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Nintendo won with RE4 Wii release years ago. Though handheld RE4 is a delicious thing that might make someone buy a Switch.

>13 year old game
>600p handheld / 900p docked

Defend what?
Switch*ids don't play games, they buy them to fit in and spend the rest of the time dilating.
They don't care how it looks/runs.

p handheld / 900p docked

jesus fuck

I cant. Capcom made a shirty port.

Why should anybody defend Crapcom?

Fuck off and kill yourself tripnigger.

WOW! switch = trash

Digital Foundry are too nice, "interesting port" my ass. 30$ per gamecube game and they're full of problems.
And there's retards that think Capcom is on a "redeption arc".

Lol what causes this insecurity?

>Switch port comes out
>it's shit
>it's everyone's fault but Nintendo's

Why can't you faggots just admit that the Switch is massively underpowered?

All that is irrelevant compared to lack of gyro aiming.

Switch is trash hardware

>other games runs fine
>capcoms old games dont

what other games ? like wolfenstein 240p@15fps ?

Why the fuck doesn't it have motion controls

Why is the remaster of REmake so fucking bad God damn.

Give me the Wii/GC version anyday.

But the switch isn't competing on power it's a portable console lmao let's see you take your fucking gaming pc on the train

why switch owners are so stupid ?

Wolfenstein is a game that released on consoles more powerful than the Switch. RE4 ran on a Gamecube. Irrelevant comparison.

>worse graphics
>worse framerate
>more expensive
>$60 for a port of a 20 year old game
handheld games have always been cheaper than home console games, but now Yea Forums pretends being portable is a good excuse for the games to be more expensive

>this game is perfect for the switch!
>we've always wanted to play re4 on the go!
Seriously DF?

Because fucking BOTW, SMO and hundred of other games run identical to both computers, PS4 etc

Both Cuphead and both Dragon quest builders games run at 60 FPS beautifully

A shit port is a shit port WWE 2k runs like pure ass even when overclocked

If it weren't for gacha being so prevalent on mobile, your average 2019 phone would run rings around a Switch.

It already does - Fortnite looks and runs way better on a Galaxy S10+ than your Switch, it will make your Switch look like last-gen.

Switch already is old hat as far as portable tech / graphics is concerned. Tegra X1 is trash 2015 hardware at this point, and this one is underclocked by default to boot.

annd filtered

Does this mean that all other devs are at fault when their games don't match the graphical fidelity of Sony's first party games?

you are only pretending right ? no way you are that retarded

>those REmake load times
jesus christ why?

Attached: captain karen.png (575x575, 233K)

Yeah but my phone doesn't have analogue sticks and I don't want to waste my phone battery playing games. Also fucking Fortnite really

because switch is garbage

should have made it 30fps like the ps3/360 versions and better resolution.

Then get a controller and a powerbank.


I don't think the PS3 version had load times that bad and Switch is more powerful and faster overall.

Smells like a lazy port job

But Switch is less powerful than a Gamecube so it's totally relevant.

Attached: CF31D3A7-2951-4DB7-8FFD-15AE6DF47FF4.png (500x522, 14K)

no way is Switch more 'powerful' than a PS3.

it's still mobile hardware at the end of it, downclocked, temp throttled

hardware wise switch is atrocious garbage so what do you mean bait ?

come on lad try harder

Attached: gimphime.jpg (548x535, 55K)

>interesting port
lol that's one way of putting it

The switch shits all over the WiiU and the WiiU was 3 overclocked Game cubes taped together

The Switch can't even run the Smash 4 port at a constant 60fps user. Stop lying.

Smash runs at 1080p 60 fps
Odyssey runs at dynamic 900p 60 fps
Splatoon 2 runs at dynamic 1080p 60 fps

Last night I hooked up my gamecube, after years of it collecting dust, to play the only game I ever owned for it (RE4). Holy hell, it is STILL the best fucking console to play it on, even after all these years. That game was made for this controller. Y'all niggas keep rebuying this title for every single generation upgrade, and it still can't hold a candle to the original. Tut tut tut.

Attached: cubetroller.jpg (800x600, 37K)

8 ice climbers on fountain of dreams is the only time where the framerate goes below 60 though.

Fantastic. Are they porting RE2make?

Two non-Ice Climbers players on FoD is enough to cause framerate issues, it's why that stage is banned by tourneyfags. Again why are you lying?

you do understand that smash is a very simple to render game and that dynamic resolution means "basically doesn't run at 1080 because it has to downscale to keep frame rate," right?

