Have you taken your antidepressants, bros?

If so, what're you currently playing? And are you enjoying it?

Me? I'm currently replaying Doom 2016 on Ultra-Violence mode! I'm really enjoying it!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anti depressants can leave you impotent. Don't take that

I just smoke cigs.

t. third worlder

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...I'm suddenly not enjoying Doom anymore...

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been on prozac and am on zoloft. no dick issues here.

then again i am also stoned 24/7 so that may help

Lol just stop being sad. Fucking idiots.

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Even in my most depressed state where I was borderline on actually killing myself, I still didn't take my antidepressants. I saw what they did to my brother. I will not be a zombie.

I started lifting with /fit/ and cooking with /ck/ and the change in diet and exercise helped fix me.

I wish you all the best fellow Yea Forumsirgin, with or without the zombie pills.

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>taking zombie drugs

just deal with your damn issues instead

literally how is depression even real? just sharpen your willpower

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Yes and it killed my dick. It takes me 2 hours of masturbation just to cum

>t. third worlder

where from?

>middle-class white manchildren who have never faced any real adversities pretending they're "depressed"

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Depression is like your mind feels like it's trapped at the bottom of a well and you lack the mental strength to even try to climb up because you've been kicked down so many times you don't even see the point in trying anymore.

So depression is just life?

Fucking pussy.

Sucks for you I guess, mine's working great

I dont know what kind everyone else here is taking. But it is hard to play video games when you are hot as shit all the time, only side effect I've had since taking them over a decade now. But normally I love playing cutsie anime girl games. They make me feel so fuzzy and happy

I guess if that's what you see life as being, but maybe you're just depressed and don't even realize it and that's why you see life as being like that.

Don't act like you're any better, you're on Yea Forums for a reason, faggot

My family cured my depression. I rarely play these days cause I either work, meet with friends, hunt for a gf or do shit in the house of my grandma which I will inherit some day.
If I play it's Incest Simulator 2.

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Try your hand at a jigsaw puzzle, bruh. It's fun as fuck and every piece that fits gives you a tiny boost of happiness.

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I actually do enjoy jigsaw puzzles

I discovered Taoism and it's helped me come to terms with my depression and self awareness of how I fetishized my own despair. It all seems funny now. Right now I'm trying to finish Shin Megami Tensei IV and playing through the Resident Evil games with a friend when applicable. Gonna buy Killing Floor 2 in the future to get my more casual friends into different genres of Vidya. It's not all good but it certainly isn't all bad either!

This, is so fucking wholesome

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>started anti depressants
>3 months later I get asked if I feel better yet
>forgot what normal feels like

Do your thoughts get cloudy when you use them? Does it help you retain focus?

I have a 4000 piece one waiting to be built but I know once I start it it's gonna sit on the floor for weeks until I feel motivated to build more of it again. Repeat for half a year.

Not taking happy pills can literally kill you. Its life vs functioning dick priorities.

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>taking pills
>when you could meditate and train your brain
Yeah, stick with easy mode.

>sedentary 8-10 hours a day
>masturbating 2--4 times a day
>no religion, entirely materialistic
>probably shitty wagie job if any
>dulling meds for the depression causing a downwards spiral
Pick up a bible, or do baby steps like and start by picking some vague eastern religion that is easier to get into.

Hell, if you're suicidal, sell everything and fuck off to a monastery (Christian or somewhere in Asia if you're feeling adventurous), I mean you don't really have much to lose anyway, do you?

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Anti depressants turn into a veggie OP

Replaced antidepressant with hrt 3 months ago. Feels so much better.

