Are you excited for the YU-NO remake?
Are you excited for the YU-NO remake?
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It looks soulless as fuck. They'll remove all the incest too, probably.
Should I play the original first or go straight for the remake?
I'm so glad I played the original when this was announced.
why would I give a fuck about the remake, I already played the original and the remake has shittier art and still doesn't add a proper route/ending for Eriko so what's the point
same scene but with new art
>Should I play the original first
The original with soul.
Then what reason would I have for buying the remake? The story is literally the same so ofc I won't bother re-reading it, especially only after 4 months.
Why did it need a new artstyle? couldn't they mimic the original? Why did they have to make it look so fucking generic?
Why not just play the english fan translation with the h-scenes and Sega VO reimplemented?
>Then what reason would I have for buying the remake?
I won't lie, Mitsuki looks pretty cute there.
But the remake art still generally looks terrible compared to the original.
Why would I? I already regret actually finishing the original. The plot really shits itself in the final portions.
Soulless dogshit, don't even bother and if you find this appealing do the world a favor and kill yourself
It is weird as fuck to have official releases for something like Yu-no. Like ıt will have actual cartridge release on Switch. Mind blowing. Even Steins Gate was expected, it was popular as fuck with nornalfags but this is practically uncharted territory for them.
No, the art looks like shit. Why did they change it? Who thought it was a good idea?
>tfw Vita has the PC-98 original, probably PS4 too
Does this release also have this translated?
The new art is fucking awful so no fucking chance and all the resigned look like generic shit. If I was to play I'd play the original.
The dithering in PC-98 games is sexy as fuck.
I wonder how they're going to handle the whole father daughter incest as a major plot point thing.
There's no way around it without outright changing the ending.
Though I also think the ending is fucking retarded, changing it wouldn't be proper.
I got nothing against the new art; it looks fine. Just the question of why they made such a drastic shift from the original style. I wonder what the thought process behind it was.
Can't we just have a button to switch the art styles?
Incest is nothing special nowadays. GoT has brother on sister sex scenes and it's the most normalfag TV series ever.
>what the thought process behind it was
Modern games are tarnished with modern morality bullshit and plays it safe. I bet bunch of stuff from the old game that are considered offensive now are going to get censored or outright removed. Not interested in butchered modern day interpretation of a good old game.
Gloss it over maybe. The surprise incest is easy to miss if you change the presentation and incest at the end can just be turned into hugs and kisses. The very end also leaves everything to imaginations so with removing sex scenes I think they are safe on that regard.
Does the anime running right now spoil the game? I'm thinking about watching it.
Why is 90's anime so shitty?
A new coat of paint was needed for a new generation is what the idea behind the change I think. Personally I don't mind. It's not like they used disgusting filters or somehow made the original fan translation not accessible. I will give it a change if someone backports the translation to Vita. If not I already completed the original years ago.
>still no umineko kickstarter
i just want it for the merchandise since umineko stuff is so hard to find
So it's merely a product of its time? Fair enough for a remake, I suppose. At least the original is still around.
80s unironically the cutest
I'll probably play it.
Probably because they went with what's popular nowadays.
You know, just like back then.
Will there be porn?
It's just cherry picking, the 90's were the golden age of anime.
It's not, that image is totally misleading. 90's have lots of great anime. Cowboy Beebop and Gunsmith Cats to name a few.
wew based
The original was generic in its heyday too. E.g. here's a random PC-98 VN off Google.
>they made her into a womanlet
Imagine living knowing you're 30% smaller than the average of your age.
No shit it does. Never watch the anime if you have any plans at all to read the VN. Otherwise you'll be bored out of your mind sitting through the slow slice-of-life parts building up the plot reveals you already know.
>Angel Halo
Hey that's by the authotrof Bible Black, nice.
It came out on console first so I can't see them adding those in.
not at all. it blows my mind money was wasted localizing it.
I like the old art style better
No, that hack that does the Tonelico games has shit art.
Just wanted to know if the anime tells the story of the VN or an alternative story in the same universe.
seems it's censored on console because spike chunsoft didn't think it could get an M rating, and they've just skipped the ESRB rating for the PC version because it was within valve's standards.
awful pathetic an all-ages version of eroge has to be further censored, but i suspect this is only a case of the publisher taking an automated rating estimate and then censoring their game before formally submitting it to avoid paying for multiple submissions.
Looks horrendous.
The visual style should definitely have been more somber than that.
It is telling the same story but adding or expanding stuff to fill episodes. I've seen worse adaptations. Though I am going in with the assumption that the original and this remake games have the same plot since I didn't read this.