It's a port of the PS4 version with all the same textures and effects, what you expect? Even the Xbone drops frames and it's like 4x stronger than Switch


>n-no that doesn't count
every time

all this looks like games from 2010, whats your point ?

That's why LA Noire runs on Switch with higher framerate and textures?

yes it doesn't count. a smartphone could probably run smash better and the other games don't maintain the stats you brought up. Splatoon downscales to 834p when there's action on screen. don't be dense.

the post is responding to someone saying it's the switch's fault that it's not running a gamecube at 1080p.

Can you name any 300 dollar phones more powerful than the switch?

There is no source, user, it's another "Switch is garbage" bait thread, like with every DF video about Switch ports

Fuck off Chang

so now it's officially the most ported game ever?

probably a moto g or something. I'm not gonna go to the effort of looking stuff up cause you're just gonna greentext some stupid shit anyways.

probably because it has half the draw distance, worse framerate (with dips) and shittier shaders, you disingenuous faggot

its true I just want to fit in

>handheld games have always been cheaper than home console games
That was literally never the case.

that honor goes to either Rayman 2 or Doom

Nintendo's Mcdonalds tablet is so pathetic. No wonder tendies are so insecure.

>i could totally win this argument but I just don't feel like it
nintendies DESTROYED, how will they ever recover?

Actually, it has the same draw distance, framerate is the same as PS360, but dips at different times, which your beloved DF even noticed, and the shaders are actually comparable to next gen ones, with added effects like reflections on cars and such?

Nvidia tech fucking sucks.
More news at eleven.

There are plenty of digital foundry videos comparing last gen ports, switch usually has the better version.

You don't have a PC or something? You can even use the GC controller if you want.

>Nintendo's Mcdonalds tablet
Shit man, theres no better way to describe Switch, saying it as an owner of one. There are no exclusives that make the experience special. It's all just bland as fuck games. BotW is the only first party game that really impressed me

Reminder if you are playing these games on switch then you are probably playing with an analog stick.
Reminder if you are playing with an analog stick and not a d-pad you are a huffing tard. YES even the gamecube d-pad.

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>REmake, RE0 and RE4 all work on
>but suddenly it ONLY craps out on switch

Have a guess why we dont think its Capcom.

>and the shaders are actually comparable to next gen ones

Attached: kk.png (1366x768, 1.37M)
>Processor-intensive reflections and water effects can cause frame drops.

Or do you doubt the autists who nitpick every single detail when it comes to their "fighting" game rules?

no it doesn't.

PS3 version of RE4 is 30fps.
Switch version can run at 60fps.

Ok but other ports like dragon's dogma and darksiders are fine so what does that tell you?

>all work on
By your definition of "working", the Switch version works as well. Out of the systems you listed, a few others have issues too.

This is how faggots on youtube are in general
>man you know what i hated Final Fantasy VII, that was a PlayStation game while really, i grew up with an N64 so i never really got a chance to play it
>anyway now that its on switch i picked it up and im happy to say its one of my favorite games of all time now! Its perfect for switch and seeing as its on the go, pretty much the definitive edition as far as im concerned Final Fantasy started on Nintendo after all!

So in what way are the videos wrong?

PS3 is probably capable of doing some stuff the Switch might have a harder time doing, but getting to that point is incredibility fucking hard and probably only someone like Naughty Dog would have the knowledge to do it. For most devs it would have been worse.

No it's not. Last gen versions run better.

Never tell them facts, user, they will just move the goalpost. Always.

The videos are nintendo propaganda. They actually run way worse on actual hardware.

Have you seen the videos?

>LA Noire runs on Switch with higher framerate
>"...the bad news here is when stressed the Switch actually runs worse than the PS3 ever did, it's struggling to cope with this open-ended nature of this recreation of L.A"
Absolutely embarrassing

>console released after PS4 struggles to run PS3 (released 2006) games
Why is this ok for Nintendo?


YES ! I fucking love RE4.

Right but i can tell you that the PS3 versions of REmake and RE0 dont take 12 seconds to load a door or freeze as it does so

>PS3 games

Worse. RE4 is a fucking PS2 game LMAO
Shitch is a fucking joke, once again Neokikepisstrashtendo is laughing stock of the industry!

