I'll start

I'll start...
> I love turn based game design
> The combat in Morrowind made sense and is one of the best games ever made
> I liked FFTA over FFT because of the way maps were designed were less cramped and easy to see what was happening.
> I hate anything Bioware past 2006.
> I hate anything with a talent tree (unless it's specifically designed for multiple different play styles and not necessarily what is "most efficient")
I'm sure there's more. but you guys give it a go.

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Racing games are repetitive kusoge and if everything else is equal, the only reason the person who started ahead doesn't win is because mechanics like rng boxes or destroying your opponents.

The original spirit of Yea Forums left long ago and became infested with angry social media hot opinion screencappers with a hivemind.
/pol/ destroyed most of the site by pretending to be retarded and making actual retards feel like they are in good company.
It's okay to make short games, if they are good.
I had overall a better time in the 3 hours of portal than the 16 hours of the talos principle.

Pikmin 3 is garbage.

Dark Souls 2, 3 and Sekiro are equally shit.

The MH series hit its peak with FU and 3U, everything after that got worse and worse.

The first Long War mod for Enemy Within is the best thing that came out of that entire genre for like the last 2 decades.

The original DK trilogy is so far ahead in quality of the Nu-DK games that they're not even comparable.

Final Fantasy was always overrated garbage compared to some of the other JRPG's of their time, even decades ago when the FF series actually managed to produce good games once in a while.

I've never played Sekiro, but I loved DS3 a lot. Definitely a lot cleaner than the P2D.

All popular opinions

Those are some fresh unpopular ones. Especially the DK one is garbo. Tropical Freeze is the best platformer ever made

The first two are just facts.
This place was better when half the threads aren't DAE SJWS BAD?? TRANNIES???
And short games are okay if they're priced appropriately.

I've never played the talos principle though

I like all levels of female armor instead of being bitchy about which one is better.

Rdr2’s story is awful

Godhand is a 4/10 game

Urban Reign is better by being a 6/10 game at least.

I like /v.

splatoon is shit

W3 is shit
Can't believe kurwas went full retard with action/adventure with openworld shit in w3 and didn't improve acton/rpg from w2.

I love playing video games.

Crysis fucking sucks and isn't any fun to play.
Crysis 2 is a better game despite the consolization (still not great).

DMC 5 level design is fine, especially city levels.

Mario 2 is the best of the original 3
Half Life 2 is the most overrated game of all time
God Hand isn't that great
Just Cause 3 was good
Jaws on NES is genuinely fun
A black guy being in a game doesn't automatically equal "sjw pandering"
Castlevania 2 isn't that bad
People who see a bunch of colored haired faggots on a dev team and freak out are idiots. Did you really expect the people programming your video games to be Chads?

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Guild wars 2 is the best mmo I've played in recent memory. Also asura are shit and norm are superior m

there's nothing wrong with the balkanization of the pc platform
time to complete is not a reasonable factor in a game's monetary value
crpg is a genre of consistently overrated games

The only enjoyable part of PC gaming is building the computer. After that I was throughly bored. The graphics, the frames, that didn't impress me at all.

I'm not even lying, I went back to Xbox on the couch and I'm never looking back.

>JRPGs are mostly irredeemable trash with shitty core gameplay. Pokemon, Monster collecting games, and the few JRPGs that let you build your own party are unironically the only good ones
>People on Yea Forums use /pol/ as a boogieman because they don't want to face unpleasant realities
>Gaming is going to die soon, streaming only is the death nail

literally one of the most popular video game opinions of all time

Its because the PC offers too much distraction. You alt tab once and then you do it again and never play again because deep down you know video games are garbage

Final Fantasy is the most overrated JRPG series made by orks. People thinking any FF has good tactical battle system and interesting gameplay OR/AND intresting narrative are retards with IQ below 100 or fags who never read/watched in their entire life anything more complicated than comics-tier/some Avengers-tier shit.

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Smash Brawl is better and more fun than Ultimate.

Why not just play the pc on the couch if you already built it?

Isn't this a popular opinion?
My would be FF7 actually had an story instead of jumbled overblown shit that kind of relates to each other every other game had in the series.

Don't think this is unpopular on Yea Forums
But card games are absolute fag shit, all the people I meet who play card games are absolute shitters or retards.
I'm talking about games like hearthstone or yu gi yoh

I'll fight you on Castlevania 2, it's bad. Not only is it convoluted to progress having you to search online where to crounch for some seconds because the game hint doesn't help any bit, the level design is bad, the enemies and bosses are bad. It tried too early to be what later Castlevanias figured out.

If this opinion is popular - i'm glad.

In terms of fun gameplay, Terranigma beats link to the past for me. It's not the overall better game, but coming very close by having a better combat system than zelda.

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Godhand is fucking shit and people here only pretend to like it to fit in

I also think games like DMC and Bayo have r/eddit tier humor

All the pokemon mystery dungeon games are trash.
Pokemon Gale of Darkness is the best pokemon game by a mile.

>Combat being harder doesn't automatically make it better
>Arkham series is among the best 3rd person combat systems ever made.
>Sekiro is boring and repetitive, compared even to the Souls series.
>Z axis ruined Monster Hunter

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Yooka Laylee's fine after all the updates, the physics engine is still dumb but it's a pretty good game now

Monster Hunter World is a much needed upgrade to the series not because of the "Casualness" but because it got rid of all the retarded back n forth UI just to get somewhere

Realistic looking games are all shit

(is it unpopular right?)

Sonic Adventure 2 has only dated in terms of graphics, everything else holds up very well and it deserves it's original metascore of 89.
I like video game cutscenes.
I don't think the Nintendo bonus really exists, at least not as much as other first party or AAA companies get.
There's nothing inherently wrong with having politics in a video game, identity politics or otherwise, as long as it adds to the game.
Having an LGBT or black character in a game is not politics no matter how prominent said character is in the plot.
Depends, are you talking about those types of games that are all gritty-like with no appealing artstyle or asthetic?

>RDR2 and TLoU sucked
>I don't like third person beat-em-ups or whatever like DMC
>I actually fucking hate playing games now but I have nowhere else to go

>> I hate anything Bioware past 2006.

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- Create a Soul is the worst addition to Soulcalibur and changed the series for the worse. Aside from that SC6 is a very good game and deserves more credit.
- ArcSys does not make a lot of very fun games and I think they are a pretty shitty company overall.
- The Vita was a cool handheld ruined by Sony's greed and idiocy
- Breath of the Wild is terrible and does not deserve even a fraction of the praise it receives.
- Inversely, Xenoblade 2 is quite good and was very clearly thrown under the bus by industry bigwigs and media.
- Danganronpa V3 is the best one by a country mile
- I miss Jack Thompson, it was a simpler time.

It blows my mind that people act as if the "Nintendo bonus" is real when the gaming media at large spent the better part of 20 years with a hatebner for Nintendo so intense that it directly caused Nintendo to give journalists the finger and start using the Direct format.

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I think the Vita's failure is more Sony's idiocy than greed. There were very few notable exclusives for the thing, and between the 3DS, a smartphone, and the PS4, there was no reason to pick up a Vita.
I dont think BOTW is terrible mostly because it's an open world game with open ended gameplay. Many fun physics experiments and numerous "oh shit I didn't know I could fucking do that" moments really sold the game to me.
I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 but I loved the first Xenoblade Chronicles.

It's definitely not good. But it's also not the absolute unplayable bottom of the barrel trash that people say it is. I'm honestly convinced most people that act like it's the antichrist have never played it and just watched avgn.