Lobotomy Corp

Shit, you guys weren't joking about this chick. I picked her because I wanted a challenge, but this is just ridiculous. I have to baby her or she flips the fuck out and kills everybody.
Should I just warp back in time and choose someone else, or should I suffer through this? I feel like if I had more HE weapons than just Laetitia's I might have a better chance...
Is day 13 too early for Magic Girl duty?

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Other urls found in this thread:


suffer trhu her. once you get her kinks she will do you good

shes not challenging at all. and she will attempt to protect the facility later on

Is the falseflagger gone?

should I be having trouble with dusk ordeals at day 21?

How much WAW or ALEPH gear do you have?

4sets of WAW

Which waw's user?

Try it. Crimson dusk is pretty easy and you need to experience Amber dusk to get a hang of it anyway.
End the day before green Dusk happens.

Depends on agents and ego
Who and what do you have

You might lose a couple people but it should be doable with that

Do you love your city, anons?

Literally nobody:
Yea Forums people: Let's discuss some pedophile games noone played
I don't even...

Return from whence you came.

Why is the artstyle so absolutely hideous?

Game is made by chinks

What do you mean pedophile
You must return to your jail cell pedophile scum

Quick, easiest way to cheese whitenight to get his weapon while losing as little ego gear as possible, lives don't matter because I'll be memory repoing anyway, I just wanna keep my gear. Does putting the chosen one in We Can Change Anything and then spamming little red with the infinite energy you get work?

I don't know why you consider it hideous, but the minimalist art style actually has an explanation in the story.

Attached: sticker (29).png (252x224, 14K)

You keep gear from dead folks if you suppress Binah's core.

What does
even mean?
is this some new stupid nigger meme or something?

Some people just can't handle the chibi.
I personally like the style.

Attached: 1558028555411.png (341x448, 56K)

Stop feed the trolls.

Ignore him, he's a shitposter.
Its the absolute normiest of normie twitter meme. Typically used by the kind of people who put their pronouns in their bio.

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would you recommend waiting that long? I'm also trying to do apocalypse bird this run, but I've only got four sets of aleph gear, how fucked am I?

Pedophiles fuck off from my site

might be best to just farm gears at this point. just focus on supressing things until binah then you are set for life

Threadly reminder to read the instruction manual.

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One Sin, please deliver us from these Tumblr asshats

Apocalypse birb isn't that bad, actually, so you should do him first and hold off on WN until you can suppress Binah's core if you REALLY care about gear
But honestly, worrying about losing gear shouldn't be too big a problem for you at this stage. Just always take Alephs ASAP on your repos and get a stock of their boxes so you can just rebuy their gear from the preparation menu when you need it.

theoretically you can solo him as long as you have a source of healing (e.g. Mimicry weapon) and can avoid/not die to his Pale waves, so you could take everyone's ego gear off and send one brave employee to whittle him down, then mem repo. just don't get grabbed by the Apostles in his room, it's an instant kill if it connects.

thread theme: its a very expensive kindergarden for the sexually insane

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I think it's evolution of hold my beer one but changed to represent someone doing it for no reason
At least that's what I figured from youtube comments

>week 22
>this happens

uhhHHHH I don't really know much about this game but am I fucked

Attached: help.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

So why does she transform after certain amount of deaths anyway?

>in central

Don't work on it, ever; if she gets a meltdown and you absolutely have to send your beefiest guy with the strongest armor you have on repression duty and hope for the best

This game can use way more hotkeys

Because she's a good girl who really cares.

Melting Love without having execution bullets is basically impossible to manage, especially on Central
Memory reposit

if you have to ask the answer is always yes

redpill me on this game, does it even have any gameplay?

>entire purpose is to stop evil
>wait there's no evil, everyone is fine
>tfw no reason to exist
Then she turns into a fucking snake and kills some people so she can justify her continued existence.

DESU if you plan on getting far in this playthrough I would reset to memory repository on this one. Try to get the gear from O-06-20 before you reset though, should be doable if you have someone with good stats.

ok im gonna memory back a few days and never pick that shit again

Fuck you racist. Gooks and chinks are a different breed of insectoids. Gooks are subbreed of nips not chinks. if they were subspecies of chinks, they wouldn't suck so much

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Its a management sim where you manage skips for energy and watch your poor employees die in many horrible ways.

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imagine the sims, scp foundation and a very shitty VN about orgasm denial had a orgy.

you get mostly puzzles and missions. theres grinding too

No user
It's literally Undertale tier

no way, fag, deal with your consequences and THEN repository back if you still can't take it


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I think he understands that but is wondering why too much evil also causes her to go hysteric

Go back toreddit. so I can downvote you

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yeah i suppose it's best to see if i can get observation level 4 at least before I reset. do i need to complete the day for the progress to save?

>VN about orgasm denial

Stop feeding the shitposter (You)s! Post some cute abnos or boxes instead!

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Is there a reason abnormalities randomly decide to go retarded?

I never had a problem, I threw a memory repository, and the beehive keeps randomly breaching despite me never touching it and it not having any triggers for it outside fucking up.

Not being triggered by fetuses or shelter either.

Nope, you can memory repository straight from the esc menu. Remember that you'll lose gear if anyone died that day.

you heard me

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have sex

completely research them
theres really always a reason unless you got a abno or tool that makes them breach
like a certain shelter, some clowns or i think a heart?

I wonder why shitposter-chan decided to descend on this thread.
You'd think he'd get more mileage out of one of the bigger name games.

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The only explanations are that you're ignoring meltdowns on it, clowns/purple dawn are fucking your shit, or there's another abnormality ruining it(flesh idol, CoG, etc.)

Do you have panicking employees and/or clowns?

I have it researched, shouldn't have any remote triggers. Only abnormality I have that triggers things is shelter, and that would cause more issues than just that.
Would meltdown always work in 3s? I noticed ever since I repo'd I've only been seeing 2 at a time while I used to see 3, did it bug or something?

it's not so bad if slime is in the lower room

What the fuck is the deal with dream of a black swan, I've fully researched it but I don't understand, what does it even do and why is it a WAW?

abort yourself

>what does it even do and why is it a WAW?
why don't you let the counter hit zero user :^)

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if i remember it can cause employees to die permanently trhu sleep on case of failures

and he can indeed stop the whole department so theres that

Wait what?

