>won't have a playable demo in E3
>instead they'll have an another closed door demo played by them (CDPR) and some scraps for the public
>won't have a playable demo in E3
>instead they'll have an another closed door demo played by them (CDPR) and some scraps for the public
Other urls found in this thread:
V looks so handsome
did V become justin timberlake?
sounds normal
probably because they want to get it right first time, instead of rushing out something halfbaked at E3 only to get embarrassed like every ubisoft press launch ever.
>Retarded blunderposter is back
The only OH NO here is that it probably means it'll be another 2 years before we get it.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
Nah, everything is pointing to a 2019 release.
This game is going to crush and burn, there's too much hype around it, screencap this
early 2020 more likely
too much gay shit in it
Oh, no! A game with a character creator and a freedom to choose the people you sleep with is horrible because some people might choose to fuck someone with the same gender!
they haven't showed male v can fuck women they only showed female v and gay shit
a 2020 release would be a nice wink to the original cyberpunk
We'll see. If it is 2019 and they still aren't letting people touch it they might be rushing things which would be detrimental
Normal for games not planning to release in the next year. I think that is the implication OP is attempting to illustrate.
It's a brilliant advertising tactic.
When you give journalists and influencers exclusive content they will rush out to beat each other in publishing it.
The journalists get clicks from CDPR fanboys who would have otherwise not visited their shitty sites.
CDPR gets more eyes on their product from the dummies who visit the journalists and influencers for info.
Then CDPR can show the same demo again 3 months later and it's a new PR product for no extra work.
It amazing and brilliant business wise, but it sucks if you just want to find out more about the game.
They never had playable demos in e3, it doesn't tell anything
I will be preordering. Fight me faggot!
Who cares? If it's out, it's out. If not, then not. Why are we even bothering to discuss this? Why are we arguing? Isn't our time better spent posting cunny?
is that why it's full of gay shit to suck journalist cock
>demo is going to be in daytime again
>palm trees in the background
>this thread could've died
People never learn. Oh well, at least I get to post these again.
>male v taking it up the ass again
when is E3?
sorry I'm out of loop with these stuff these days
>when is E3?
in something like 20 days
11-14 next month.
girl or homosexual? i kinda look like V and i need to know
>tfw incel
I'd remind you what to do with this kind of thread, but it's:
2)bannable offence
>the sunfag is back to once again try and force his contrarianism and trick newfags into following him
Really? You really think there won't be possible to make a straight V?
They've literally said some NPCs will be straight, some gay, some bi, so you can play V however you want, and not every character is willing to jump into bed with you if you're male, or female, or vice versa.
there is definitely going to be forced gay romances in this game to appease the sjw crowd
uhh thanks
I really play as a good cop bad cop so bad when it come out
damn I can't wait it's stressing me the fuck out
when will they show straight male v then
>forced romances
Does not compute.
>no classes
>premade voiced protagonist
>can't join any fucking factions
No he looks just like me
>no classes
They are still in. You just don't know how roles worked in the pnp
>premade voiced protagonist
So Mass Effect isn't an RPG? Gothic? Deus Ex?
>can't join any fucking factions
Isn't a big deal. Even in NV which is faction-centric joining a faction barely meant anything.
they are real though, we saw them in the trailer and in the demo
they wanted the gta 5 audience and now they are backpedaling
they want the gay tony audience lmao
Lost my Pre-Order. Still waiting, but I'm not preording it.
it's quite sad how CDPR has changed since Witcher 1. they used to be /ourguys/ with a "for gamers by gamers" mantra.
now they have become everything they used to despise themselves.
money corrupts everything in the end.
that's the most disappointing thing. you're going to have to roleplay as a snarky asshole 100% because V is a premade merc
nice roleplaying game lmao
they got woke
Ok, that's who I was thinking of when I saw him with that facial hair.
He meant that they're not natural palm trees.
Because they've only showed the game once. A game that's probably coming out in 2020. Don't be hasty and jump to conclusions.
As for relationships, this is a quote from Game Informer:
>“You know, you’re defining your own character here, which means defining their sexuality any way you want”, Mills says. Different NPCs might be straight, gay, or bisexual; each will have their preferences, and might or might not be sexually interested in your character (which you’ll be able to create yourself).
Why do retards always bring this up? Not every RPG is DnD.
it's just fucking marketing m8 stop being overtly dramatic about it
I don't even care anymore, that last stuff they showed looked like shit anyways, I'm not even interested in the game at this point.
