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Dragon Quest IX mobile stuff

a smash thread died for this smash thread

>Anyone but Nintendo handling announcements for their game
And Steve is getting revealed at Minecon/For the anniversary, right stupid?

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shonen jump is a manga magazine you goofball, they also used to publish a dragon quest manga

X western release

>People still think literally anything Not-Nintendo related will ever reveal a character

Would absolutely anybody be surprised at a Dragon Quest character in Smash at this point?

If it were something video game related, it would be announced in V-Jump.

I hope we get IX and X because they are the best for co-op

Probably Dragon quest XI S news, not smash related. Also no one cares about KH3 now that it released and was disappointing, Sora won't be in smash anyways


DQXI is already on steam

Erdrick will NEVER be in, literal whos from obscure franchises doesn't deserve a spot in Smash. If anythingg, Banjo is getting revealed at E3 due to his popularity and being an important legacy character wanted for 20 years by fans.

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I smell a stinky Stevefag. You Blockheads got hit hard on the 17th didn't you?

Obvious falseflagging blockhead. Gib discord link

Sora is a literal who
Goofy and Dinald are the only characters people know about in KH

>Manga Publisher revealing anything Smash Related
Y'all can't be this retarded can you? This is the whole Minecraft 10th anniversary thing all over again.

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good job posting an image of characters that will never be in

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cope anime zoomer

Erdrick.... you were supposed to help me.....

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This might not prove anything Nintendo related but this year is getting a surprising amount of dragon quest love. Him being in smash is almost bound to happen.

Why do I have to cope when I already got Joker?
You project much, Banjo Boomer?

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DQ Heroes 3 because every cool reveal is just a fucking Warriors game

holy shit could it truly be happening? i want a dq rep so goddamn bad

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>They are unironically releasing Erdrick on Rat Catcher's Day
Disneyfags BTFO

>obscure franchises
Dumb zoomer. Dragon Quest made JRPGs what they are today.

There are like two DQ clones in Smash already, let us have the genuine shit.

the only surprise for me would be a new Monsters game that actually gets release in the west

I'd rather play Dragon Quest Builders 2™ now available for pre-order on the Nintendo Switch

Erdrick going full Pied Piper and leading the rats and dumb kids away from Smash

No it's not happening, because shonen jump is a manga publisher you doof. Maybe if they said V-Jump possibly. It's probably a New DQ manga

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you make a good point user. oh well.

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Banjo is more popular in the West and create the collecathon genre, Erdrickcel did shit for gaming
> m-muh JRPGS
Tons of other games predate DQ

>smashfags discover that characters have a separate appearance outside of smash in their own franchise

>and created the collectathon genre
You mean the genre that died in the very gen it was introduced in?

Stop starting shit, Stevie

The West doesn't matter, cope banjoke

>Expecting anyone other than Nintendo to make a Smash announcement

dqiii is one of the most influential jrpgs if not games ever made, stevefag.

>created the collectathon genre
You're not even trying to hide it you steveshitter.

he's in

Imagine being this underage, BK refined the genre, other games like DK64 and Spyro followed suit afterwards

It literally does, otherwise we wouldn't have Ridley

slime would be hella based. so would erdrick/roto. really, either of the two would make me incredibly happy.

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Steve BTFO

Shut the fuck up already. No one is taking your falseflag seriously.

adam jensen is in

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
> Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past

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Advanced autism

I just hope It's a Slime and not Erdrick

>smash stuff not being annouced by bintendo
okay retard
wow no one care's about some dumb fan poll like 20k neckbeards voted on
hmmmm how come there's never a source with this
it's like almost anyone can make it
face this means absolutely nothing u delusional faggot
news alert people haven't been wanting him for 20 years
>inb4 poll 18 people voted on
wow I can't beleive people voted for a character at the height of it's popularity
ur such a faggot
newsflash asshole
banjoke is dead forever
he is never getting another game
he will never be in smash
DQ is alot more known than banjoke you delusional retard
>hurr durr some neckbeards didn't vote for him on a litteral who "fan" poll that doesn't even exist
sooo he is obscure
DQ is one of the most important series to exist
he would be representing it like how cloud represents FF
you bumbling idiot banjoke is a literal nothing
>had 2 okay games
>second one had half the sales
>most the sales of the first one were from mom's buying it for their little kids as a gift
>died on same system it debuted
>one one of nintendo's worst selling systems
>dissapears for like 10 years only to come back with a shitty spin off game were the game makes fun of them the whole time even calling them worthless outdated 2nd rate pieces of shit showing not even the developers give 2 shit's about it
>does horrible kills off the franchise for ever
your such a retard maybe leave your smash circle jerk you smelly ugly fat neckbeard
litteraly one one's on that list who could possibly be added is sora, Rex, or Elma

Fuck off Banjofag

Fuck putting more weeb characters in. A GTA character, Arthur Morgan or Revolver Ocelot need in


t. zoomer

Not everything has to do with smash you niggers. it could be a new manga like the adventure of dai.

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Go away, kid.

Are we sure they announce manga at e3? That seems really silly. Its obviously not Smash Bros but its probably not a manga either.


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Joker was revealed at Dewrito Pope's show.

ur probably the kid
go back to watching your shitty ecelebs faggot

Pls Dragon Quest Collections for the Switch 1-3, 4-6 and then the later games after

>Obscure franchises
>Dragon Quest
Dumb Zoomer

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I would unironically like this. Need something to play when I'm commuting across the globe.