HOLY FUCK who designed nesting fuck
It's quite literally just playing russian roulette but instead of a single guy, you risk an entire department+more

Child of the Galaxy.

Was that a qlippoth meltdown? I thought I heard a qlippoth meltdown.

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that's Void Dream, the one that user mentioned is different

Maybe he just wants to see some cute abnos but is too shy to ask!
Or maybe he's just a faggot!

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Yeah, he causes breaches?

bought this shit today and my menu looks like this
how do i fix this shit, i thought it was a language setting but everything is set to english/USA already

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Anyone have a link to the employee picture creator?
Also image spoiled for CENSORED's true form.

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CoG is yandere, if you care about other abno he will do some weird shit

I've literally never even had it go off, shit should be a HE at best, are you sending in an already injured retard who's getting half the boxes messed up?

Retard question: Do you guys have any tips on Hod's suppression? I currently have CENSORED and the Mountain in my facility, I can manage them fine with my lvl 5 employees. I also have We Can Change Anything.
Do I just get rid of low level employees for this suppression since after their stats fall even lower they panic at Ordeals.
I have already done Malkuth and Yesod suppressions.

wow so hard

Bro its in the options menu when you start the game...

>everyone on Yea Forums convinced me to get this bitch
>constantly freaks out and murders everyone
fuck you guys

You only need to get energy and meltdown level
Nothing says that things need to be suppressed

A waifu needs plenty of attention and care, user.

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How do people have problems with QoH
You only have yourself to blame if you let second trumpet happen

>he got pranked

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also consider simply not fielding the shitters if you know they will be killed
you can literally store them for tomorrow

Just kill clerks lmao

She's really only a problem if you get her really early on, like day 12/13ish, before you have a few temperance Vs and lots of HE/WAH gear.

Thank you.

Alright so in the story, an employee with a completely impenetrable blindfold stared directly at schadenfreude and didn't anger it. If the corporation gave him the CENSORED treatment, would he become harmless?

>field three or less employees in each department
Heh, super easy. I don't even have enough employees for more than two in each department.

why is v suddenly talking about this game

Schadenfreude's form is way more realistic than pretty much anything else in the game, so I feel like he interferes with the perception filter somehow.

That's what I thought, thank you

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i know it's so hard to set the default language to english when you sell your game on an english storefront.
not sure why i expected anything else from gooks

go on..

They must have assumed their customers would have a minimum IQ of 80.

>he thinks korea cares about EOP sales

Actually that's a really interesting point, his photorealism could very well related to some odd interaction with the filter. I wonder why heavenbro doesn't have something similar

Just drape a blanket over it

You also dont anger censored by looking at it so someone with enough sanity could put the filter
good luck putting someone on that duty with schaden

I hadn't seen any of these threads for awhile and was worried some stupid faggot had gotten them sent to general hell. Feel pretty relieved now.

Don't jinx it asshole.

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Fairy Festival is dummy thicc

Not for lack of trying, unfortunately.

Is there any way to deal with Whitenight on like day 11 or should I just restart? Even someone with maxed prudence insta-panics when i send them to work.

I understand not checking tutorial or option menu first user, but people usually at least hover over all options in main menu

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How do you go from this

Attached: 1556769253770.png (1400x1500, 1.09M)

How the fuck do you get white night on day 11? You only have 3 fucking departments, did you just send literally everyone to get blessed despite the giant fucking red flags? Either that or you're on your second playthrough so you should have suppressed Hod and have excellent agents and gear

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>fat as fuck
>throws an autistic fit when you take away her food
>the benefits of intersacting with her are so small you might as well never do so
Bros, I think she's /ourgirl/

Go back to fortnite or whatever game of the month is being shilled right now reddit cancer

These awful nigger memes get worse and worse. Take that and smoke it.

We've tried to get rid of SJWs but they keep coming back.

I reset my first playthrough where I did in fact manage to transform the doctor and end the day.

if he flips just send 12th dude to one sin
for everything else im not quite sure why you picked him again if you knew the issue he is

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Apparently there's another LoR teaser on project moon's twitter, with this image and some text. The auto-translate was gibberish, google translate was slightly better.

"What the hell did he do?"
"I did something unforgivable. Like the old me."
"I do not know what else, but I know one thing for sure... The Library and the Librarian are tightly knotted."
Can't really verify for accuracy, anyone here know gook?

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lmao did Angela steal carmen as well

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I try to stay away from the wiki, so I picked him out of a pool of unknowns and was more asking if it was even worth the effort.

>managed to finally supress Hod. Even was my first one.
>despite memory leaks, glitches, and crashes
>only had to click through the end of the day story stuff blind because of a black screen and had to pray the game wouldn't crash before saving

What a rush.
I don't think I'll be able to go much further than this, but at least it was fun.

Ticket please!

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>"I did something unforgivable. Like the old me."
Wonder whonthis>"I did something unforgivable. Like the old me."
Damnit this could be basically every single character in the first game talking

Reminders that cleaners like cute and funny things

Attached: walkinthepark.png (1912x360, 92K)

Oh wow I fucked that post up hard

Read the thread, there was a semi-solution for the leaks
I'll tell a leak story of mine I guess
>trying to do gebura's midnight mission
>everything goes ok for a while till apple just suddenly breaks out because of course it does, I dont even notice it for a while
>suppress the asshole
>ROLLINROLLINROLLINROLLIN ordeal happens, think I have already murdered all the clerks
>one clown manages to ninja out but doesnt release anyone, just lowers by 1
>oh wait
>oh fuck
>some clerk died or something
>army in black is out
>oh good god
>one department gets nuked, game begins to run slower
>actually no clerks left now so QoH manages to go to 1 next time but it's the midnight, who cares
>it's the laser one
>can't even move my guys to elevators at that speed
>hardly do it
>call rabbits because I lost many and was generally less well geared than I thought so
>game crashes

It's either Angela or A, our fixer MC doesn't seem to have a dark past(beyond being a fixer) and the Sephirah mostly got over their issues in their suppressions.