>Implying Saber Marionette was shit
fuck off zoomer
Will it have porn though? Cucking the baseball hat kid is some of the hottest shit ever
She looks like the elephant man.
The only way the remake can be decent is if they fix the last part of the epilogue, it was so fucking rushed, it feels like an author putting half of the story into the final 2 pages of a book.
Vita has the original? I can't find it
It is english patched?
The writer is dead so unless he didn't leave some outlines for a rewrite, anything they do would be akin to fanfaction.
Having played both the main advantages of the remake is much better background art/higher resolution, higher quality bgm (still same guy) and preference of VA for some of the characters.
Many would probably prefer the old artstyle which is pretty reasonable. While some of the new CGs are quite good, the general portaits are pretty bad. And most of the time you're looking at those portraits.
I definitely like Mio's new VA more, the previous is way too gentle for her character. Tsudere queen's thorny way of speaking fits her better.
It would have been perfect if they were able kept the artstyle. I know scenario writer has passed but I think the illustrator is still available (didn't check) so it could have been possible.
I realized it few days ago. After the announcement I wanted to download the Vita version to see the remake and I saw the original on NPS Browser. If you search for Japanese PS Store on NPS Browser for YU-NO it will show up. It has no translation though.
Original composer is also dead. Also I too like Mio's voice going by the anime. Rie Kugimiya usually use the same voice on tsundere characters but this tone she is using for Mio is not too squeaky or not too mature. Just perfect.
I'm torn. I like the original artstyle more, but at the same time I'd like to play the new one for QOL reasons.
The BGM is definitely someone new, Ryu Umemoto died years ago. It's arranges of original stuff, so opinions are going to vary widely. Personally I think the original Umemoto renditions had better dynamic, there's a lot more reverb and general noise in the new one. That's probably to be expected when the artist designs both the music and the music driver.
That's more like a "draw your own manga book" 90s, the sort you'd see on game mags and shit. Most regular shows really don't look much different to 80s style.
If it got a pass from CERO then the ESRB would pass it too. CERO is way more uptight, this was likely spike fucking things up for shits and giggles.
Wait really? I swear I saw the composer's comments on the guidebook that came along with my LE.
Checking it now.
>that fucking generic anime art
>Left: soul
>Right: soulless
Every time.
Bronchitis my man. It's such a shame because he's about the only video game composer I recognise by name rather than his works. He died midway into working on a VN for Cave of all people, called Instant Brain. They released it with some tracks from him and with new composers on the rest, and you can really tell which ones are him.
Yeah, both Ryu Umemoto and Hiroyuki Kanno died the same year. They worked on YU-No when they were young and died pretty young too. It pretty sad.
how the fuck does this even happen, he REMOVES detail and just airbrushed everything.
That's great but also sucks
I hope someone can patch it
I read in an article it's coming out uncensored on PC and with "light bars" on consoles, as in that shit from DMC6, presumably to cover a bare ass or whatever. Am I right in assuming the remake never had the sex scenes there in the first place? Doesn't seem like something they'd bother with in this day and age.
What's your favorite work of his? I looked at Grounseed and found the usual Umemoto sound, but got hooked on Ryu Takami too. That and YU-NO have such killer soundtracks. I can't believe they made two seperate soundtracks for Grounseed too.
>I seen it before therefore it's bad
>spike chunsoft
>again with different bonus items depending on what version you buy
Someone needs to smack these people
Someone's baiting or hasn't seen the redesigns. Some of the characters are completely unrecognizable and bland.
The shading is more advanced, but ends up looking worse. I think there's more little detail too. like the visible texture on the suit if you zoom in, but it all just ends up looking worse. I don't really know how you can make something with more artistic merit that looks worse. Maybe it's the style.
Man this is depressing.
Looks like this is another Ryu, Takami Ryu. He says he's also involved in YU-NO's bgm (not sure if there's a "main") and the 3 of them talked about remaking of the game in the past.
He probably hasnt seen this
Another reason to play the fan-translation over this new shit is Kanno was actually involved with it, its creator was sending him transcripts and samples over email throughout to make sure nothing was getting lost in translation and he died basically just before the patch came out. He was still really proud of the game and excited for the world to see it, shit sucks.
They made the characters less sexualized and that's a huge relief.
>like the visible texture on the suit
I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, but what he likely did was apply a screentone to the armor image layers and called it a day. If you look closely, the screentone is always facing directly at the monitor with no consideration for the viewing angle, etc.
>actual author was involved with something like that
Based nip. May he rest in peace.
I can't get a huge relief anymore.