I've been taking Pristiq and Mirtazapine for over a year now and they've done diddly-fuck aside from slightly helping with the anxiety and my doctors just keep saying "oh well let's just wait a few more months and we'll see what happens". I feel like I'm getting memed on

>chronically depressed for 7 years
>absolutely nothing really helps, tried everything
>anti depressants merely make me not want to kill myself 24/7
>scarcely have motivation to touch video games

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Post legs

I do both, and I go to the gym every other day

>durr just turn off your brain and follow these ancient books that'll make you happy
fuck off back to AA you mong

only benzos, and this is a rare occurrence that only happens with pre-existing conditions, same with potential memory loss
I haven't though I've been feeling pretty good lately so I'm probably gonna stop taking them

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>if you're feeling suicidal, you may as well do something absolutely miserable to finish the job!
I'm on to you

I'm just not depressed, it's that easy

Good job, you played yourself. Depression is over diagnosed at the bidding of big pharma so they can sell you their zombie pills. Depression isn't something you fix with a fucking pill, you feel that way for a reason and until you address that reason you will never be whole. Get fit, eat well, and get engaged in a productive hobby (not a consumption hobby like video games). Sort yourself out instead of letting some evil corporation chemically enslave you

I just drink alcohol like a normal person

Dude I swear the mental health services are all just a scam, they get paid to do fuck all.

The Three Teachings don't make you happy, they teach you about proposed properties that are potentially inherent in life. Happiness is something people find themselves or, rather, realize where it is and where it comes from.

>Being so retarded that you actually believe, that your doctor will intentionally give your laidless dick a wimpin'

>On Yea Forums

Pick one.

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>taking NPC pills
You like throwing away your emotions?

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Yes I worked out.

Been playing Shadow of War. Not much of an ending is there?

>hurr durr just take this happy pill, don't worry about your dick not functioning

Then stay depressed and without aim. Nobody with an IQ over 100 will be satisfied by a material worldview and a consumerist life, you can hide it under new electronic toys when you're young, will you be able to when you're 50 and you realize your life is nearing its end?

Christianity is hard to get into because it is a monolithic set of rules that ask you to completely discard your own ego, so most people usually start with less strict spirituality before (often) "upgrading". I know I did.
If you're already suicidal it can't get much worse, might as well try your hand at one last thing. Roll the dice one last time, maybe it will be a lucky roll and you'll fix your shit.

If the only emotions I have are miserable, sure.

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Depression vs limp dick and suicidal thoughts.

I'll stay depressed, goy

My dick works fine so, guess it depends what you're taking

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>Nobody with an IQ over 100 will be satisfied by a material worldview and a consumerist life, you can hide it under new electronic toys when you're young, will you be able to when you're 50 and you realize your life is nearing its end?
You don't need religion to fix that fucktard. If you want to recruit people for your desert cults go do it somewhere else.

>Used to get energy from 5-hour energy
>Stop taking it because I took a break from college
>Try it again after a few years
>Doesn't work anymore
>Wellbutrin does nothing but make my eyes twitch
>Tired and stressed all the time
how do I fix it?

I read my Bible and pray multiple times a day. I'm still same sex attracted. I'm forced to remain without a relationship or sex my whole life because homosexual practice is a sin. I am thinking of chemcastration but no doctor would prescribe it. Furthermore some would even argue having the attraction, even if I don't act on it, is sin too. I'm screwed and might as well KMS now, I'll go to Hell anyway. There is no hope for me.

>Dude it is not really bad lmao
Yes it is there are multiple New Testament verses addressing homosexuality.

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Weird how it peaks at 45-49 then declines. I wonder what the reason for that is.

>there are people on this board that need meds to function

What the fuck is wrong with you zoomers?...

I'm high watching Lost atm

I'm grateful for not being religious.

I'm on antidepressants AND benzos for nearly five years and I'm constantly erect. If anything, I'm harder now than I've been before.

You're with the cunts that raised us retard, you tell us

I need to watch that, seems pretty neat

I would assume because after that age people start retiring and their kids start getting old enough to move out. Remove the two biggest sources of grief (working and raising a family) and people tend to be happier.

Depends on your definition of religion

It's so cool man, the mystery is almost addicting

I know that, nigger. Just force yourself up. It's not impossible.

Religion and spirituality are not cures or necessary for a person to live a life of happiness or contenment. Especially when they can prove to be more of a dentriment than a boon, user. That being said, I agree that being active and taking baby steps to accomplish goals may be beneficial to nearly anyone feeling despondent. Not to project, but I only follow these philosophical teachings to serve as a guideline or a reminder of how I'd like to live my life with the knowledge that I can't come trol every aspect of it.