Rough attempt:
>'그 녀석은 대체 무슨 짓을 저질렀던 거야.'
'What the hell did he do back then'
('He' is actually gender neutral here. Not in a tumbler way obviously, as in ambiguous)
>' …용서받지 못할 일을 했죠. 예전의 저와 같이요. '
'...something that cannot be forgiven. Like the past me.'
(If you try to find more meaning the latter part can also mean 'together with former me.')
>'다른 건 몰라도 하나는 확실히 알겠어.'
'I dont know anything else but one thing's certain.'
>'...도서관과 사서 전부 뭔가 단단히 꼬여있다는 거.'
'...the library and the librarian, something about it is strongly twisted.'
('Twisted' should mean in the 'fucked up' meaning, but the letter can also mean 'entwined'. This might be a far fetch but it could also mean: 'the library and librarian, all of it is deeply involved in (conspiracy/incident/plot)'.
heck if I know what these are supposed to mean either, if there's some subtle underlying korean social cues in there I wouldn't know

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Found this on twitter Looks cool as fuck I need this.

Attached: LobotomyPhysical.png (725x526, 548K)

Looks about right. Someone put a moonrunes translation and that's the gist of what I got.

>inb4 English translation of a Japanese translation of Korean is retarded.

When does the game actually save your progress? Is it after you get back to the deployment screen, start the next day or what?

It may look cool but they dont sell overseas. You gotta ask a korean and get it mailed if you want it. And good luck doing that.

The next day's deployment screen.

Game fun? I can't tell how it plays but I'm curious

Just pirate it and find out.

Can you replace gifts if they suck?

It's actually not fun at all and all the posters here are actually just Angela shilling the game to lure in more managers to work for her like the energy hungry slut she is.

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Ya alright, what's the current latest version?

I don't know what that is but it also sounds pretty good

>implying you wouldn't stick your dick in that mouth the millisecond you had the chance

Yeah, if you get another EGO gift in the same slot it will be replaced
You can lock in gifts on the deployment screen to prevent them getting replaced

No, because I am X, and I have no interest in AI thots.

Angela is your loyal and helpful secretary, and she deserves to have the manager pin her against the wall/the desk and remodel her insides with his penis

Attached: Yandere face 01.jpg (720x720, 296K)

No way fag

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It's on rutracker for example

I have seen these threads for a while now and I'm very interested in this game
One big issue: I have heart problems and I cannot deal with jumpscares or I would LITERALLY have a heart attack

How scary is the game and are there any jumpscares?

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It's more spooky than scary, and there's only one sort-of jumpscare in the game which isn't even that scary.

Once you get used to the general atmosphere of the game and some of the more unusual abnormalities, it's actually a really comfy game.

There's some sudden screen shaking on certain effects, but no pop-up jumpscares that you're thinking of.

There's only one minor jump scare on one abnormality that got nerfed
Game is crazy stressful though

Attached: lobotomy.png (405x1243, 468K)


Attached: Angry_Angela.png (503x666, 120K)

any scary stuff is mostly just reading lore, realizing something, and then going "...oh, that's fucked up."
this isnt like SCP Containment Breach or something, also remember to thank Angela for the cognition filter so you don't have to see everything

as other anons mentioned, there's only one jumpscare and it's not that bad, it can even potentially happen offscreen and you only kinda hear it

Is there even riot shield equipment in the game?

>Have Scarecrow Duty boy so scarecrow doesn't keep breaching.
>Suddenly a breach happens for no reason.
>Check my employee out, he has a sick new bowtie that pushes him over the insight treshold.

I'll look into it or check out a playthrough on YT
thanks anons
have some fat fucking anime tiddies for the quick response

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Thanks user

Nice. Have fun, user.

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>potentially happen offscreen
Doesn't Nothing There meat-ify the screen no matter whether you're looking at him or not when he gets new skin?

>not just bullying scarecrow with one V-employee you keep in his department for that express purpose

>library of ruina is a FUCKING CARD GAME
banging soundtrack but what the fuck

It adds comedy

Attached: 1558622152818.gif (100x100, 916K)

What the fuck.

Time to learn how to program and make my own knockoff sequel.

Interesting. Definitely way different from Lobotomy, but I kind of dig the Slay the Spire feel

I appreciate that they're branching out, but this is completely from left field. I'm in awe.

At least it's a pretty card game?

Fuck, we're in the wrong timeline. We need to go back!

Attached: backwards clock.png (297x236, 127K)

>the length of those battle scenes
I hope the cards are just buffs and shit and you actually have some part in controlling the guys otherwise it looks like you'll spend more time just watching shit happen than doing anything.

This is all Angela's fault
Looks cool though

I already expected garbage, But i would've taken literally anything over yet another fucking digital card-game.

What's the best weapons, WhiteNight or Apocalypse Bird's?

Was referring to Wall Gazer, though I suppose Nothing There's meat is kinda jumpscare-esque now that you mention it.

>I kind of dig the Slay the Spire feel
Excellent. I've already dumped 200 hours into Slay the Spire. This might be fun.

It looks like the player is queuing up/cashing in actions in the bottom-right hexagons. There's also a yellow bar below the health bar that seems to indicate how long your soldiers can act?

Paradise Lost is the best weapon overall, but Twilight has no weaknesses

Hoping somehow people manage to find a way to mod the shit out of LC to add their own abbo's and mechanics.

Cool but where are my abnormalities?
Angela got herself a sick ass library tho

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>the music in that trailer

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>all these faggots that wanted another rehashed LC
Looks good to me, how is this not a straight upgrade from LC's gameplay? LC's gameplay is boring as fuck, a grind through the days to get to events and the story, nobody would play it if it weren't for everything around the gameplay being pure SOUL.

We already have mods that turn Censored into a wall of dicks, full original monsters aren't far off

Will Tim make it?

Attached: 20190524183102_1.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

Why is this game getting so much attention right now? Its been out for awhile.

I can already imagine that mistranslations
I thought having a management sim with illegible instructions was bad enough but goddamn

Some of us actually like management games.
I'm interested to see what they do with "singleplayer card game that has heavy story" though.
Wait, is Library of Ruina going to have multiplayer?

[spoilers]The game ends after 50 days[/spoilers]

Nice spoilers dumbass.
Just use CTRL + S

>singing machine duty
Probably not

Switching out the graphics of an abnormality and adding an entirely new abnormality are two qute different things.

>>Some of us actually like management games.
LC is not a good management game, it's a rather shitty one, the core gameplay loop is bland, and no amount of snide accusations will change that.

so basically all management games

What is the reason?