Automation doesn't necessarily make it bad mind you, laziness certainly does though.
>Maybe it's the style.
It's a bland digital paint style and he turned Korean for some reason.
I didn't explore Umemeto's work to say my favorite but he had some great stuff on Cave SHMUPs.
Correct. The remake is an all ages version, which means there was no need to censor anything.
Quite depressing indeed.
First time hearing that. What a great dude.
Sounds like bullshit, what's the source?
I'd say they're more sexualised in a different appeal. All the strong looks have turned soft, and submissive looking. Over the board more female characters seem to not look directly at the camera, or have a glazed over kind of look. At the same time the body language is more submissive too. Kanna flatly has her arms apart, rather than the protective pose she used to have, the fucking security guard is looking down and away from your gaze, mizuki's large suit has the shoulders removed to look less imposing and her arm is now behind her back. Under eriko's lab coat the cleavage has been made more available and there's a pointless hole to show off her navel now.
It's all been made to look more soft, submissive and moe, like they're all being presented to you or presenting to you. It's just more fantasy pandering, and if you don't think waifu building isn't sexual you're wrong.
Source is the game's description on the patch release site, I specifically remember reading that before I downloaded it. No idea if it's still up.
On a related note for PS version the original was a preorder bonus.
It doesn't have VA though, I'm not sure you would find that worthwhile over the PC/remake version with VA.
That CG is her backfacing you with no clothes on. You can see side boobs/butts but not the nipple.
The JP PS version has a small sunray covering her crotch portion, one thing I'm not sure if the new sunray means:
1. JP switch version removed sunray.
2. West version adds sunray to boobs.
since this was released quite a few years back before the censorship stuff.
Is there a cg rip of the original? Looking for only the sex scenes.
Surely the PS4 version doesnt have the sex scenes?
tlwiki is down all the time, but there's this
Is it bad that I hugely prefer the new style? OG is just too bug eyed for me, kinda like the 90's Sailor Moon, though not as bad as Clannad.
Downloaded the original on PS Vita
I have a rip of all the graphics I did, keep the thread alive and I'll have it up soon.
Because the anime is airing
Just watch the anime
They really should've added a classic mode. Then this remake would really be worth it. As it is, it's worse than the original.
Yeah, it didn't have voices but it was neat to see the original running on Vita.
Back in the day that was a genetic artstyle
I hate Sony so, so damn much. I fucking hate them.
Ruining not just the release on their own platform, but the releases of their competition as well. Fuck them so hard.
The adaption seems solid enough so far but VN animes are to be watched AFTER playing the game or not at all. There are no exceptions to this.
No, why would that be bad? It is your choice and it is true that the original had its derpy moments with the eyes.
ok m8
You like what you like, no shame in that.
Here it is, I was using it to do a port a while back before the official remake was announced. I stopped after that, but I'm glad someone else can use it. I use the backgrounds and wallpapers for my computer though, the art is really nice.
They did by offering the original as a preorder bonus.
Well, for the PS versions at least.
I'd say the right thing to do is to get the original illustrator again, like what El-dia did for Eve Burst Error.
There is one: the anime for Occultic;Nine is better than the game, except a little fast paced. You get pretty much nothing new for the game and miss out on some info.
The LN is technically the best version but it's incomplete. It's quite a bit of mess.
Because of this they promised to patch a new (ending) scenario.
>Why did it need a new artstyle?
because they have no talent like the original ELF devs did
>couldn't they mimic the original?
that would require talent which they don't have
>Why did they have to make it look so fucking generic?
because of lack of talent
summarized it best. The new artstyle is for today as the original was for then. You preferring the new style is simply expected. Nothing wrong with that. And quite frankly, it's tiresome seeing the word 'generic' being thrown around facilitating such concerns, as if the original wasn't for it's time. May as well oust yourselves as a high brow faggot for knowing jack-all.
The new designs aren't even that bad. For some of them I even prefer them, like that blue haired girl look really fucked in the original.
>I know scenario writer has passed but I think the illustrator is still available (didn't check) so it could have been possible.
OG character designer did an illustration for a Blu-Ray release:
>went with what's popular
>everyone hates the current anime for looking like shitty generic garbage where nothing happens
>bad writers AND bad animators
>everyone hates the current anime for looking like shitty generic garbage where nothing happens
it's not that they made her shorter, it's that they made all of the new designs off a template that's short by default
this causes all the "full bodied adult women" of the original to become sticc armed womanlets.
Is there actual sex scenes on PS4?