I'll probably start it soon and coincidentally I've been hearing about it a lot lately

With the axioms that you believe in God and you are gay, then the only solution is to stop being gay, I'm not gonna pretend the bible says anything positive about being gay or that it gives any exceptions. However, the soul and the flesh are separate, the soul can be saved while the flesh still sins, which means that while your subconscious may still be attracted to men, you can steer yourself away from that and, even though you are a gay, not go to hell. However, nowhere in the bible does it say that believing will stop all your ails and tribulations, praying won't change your sexual orientation like it doesn't cure people's cancer, if you believe in God then you know your homosexuality is (likely) your main test in life.

Of course changing away from homosexuality is possible, people have done more than that via their willpower, but I don't think you'll necessarily end up in hell because your flesh is still attracted to the same sex, not when your soul is saved.

I'm on antidepressants, go to the gym every other day and do personal CBT, so yeah it's not impossible, fuckin hard tho

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You're going to heck with that attitude, mister.

Don't worry about me. My life would probably be just as shit as this if I was religious.

People are way too weak-minded for that, nowadays.

Not yet, I'm violently ill and I will as soon as I can keep a bit of food down.

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It's trying to play RDR2 online, but keep getting detracted by reading threads about Sony snipping games.

I just want it to stop. I don't even play visual novels, I just don't want any form of media to be censored or manipulated because of a loud minority who don't even give a shit about the video games, or movies, or whatever they're ruining.

Everything sucks.

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>actually taking the pills

lol! falling for the pharma jew, not me!

I wish you well, friend. Here's to hoping for a short recovery and a long life of happiness.

ok I laughed

Depressions DOES weaken the mind, it's like brain cancer. It eats away at your mind and willpower and erodes whatever positive thoughts, hopes, ambitions and motivation you have.

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I am on those and getting hard aint a problem

Stopped taking them two years ago
Feels good

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15mg Bentrilix, little belgian beauties. They work like a charm and I'm hard like a rock almost every day, feels good.

What's it like? I had a severe mental breakdown lately due to unemployment and 10 years of NEET and hiki life, my granddad also died in February.

I wanted to off myself with my dad's gun, so my friends are pushing me into it.

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>I'm really enjoying it!
How? When I took anti-depressants they were too effective of a mood stabilizer and I couldn't feel anything.

Seems to be like an allergic reaction, like some people can't eat peanut butter, depends on who you are, I take em too and my weenus works great

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Why do mericunts see pills as a solution to everything? Psychiatrists are just glorified pill dealers in your country.

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Here's my anti-depressants and sleeping pills.

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who cares, i just masturbate anyway. i take pristiq and my libido is still the same shit.

Please excersize it's the only way out

Enjoy your suicide

Depends who you are. what you take, the dosage, I'm a completely different human being so I can't really say dude, idk ask a doctor.

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Doctors get money to push pills in America. Don't blame the people, blame pharmaceutical companies.

I go the gym every other day, take meds and do CBT, I should think I'll be fine eventually

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cumming is hard on them, not getting hard itself

Getting hard is not usually a problem for me but sometimes it goes soft out of nowhere

I've been taking antidepressants and I haven't noticed any changes, the first week they made me very sleepy all day, but it went away after that, after that I have felt the same way as I did before I started taking them.

brain cancer is brain cancer.
Depression is lack of of good chemicle balance

I know that, I'm speaking metaphorically

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All the truly fucked up people kill themselves before then.

Playing Shantae DLC and Valkyria Chronicles 4 DLC. Loving them both. Gonna download the Shadowbringers benchmark to make a fuckable bunny girl later.

