>decides to use videos of real girls in your game
>chooses the most horrendous ones
What were they thinking?
Decides to use videos of real girls in your game
Other urls found in this thread:
she looks better in motion imo
The ones in the posters are way better.
Looks to me like they did a good job.
I want to marry a nip and produce dozens of cute half-breed abominations.
inb4 muh anri
>What were they thinking?
money, dummy
Stop bullying my alien wife!
Is this a safe game to play with my imouto?
on a second note, she still looks like an abomination, even with that much make-up and surgeries
why are asians so fucking ugly?
Is asuka kirara in that game?
>Hating Based Hikaru
Reminds me of Street Racing Syndicate where all the girlfriends are random girls they picked up, 90% of them have C-Sections
This guy and the and the guy who obsessively calls asians down syndrome race show up in like every thread that's amazing.
They wanted the Pepsi Man crowd.
That's a drop in the ocean compared to your decade long autistic spam of yellow fever threads.
>this same exact copypasted post every time you get called out on your autism
>replying to your own post
>projecting a boogeyman
have you talked to your parents' therapist about your insecurities yet?
Asian women are so visually repulsive.
Sounds like you're trying to project something onto me.
I'm sure you should be saying that to anyone when this is your post history.
Seething roastie
You posted this in another thread too, WCK. What is it supposed to convey?
What form of autism and mental gymnastics do you have?
So this faggot with yellow fever has been spamming yellow fever threads for years and he's making a collage of posts making fun of him and his bug fetish. And he's calling others autistic? Lol.
can you at least tell me why you do it? I just want to know the underlying goal here to make sense of it all.
truly good looking girls would put them over budget
>Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel Incel
Jesus, you got any other insult?
jesus christ
This guy's acting is underrated, why he hasn't gotten his own show is truly maddening.
Because the camgirl shit is meant to be a joke since Kiryu types the most hilarious nonsense?
Are you fucking gay?
>this is what Yea Forums considers attractive
She seems to be suffering some kind of allergic reaction.
but you are still seething roastie.
Not even a hole. I just don't like insect "people".
I'm not the one spamming yellow fever threads. Not sure what to tell you other than that WCK (aka you) has an tremendous amount of autism that can only be compared with the likes of ACK and Barneyfag.
Damned straight we do
yeah she all right.
I've seen way better but if she were on my block I'd hit it up 100%
she's better than the average roastie, that's for sure.
>No mention of incel
>crying over it
seems it struck a nerve and you are one.
WCK? Memes aside, just tell me why you do it. It's not a big deal, I want to know the background of what started all this mess. Care to give some insight my dude?
>ongoing raid
for how long? 10 years?
Jesus christ this is pure autism. How is yellow fever not a mental disorder
Race mixers and their mongrelized spawn will eat bullets when the day is right
Really puts this whole thread into perspective.
>>No mention of incel
look at your posts here
Do you realize how many people we have on this website who post pictures of women (usually anime) over and over again? We have so many autistic posters who do this.
>No mention of incel
WCK is a name given to you by people. I believe it stands for "weebcel-kun". Do you like your new name?
He's made over six yellow fever threads in the LAST hour too.
Look at the fucking image you dribbling retard
Nice self projection, WCK.
C'mon this board is anonymous. Just tell me what the point of the spam is whenever an asian woman is posted. What about OPs image compelled all this?
who is this semen demon?
>if you don't have yellow fever like me, then you're one person :((( REEEE
kill yourself
me in the back
Yeah this board is anonymous but you stand out from the rest of us because you use the same words, same meme pictures and you have a special type of autism. It checks out, WCK.
Prove him wrong, its quite easy
Why did you make six yellow fever threads on Yea Forums in the last hour?
I think a lot of user's would be much happier in their lives if they had cute, supportive, upbeat asian girlfriends to help them out of their mental ruts and learn to enjoy life.
Its not too late, and don't let anyone on the site convince you otherwise.
The burden of proof is on you, samefag.
I haven't made a single thread today. I'm just observing. What about OPs image compelled all this?
>you use the same words, same meme pictures and you have a special type of autism
>literally projecting exactly what you are doing
>same words
>same pictures
>same autistic poster
How does it feel to be a kissless virgin despite having an obsession with bugs, WCK?
>I haven't made a single thread today
Of course you would deny it.
No its not, get a cap of that post and prove its not you, unless its really you and your a huge faggot
He's not spamming yellow fever threads though. That's what you are doing.
Look at this assblasted yellow fever faggot.
I think it's pretty obvious
This guy clearly likes posting this shit over and over. Here he his repeating his new insult repeatedly because he likes saying it to people.
are you gonna dance around what I asked all day? Just tell me in your own words, What about OPs image compelled all this?