Yea Forums condemns normals for buying AAAAAAA games, microtransactions, season passes and the like

>Yea Forums condemns normals for buying AAAAAAA games, microtransactions, season passes and the like
>Yea Forums condemns spics for buying FIFA every years and therefore allowing EA to have unlimited money
>But when you ask Yea Forums which games they support: "buying? Nah, I pirate everything; do you think I'm a buycuck or something"

Imagine having the gall to criticize the people that actually put their money where they mouth is

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Other urls found in this thread:

>giving a fuck what anyone on Yea Forums thinks

Retarded anime poster. Yea Forums is simply for shitposting and baiting gullible retards like yourself who give a fuck about the opinion of an anonymous person online

And? Where's the problem?

eating money sounds like a bad idea

>le Yea Forums is one person maymay
Day 3476: OP continues to be a colossal faggot.

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It appears that Yea Forums is a bunch of gacha-shitters, it's even worse than any normalfag shit.

Imagine being a cuckhold

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But user, we must find people with wrong opinions and make them suffer

>"Yea Forums"!
>"Yea Forums"!
>"Yea Forums"!
When faggot op is really saying is

>buying vidya in 2019
I shiggy diggy

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And then unironically remember Yea Forums plays fucking GACHA games which is the biggest cancer ever

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Yea Forums is for all intends and purposes a hivemind.

Yea Forums also support gacha trash. Yea Forums think they are better than normalfags.

They also buy trash like neptune which is even worse than Fifa.

Better more niche games will always sell less than yearly sports games and shit with lots of marketing.
Just like with movies... And music...

That's the casual market.

wait, nagatoro gets cucked?


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Imagine reading garbage.
I thought Yea Forums had better tastes than Yea Forums.

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>I thought Yea Forums had better tastes than Yea Forums.
Why do you think Yea Forums keeps kicking Yea Forums out?

i dont pirate
but i also dont buy modern trash games, make good games and i'll buy them
and kill yourself, tranny faggot

Now I understand.
Yea Forums is bad but Yea Forums turns out to be worse.

Yea Forums has terminally shit taste for the most part.

>dumb bully-chan is getting cuckled

But I always purchase a physical copy when possible.
And you should do the same. The moment steam goes under, you're fucked.

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But I do buy games, I only pirate western games because they're almost always dogshit.

Cheap drama device.

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Hi Ruggerall.

Is Ema Lovely still around?

I remember streaming and being at Ema's playhouse all the fucking time.


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Presidente did nothing wrong.

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>the bully becomes the bullied

it's intensive purposes you massive retard

>make my body clean again

Why does president look like walking sex?

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Hmm, they're all wearing the same type of material on the legs.

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>Yea Forums is a single entity.

Naturally, do you not feel the synthesis?

Yea Forums is a hivemind
The majority here watches shit like quarter pounder, ltcorbis and pjw and thinks that SJW's are runing vide games.

>quarter pounder, ltcorbis and pjw
Shit, I guess I belong to Reddit then since I don't watch any of those.

Buy japanese games

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the only way to effect change in the direction of the industry is to buy games, prove me wrong.

>Yea Forums hates consolefags cause they buy their games
>PC gets a shit port and blames consolefags for buying their games

>Fallout 76
>Top game

>haha i posted the funny bait picture again!

>he doesn't pirate fifa
Career mode is where its at. Fuck fut.

A lot of Yea Forums is in the EU so they need to spend their unemployed neetbux more responsibly, sometimes you can't afford that game you're wanting and pirate instead.


Okay I'll bite

>Game exploring horrors of World War 2 and the impact it left on future generations, told from perspectives of different protagonists representing different factions from conflict.


>You kill dinosaurs to make gear from better dinosaurs, also food

>Game that explores various religious themes and the nature of human mind, showing us how easy it is to control masses if you have charisma and determination


>You play bowling and go to karaoke bars, sometimes you punch people, when there's no cutscene playing

It's not hard to make game look good when you use million words

Or be a piratefag and wait on a crash that will never come.


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Imagine playing first person shitters. Point & click ADHD autists are pathetic.

Imagine having the gall to imagine that Yea Forums is one person.

>Yea Forums is simply for shitposting and baiting gullible retards like yourself
That is what OP is doing and you just got baited hard.

>only FPS exist in this world xD

Who even plays RDR2 in first person mode

who else /paypig/ here?

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Yea Forums can't even agree on whether or not video games are fun. You have no idea what a hivemind is, and you are a faggot.


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But everyone agrees that Yea Forums is populated with faggots

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I feel awful for spending money at gacha and loot boxes but I have no self control

>things that have nothing to do with gameplay


>gameplay things

If it's not hard then why didn't it work?

what gacha user?