Considering there's no hint of the game being translated I'll have to take your word for it, it's probably easier to adapt a light novel to an anime than it is adapting a game though. Don't have to deal with all the route bullshit.
>this is supposed to be a much taller Office Lady with meaty adult curves
all women in anime should look 15 apparently
Converted every one from BMP to PNG so they can be posted or w/e you want to do with them.
Mitsuki, Ayumi and Eriko had that mature women feel to them on the original art. It is lost on the new one. However younger characters do look at their age on the remake.
>FFX HD dot png.
>ctrl+f "soul"
>5 results
wow, that's about 50 times less than i thought there'd be, not like anyone here actually played it and is going to care about anything other than artstyle comparisons
Pretty excited for it. I'm curious as to how it'll differ from the original.
Funnily enough the new designs aren't in character, they didn't even consider the writing or prior work before the art.
She dies without the stone on her necklace, so she has a habit of clutching at it in the original art, in the new art she practically presents it with her arms apart like that
She also works as a prostitute in the casual clothes, where she clearly isn't wearing the stone in the original. The intent is obviously she takes it off for the more revealing clothes/work. Now she ONLY wears it in the more revealing wardrobe
It feels like the new design totally misses the character and writing that was put in the design, regardless of if you like the art.
Yup I'm serious, played it already. It's the reason why they are rated so terribly on Amazon jp.
But I certainly agree with you for others, in particular other Sci;Adv games.
at some point artists decided that "clean" art means removing detail
That's pretty cool. I'll have to see if I can convert all the alpha colors into transparency some time, but none of the background art has any of that anyway.
I thought this was missingno from the thumbnail.
Whyd she get raped and mine broken?
Agreed, the Sci;Adv adaptions (except OG Steins;Gate) are absolute shit, the sort of garbage that actually turns people away from trying the games instead of encouraging it. There's just too much detail lost.
Tell me more.
Read your sentence again. Slowly.
I don't know how much illustrating he's done in the past few years, but that image, while retain YU-NO's facial details properly, seems a little out of practice.
Im aware of what I said nigger.
I can't find any info of if the sex scenes are in or not.
Can confirm. Loved the Chaos Child VN. The anime is fucking trash.
How can you type if you cant even read?
The remake is all ages. There are only some implied sex scenes. Nothing like the original VN, not that sex scenes from a game made in the 1990s are even worth keeping.
So I have a question. Who was the phone? I played it years ago and I remember not having an answer to this. The phone call to the house at the very beginning, who was it?
Have a pixel art in return.
"YU-NO" more like "Y U NO keep the fucking artstyle" lmao
Sometimes I really wonder if it's worth it.
Surely it must have cost a shit ton even if it's just 1 cour.
Even the steam version is all ages only, every version is.
It was the dad doing cosmic fuckery to alert his son.
I can get behind that.
I wanted to get translations for the original + patches etc but the website is down? should have both the patch and the game.
Played Steins;Gate, literally don't know anything about YU-NO except that it has a similar time travel gimmick and it's supposedly an important cultural icon/VN fags won't shut up about it.
How is it similar to/different from S;G? Is there a lot of slice-of-life moments? Is there an overarching main plot or you mostly go for the waifus?
Here's the whole thing pre-patched:
Based ty lads
I finished the original a few days ago. I might pick up the remake.
From what I heard, aside from the art style and lack of H scenes it's a pretty faithful remake, but who knows if that might change in the localisation.
Also, Mio a best.
Some of the H Scenes were crucial to character development.
Fuck the remake.
The overall plot structures are similar. When you finish YU-NO, if you can't see or understand how S;G was inspired by it, you weren't paying attention.
YU-NO is an actual point and click adventure game, so there are a lot more interactions with the environment and more thinking to be done overall. There is an overarching plot, but it typically takes a back seat for most of the story as you go through each of the four individual routes.
YU-NO deals less with the science behind time travel and more with the implications on how it can alter history when compared to S;G. There is more fanservice in YU-NO as well.
In terms of SOL, I guess YU-NO has more than S;G? YU-NO has more drama and mature themes however.
>H scenes on consoles
Either way you still wouldn't get them cause 5pb doesn't do H.
It's a more proper adventure game, with choices and stuff. When you move around you can opt to look at the surrounding etc. One key mechanics is picking up items from a route to unlock other routes.
Sci;Adv is a bit more narrative. Like how you'd have a narrator would try to describe the surroundings, or talk about the ongoing event.
Both of them have an overaching main story and characters events usually try to tag along as meaningful events rather than pure fanservice.
It's almost 1:1 for the text. Sex scenes still happens, but can't be shown for obvious reasons. You still plow Mio and others.