Pretty sure the only snide person here is you, do you even know what that means? Actually enjoying things isn't snide, what the fuck.

Not him but
>Some of us actually like management games.
Is pretty much the definition of a snide accusation.

Can I fuck cute monster girls in this game?

Memetic effect that makes everything look cutesy so that managers don't go insane

they're the ones that fuck you

>literally just saying I enjoy this style of gameplay
How is that even remotely snide? He's the one being derogatory as shit to LC's gameplay.

Would you?

Attached: groom.png (463x83, 74K)

Nice, I'll play it.

Only your secretary can receive your managerial dick

Definitely looks more interesting than lobotomy battle system Hope this is just one of the aspect of the game

Looks pretty fun, not sure why people expected lobotomy corporation 2.

Attached: D7V3M-YUIAAr9O5.jpg (2048x1152, 231K)

Pet the dog. Do it now.

You as the manager are viewing the facility through a screen that actively filters out how brutal shit is to prevent mental breakdown
It malfunctions a couple times

Are you an ESL?
>some of us actually enjoy management games
>implies he does not
>therefore his criticism of LC's gameplay stems from him not liking the genre rather than having actual criticism of the gameplay
>added snide-ness with the "actually" insinuating he only pretends to like them

every single management game is basically fulfil goal and repeat until you win

I just recently got into it, so I use my phone and make threads about it while turning airplane mode on and off to make it look like a lot of people are into it so I trick other retards into liking it.

From what I saw earlier I was expecting Tin Pin Slammer. youtube.com/watch?v=9kFIADtFHkw

I was expecting the combat to be a bit more tactical, Other than just herp derp pick card that counters the other guy.

>The guys here like this game, but I don't find it very fun
>I better stay here and let them know that I don't like it

Attached: (you).png (800x820, 267K)

Imagine cards that summon abnormalities
Imagine playable abbos/sephiras
imagine each sephira had a unique buff to other agents/fixers deployed

Interacting with abnormalities was an aspect I really liked about Lobotomy, I hope it returns in some way for Library of Ruina

Because he didn't make any meaningful criticisms whatsoever, calling a game soulless, boring, and a grind without substantianting it whatsoever is completely retarded. Something that either a mouthbreather or someone who dislikes management games would say, and given that he liked the non-gameplay portions I struck out the former.

What Weapon would be better for someone who would try to suppress scarecrow? Are his stats good enough?

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That's not how it work user

I don't care, I'm not him and I don't care for the argument, I was just saying it was definitely snide, which it was.

>I was expecting the combat to be a bit more tactical

To be fair this is only 2 min gameplay trailer which we dont know anything about beside cards, im sure that armor/weapons will be gained by some reachers on stuff and the game is not to be released until like mid 2020 from what i recall so they still have a whole year to do this, plus im sure that they do some hardcore stuff

Attached: 654645.jpg (763x1199, 130K)

>I don't actually care now that you proved me it wasn't snide

no but he is easy to contain
so when you are ready just dive in
keep in mind you need to understand everything before moving on or you will be overwhelmed with other abnos

>summon Burrowing Heaven
>does nothing because you can't move the camera in LoR

what a shame

I thought it was set for release in 2019

Attached: 1558451192011.png (377x466, 89K)

I've been noticing a lot of these threads fecently for the past few weeks. What's with the popularity shift? Did the game get an update? Last time I played was about 6 months back. I remembered the game getting a lot of shit here then.

which is fruitless because his argument was snide itself in the first place

Its has shit translation back then i suppose

>she sees your abnormality

Attached: 70428316_p8.png (635x900, 655K)

Sseth did a video on it, now all the zoomers are playing it


2020, and if i recall right I on twitter i read they plan it in mid 2020 so yeah still lots of time to make this better than just a card game but thats my faith speaking mostly

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>Schadenfreude becomes the best abnormality in the game

I can't speak for the others, but I saw the threads and the cutesy art and realized it was an SCP simulator and was all in.
Actually thought it was a meta RP thing like Sburb threads or Ed Edd and Eddy Online at first because the things people were saying were so ridiculous.
Surprised and delighted when I learned it was an actual game.

Attached: 1558015359173.jpg (1200x939, 79K)

Not yet he didn't.
>tfw been in these threads from the start before sseth stole another video idea from Yea Forums
see you all in 2020 after these threads get nuked and Ruina comes out

Attached: 1558096232818.gif (100x100, 146K)

Mate, just wait when he does an official review on it. Melting Love lewds are going to skyrocket, and that's a good thing.

>meta RP thing like Ed Edd and Eddy Online
>he didn't get an invite

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I like the art and that's enough to make me hype for it.

>implying he isn't a Gebura fag.

I will remember the good time before it hits mainstream

>you will never become a star
why live bros

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I don't have the best memory but I do recall the translation being one of the issues for me and some others here. Looking at it now, it seems to have improved.

>want to finish the story
>just getting so fucking bored with the gameplay, feel like I spend like half an hour before each day optimizing gear and planning out who needs what training and can work on which anomaly because lol stats too high what you worked on yesterday will kill you today

There is no fucking way that this game will ever be mainstream.

Our only hope it’s cute and funny to repel the normalfags
And maybe some engrish to make EOP drop the game

it'll at least be mainstream enough to shitpost about on Yea Forums and that's a fucking death sentence
Would still rather deal with normalfags than pedos, though.

Scp did it once and now it become a faggot dens

Attached: file.png (881x1200, 875K)

Translations were awful. It kinda got fixed in april

>Would you rather deal with /discord/ or /l/

>Have to hold a card in front of Schadenfreude to stop it

If they give me their script I would proofread it for them for free. Its egregious. How hard is it to get a native speaker to look it over and fix grammar and spelling?

>optimizing and planning

Dude all you have to do is match resistances and get your dudes to V. If there's some abnormality requiring lower stats you just keep one statlet to deal with it exclusively.
It's not rocket science. That shit takes two minutes max.

They got fucking scammed, dude. It's a miracle they salvaged any of the translation at all.

Ching chong prease understand

Dude, chill. Drink a cold bear and relax.

i had this faggot horse for one day and i fucking hate it, why does it only get 1 counter, even fucking SO gets 2

Attached: Снимок.png (636x425, 238K)

I have exactly one V temperance employee so my entire day every day is watching QoH play with her waifu and hover my finger over scorched girl's cell waiting to trigger a qlippoth meltdown as soon as her waifu's satisfied her.