You were more like a hired Merc throughout the entire game, doing their dirty work to further your goal. Even the factions you "joined" you were never officially a part of.
No company is "pro-gamer", every company wants to look "pro-gamer", but they're all about making money.
Literally in every single thread there is some retard trying to argue with this shitposter, is this games attracts only brainlets?
jesus christ shut the fuck up and go cry about your SJWs on reddit you fucking drama queen
>caring about GTA clones
This game is an absolute dumpster fire that gets worse each time more information comes out. More energy goes into social justice than actual gameplay.
until they show that you can have a straight male V, this game is off my radar
I've been under a rock for a while, what's the sjw pandering or bad news going on?
Based TORtanic pusher.
It's FAKE NEWS created by bladerunner fags.
How can you claim to be the master race and yet be so thin skinned?
>still pushing this meme
it was a mistake
>no classes
So Fallout is not an RPG?
>premade voiced protagonist
So Planescape:Torment isn't an RPG?
>can't join any fucking factions
What does joining factions even mean retard?
everything went wrong from the beginning. people wanted a cyberpunk game not a gta 5 clone. then the gameplay starts and combat looks like borderlands with the shitty damage numbers. then male V gets fucked in the ass by his gay mutt lover.
So is this going to be normal? Just one assblasted guy spamming this until it releases and breaks records/gets 10/10s?
Game has massive gay romance trees but no real rpg trees
Nothing. People just heard that there was daylight and a possibility to have gay relationships (if you want) and concluded that the game was hijacked by SJWs and is terrible.
Basic dumb shit. Based only on the 43 minutes of footage we've had.
apparently last year demo (the one who got on youtube) could be played with male v and he still woke up with another man in it so this bunch of twats declared the game a SJW cesspool
also they decided that it was a GTA knock-off for obscure reasons they would probably be glad to explain to us if they had any
in short, nothing happened but Yea Forums being Yea Forums every thread is a dumpster fire of cringy faggots spamming stale memes at people who got hype because they like CDPR and/or the setting
>jesus christ shut the fuck up and go cry about your SJWs on reddit you fucking drama queen
SJWs weren't mentioned at all in that post. It was all about marketing tactics. You are jumping at shadows and it's hilarious.
>This is what Sunfags actually believe
>also they decided that it was a GTA knock-off for obscure reasons they would probably be glad to explain to us if they had any
A person on twitter said it. You know how Yea Forums is with twitter.
this is from official interview dumbass
How exactly have they changed?
They still are the one of the most if not the most pro-consumer video game company around. They don't do any nickel and diming, no microtransactions, no lootboxes or any other EA type shit.
If you're shitting on them for downgrade then are you also shitting on Fromsoft for the shit they pulled with DS2?
are you sure its gonna be a closed door demo? I thought they will show a gameplay on stage.
>game about cyborgs and other disgusting freaks
Can't imagine it not being a SJW cesspool.
>in this demo at least
Maybe if you just give them some time they will develop a good game instead of rushed publisher crap.
it's so fucking important to cdpr to show gay shit they haven't shown straight male v
They're doing both this year. Closed doors presentation and a public booth presentation.
They'll likely do both again, double the amount of attention.
>players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
It literally says you can choose who you sleep with, and in an interview they said that you can be gay or straight or bi (), you dumb illiterate nigger.
Imagine being so scared of twitter outrage that you force gay homosex into your game.
CDPR are fucking cucks.
Not that guy, but you know that was what he meant, come on
it will probably be like dragon age where you dont have to be gay but you are still surrounded by annoying faggots
it was fucking Gibson, the guy is:
a) old
b) doesn't play a lot of videogames from what I can gather
c) hasn't said or written anything of relevance about cyberpunk in the last two decades
but everything is good to shit on people who wronged Yea Forums by having expectations for a videogames, i guess
I think it was the eurosource rulebook which had something about some people getting rid of their dick/vagina to become agender they even had pronouns etiquette, reading it in our day and age was quite fun, kinda curious to see if CDPR did anything with it
But my gender choices are locked to male and female only? fucking Disgusting.
when will they fucking show straight male v they showed female v and gay shit
Imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that you whine about gays on mongolian fish carving forums.
What are the benefits of installing fluorescent lighting into your jacket collar?
>not letting shitty games journalist play your game and record awful gameplay for it
What's the problem?
He has a valid point. All you did was vomit up angry sperg noises as response.
Hit a nerve there did i fag? Go choke on your pozzed bfs cock and die.
You sound like a closethomo.