Just for fun I opened the fan translated PC version and the PC-98 pre order bonus on Vita. On PC you have perky nipples and a crotch shot that has a visible panty line. On Vita perky nipples are gone and the line is erased but it gives the impression that Eriko has a bushy pussy.
And preorder bonus port.
>knew about Yu-no since 2012 or so
>heard it was getting a remake so held off playing
>remake never got translated, and looked like shit
>eventually play the original in 2017
>really good game, wish I played it sooner
>now the fucking game is getting translated
I wonder if they'll tone down the Incest.
I had a learn to draw anime book around 13 years ago that had that exact same dude on the left in the book.
Makes me wonder if he actually did learn or if he traced it and tried to pass it off as his own.
cero is uptight about different things than esrb. cero hates violence whereas esrb hates anime tiddies. you're also being retarded if you think niche publishers are censoring their own releases on purpose. it only leads to controversy and bad press.
Theres no H-Scenes and they've toned down a lot of things.
Is there any difference between the PC, PS4, or Switch version? I want to get the Switch version just because it'd be more portable.
>still looking for a translated version to this day
Please tell me i suck at finding the english translated version that exists somewhere
PS4 and Switch has censorship, how severe I dunno. All of the version are made family friendly compared to original though.
>remove H-scenes
>remove even all fan-service like panty shots and make skirts longer
What's the point?
Switch version gets you a bonus mini game
PS4 version gets you a mini cloth
Both versions are censored though, there's 1 (one) light ray (that they've told us about) in the game and some of the investigation icons are changed, probably the more suggestive ones like the lick or grope ones, because Spike Chunsoft has been on a roll for wack censorship lately. At least they told us beforehand I guess?
PC isn't censored but you don't get any bonus.
Looks like they just censored one CG:
And changed the cursor in some instances.
Doesn't seem too severe.
anime then vs anime now in a nutshell
I know it's a joke but is there a (good) anime with the artstyle of the bottom?
Holy fuck they turned based retard into a fag dressed by his little sister.
It's not a joke, the bottom caption says Edo period.
i already played the original, why should i give a crap about this remake? is there any real change besides generic art?
wow a panty shot!
Is that it..
That IS the joke genius, that it goes so far back that it's not even anime anymore. When I'm asking for an anime with that artsyle I mean an anime with that artsyle, not a painting.
The new art isn't bad but it just doesn't fit nor can it compete with the old one.
I'd play the original if I was smart enough to know how to make it work. Unfortunately, I am a dumbass.
>It has no translation though.
then what's the fucking point?
Do you still fuck your daughter in the remake?
It works fine for me and I don't even remember how long ago I installed it.
Literally just download and unpack this
Yes I am
Fuck all these faggots with shit taste
The old art is utter shit
I am liking forward to it
Dumb phone poster. Of course you'd prefer the new art style.
tis fun
It would be spoilers, there are a few counts of it.
How do we stop the dutch angle madness?
MC fucks both daughters
Spotted the cancer with shit taste
Visual novels aren't video games
the ultimate soul vs soulless game of all time
He sticks his penis in them.
But adventure games are, and YU-NO is one.
I mean more like who are they
Anime fag here
His 4 year old rapid growing blonde daughter in the epilogue and Kanna, the blue haired main girl, who is also his daughter he conceived in the Epilogue, raised by her single mother who fell into once of those time travel portals
But she is an elf and French kissed him? Wtf?
It can't be helped.
She's half human, half whatever that world was. Dunno why she had ears and his other one didn't. I dunno why his other daughter didn't have the elf ears
Does this VN has sex ? Also, which version of the original should I play ?
Soulless as fuck.
I don't think that's supposed to be his daughter but rather Amanda?
Pretty is pretty.
Fuck east
PC-98 is such kino ludo.
How's the story and gameplay? The original was a bit hard to play.
Do you still have to collect the orbs and shit or is it simple route selection because honestly I can get behind the soulless art as long as I don't have to fucking collect anymore orbs.
Oh god, don't remind me.
>Forgot to get the orb in the lab
>Had to replay Ayumi's route just to be able to try again
That's the exact place why I dropped it. Man fuck that shit.
The old one had the soulless art tu
I heard the remake made those orb finding sections a lot easier than it was in the OG where you have to be pixel perfect to press on it.
So does she wear pantsu or doesn't she?
You still have to collect the items and orbs, though you start with more orbs.
The fastforwarding is fast, annoying but not too terrible to replay parts.
>imagine if you would still hang out with the girls from your early school days
Ha...haaha... ha :(