Why aren't you practicing beatsaber RIGHT NOW?

Why aren't you practicing beatsaber RIGHT NOW?

Attached: Screenshot_20190522-115352.png (2048x1141, 1.07M)

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I beat my saber daily.

Because I feel like being a fat piece of shit today
Any good expert+ songs for someone trying to move up from expert?

One Hope. It should already be in the game.

My first expert + song and I feel like it hits a satisfying middleground

But I am


Attached: illya dance.gif (243x270, 483K)

Because the Quest is heavy and I'm tired.

Because there's only s handful of good custom songs and the vanilla music is beyond shit.

t. Can't beat hard songs

because vr is a meme and all vr games are tech demos for a triple "A" game price tag?

What do I need to play this?

Yeah well, if the music is so shitty I want to kill myself, why would I even want to try it?

VR capable PC and any headset

Or an Oculus Quest with no PC, but you can't play custom songs

Wait, did someone actually modded a vr control to allow for a darth maul style twinsaber?

Fucking richfags, wasting money on tons of vrsets and us here, not even having the chance to play YE OLDE PASTIMES OF THE REALITY OF THE VIRTUOUS like dactyl attack and others.

Fuck them all to hell!

Actually you can do that with any headset/ controllers

It is just as entertaining, if not better, to stay bad. I get to play songs that have a more relaxed dance like flow while still feeling challenged relative to my own abilities. Since there is so much content, I can just keep moving to new songs rather than ever having to get good at any one song. At least that is what I tell myself. I've never had rhythm and can't get good at any music game, so it isn't really an option for me.

>Why aren't you practicing beatsaber RIGHT NOW?
Not a gay, thanks.

its not expensive

Attached: maulsaber.jpg (4032x3024, 748K)

Maybe its not expensive, but theres no way those controllers havent crashed into the guys walls at some point, which means or repairs, or buying a new set.

Because I don't have vr :c

Just get a bigger house bro.

Call me when they make MMOs .hack style

because synth riders is objectively the better VR rythm game.

Attached: SynthRiders-VR-Fitness-Game-Review.jpg (800x503, 69K)

Because I'm not visiting my VR-owning buddy for a couple weeks yet. Can hardly wait though.

>rhythm "games"

stinks of normans in here.

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Gonna see how the Rift S fares. Otherwise I'm going to wait for Valve's "Index 2" and build a PC around it.

It's like the same game

t. No skill

Because this isn't video games.

You wouldn't be so angry if you just got better

Rhythm games are games, though

I practice one or two times weekly. Play with weights on up to 8 pounds on each arm 30 mins and then switch to 5 pounds for another. Favorite song is Crab Rave for the fun.
Box VR is my other go to.

Barely, also practicing is not a vidya related activity.

>You don't practice bosses, strategies, enemy patterns, ect. in video games
The more you know

Losing repeatedly until you win is not practicing

I don't have money for VR

Still waiting for my Index to arrive.
How's the official level editor?

Then what is practicing

An aside from playing a game that you take when you're autistic and think video games are a serious activity

>Is on Yea Forums
>Isn't autistic
Get out you un-virgin

Bubble tea is expert but is basically expert+, vers/us is pretty good.

What the fuck are you talking about dude

I get where you coming from, but some harder songs are still really fun. The important thing is to play for fun and not rank, because there's a lot of good unranked maps and a lot of garbage ranked maps.

The more I flail my arms the more fun I feel like I'm having

Beat saber is probably the more poor excuse for a rhythm game ever made

what about modern Osu?

It's not fun, plus I live near a round 1 so I can play iidx or pop'n if I want a rhythm game.

How to spot people who can't afford VR

Trust me when I play expert+ I usually end up hating it because it’s designed for flicking your wrists rather than swinging. I usually swing anyways, but to “be gud” the meta is to spin your wrists off. I’m practicing not having to be one of those spergs though. They need to somehow eliminate wrist flicking fags honestly by making it not count or something.

Because I would have to spend hundreds just to play this one game.

Depends on the map. In my opinion, if you are flicking your wrists more than arms you aren't playing a good map

Osu of any age is trash and on about the same level

>How to spot people who can't afford VR
I own multiple arcade cabinets of rhythm games...

>I own multiple arcade cabinets of rhythm games...
which ones?
One of them better be Rhythm Tengoku

Museca and IIDX, the rhythm tengoku cab is trash it's just the gba game

t. I'm poor and can't afford VR so I need to shit on it daily


VR shows you room boundaries, user

Probably not walls, beatsaber has a fixed center position. Ceiling fans are another story.

because i packed up my vr setup last summer when it was too hot, then i moved and i haven't been bothered to set it up in the last six months
which is a shame because i have way more room now



What's the hardest song you have finished?

Just keep practicing, user. Don't be afraid to take breaks too

I can barely beat a single track on Hard.

Early on, it's important to not panic if you get overwhelmed. If you miss a note don't lose your flow, just keep moving on and don't fuck yourself up more trying to compensate for it.

Like the other user said, keep practicing. Especially on songs you can't beat. Playing songs you know you will win over and over teaches you nothing.

Also, it's not true for everyone, but a lot of people have an easier time if they focus only on their nondominant hand and let their dominant hand work in autopilot. Personally, I don't feel like that works for me, but it might work for you.

If you have mods installed, the practice mode is insanely helpful. Find a song you can't beat, set the speed to 70 percent, and play until you can beat it at that speed, then slowly increase the speed until you can't beat it anymore, then lower the speed again. Eventually you will be able to beat it at full speed

Does anyone actually play the single saber mode?


Based. Solid advice

I love it. The song "Beat Saber" in one handed mode was my favorite vanilla track, it feels like fencing.

I haven't played 1.0 yet but I plan to try it tomorrow and give the other songs a go with one hand.



How could you hurt my feelings like this, dude?

I beat my Saber daily

Attached: saberlaidafingeronmybutterfinger.jpg (800x600, 120K)

How do you play like this? It's basically impossible with how the notes come at you.

What the fuck. This is clearly official art, but I've never once seen it before.

I think it's after Gil kicks her ass by the bridge

Don't have a VR headset.
Hate rhythm games.
Anything else?

I don't know why you think that

I already mastered it and I don't have trackers so I can record myself as playing it as an anime girl so there's no reason to play anymore.

>tfw too good for expert but don't enjoy expert+ because it stops feeling satisfying and just feels like I'm whipping my arms around like a fucking spastic

Yet to play a song where expert+ mapping actually feels like a better representation of the music than expert.

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Because it's gay and limited when I pirated it years ago. I am a big fan of audiosurf 1+2 so u thought I might like audioshield but nope that was gay and unfun too. Also it chaps my ass how vr devs get away with charging $15 more than their game is worth just because the market is starved for content.

You are pleying the wrong songs

>Also it chaps my ass how vr devs get away with charging $15 more than their game is worth just because the market is starved for content.
Couldn't agree more. Can't even wait for most of them to go on sale because they are eternally early access and steam rarely puts EA games on sale with any worthwhile discount.

I feel bad for the people that play this on platforms where you can't mod-in more songs

I still can't believe I spent like 30 bucks on a 20 minute long Rick and Morty demo.

Returned that shit so fast

Because it's not fun