Isn't it funny that the switch and PS4 port both have the same graphics Also in the video If anybody watched it it looks fine if you complain about this port on the switch you must also complain about every single port that has come out on each console. Let's be real here PC has the best port because mods are easy to use on pc to enhance performance that and capcom is just lazy and has been on a winning streak. So don't use this as an excuse for a shitty console war you retards.

I don't even know what people are doing in their lives to make every single game an instead 10/10 as long as it's portable.

I spend two hours commuting every single day, and even I don't get that excited about games being portable.
Hell, what is even the fuck of playing console-style games on a protable console? Never really seen the appeal. Frantically pressing buttons during a serious exciting boss-fight or spending 10 minutes watching some emotional cutscene on a crowded buss next to some fat old lady that smells of urine and violets never sounded all the enticing to me. I'd rather play something that was made with that kind of stuff in mind.

>Tells Nintendo to upgrade their console
>Doesn't make a MH for Switch, goes to other console
>Leaves Nintendo out of DMC5
>Doesn't make a fighting game for Switch, goes to other consoles
>Leaves Nintendo out of RE2 remake
>Gives them shit ports made in half an hour
Why does Capcom keep dabbing on Nintendo?

2010 was already into the HD era so that’s an irrelevant elephant user

You wanna talk about Nintendo getting dabbed on?

Attached: 14300967.jpg (805x661, 56K)

We're reaching levels of cope that shouldn't even be possible.

Nigga that’s not Tetris

Isnt Tetris freeware though?

>It's another "Let's use Nintendo's kiddie fighter to advertise shit they can't play on the console" episode.
After Snake, Cloud and now Joker, I have a feeling that's going to be the main shtick for the rest of the DLC lineup. Look out for Lara Croft, Commander Shepard, boomer Dante or Spyro next.

Go take your meds Eric

Ok then let me rephrase it so it'll work in your reality.


Originally no
Tetris was a 80$ game at 1 time

Hey Eric. Still seething and coping every time someone criticizes your fisher price tablet I see

>PS4 gets both Royal and Scramble
>Switch gets only Scramble
And Nintendo fans still aren’t satisfied about having a Persona game on their console.

And they still say this doesnt justify Joker's inclusion on Smash


>Everybody complaining about graphics not about the missing gyro controls option

Attached: 1549220640323.jpg (1199x688, 96K)

>buying crapcoms low effort ports

Hell I would have settled for some sensitivity options to get rid of the fuckhuge deadzone on analog aiming.

No gyro? Really? I use a pro controller with gyro in RE2Make PC but I can't even fucking use gyro on a Switch game? Another half assed RE4 port.

Missing gyro controls was the shot in the foot that made this game a pass.

I’m more pissed it’s not like the based Wii version the Definitive edition of RE4

When your game can't even run a game from 2005 with acceptable framerates and drops, You know something went wrong.

>Op started the threat out with console war baiting
>cries when he gets BTFO

Nincels start console war threads and get BTFO every single time.

The Switch is weaker than the PS2.

Sony won.

This game is good.

I'm liking the port of REmake, though I'm really surprised that it can't manage 60fps. The game is 17 years old a this point, and three console generations ago, not to mention it's 60fps on everything else.

30fps on xbox and ps4 actually, i think only pc can get 60fps

Why do people love this piece of shit so much?

Cause they have good taste.

t. overrated shit eater.

>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Okami HD
>South Park Fractured But Whole
>Mega Man Legacy 1 and 2
>Mega Man 11
>Bayonetta 1 and 2
>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
>Resident Evil HD Remaster
>Final Fantasy VII
>Sonic Mania

Aside from BotW and Smash Bros, my Switch is basically a giant port machine, but I'm cool with that. I unironically like being able to play them in handheld mode, not to mention controllers are dirt cheap, so 4-player multiplayer is really easy to do as well.

You're probably right, I may be misremembering.

Damn. At first I thought you were just a shit flinging retard, but your contrarian nature makes you really interesting and cool as fuck. We should hang out.

>It is NEVER okay to dislike things that just so happen to be fairly popular

Neck yourself, swine.

Woah, you're posts are super high quality, bro. Have some Yea Forums gold.

>man, I'm just gonna enter into this thread and talk about a game I have no interest in and add nothing to the discussion but retardation for the only purpose of wanting attention
>w-why are you calling me a contrarian!!!!

You sure seem upset there, lil' buddy.

What can I say, I have a low tolerance for faggots.

You poor thing, too bad no one cares, so shut up fatty.

>Switch port comes out
>It's good
>Fanboys silent

Worse than GameCube, PS2, PS3 and Wii? No.