Findom was a mistake.

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(You) happy now?

No human behavior is magically above criticism.

no idea, feh?

>Yea Forums is one person

AFK Arena

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why did you fall for the findom meme user?

ahhh that is really bad user... you could at least spend money on something with gameplay like fgo

Because Yea Forums has terrible taste.
Every big board is terrible at what their actual topic is.

>""""supporting""""" games

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Where can I read chapter 38?

What kind of fag actually gets scared or offended by words on the internet. How embarassing.


I blame underage mentality like dumb shit as “haters gonna hate”. What kind of retard thinks they can do whatever they want but somehow still beleive that everyone has to support or accept said action.


The nature of anonymous posting is sincerity is frowned down upon

It wasn't like this before, here. Ironic children like you ruined everything.

Holy shit that’s good art of the new best girl

It was always like this
>threads disguised as video game discussions are actually just shitposting bait threads in disguise
That’s all that v has ever been. A video game themed shit posting board.

Im newer for sure, but I only ended up being ironic because when I tried talking to people, everyone said nice blog or was argumentative and critical of everything I said for the sole reason that I was saying it in the first place. So dont blame me, man.

Not true at all, if you go to any other imageboard you will see what discussion looks like, the people are all bitter but they are bitter together rather than at each other.

What the fuck are you on about? Google, your ai needs work.

Make a post about your favorite game, then make a one sentence post bashing it and see which one generates discussion.

>enter thread about vidya
>blogpost about "muh grandma this game helped me through uni when my gf left me Yea Forumsros..."
>get told to fuck off and talk about vidya
>wow wtf! What I said was true how could you hate it this place sucks now and i'm a 2011 elderfag!
Lurk moar

I get threads that reach 300 posts either way and both are great. What's your point?

Dont have one, obviously you got it all figured out.

Yeah that's the issue, i feel like people just use this place to bitch and nitpick these days.

I mean it wasn't all that bad 10 or so years ago but after tortanic every single huge release there were attempts to derail all the disscussions into "SJW'S RUIN MUH VIDYA BAAAAAAW".
Which reached it's peak in august-september 2014.

These fucking culture warriors just love to be triggered about something it seems, so they will look for some random bullshit reason to start another godawful thread.

It does not really help that drama youtube channels blew up around the same time (leafy). I don't think it's a problem with Yea Forums specifically, it's more a problem with the internet as a whole.

??? you have no frame of reference for what I was saying. People will get onto you for talking about a thing or mechanic you liked in a game, appreciating the graphics, recounting an online encounter that was enjoyable, trying to compare and contrast games in a series, analysing art directions, it doesnt matter, its all an impersonal competition of ideas, and if you're not "competing" you're blogging. Thats more of what I meant.

>it’s not my fault, it’s everyone else’s
Maybe you shouldn’t have posted like a stupid faggot. That’s a problem on your end thinking you should have been accepted with open arms.

Im from South America and can confirm every spic that is not part of the top 5% of the economic class here pirate everything.

There's no "problem", hell if anything by my perception the only problem is that you have some kind of assumption that I was looking for acceptance. Because if I wasnt looking to be accepted, I wouldnt have a point, and you wouldnt have anything to insult me over and trigger a little stupid argument. Thats kinda my point, thats all these conversations amount to, there is no room for anything BUT irony by that point. Like how should I even respond to you? By being honest or with an ironic passive agressive jab? Who even cares.

Lurk moar faggot.

Great. Glad to see truth prevail over google's awful prototype AIs. Based.

>RDR2 is an FPS
Nice fucking try. And Octopath was an atrocity in its own right. Just look at this trainwreck of 'dialogue' and 'voice acting':

good chat.

I stopped buying video games long before they stopped being made for me. The type of games I want now basically don't exist.

Okay, I know you're new here but i'll take it slow so you can understand. Those people are trolls, they've been around since the dawn of the interwebs. Retards like you feed the trolls and they troll more. Just because you made a post, doesn't mean everyone should give a shit about it. I'll say it once, i'll say it for the last time.

Lurk moar

im not trying to change the nature of the website or asking you how to fit in better, it was just dumb how you assumed I go into threads and talk about my life story lol

based bully poster

the ideal nature of anonymous posting is sincerity without consequences. Because there's no reason to lie.

hm, what the fuck happened then? Eightchin has sensible discussions, for example.

see ideals never survive contact with humanity

You're not asking how to fit in but i'm telling you how because you stick out like a sore thumb. And no you don't stick out because you're cool and everyone else isn't, quite the opposite actually. Last (You), savour it, lurk moar.