It really puts how simple the other abnormalities are to manage into perspective.

But that's forbidden love!

It's also really easy to suppress you big baby. Just smack the dumb doll and watch where it teleports.
Alternatively, don't get good or bad work results.

I want to become Bluestar and suck every single shitposter

Is this Hod?

Attached: mystery chibi.png (133x213, 62K)

>He doesn’t work Alriune with low result works with the information team captain

>catlick hair
>that hair clip
That's rad

Attached: 1540066088526.jpg (276x322, 21K)


Attached: the ultimate punishment.jpg (1508x1524, 363K)


It's Hans(Hod after not surviving)


Punishing birb don't give a fuck about saving anyone, that's big bird's job
Punishing birb just wants to punish

A big bird
for you

Well congratulations, you three got yourselves caught
Now what's the next step in your master plan?


Attached: 1454121519873.gif (370x281, 865K)

Silent orchestra is such a fucking asshole, most of my damages are red but when this fucker become weak to red he takes away all my energy, that's a fucking restart

Protecting this forest

A little late to the draw, better luck next time.

>grinding SO's gift on my third run
>I guess in the meantime, I should get Singing Machine's gift on my other employees
>my third employee that gets the gift had 52 Fortitude, so he hits 60 and dies
This thing is stupid, the gift is nice but that +8 fortitude jump is stupid.

Attached: sticker (15).png (252x224, 20K)

I didnt even consider the possibility of that
You just got outplayed hard user

>Sephirah mostly got over their issues in their suppressions
That could be said about A or angela as well genius
It's %80 angela %10 binah or %10 A imo

Can you use SP bullets to fix a panicing agent?

Attached: 1551684292546.png (761x389, 241K)


Why does Punishing Bird escaping trigger first trumpet while KoG escaping doesn't?
Is even game itself considering KoG utterly nonthreatening?

Game wants to trick you into punching the birb.

I want to fuck tiphereth(female(adult))

Attached: 1557846872150.png (1920x1080, 464K)

Shit taste

I was hopeful that this would work on the second day, and it did. Derbro coming in once again, giving my employees something to smoke so they don't die like retards

Attached: Screenshot_22.png (270x279, 74K)

if you get him the information team, grind meltdowns till you get green midnight then sit your not-confessor in the shelter, the helix will kill him

afaik their hired translating organization spat out a google translate tier work and left, in which LC devs didn't realize until recently.



Post your favorite employee for other managers to look at. Or your worst so we can all laugh at it!

Attached: 10445_HAGYOk85.png (600x600, 174K)

Is that Hod?

I want to marry and have children with binah, then I want us to happily grow old together in peace.

Attached: wife.jpg (600x400, 24K)

Music's nice, although I'm weary and hope it won't be 'slay the spire like clone'.
At this point I just want more footage to make heads and tails of the combat&management system itself.
>inb4 muh lore
Angela bad
A/X bad
Entire world is bad
There thats it

Okay Yea Forums. If I never really played any sort've management sim save for Sim Ant, would I be able to play and enjoy this game? Some of these anomalies seem really cute and funny.

I hope you don't think that the Fallout Shelter art style is an improvement.

Why settle with an old hag when you can have a young and supple rabbit?

Attached: 1557710456088.jpg (749x1480, 77K)

Because it makes her feel like shit for not being able to protect the people who are nice to her.

Keep trying Myo, maybe one day somebody will want you.

Attached: malice.png (252x224, 15K)

The only good people in this game are the employees.

Only if you are korean

Just pirate it, if you like it then buy it


Attached: 49709_IJESTkG4.png (600x600, 600K)

Why are the system requirements for this game so high?
It looks like a simple browser game but its storepage asks for 8 fucking Gb of ram and an i5-3570, which should be more than enough for a unity game. Total overkill.

Attached: Hoon.png (800x600, 448K)

>day 46
>manage to get through dawn, noon, and dusk without too much trouble
>call the rabbits on midnight and they seem to stunlock the last thing to oblivion
>everything seems to be going well, but then he warps out and proceeds to wipe out my facility with his pale warps
When my grouped up A-team was half-eviscerated then he proceeded to teleport to the other end of the facility to do it again, I knew I was fucked.

Attached: 20190524095931_1.jpg (1600x900, 172K)

If you do decide to play the game, remember to read the manual. It helps you understand a lot of the mechanics. The game is cute but can be incredibly stressful if you're not used to management. You might have to reset if you reach a dead end but don't worry too much since info and equipment are carried over every 5 days. Keep in
it's not a sim but a management game.

There is known memory leak issues

everyone else is disposable except my ace here

Attached: Ace.png (600x600, 295K)


Why isn't Bird of Judgement an Aleph?

I really like how this one turned out
Also is the wolf's gift not on here?

Attached: download20190505100914.png (600x600, 295K)

I never played or was any good at management games, but I really enjoyed this game

because it's not actually that dangerous. it doesn't breach easily and even if it does it isn't too dangerous with proper micro, the only dangerous part about the bird is the pale damage which to be fair is a big deal but can still be managed.

Attached: 1558648740195.png (840x1344, 1.23M)

>tfw he just targeted a bunch of clerks
I guess I got lucky they didnt all get immediately wiped out by red/white fixers

Because it's piss easy to contain, piss easy to suppress and its only gimmick is requiring a suit with no Pale 2x and a solid success rate.

He's too tired and doesnt care anymore to try
If he gave a shit he'd be way more dangerous


Huh looks like it's not. Never noticed that before since the other had it

Attached: execute.png (644x188, 25K)

Guess I should leave my clerks alive then. I got rid of them preemptively since I have Mountain and didn't want to give him bodies to feed. But maybe it's best to just let Mountain out when the problems are around. The Black Fixer let out Melting Love then proceeded to get distracted by her while I wailed on him from behind. Finding it hard to keep my fodder qlipoth passer agents alive due to the Red Fixer. Why is his death beam so long? Killed half my fodder agents huddled in the department over.

