Here's your fightstick for today
Here's your fightstick for today
This unironically looks comfy
no thanks
>cheat box
Get banned
That looks dum lol
>I don't like something, so ban it
FGC is full of trannies and weak willed people. Why do you think Deigo bought one? He knows they wont be banned. Git gud and adapt.
Yea Forums is full of closet homos and trannie-seekers like you. They're so brainscrubbed by propaganda they literally can't stop posting the same talking points of the week on every post.
fpbp. Letting your wrists rest on her boobs while playing.
>up button all the way down there
This better be for tekken
It's perfect position for your left hand thumb dummy.
Anyone have a Jansen's custom made fight stick?
I'm wanting one because of how durable and sleek it looks. Plus, the Brooks converter is 0 frames of latency?
Should I get a hitbox if I liked playing on a blue cherry mx switch keyboard?
I like a stick but my movement is 100x better with a keyboard. In gg my IADs were stupid fast on a keyboard.
Daigo Umehara, street fighter legend, responsible for the most famous recorded moment in fighting game history
no one cares about your e-celeb. fuck off retards
People who pay modern fighting games are lepers of society. People who play old fighting games are autists and cavemen who never evolved proper. The fighting games are failing just like RTS was failing back in the day, Smash is literally the only thing made with quality in mind and it is a clod of shit tat gets worse every time a another one is released. Trannies have taking over, competition outside of an actual arcade or online is shit, and youtubers have made it worse. Just abandon it, its all trash.
>come into a FGC thread
>people talking about people in the community
>some autist comes in to talk about how no one cares about e-celebs after asking "Who?"
The absolute state of your mental capacity. Thanks for bumping the thread though.
I have a mannequin fetish so this really gets me going
Deigo Umeheire.
He's more of an IRL celeb though actually
You fucking ignorant retard
>Why do you think Deigo bought one
because they are fucking busted and you're at a disadvantage if you aren't on one
this is my fetish
Looks autistic and not worth the effort
E-Celeb worship shows your age and is cancerous.
>tfw you find a mannequin that has nipples and no head
Only because developers forgot you should account for left+right and up+down inputs even though this is something they learned back in the 8bit days.
This is very sexy and gross, I hope got beat up by based black men
Too bad nobody sells a universal hitbox.
I have a better one.
If Daigo is a e-celeb then so is Lupe Fiasco you faggot
on a somewhat related note, where would one be able to get/buy mannequins or parts of them?
I'm curious why these are more popular with tekken than the the hitboxes, is it to do with sidestepping?
>27.95 pounds
that's a steal, I thought those cost several hundred of €uros.
It's good for KBD
>Imagine being this retard
Super easy to find them online in any size/style. Dresser shops and tailors need them as well as hobbyists.
From the thumbnail I thought it was going to be someone in a gimp suit.
You've disappointed me.
why does the fgc hate new controllers? It's not like you can just hit a button then a Dp comes out.