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That's a neutral venue

Another game company will NEVER reveal a Smash fighter for Nintendo, cope harder.

Neku Sakuraba is in.
Announced along TWEWY 2.

Fuck Dragon Quest.

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We want slime
Fuck memerdrick


Until they do, right. I know how the rules work. Nothing that hasn't happened before ever will until it does.

Who said it has anything to do with e3?

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Literally nobody in the West cares about it

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>Only well known in Japan
>Almost completely unknown everywhere else
I'd say it's obscure overall.

its just news for the XI Switch version

It's literally a Manga Publisher. What does that have to do with Smash, Dragon Quest, or anything video game related

Early June. So chances are that it could be tied to a certain game or an e3 announcement IF its a manga.

Fuck off Banjoke, even Earthworm Jim has a higher chance than you ever will

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I'm a Banjo supporter and I'd be fine with Edrick or Sora both characters are good

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I'm fine with any character. I just want to know what they are already.

I hope we get Erdrick and Banjo at E3. Just because Erdrick isn’t well known here, Dragon Quest is huge in Japan. Like how Fire Emblem was before they got into smash.

>fighters that cannot be realized have been excluded

the state of delusional smashfags

>Huge in Japan
>Like how Fire Emblem was before they got into smash
This was always a meme

>Japanese posters use their actual names, are polite and present actual ideas instead of dull insults or meme humor
>Westerners have cringy 12 year old humor names complete with faggy emotes, cannot speak outside of meme formats, and are utterly incapable of showing interest, or at least respect for, things outside their limited nostalgic brands


Honestly I feel it's strange that Nintendo would want to work with Squeenix at all after how autistic they were about having any of their shit in Smash.
Two music tracks at most incoming.

I will fucking shit my pants and spin like a faggot if this happens. I've wanted X for years and I was sure we'd get it for the Wii.

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>says increasingly nervous tranny for the millionth time this week

Two midis at that.

was square salty sakurai chose cloud over someone newer like noctis is that why we only got two tracks


Flap outta here.

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I was ubder the impression that the songs were too expensive. Isn't the music owned by someone else? They'd have to pay more royalties besides Cloud or Erdrick. ESPECIALLY for DQ.

>>Japanese posters use their actual names, are polite and present actual ideas instead of dull insults or meme humor
No they don't

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Holy shit is this 2010?

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No, this is America.

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Leave Sorabros alone you disgusting subhuman pile of trash.
Tick tock.

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(Laughing harder)

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Based and TWEWYpilled

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Erdrickfags and Stevefags might as well lend each others shoulders to cry on. Because this dude is in.

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Playable Pop in Jump Force?

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Has anyone considered that dragon quest might be represented with a multitude of heroes and erdrick is just the main one like Bowser Jr? I think this would make people happy.


This would probably be the best outcome
DQBros get their representation and insiderfags get BTFO

Only falseflaggers and retards thought he would be announced through mojang.

Reminder that soon, Erdrickfags will be groveling before their betters.

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Yes that's right user, Frisk is going to be revealed at e3! Thanks for reminding us.

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>only falseflaggers thought-
Oh the ironing.

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why does he stand like that does he have a penis up his ass or osmething

>related to E3
>a manga

Get a fucking clue knob head

REMINDER; May 27 is the official Dragon Quest day.
If Erdrick isn't announced May 27, then he's objectively disconfirmed and out.

Post more interesting Dragon Quest characters than Goten with a sword that you would actually play.

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Literally all of them.

Only the retarded Twitter poster said it’s possibly related to E3, nowhere in the news does it say that.

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Stop that. No character has ever been revealed because of an anniversary. And certainty not without a direct or announcement from Nintendo.

You’re not in Hackiyama’s copy paste male.

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You gonna cry if Banjo-Kazooie is confirmed? You gonna shitpost here to hide your tears?
You gonna tell us to Seethe and cope?


All the falseflagging, ugly renders and buzzwords in the world won't prepare you from this orbital dunking.

Remember when you all creamed your creeper patterned jammies when this showed up? Remember when you were so confident that your meme blockman would be announced on the 17th? Deflect all you want, it will never distract from your failures.

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This statement probably still means something and you banjoids are probably trying to relate it to banjo in your schizo minds.

Death to Erdrick.

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Stop trying to make this a new meme you stupid faggot

>implying erdrincel isn't a meme


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>The same posters in every erdrick thread

Erdrick is pretty much Japan's Ridley. Just like how Ridley is only popular in the West and not Japan, Erdrick is only popular in Japan and not the West.

Dragon Queer can go fuck itself.

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just like Ashley was Japan's Ridley, right?

>Erdrick is pretty much Japan's Ridley.
Just another reason to actively oppose Erdrick's inclusion in Smash. Ridleyfags and Erdrickfags are on the same level of tumorous cancer.

>x is y's Ridley
Stop this. Shut up and stop it.

>Seething about Ridley
Lmaoing@your sad pathetic life

>SE rep is disappointing


that is SOOOOOOOO surprising

No, Sora is just as shitty and obvious.

It's probably ports/remakes. It's a bit soon for DQXII.

>Erdrick is only popular in Japan
erdrick isn't even popular in japan.

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Please, stop.
I just want more Hunter X Hunter.

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>shonen jump
it's probably not even video game related.

Very true.