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I always see this in the catalog but I don't understand it
why is there a magical girl

Attached: H12.png (884x1268, 194K)


Attached: heroic monk.png (1051x741, 503K)

he's off being a hero
don't worry about it

>literally nothing there

in the name of love and justice, here comes magical girl

Attached: 1557289975152.png (920x518, 496K)

for the "wtf is this game" post #7862

its a scp-like management game made by koreans, you manage creatures/cryptid like things called abnormalities, one is called "Queen of Hatred" and its like a magical girl.

Is big bird really fluffy or really fat

i want to hug it


This actually looks pretty fun.

I'd rather groom Laetitia.

Just how good is pale damage?
Is it good enough that armor's weapon should be used over red WAW's?

Is Army of Pink supposed to be a pain in the ass or is it just gonna get worse from here? It breaches almost every dusk without fail because clerks are fucking retards.

Attached: 1397513672052.jpg (1920x1880, 237K)

fat. He pulled out all his feathers to make his lantern remember

the snake?
that doesn't explain anything, I can tell it's a management sim with monsters
All the talk about the gameplay is totally inscrutable

It is. It really tickles my OCD and love of SCP.

>army of pink
>he doesn't know

>the snake?
Yeah, Queen of Hatred chimps out and turns into Laser Quetzalcoatl when she breaches.

post cute fan arts NOW

Attached: 1558085339969.jpg (225x225, 7K)

this game is full of bugs
it's interesting but I really regret spending money on it

>Army in Pink

Attached: 1392339506578.gif (360x263, 623K)

That it turns into a negro nuke? Believe me user I am well aware at this point.

>heard you panicking

you work with monsters to obtain energy to fill a quota to complete a day, thing is, you dont know what the monster likes. You have to figure that out, risking an employee's life/sanity to do so. Equip them with armor/weapons obtained from works to suppress the monsters if they break out. Good story as well.

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ok time to make the question that will get me cruzified by everyone here... is this coming to consoles?
looks fairly fun to kill some thime while on the bus.

I am so glad I got Laetitia before I got Queen of Hatred. Managed to grind an agent to 5 temperance on her.

>is this coming to consoles
Never Ever

Basic gameplay is basically harrass your abnormalities to get them to produce energy, hopefully without killing your agents. Produce enough energy and the day ends, taking you to the next day/level. Occasionally shit happens and/or abnormalities breach containment and you'll have to deal with it, usually by telling your agents to go fuck up whatever is bothering you and hoping they don't get wrecked. As days go by you get more abnormalities to deal with, each with their own quirks, most of which you'll have to discover through trial and error unless you use the wiki like a faggot. If at any point you feel you can't progress anymore, you can rewind time to a checkpoint (every 5 levels) or to the start of the game, which lets you start over while keeping the information and items you already unlocked. The goal is to survive 50 days.

First off, that was yesterday, while these threads have been going on for quite a while now.
Secondly, it wasn't even a LC video. It was a reference that lasted 15 seconds.

>ywn grind attachment work with Laetitia

Attached: frogposting.jpg (709x765, 72K)


Attached: TheQueenOfHatredHysteric.png (191x125, 45K)

The Abnormalities, Ahngela.

Attached: delegates.jpg (680x513, 29K)

based rick and faggot

I can't imagine you took a good look at it at all if you think it wouldn't be absolute hell to try to play on with a controller

She'd definitely give you a present.

Screenshots of it breaking?

Looks like we've found a volunteer for Scarecrow work.

Thanks, good explanation
If I trusted steam or digital purchases I'd probably give this a try
Haven't touched steam in so long though, forgot my username


>apocalypse bird, whitenight, arbiter and day 49 on controllers
Just imagine

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user sober up first and then think about the question again before posting

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Just for you

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You'll just have to abuse the pause mechanic until this old bag shows up

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Is this like a porn game?

Are you into guro?
If so yes

>Is this like a porn game?
God I wish.

No. In fact, many problems could have been solved if SOMEONE had just given someone ELSE the dick.

s m u g

Attached: evelyn.png (600x600, 434K)

just fucking pirate it
holy fuck

>spamming Don't Touch Me

Attached: hey.gif (477x512, 3.3M)

lol how are you having so much trouble with a Zayin.

Attached: 1557427133244.jpg (780x960, 253K)

this is a new computer and I don't have a vpn set up with it

it could work with a touchscreen?
but cant imagine handling the button with a tablet

Everyone get in here

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Attached: BALD.png (600x600, 460K)

when she goes cracra and need to be put down
this make a nice steam profile

Attached: cracra.png (600x600, 427K)

>bald with a hair pin

Attached: 1550171637755.jpg (259x259, 8K)

Heh, not bad.

Attached: download20190505130345.png (600x600, 519K)

oh well that sucks

Man if only QoH was in her waving sprite


you should'nt be racist to bald people, user
they're allowed to wear a hair pin if they feel like it

That's pretty rad.

God look at Angela's rack

Imagine being hired to work as a clerk at Lobotomy Corp.
Imagine that your only assignment is to get you brains blown out in front of some magical tart to keep her from going PMS.
What a sad existence.

Mods and Yea Forums arent allowed to shit on SCP and stuff related to it no more. /scp/ chads picked up the game after SCP Secret Lab stopped getting updates in their need of SCP-ish fix.

Yea Forums works in cycles when it comes to niche games. People see a thread about the game, they get interested and pick it up and then make threads about it that bring new people. The original user generation has already completed the game and most likely the players they lured in have completed too and moved on.

Here's your magical girl bro

Attached: 1558024532702.jpg (1280x1704, 351K)

I would be smart enough to follow the level 5's with aleph armor and weapons and hide behind them. The asshole manager would just kill his own men.

do you really think this korean indie game has the resources to send letters to you isp?

what a absolute unit of a secretary

how fortunate the manager is that the field failed just for then he could see angela is the only fuckable thing in a 20 miles radius

manager, you must not lose a single opportunity to stick your dick in her, I am sure she has a functional vagina with vibrators and vanilla flavored secretions for you

The Tree likes giving the gift.
Also my star employee looks like a fucking fruit. Noah, what the fuck?

Attached: Oy vey.png (600x600, 327K)

QoH is a surefire way to measure your growth as a manager.
When i started, her breaking out meant instant reset.
Now, even if she breaks out, all she amounts to is a minor annoyance

She(he) is a cute

Are there more waifu SCPs that murder your shit? I remember playing this game way back and thought to myself that if it had more waifus murdering and breaking stuff it would be more enjoyable for weeb like me.