What are the benefits of wearing jewelry? Wearing makeup? Or any other manner of peacockery?
future fashion you dingus
No he doesn't. He's just throwing temper tantrum over absolutely nothing.
I don't think that's comparable.
>463304196 (You)
I mean, sure it sucks but why are you so impatient? It'll come out eventually and probably be ok. In the meantime there are hundreds of other titles to keep you occupied.
Stop being an impatient child.
>if you dont like shoehorned lgbtq shit you're secretly gay
It's is a purely cosmetic accessory, what do you mean it isn't comparable?
No, it's just that obsession of your for choking of dicks and like. Classic closetfag behavior.
I seriously question your sexual orientation.
>He's just throwing temper tantrum over absolutely nothing.
Sounds like what you did desu. His point is valid. If you put something into your own creation against your will because you fear the literal terrorists who will rake you over the coals for not putting it in, that's a bad thing.
Jewelry is finery. It's really expensive and while it does accessorize, it's more a sign of success and status. Light bulbs are not commparable to that. Especially ina place that never gets dark to begin with.
I wish I could pull off wearing LEDs on my clothes.
Who's saying it's against their will? It's a game about near future and we have fags even in our time, so pretty sure we're going to have them in future too.
It would have been a valid poiint if the demo or trailer had been full gay parade, but it was't, so it was really just what i said: temper tantrum over nothing.
it was full of gay shit they haven't even shown straight male v ffs
>Jewelry is finery
>It's really expensive
LMAO go in the cheap parts of a town you tard and see women wearing plastic jewelry.
>you fear the literal terrorists who will rake you over the coals for not putting it in
the witcher 3 protag is strictly straight and I haven't heard shit from the crowd od SJW journos you claim are after CDPR
you're just mad that CDPR said people who wanted to be gay in a videogame could do it in cyberpunk
Such a stale bait, you're not even worth (you).
Sorry about your situation.
they haven't fucking shown you can be straight male if you want
oh, come on this is fucking CDPR, the guys who gave you collectible cards when you fucked prostitutes in TW1
I don't see why there wouldn't be straight relations in cyberpunk, they said and I quote "players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play" why wouldn't they give you the possibility to be straight, they probably showcased the gay stuff because the straight male protag was obvious coming from the guys who brought you Geralt
Right then, shitposting aside, what do you hope to see in the new demo? I want to see the male V doing his thing and more clothes options.
Borderlands or mmo style floating damage numbers are a huge issue. Maybe possibly if there is an in universe explanation but I'm not happy with floaty number BS.
will they ever fucking show straight male again
Agree, and I was all over CDPRs dick when Witcher 3 was newer
Fixed your jacket CDPR. You're welcome.
straight male v they should stop with the female v and gay shit
Who told y’all sarcasm is cute?
I don't know m8 I'm waiting for the E3 presentation like everybody
They put at least two gay men into the game, one of whom is a tranny.
Objectively worse. You must have the most boring tastes if the collar is really bothering you that much.
It is amazing how people still get baited by you, I swear to god threads about this game just brings all the leeditors and other fags, there is no other way.
>gay peoples in my videogames, I won't stand for it !
jesus christ it's like those "gamer rise up memes" were about you or something
also that elf is just a crossdresser but that's another debate
This, or maybe you can only get the keycard needed to sneak in some Megacorporations backdoor if you sneak into your Mexican buddies backdoor.
It’s the same as in Skyrim where not being locked in to certain things make your choices have no meaning. As a non fag, dialogue options for gay butsex don’t ever come up in real life. Is this gonna be one of those games I can’t play in the living room?
The collar objectively looks dumb.
Now you're just being silly and looking for any reason to be offended, as you people love to do. No one said anything of the sort.
Didnt see the daily sun threads about CP2077? Avoid threads like this until the E3.
>complaining about homosexuality in the year 2077
>in fucking Cyberpunk
You must be a poltard or a dinosaur.
Are you this fucking retarded that you don’t even read the OP and then post a rebuttal like you knew exactly what you were doing?
I expect get side quest in city, go around and buy shit, activities quickly, get in the car and drive out of the city for the side quest in a big ol shoot out. Open up skill trees and show off that, then maybe crafting or meeting new factions
After the 48 minute demo I can't understand why anyone still cares.
It is just Borderlands with graphics instead of the Codehunters art style as far as I'm concerned.
I would have liked a cyberpunk version of VTMB or at the very least Fallout.
This doesn't look like anything close to an RPG to me.
Instead it comes off as something cynically made to appeal to the casual market of shooter loving shit-bags.