The Nips finally caved, thanks Amerimutts

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>Atlus caved
Translation: Sony caved.


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Californians, does it matter? Sony international HQ and ATLUS USA are both in California, a very unhinged fucked up state full of extremists on the left side. Many of them, Atlus USA, should be happy to know aren't going to buy Catherine Remaster but at least their Twitter feed won't be complaining about calling out a tranny faggot for what they were born as, biological males.

The day of the earthquake that will eat up California can't come soon. There is a massive gulf of difference between a liberal from Ohio and a liberal from California, the latter are fucking foaming at the mouth crazy shits with streets full of shit and syringes. California is such a nasty place and I'm not buying Catherine Remaster after Atlus USA bowed to a bunch of trannies.

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t. Flyover Cletus whose state nobody knows

Why does nudity trigger americans so badly?

thats fair, a jap dev deciding what to censor in a jap game

this on the other hand is some tranny american game journalists deciding whats right or wrong on behalf of the entire english speaking world

Because fat women are mad they have to sexually compete with literal cartoon characters.

I bet it's again the "localization" studio running wild and Nips not caring.

It's not about nudity but the faux rumor that Catherine endorsed trannies staying males because it's better for them.

Not about nudity this time.
It's traps going wild because 'transphobia'.

It's the exact same situation. They did it to avoid a controversy in the West.

Can't Trump and Most Honorable Chairman Xi just cooperate and nuke California into Oblivion already? Jesus fuck

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why improve when you can just drag people down to your level

it's way easier

Wow, what an incredible source. Twitter post from some faggot.

>The Nips finally caved, thanks Amerimutts
But this is for the burger localised version. The nips already have the game

>learn a worthless language (learning language has to make you money) to play fucking gook games

>learning language has to make you money
Better get to learning Mandarin then, Schlomo

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Anti-SJWs harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide then continued to make fun of her posthumously, but I’m sorry this one video game was changed to depict a minor character more sensitively. That sounds really hard.

>thats fair, a jap dev deciding what to censor in a jap game
Yet when an american dev decides to censor something in a american game you seethe.


>harassed someone I cared about until she committed suicide then continued to make fun of her posthumously
Sounds like something radfem twitter warriors would do

Nah, that user is obviously a censorship apologist.

It's shit when Japan does it, it's shit when the west does it, it's shit regardless of WHO does it.

>get to watch anime and play games earlier than everyone else
lol go learn German and Spanish or some gay shit like that

Post proof. Also your bigger, mostly unrelated problem does not make censorship a non-issue, please kindly fuck off with that reductionist logic.

I'm sure you don't appreciate it when faggots do the same shit for "minor" first world issues you face.

Yeah. SJW are everyone blocked who they don't agree with 100%. Hard to harass someone like that.
I call bullshit.

I’m genuinely not going to touch this game now when I was looking forward to playing it for the first time. This decision is costing them sales

>Killing yourself over twitter shitposts

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Thats no surprise. When you believe your cause is righteous you don't need to moderate your actions. Like when all those Tumblr accounts spent their time sending thousands of death threats to a 16 year old because she drew Rose Quartz less fat.

Just make it more clear that Erica/Eric will transition soon in that infamous ending.
Crisis averted.
This whole thing happened because someone started an outrage over misinterpreting a line said in the ending.

Can't edit out an entire level can they?

You've discovered the communist philosophy.

You know that isn't all it's going to be. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they rewrite all lines directed towards Erica.

>I hear
So it's bullshit?

>you should not acquire new skills if not for money money money
hey there corporate slave

Learning German and Spanish helped me get a good paying job and allowed me to have free time to shitpost here. I doubt learning Japanese would do the same, I would only get to use it for few manga I read and maybe on game a year.
Stop being delusional, learning Chinese would be more useful in life than Japanese.

It's safer to not include any trans character at all then take the risk or accidently causing an outrage.
It's like walking on eggshells with these people, they are never pleased.

Cletus got Trump into power, and Cletus will keep him for 4 more years.
Enjoy being at the mercy of Cletus.

Trannies aren't humans and deserve to be deadnamed so they understand they should kill themselves ;)

if you cared about that person you wouldnt let it become a tranny

American trannys continue to be a blight on everything

Yeah sure is great living in a crime ridden overpriced state with horrible authoritarian laws. But hey at least there's lots of annoying tourists taking pictures everywhere!

I've played and read hundreds of untranslated manga and games because I learned Japanese. I don't need to shamelessly beg for translators to translate my manga and game anymore. Japanese is extremely useful if you're into otaku culture in general, but since you're not into them, of course it would be useless for you. But you are a closed minded faggot who thinks that if it's not useful for you, then it's not useful for anybody else.
You're a shallow, generic person.

the fuck is this r/the donald larper doing here

>Erica implied she was going to change into a woman



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learning chinese also exposes you to the chinese which is fucking awful and you shouldnt do that ever not even for money.

They don't bully them on Twitter they get them fired from their job and try to prevent them from ever being hired again
So let's see.
1. Saying mean stuff to someone
2. Taking away their very livelihood and trying to prevent them from ever earning a living again

Yeah I'm sure those mean words are way worse!

post proofs

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You retards are just as responsible for this happening as the sensitive REtard trannies are

This doesn't have anything to do with nudity you fucking retard. I swear I've never seen one single intelligent person making that statement about Americans.

no you retard.

/k/ hates commiefornians way more than /pol/ or r/the donald

>I hear

So this isn’t confirmed?
Who even is this guy

>defending trannies

Americans obviously can't handle it, so they might as well just remove Erica from the game entirely.


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just walk away from the screen. nigga close your eyes

Probably part of the 40%

>suicide because of twitter shitpost
natural selection at work