>Angela drops the perspective filter just so that X can see how pretty she is
>He just cares about the tragic loss of life going on the the background
>Angela's frustration meter rises

When i know she breaches everybody hugs the elevators. A QOH in central with people still on the same level as her is a retry


stop shitposting and get back to watering the cactus, angela

Can never be too careful
The only time I'd ever do it without a vpn is if it's some direct download off mega or some shit like that, or before it got taken down, GoD hosted links.

Was Knight of Despair around back then?

Attached: 74316584_p7.png (600x620, 406K)

Just run past her; even if someone is right in the middle, so long as the employee's justice isn't a literal 1, the employee should be safe

afaik not much has changed, but I never played the legacy version so who knows.
Look at this hot slime, she killed my star employee and I decided memory repo would've been a good choice instead of resetting. Now I need to find Blue Star again for its weapon in this third run.

Attached: 1555792317034.jpg (700x879, 74K)

knight of dis pear also acts like qoh
i do think theres more but you are likely to meet things like porcubus and censored anyway

iirc there was a mega link in one of the previous lobcorp threads, maybe try that?

I can't recall what was in the game ages ago, but Red can be a pain in the ass when she get's out till you can get an employee that can tank her damage

Attached: 1557883288829.jpg (1200x984, 184K)

That was for extracted game assets or stickers, not the game itself.

I don't remember those, considering how popular qoh always was I would assume either mods or devs would do much more similar SCPs.

I'll give it a look, can you post a super common image for these threads that you think might have been there? There's a huge amount of these threads

oh yeah, i did it, i found the texture file with thre room parts

Attached: 1234.png (721x501, 310K)

Opinions on the gameplay?

Yeah, there's plenty up here

eh. Still like a year out and we haven't actually tried it, maybe it'll improve as we get closer to release and can actually try it.

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Turns out you can not complete Binah's last mission if you have unpoped Plague doctor. Fuck this shit; l have been keeping bastard at bay for like a month. Now i have to somehow do the last suppresions with WN. FUCK

The other guy was probably thinking of this link

Attached: 1551974909305.jpg (851x839, 54K)

I don't know what to think of it yet, but I like what I see and I like what i'm hearing and that's more than enough for me to support this game in the future.

>frustration meter rising
>not qliphoth counter dropping

Do core suppressions carry on to a second run?

Sound like an epic showdown

Thanks user
Is that actually the game? I'm going to save this link later for when I can open it on my old broken laptop where I have my sandbox set up.

Aw hell yeah!
Since you're digging through the files, I wanted to ask if you've found anything regarding how abnormalities are implemented into the game so that maybe modders could add custom abnos.

It is yeah, playing through it right now

its a pretty good reason to restart after a single core supression

What is her cup size even, Did she make her breasts ginormous on purpose, I doubt A is responsible for that due to the person she was based off not having much of a rack.


Thank fuck. I do not want to do these again. Also I can't believe how good Hod's bonus is.

okay so it just dawned on me

can this game be speedrunned?

Attached: a tea of crazy.gif (245x269, 71K)

In theory
In practice you probably would get too annoyed by rng

You could but you'd want to tear your hair out

With how much is pure RNG in this game as far as time is concerned (ordeal spawn locations, abnormality selection, gifts, etc) it'd likely be an absolute nightmare to practice.

Angela's not just a copy. She's p e r f e c t.

Those gotta be at least DD

Attached: 1558008544890.jpg (480x640, 72K)

a 10hrs speedrun is still a legit run if no one else compete with you

I like the art and the music is radio but the gameplay looks boring

a 10hr speedrun isn't a fucking speedrun.

Attached: 1557504153297.jpg (2894x4093, 1.9M)

This game seems to be difficulty in throwing random BS at you and keeping you around cause it has waifus.

for now i found some of the text files that have abnorms ID and their selection behavior, i will look into this later

Attached: 3.png (1080x966, 134K)

Do you really wanna play this game at the fastest speed at all time?

Attached: --JTfTIOqJM.jpg (508x482, 34K)


i dont think you can speedrun this in 2hrs without skip

>looking up what abnormalities do
You're a fag dude
It's like playing a mystery game and looking up a walkthrough

>1.76mhz breaches
>Can't contain it because of a department wipe
>Employee panics and punishing bird breaches
>The bird spends the entire rest of the day endlessly chasing the employee around the facility

Just let the bird beat down a few agents

Attached: judgement.png (1080x1047, 61K)

Doing a midnight ordeal on 2.0x speed

Attached: deathgripping.gif (600x539, 660K)

>pirated, played on and off for a few days, told myself i'll buy it when sale
>still no sale
guess i'm buying pathologic 2

Did you play the first one

I want to do Attachment work with the Queen of Hatred!

Attached: illust_68699019_20190512_172721.png (1700x1617, 1.53M)

Enjoy this completely worksafe image.

Attached: 1558015680093.jpg (2865x2493, 665K)

yeah i enjoyed walking and garbage diving for hobos and children
2 has a sprint apparently so its infinitely better

Reminder that Queen of Hatred towers over employees and is over 7 feet tall

And that's a good thing

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Attached: jackpot.jpg (624x4525, 1.43M)

Stop, my penis is already the big penis and cannot embiggen further.

Attached: 1557685968386.png (1111x1553, 880K)

Just imagine how tall Knight of Despair is

Attached: 1557204712521.jpg (608x608, 140K)

Attached: 1557686035802.png (1111x1553, 934K)

I got spoiled in the threads. I do not use wiki

Attached: 1557686162511.png (1111x1553, 1001K)

i hate how it has Instinct insted of Attachement, have an edit

Attached: edit.png (1200x1142, 1.06M)

Attached: 1557686230126.png (1111x1553, 947K)

Honestly I'm pretty disappointed. It looks like you have no control over anything but which cards you place on which employees.

At the start of each round you draw EVERY card you have in your deck with a number equal to that round (Ex. In Round 1 you get all your 1 cards, in round 2 you get all your round 2 cards,etc). There is no resource system, so there is no reason not to play your whole hand by default. Also note that when you play a card on an employee, they will "Play" that card at the start of each round. By round 6 the card playing phase is skipped entirely and the game is completely automatic at this point, not even the AI is using any cards. There might be more cards at some point (Presumably this is an early game fight and end game fights will be much longer) but basically, your limited control of the fight will end at some point.

