I am having my first playthrough. Game is not impossible or super hard, just fair. Died only one time against the first boss.
Any advices for a begginer?
Dark Souls thread
There's a door after the Taurus Demon boss that you can't open. You're gonna have to get back to it at some point.
It was a major headache the first time I played because it's the only way to progress (unless you have a specific item) and it's easily missed.
Keep an eye on your stamina and don't overextend.
Holding block makes your stamina regenerate really slow. So only hold your shield up, when you need to block an attack.
Learn about poise. Which enemies can be stunlocked with which amount of attacks. Two handed attacks are stronger.
Two handing weapons also adds you 50% virtual strength. This allows you to use weapons which you don't fully meet str requirements for. And also lets you do more damage with str scaling weapons when holding them in both hands.
Speaking of which. Learn about damage scaling on weapons. High base damage weapons will only carry you so far in the game, compared to the weapons that scale with your attributes.
Resistance is pretty much useless.
And I can't stress this enough: keep an eye on your stamina at all times.
Play something else. Dark Souls is a 2011 game designed as a 2009 game so you're going to find it archaic and clunky.
You don't even need that one.
Now that I think about it I guess you could go around that through valley of drakes. But I don't think skipping areas is a good idea on a first playthrough
In fact, Dark Souls 1 is the easiest in my opinion, making it possible for one to solo through the entire thing without many issues. I'd say Ornstein & Smough are pretty tough and definitely way harder than the final boss, but not impossible by any means. Doing the correct build and upgrading your equipment regularly is the key to breeze through the game.
In comparison, DS3 is harder. Finishing both DLCs without the help of summons is almost impossible, since bosses have way, way too much HP (Friede has three forms and Gael has the highest HP/defense in the game), not to mention your max Estus stock is 15 instead of 20, combat is faster and you get easily staggered, stamina bar depletes so fucking fast with anything, things like that.
>Finishing both DLCs without the help of summons is almost impossible
Is this bait? This has to be bait.
I would say DS2 was easier but other than that yea
Nah, people might hate on DS2 however much they want, rightfully or not so much. But calling it the easiest? That's straight up bullshit. DS2 was harder than 1 and possibly than 3 (depends on the player's experience). Even if it wasn't hard for the right reasons.
use a weapon that you like and don't listen to anyone else, everything that isn't obviously a joke is viable in singleplayer for ds1, and even the joke weapons are viable if you're willing to die a lot
don't kill any of the NPCs because they don't come back
>Finishing both DLCs without the help of summons is almost impossible
the absolute state
Manus and Kalameet are both pretty tough, especially Manus.
ds1 is literally the easiest soulsborne game aside from demons souls. Try some sekiro or bloodborne dlc scrub
Read all the keys descriptions. They tell you where to go.
>both DLCs
>Manus and Kalameet
Zoom zoooooom
There are more and more brainlets normies here on Yea Forums
What planet are you from?
Thank you. Yeah I immediatly realized about that stamina and shield thing. Actually I am spending all my souls to increase stamina. Am I doing it right?
Kalameet is easy as fuck and even easier with a greatshield.
The hard part is his tail.
What garbage opinion is this? I started playing it about a month ago and now completely agree about it being one of the best games of that generation. Now I have the second game on my backlog, please don't be as bad as people say.
Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen.
Levelling stamina also allows you to wear heavier armors with less drawbacks
You want to do damage yourself, as well as maybe take some damage, in case you do get hit.
But don't spread your stats too thin across too many attributes.
Generally, you do HP, stamina (actually forgot that it boost both stamina AND equipment weight in DS1, it's very efficient) and one primary damage attribute. Like Str, if you're going to use the heavy weapons, Dex for fast, Int for magic, etc.
There's also the "quality" build, where you invest into both Dex and Str, leaning more towards Dex, and use a weapon that scales equally with both. If you hold such a weapon in both hands, it will benefit both from high Dex and the extra 50% virtual strength. That's why it's Dex leaning instead of equally investing into both.
But if it's your first playthrough, you might want to keep a shield, so you could block. So 2h builds might not be for you.
But you don't want to use exclusively 1h attacks either. Sometimes it's better to switch to 2h when you're on the offense, and pull the shield back up, when you're waiting for an opening.
You see an enemy? Hit it with your weapon. This solves every issue you're having even if you sometimes feel it might not be the best way to go.
it's just sekirofags falseflagging
fuck, I remember my first time playing DS1
>being amazed when taking the lift from undead parish to firelink shrine
>looking up online to find that people took entirely different routes from me and it was completely viable
>wiping countless times to gargoyles before I got it right
>accidentally killing a ton of npcs by left clicking
The game is a masterpiece for its worldbuilding and sequence breaking alone honestly, the gameplay is just a bonus
Dark Souls 2 is one of the worst games I've ever played. It barely feels finished a lot of the time, which makes sense because of it's extremely turbulent development cycle, where the first director was kicked off the project, leaving behind a horrible mess that the second director had to cobble together into something remotely playable. Keep your expectations as low as possible.
Why is that game so hated? What is so bad about it? Shoul I skip it afer finishing ds1?
>Game is not impossible or super hard, just fair.
based OP
until drake and josh at which point it stops being fair and the summon signs start looking real appealing
uuuuuugh please don't play KB+M and you won't attack npcs stop torturing yourself
Don't read anything.
