on their back. P4 has Naoto so that's why it exceeds 5's
P3>P5>Power gap>P4
But the P4 cast exists, user?
4 does it since pretty much every character is prime bildungsroman kino
3 does it, but suffers due to large holes in pacing
Seriously though, avoid 5 if you like well written characters.
Wait, I was told Junpei wasn't that good and the Akihiko, Mitsuru, and some fifth grader were the best party setup. I'm currently playing on hard mode in July.
the party can be pretty flexible but I always thought
aigis(all ally buffs), akihiko (good damage and buffs), and yukari(all ally heals) was agreed as the best team
Ah, okay. Thanks for the heads up. One more thing, if I've maxed out both my courage and charm, is there anything left to do during the nights when quiz game isn't available?
I don't remember how good he is ingame, but in-lore he's practically invincible unless you can instantly kill him, since he can regenerate from injuries in seconds.
P4G is the best Persona game, with the best cast.
Not OP but he is the comedic relief, which makes his character development surprisingly satisfying.
I wonder who could be behind this post
>p4fag dislikes p3 and p5 cast
yukari is the best one, the answer made her even better
>Best game
I can see that
>Best cast
Objectively false. P3>P2>P5>P1>>>>>>>shit>P4.
>sorry man
>sorry man
the game is piss easy aside from that one table so it doesn't really matter what party you choose nerd
Name three funny scenes with Junpei.
Operation Babe Hunt
Sneaking in the hot springs
Pic unrelated.
Real answer: Planescape: Torment.
Neither is funny.
>p5 was my first persona game!
Reading comprehension.
>a joke character
The only joke characters are Kenji and the Moon S.Link fatass who I forget. Occasionally doing something funny doesn't make you a joke character.
Aigis a cute
Where's the lie? Morte is a joke character and one of the most powerful ones.
You have absolutely shit taste, you probably liked that annoying faggot yosuke
>mary sue wish fulfilment robot who the director admits was forced into the game after the story had already been written
Every character in P3 is better than every character from P4 and P5.
Yosuke was funnier for the sole fact of being a whiny bitch all the time
read next time
He didn't say Aigis was well-written. Stupeifags confirmed illiterates
>mary sue
Personafags love using this term
he's pure cancer I just want to jump on his head the full game. 'partner!' fucking fag
>I just want to jump on his head the full game
What the fuck
P3fags are cancer too, you should relate to him. Also what the fuck is going on with Ken in that pic
>Pic unrelated
Read the OP again.
I genuinely fucking hate him, he irks me every time I play P4, good thing in my opinion P4 is the weakest of the main 3 and the one I play least. Kanji was the real bro in that game.
well if you count everyone yes, he is "one of"
Kanji is a literal fag
He literally isn't but that wouldn't really bother me anyway because he acts like a bro, if all fags acted like Kanji the world would be a better place.
>He literally isn't
Okay, Kanji
>didn't understand the basic concept of shadows
Also it's blatantly more obvious that Kanjis shadow isnt what he is, he doesn't accept it as part of his personality he literally punches his shadow and knocks it out
no he's not you dumb retard
Absolute retards with no unserstanding of humor or social situations.
Even the first time he introduces himself and says 'see what a nice guy i am' etc is supposed to be funny. The ghost story he tells, tartarus sounds like toothpaste. He is the best character in the game no doubt and is DA MAN but is also the comedic relief character at the same time. For obvious reasons after a certain point in the story he becomes sad, matures and is never the same again.
>>didn't understand the basic concept of shadows
It's their hidden feelings. Plain and simple.
>he doesn't accept it as part of his personality
Yes, that's what shadows are, retard
> he literally punches his shadow and knocks it out
He also says "I'm you, and you're me, dammit"
Shadows arent their hidden feelings its not simple. Shadows are an intentionally humiliating, over exaggerated elements of your personality. Kanji was treated poorly by women for enjoying things men dont usually like doing, he was alienated and had bi-curious thoughts, this manifested as an over the top gay character which is not him at all. He even spends the rest of the game still saying that he isnt gay and he shows interest in Chie and Yukiko and Naoto so I don't know what more evidence you need.
>bi-curious thoughts
Instantly a fag
>which is not him at all
Yes it is
>He even spends the rest of the game still saying that he isnt gay
Exactly what a faggot would do
>hows interest in Chie and Yukiko
He never does
>and Naoto
The one that looks and acts like a boy, yes
You obviously haven't played the game in years if you don't remember him showing interest in Chie and Yukiko.
t. Yosuke
When does it happen?
he's not gay, he mostly just feels insecure about his lack of masculinity, his shadow is what he's afraid of becoming.
Serious mental gymnastics here
t. never actually played the fucking game
This nosebleed was from Chie's implied kick to his face when he invaded their tents. I'm pretty sure that was the joke
>p4 fags think kanji is gay
>And it's the best in the series
LOL, imagine being this wrong.
How would I remember this then?