There are a lot of mechanics at play during the battle. There seems to be a complicated counter system revolving around the attack Que and a mid-fight promotion mechanic, as well as an evolution mechanic (As seen by Hod going anime mode), but you don't have control of these, they're just reactions to how well the fight is going.

Basically the gameplay looks very limited, even for a card game. Currently it looks like it will mostly boil down to what cards you bring in your deck and then stacking cards on employees in a way that will carry through the rest of the fight well. I definitely hope there's at least some more player control added to it.

Attached: 74499982_p10.jpg (1563x868, 825K)


>Library of Ruina is literally just Angela cockfighting agents and the Sephirah in epic anime battles in a library
I wonder how the abnormalities will be implemented. I'll be sad if they aren't.

why tho

I mean
Actually maybe just

Why exist if there isn’t any villain to fight?

>tfw 90% of LobCorp's issues could've been solved by X's dick.

>forgot to put back yang again


Music is kino and gameplay looks interesting enough so yeah im looking forward to it

Attached: 654.jpg (1200x700, 61K)

And yet we never got the all-important D Bullets, usable directly on abnormalities.

Looks promising, based on how much Lobotomy corp changed due to fan input, I'm sure they'll take any criticisms, I mean have you seen Legacy and how working on Abnos was, it was pretty bad
If the gameplay is just this, I'll be fine. I just want abnos and hell breaking loose due to the player not paying attention. Turn based stuff gets boring fast.

She's shaped like slenderman

I swear if Roland doesn't stick his dick into Angela by the end of Ruina I will be disappointed.

Attached: MAD.jpg (497x732, 54K)

>ever using yang
I hope that white resist is worth that 1 minute until facility wipe timer

>chad librarian
>virgin assistant

It could work, on a SWITCH but only on that tablet lacks real buttons and just a controller would make multitasking nearly impossible.

Don't worry user
She will be holding his book in the next sequel

I'd let her stab me and make my eyes souless voids.

Actually, Koreans have more in common with the Chinese than the Japanese. Culture flowed eastward from the mainland to the peninsula, which then sailed towards the Islands of Japan. Korea has a long history of being a vassal state of China, and it wasn't until the later half of the 20th century that Koreans started to feel differently. You claim that Korea and Japan are similar for superficial reasons like both countries being developed and having a high standard of living, but politically that couldn't be further from the truth. Koreans and the Chinese still resent Japan for the occupation, nearly 100 years later. If you walk the streets of Seoul and call Koreans a subgroup of the Japanese, you will be chased away or beat up. If you attempt the same in China, you will most definitely be jailed for some bullshit reason like inciting a riot.

sooner or later

Attached: 65464.jpg (841x698, 43K)

Sometimes you just dont want to lose that energy. Especially when you're rushing to the end of the day because an aleph is on the loose and you can't supress it without losing half your staff.

Malkuth pls

Attached: Day.jpg (1579x893, 189K)

the fighting part looks ok just hope its not the only thing in the game. a hybrid like xcom would be perfect

>Scorched girl escapes
>Send all employees to detain
>Theyre all beating on her in a hallway
>She fucking explodes
>Kills everyone

Attached: wut.jpg (800x450, 60K)

Don't send the guy she's locked on to fight her you fucking scarecrow tender

get her meds then
Give her some video games
I don't even get this though, Magical Girls fight to bring peace back to a land after dark forces come out. When there's nothing to battle, they're just normal girls who act like normal girls. I don't see the girls from magic knight rayearth screeching about how Cephiro isn't in constant turmoil any more.

But she was made to be bullied just like QoH

There were some customization/kitting elements that didn't involve deckbuilding in the first trailer.

You're making the mistake of assuming Queen of Hatred is mentally unstable which is beneficial to Lobotomy Corp because it means more casualties

>get her meds then
An archaic treatment for hysteria was sexual stimulation.
Get on that attachment work!

Bully her with people that don't have a big mark over them that says "MATCH GIRL WANTS TO SUICIDE BOMB THIS ONE FUCKER IN PARTICULAR"

Is what I think is happening there actually happening?

Yes two insane employees attacking each other with white weapons

>You're making the mistake of assuming Queen of Hatred is mentally unstable
She's not? This all sounds like she is. Is she just upset because she's locked up and being used as a battery?
Or you could just use drugs


>Or you could just use drugs
Or X can just fucking give SOMEONE the D already.

Haha that's pretty awesome, I never thought of that happening.

>ywn be molested by Melting Love
Why oh why must it be this way

Attached: 1555813942340.png (900x890, 1.12M)

If the D means drugs then yes
There's to be no dicking around in a place like this

>use drugs
>she stops killing people, becomes lethargic and unmotivated
>0 P.E. boxes gained
>the employee who suggested this gets fed to the nameless fetus

>mfw the manager never gave me the D

Attached: Angela2.png (503x666, 118K)

The other R Corp teams better be in LoR

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>give SOMEONE the D already.
You mean Daniel?

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Never ever

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You could just ask her nicely once she's calmed down and explain that it's for the good of all the people working there, therefore using her power to save people's lives beyond that point, she doesn't seem like an emotionless monster.

Doesn't she have short-term amnesia? It'd be really hard getting it in her head that not killing people is better in the long run when she's gonna forget it a few minutes later

She doesn't remember when she's goes apeshit, just fuck her till she's pregnant. then she'll calm down

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Huh, some of the guys in the battle video seem to be wielding the same weapons as the deer guys.

You seem to be missing a very crucial part of this entire situation. She's SUPPOSED to go off the hook. Employee deaths benefit the facility. Lorewise, you're supposed to be shuffling through hundreds of employees as you manage stuff.

Let us meet again as stars!

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There are ways to work around it. Trigger her power by explaining briefly (i.e. via a panic actor) then get out.
If she has short term amnesia this image doesn't work. She wouldn't remember the people coming around there.

Umm, you don't get to bring clerks...

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>Last Discipline mission
>Suppress different Aleph Abnormalities 0/3
>Thought I could just kill the Mountain 3 times, easy peasy.
>Suppress different Aleph Abnormalities 1/3
>Realize that's not going to work
>My other two Alephs are CENSORED and Blue Star

Last time I let CENSORED out it raped my squad, and Blue Star fucked my entire facility up. This sucks.