Just go completely blind and enjoy
>Any advices for a begginer?
Don't read advice. Go through as blind as you can.
Wait for your second playthrough to read advice.
Fuck now, he's a retard.
2's a great game that tries something new with the formula. It has issues, but people who scream "worst game ever" are retards.
It can be argued that 2 is the worst Souls game, but even that puts it leagues above most other games.
I actually prefer 2 over 3 in terms of atmosphere and story.
Well I will have to play so I find it out myself
Get the claymore.
Consider a spear or thrusting sword for narrow spaces, the earlier levels have plenty of narrow passages.
Learn the poise system, poise is something you can abuse if you need to.
Practice parrying on the graveyard skeletons- Parry their hands rather than their weapons.
>Get the claymore
>Consider a spear or thrusting sword for narrow spaces
The claymore has a thrust attack, genius.
What was the Dark Souls community like in 2011-2012? Back before the whole "lol so hard Xd" meme took over?
I only got into the series in 2016
The retards brain manifests itself in this post.
The controls are floaty. the level design is awful and just feels like they threw a bunch of enemies on screen without actually thinking. the areas themselves are hideous and look like an early build half the time. You'll often dodge only to be dragged into the enemy's attack like a magnet. most of the bosses are either just dudes in armor or look like generic enemies, some are even recolors of DS1 bosses like Ornstein and quelagg. I could go on.
practice parrying. explore. weapon and armor upgrades are more important than leveling. pay attention to items that you collect in the world; they usually place them in areas where they're very useful. practice parrying; you can partial parry any move in the game (it's a slightly off timed parry in which you take chip damage or a correct parry timing of an attack that cannot be parried and you don't get staggered by the attack)
also I'd recommend a SL1 run after you get familiar with the game, some of the fights are incredibly fun at SL1.
Sometimes you'll want speedy poke attacks you can use repeatedly instead of powerful but slower stabs that consume more stamina.
OP you are lucky guy
>you will never play dark souls for the first time again
post YFW
lots of discussion about finding secrets and discovering the ins and outs of the game, eventually devolves into PvP fight clubs and lore discussion exclusively
discussion is renewed with the DLC release and the community shines again but the wider PC market causes an influx in people screaming the game is artificial difficulty
IMO the community for 1 is still good but lore discussion has become a mess between trying to tie in themes and plot elements from all three titles
>armor upgrades
user, are you sure?
I really think it is for the best to just figure it out by yourself. This game and the series as a whole have few things that once you figure out the game becomes just laughably effortless.
>user, are you sure?
yes, why?
Go on
the gameplay is nothing like #1 and DS2 is like playing castlevania after after beating Super mario bros
It is better to play defensively than offensively
Spend the first one-two minutes watching a boss and seeing how it fights
Keep your shield up at most times
Dark Souls 2 is the worst Souls game. It's still a good game, just don't expect the same level of polish. Listening to developer commentary makes me stand in awe at how the game was even released and is somewhat decent
Well, often when you get hit it's difficult to even tell because the attacks lack weight and don't even have sound alot of the time. Just running through an area or even while fighting a boss, you can take damage without realizing it unless you keep your eyes on the health bar. Speaking of bosses, not only do they look forgettable but they all have pretty similar movesets too. There's also a boss that consists of a bunch of rats and a giant rat that's basically just sif but worse. also, the level design lacks any or all rhyme or reason, There's a part where you take an elevator up into the sky and end up at a castle. If you wanna hear more, I recommend checking out the slew of videos on youtube talking endlessly about all of it's issues. I honestly think people defending this game are mostly just trolling.
Do many people still play DS1 online? I imagine PtD is pretty dead now, so I probably will need to buy the remaster either way
It heavily depends on your playstyle. DaS3 is closer to your regular action game, for better and for worse. While you do get less healing capacity, you also nearly never get punished for doing so. I ran out of estus quite a few times in 3, while this never happened in previous games because I would always die before getting the chance to use it all.
Fuck Friede though.
>It is better to play defensively than offensively
Maybe more effective but far less fun.
I bounced off both DeS and DaS before playing one of them without a shield and only light armour. Then it clicked.
Turtling behind a shield and doing the odd single poke is dull as fuck.
i am playing ds2 right now after finishing ds1, and honestly is the same fucking game. i dont understand the complaints. maybe it plays a little bit faster and you have power stances. other than that, what is the common issue/complaints people have with ds2?
>lore/world coherence
By order of recurrence. Still my favourite game of the series, but it's also the most flawed one.
about the lore, yeah i dont really understand whats going on on this one. the first one i got, this one is like "ohh you dead you must be new here". im lvl 115 and still have no idea what the fuck am i doing killing all these minions, for all i care im an intruder fucking up some ancient order of things.
2 is leagues better than 3
I-frames for rolling (and other minor stuff like the length of estus animation) are tied to a stat called ADP. It's never explained clearly and with some starting classes you get almost no i-frames (it jumps from 5 to 8 really early though). Playing it blind you might think rolls in this game are absolutely worthless
Once you pick up Greatshield of Artorias, the game is over, nothing more can challenge you. It's basically an invincibility bubble. Make his sword instead.