>Nosebleeds lasting that long
He didn't break his fucking nose, retard
I'm not even a P4 fag
It's fiction. They can do whatever fucking joke they want
that was just a statement in general. For once op is cool
By watching some shitty youtuber play the game or something? He didn't have his nose broken, so why would he have a nosebleed lasting 8 fucking hours?
t. OP. Stupei is basic and even his taste for women suck
>By watching some shitty youtuber play
Whatever makes you sleep at night. I just knew that would be your "argument"
> 8 fucking hours
They stayed up until much later and woke up early. King Moron was already puking in the waterfall
No you're just a fucking idiot, nosebleeds happen in Japanese media when a person is really attracted to someone
Him being gay is probably why they like the game. When you point out that he's not gay and Naoto realises it was childish to want to be a transgender they freak out.
No shit, retard. I'm saying that was the joke. Her kick caused the nosebleed, but Yukiko thought he was being a perv
Yukari and maybe Mitsuru are better and we can't compare power levels
That wasn't the joke though and it's very ironic that you're the one calling me a retard when you think that
At least our only argument in this thread is not "We love this comic relief because he's as retarded as we are"
>and it's very ironic that you're the one calling me a retard when you think that
>Argument is literally "no u"
P3fags, everybody
You're a fucking retard that is making no sense but I think you already know that and you're just trying to be ironically dumb now
>very ironic that you're the one calling me a retard
>you're a fucking retard
>Uses the same argument over and over. No wonder you like joke characters like Junpei
Keep saying retarded shit and keep getting called a retard, I don't know what to tell you. Crying that you're not a retard isn't convincing me.
The shit flinging in this thread is hilarious
When every game in your series has a different cast and setting you divide your own fanbase.
It's what happens when your whole series is shit. Know how to make them all come together? Say you're a SMTfag and start insulting Persona
>say you're an STM fag
Then you just get laughed right out of the thread, is SMTV even happening anymore? It's clear they only care about Persona now which makes sense because they dwarf SMT sales.
suck my vorpal blade
>Literally proves his point
Wow, it's true. Personafags ARE absolute braindead morons
>state what actually happens in thread
>asks a normal question
Why did this cause you to have a mental meltdown?I take it it is cancelled then?
He literally asks if yukiko came out too when he first goes into the tv
Even if it is, SMT will always be more challenging have better story
>someone says SMT in a persona thread
Da heck. P4 cast had the most synergy.
Bertrand in Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 is great
It had the most shallow synergy. Can you really say how Naoto or Rise had synergy with the rest of the cast?
Sahz from FF13. The greatest black father in all of fiction.
Although my head canon was Hope was the joke character.
>This whole thread
>mfw I love the whole Megaten franchise
>Not a single game I don't like
>SMTfags and Personafags won't stop flinging shit at each other and themselves
>This shit every day
I fucking despise this fandom. You are literally worse than Pokéfags and Zeldafags
Play Golden. Have Sex.
Most of the shitflinging is from nonfans who are mad Persona 5 is popular, and/or portbegging.
>joke character
What now?
sojiro alone is better than the entire cast of p3.
I love Fuuka!
She's useless. Rise and Futaba are better.
I recently played the whole series for the first time. It might just be because the rest of the game was so shit by comparison but he’s unironically my second most favorite character in the entire fucking series.
I love the idea of a guy who isn’t along for the hero’s ride more than he is being dragged along it by pure chance and who is flawed but understandably so because all he wants is to save his son which blinds him into making shortsighted decisions sometimes.
Now that I think on it damn near every black character in Final Fantasy has boatloads of humanity.
kill yourself literal faggot. never talk to fuukaposter like that ever again
>Most of the shitflinging
But most of them come from P3/P4fags
every fucking thread
Holy fuck you are seething and autistic, you must really be worried about the future of your series to vent to me
The characters had some real potential in this game. As did the ticking clock premise.
I'm still mad they fucked it up.
This scene is cool in a vaccum though.
Junpei is better than Akihiko in nearly every way.
Akihiko's best use is as a debuffbot in speedruns; his phys skills aren't as versatile or as strong as Junpei's and his magic is only mediocre compared to anyone not named Junpei. He can self-heal with Diarahan, but Junpei passively heals with Spring of Life. He can spot heal others, but doing so means he's not doing damage or debuffing, and other characters are better made for healing. He can shock but it's unreliable compared to Thunder Reign.
Junpei and Aigis are a lot more comparable, both of them with a few benefits over the other. Personal preference has toaster > da man, but an argument can be made for either, and both of them are in the top 3.
Comedic relief != stand up comic. He is the buttmonkey, the Stupei Ace Defective, the Operation Babe Watch, the guy who thinks Tartarus is toothpaste. He's not meant to be taken seriously because he's usually not being serious.
He tries to lighten the mood because he realizes that, like him, most people have shitty lives, shitty work, shitty parents, etc. and sometimes just want some idiot they can laugh at or insult and forget about everything for a minute.
And his growth is all the better because of it, as he balances both making people happier, and taking things seriously. He goes from wanting to be this important person in everybody's life who makes them happy and gets respected because of it, to wanting to help other people and make them happy because it's the right thing to do.