>read some Jung
>taught me how to become an individual
>now I'm a different kind of depressed
>realised that the forces that have been beyond my control for so long have fucked my life up
>coming to terms with that makes me guilty and ashamed

It's a wonder what self-understanding can do for you though, it has done more than any anti-depressant could have done for me. Knowing yourself is hard work and very unpleasant at times but it is worth it in the end

>lift to feel better
>hey, it's working
>gym burns down


The bibles been re-written and fucked with so many times by so many people in so many different languages that its insanely hard to tell what the intended messages are and whats just propaganda made by some retard inbred king who got his filthy mittens on the thing or whatever
Dont take it all literally, Choose to believe what makes sense to you, As thats the best we can do unless you want to blindly do everything the book tells you, Which is just a plain bad idea. You're not gonna burn alone for eternity because your brain was a little bit funky and you couldnt change it, user. Gods kind of a chill guy nowadays

jokes on you i'm too much of a coward to off myself

Not to me, but being borderline hypersexual may have something to do with that.

You were that annoying huh

Not yet, I'm at work and the vodka is at home.

Sipp well, bro

The original term used, arsenokoitai, is very clear.

Trying darksiders II. Seems ok.

Recently realised I love co op games but have nobody to play them with. Which made me super depressed.

darksiders 2, the fighting game? are you on fightcade?

No. The game about one of the four horsemen.

You’re thinking of darkstalkers.



They didn't help so I quit them a year ago, tried a dozen different kinds. It's not going to cure itself but I never really even tried so whatever. Observation is pretty fun right now.

what happens when normal people take anti-depressants?

Ask a doctor dude I'm just a Yea Forums user

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I've been depressed for a decade or so and never visited a psychiatrist, does antidepressants actually help?

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The gain immunity from depression.

I'm too busy wallowing in my sorrows and procrastinating on art to play games.

Cant fix a shitty life with pills, you're falling for a jew scam and alot of anti depressants have terrible side effects like limp dick and suicide

I know this is the suicide hotline thread, but I couldn't be happier since after two years of trying I finally got into uni. Don't @ me americans, no debt going here.

Maybe don't fuck your balls up?

>there are no gays in the catholic church
good enough for presists good enough for you

>personal cock and ball torture

Been off them for a year and should have never taken them. My doctor immediately told me I should take a antidepressants when I told him I was depressed (I was actually just being a lazy pussy). Eventually I was seeing a therapist and psychiatrist. A therapist helped but I imagine unless you’re really fucked up, you end up hitting a wall and the therapist has no more to tell you, and you ought to start taking their advice.

A psychiatrist is a complete fucking scam.
>try these pills and see me next month
Repeat forever.

>Depression is lack of of good chemicle balance
its a biological reaction to a shitty life, you've fell for a big pharma meme designed to sell you pills

Fuckin, I meant cognitive behavioral therapy, not cock and ball torture

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Imagine if God us not real and you are just torturing yourself for no fucking readon
Fuck religion, go find yourself a man and fuck him silly
I'm a fucking homophobe and i hate faggots but i still have to encourage you to actually be a fag

Cognitive behavioral therapy AAAAA

only one thing works for me

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buy some weights and do it at home lad
Its easier since you dont have to work up the motivation to leave your house in order to do it, also helpful to be able to blast music and just go into the zone

Nope its a meme
Fix your life and you will feel better
You cant fix your life with a pill

I'm taking Celexa daily and smoke pot occasionally.
I've been juggling between Final Fantasy X and Minecraft

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chem castration wouldn't make you not homo

Persona 4 it's amazing.

I wish I was white, if I was white I could have friends and people to talk to.

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Been chronically depressed for years, I have never taken a pill for any of it. You don't need them. Would've offed myself by now if was pilled up. Cannabis is all need on occasion

Just finished Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2. These games were good, Black especially, I think I will replay it on a harder difficulty, 2 had a bit too much bullshit to be truly great imo
Currently starting Ace Combat 4.

Yeah, when I was taking antidepressants I had a really hard time getting it up. I could barely beat off once or twice a week, and not for lack of trying.
They didn't leave me impotent but I sure as fuck ain't taking them anymore.

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Pissoff jesus faggot

>tfw white skin
>tfw everyone thinks im white
>tfw not really white
>tfw hate myself
>tfw cant even explain myself to people without being labled racist