Not really, or at least not people who actually played 3 and 4 when they were released. If these people did play 3 and 4 then it's emulated, a decade after they were released, and the only reason they're shitting on 5 is for portbegging reasons. These people are also likely to claim Golden ruined 4.
Feels bad
I remember when the game started I didn't think much of him, I thought he was going to be the joke character that basically got fucked over by everyone and acted stupid and followed Lightning wherever she went, but he was totally the opposite.
Hell, when Lightning fucks off in Chapter 4, he's just like "Fuck this, let's do the opposite of her and go south" and then they end up the Nautilus and that's my favourite part of the game. Hell, his entire arc is great. I loved how he sacrificed himself for his son, attempting to do his focus for him without even knowing what the fuck it is.
I loved his battle animations as well, dude just dances and twirls around and shit, kinda like a black Dante. I've yet to play the sequels, but I hear he has to gamble his way of out something in the 2, and is like over 500 in Returns.
>my second most favorite character in the entire fucking series.
Who's your favourite overall?
Golden is dogshit fanfiction with awful pacing and cringe writing by a completely different team. P4 vanilla will always be superior. Only people who disagree are zoomers who never played vanilla and cant see the obvious tone shift that ruins the full game.
>If these people did play 3 and 4 then it's emulated
No excuse. I emulated them and I think they're both great
i love this cope, kanji is obviously a gigantic faggot
his character arc is literally 'homosexual masculine overcompensation', which is a gay trope that has existed since the first dick went into the first ass
ask yourself, what sort of '''''''''''straight'''''''''' man's inner psyche is a gay bath house?
checkmate, retards
persona 4 is shit and junpei is still best boy
If Atlus stopped making them, we could stop as well.
>They still have no synergy
Thanks for proving my point, seething portbegger.
is this image supposed to look like a butt when rotated 90 degrees or do I just need to have sex?
it's going to be amazing to see how Yea Forums's opinion on p4g changes as soon as there's a vita emulator that can run it.
I thought his confusion was because he thought Naoto was a hot piece of ass and at the time he thought she was a dude?
But the japs think gay comedy is the funniest thing in the world they just kept implying he was gay despite it not really being the case?
I need to replay it, the shadow selves aren't super consistent from what I remember.
Hell isn't it even implied at one point that the collective consiousness's opinions on them also helped to shape their shadows?
Second half of 7 with Shinra fighting weapons and actually winning against some of them had some serious Imperial Guard Vs Chaos vibes. The thought of godlike beings being made humble by just regular shmucks and many many bullets has always appealed to me. Also going out like a champ instead of trying to run like a bitch from that one weapon’s attack like his father probably would have done was neat.
I wanted to hear your opinion about Golden not about your sexlife
>This thread
I-I love Aigis?
t. gaijin
Bathhouses aren't symbols of homosexuality in Japan. Kanji acts hypermasculine because he doesn't want to get picked on for liking feminine stuff like sewing, painting, and textiles. He acts like a thug because thugs don't get bullied, and he wasn't smart enough to think of anyone else who straight up doesn't get bullied.
>Hell isn't it even implied at one point that the collective consiousness's opinions on them also helped to shape their shadows?
That's exactly what it is. Kanji's afraid of being perceived as a flaming effeminate homo just because he likes cute things, so he overcompensates. Just like how Naoto's afraid of being perceived as a whiny child, Mitsuo's afraid of being perceived as nothing, Rise's afraid of being perceived as nothing more than walking sex appeal, and so on.
Honestly you have to be a massive faggot to like those things. There are thousands of insecure faggots who act overly-manly to hide their fagness
It's going to get even worse when SMTV comes out.
>Just like how Naoto's afraid of being perceived as a whiny child
I genuinly thought that the "transformation" was going to being turned into an adult. Most of the dialogue from before that implied that people didn't take her seriously because she was a kid rather than a girl.
I just thought the fact that she looked like a girl but called herself a boy was an anime thing like that kid in Tales of the Abyss.
Wanting to be a man in order to be taken seriously would make waaay more sense if she was an adult.
It was both. Like she said, if her age was the only problem then it would've simply gone away with time. The public image of the cool detective is pretty much exclusively male, including all the fictional detectives she wanted to emulate as a kid, and part of her thought she had to be that in order to be taken seriously as a detective.
its the fucking yucatan you stupid mutt
Pic is unrelated because he's not a joke character you dense cunts
You just never played the original did you? Uninformed retard, I've played P4G, I sold my vita afterwards because it was cancerous fan fiction
It helped give some actual foreshadowing to Izanami's existence.
cope, if you want to fuck someone you think is a dude then you are a fag, PERIOD
if a tranny that looks like a girl tricks a straight man and then gets his head bashed in as soon as he pulls the cock out, that's not evidence that the guy he tricked was 'gay all along, because he was attracted to a man from the start'
t. never visited japan
yes, traditional bathhouses are part of japan's cultural heritage, but i assure you that the association between fags and bathhouses IS known over there and actual gay bathhouses are common (perhaps more common than the traditional onsen)