We're going home boys. Wow.
Classic World of Warcraft thread.
We're going home boys. Wow.
Classic World of Warcraft thread.
Hunters are so lazy. Gonna level one just like this dude. Just chill shootan and grindan.
>just like this dude
reported for advertisement
what server is this
Northdale my dude.
Yo dawgs what's everyone maining?
Gonna let my wife pick a class (she’s never gamed before), and I’ll pick something that compliments it best. Don’t care about raiding or min maxing.
>Dude named “Digger Nick” comes up to him and requests invite
>just a proud digger
>”oh my gawwwd did you see his name guys!! I’m reporting him, screenshotting and sending it Personally to one of my community manager links”
>chat full of spergs goes wild and acts like he just slayed a demon
No fun allowed gentlemen, this is your home now
>playing alliance
Well Digger Nick is clearly a miner.
Orc warrior. Protection, of course.
Ah yes, US-Whisperwind, shard 3. Home.
Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....
Gnome warlock or dorf hunter
Orc rogue or dorf priest
Why the fuck is asmongold so popular, the guy is a giant faggot. What is his appeal?
>OC that isn't wojack shit
It felt nice seeing the park again.
Your the faggot. Assmangold plays games, owns nubs, and fugs his big titty streamer gf. Hes the ultimate neckbeard. Yea Forums incarnate.
You are the one sperging out over hypothetical situation way harder than zoomers ever will.
What's the best spec to level a Warrior and also be relevant on a PvP server?
Can I play with retail graphics?
Fuck off benji
What is the size of the classic client?
What are you like the official classicwow autist of Yea Forums?
>Why is asmongold popular
because this board is obsessed with him
More like youtube spams his shit everywhere, so people shit on him here.
I think it's around 4.5GB.
> 1month sub to retail
> 20% taxes on 1 item stacks at auction house
Blizzard can suck my cock. Not a single penny, even for Classic.
I'm just a bored dude who wants people to play with when classic hits.
I hope so. It's fucking shit if I need to play with 2004 graphics and only retard mongoloids are content with them.
Fuck them.
Imagine not rolling tauren tank
>Jewtube puts him in my recommended! That means I have to turn every classic wow thread into twitch faggotry!
Female Undead Prot Warrior.
Why all those classic experts are so bad? Mongol, alex, tips are fucking terrible at pvp. That frost mage is a retard and assmongol is still struggling.
Hunters aren't that bad as mage. They counter you bad only if they get a free opener. Landing a poly on a hunter means a free kill.
I have a feeling he's not fucking her at all. At best he's getting pegged by her
Cant wait to go back to Elwynn
>he doesn't remember the 12 year olds whispering "gold pls" all fucking time
it's always been shit interaction
I love that Asmongold has completely killed the hype for Classic here.
I hope the asmongold doomsaying keeps going just so all the "e-celeb bad" newfags trying to fit in don't play the game period.
Im currently playing retail but excited to return to Classic. All my friends have moved to XIV and said they wernt going to play much classic.
What should I do...?
>try out Paladin
>level 60
>0 dmg
>wait for 4 second(swing timer)
>10 dmg crit
Wow this is great...
>being an obnoxious attention whore is surely the best way to get people to like me
Have sex with your friends in XIV
The flips are fun
>if my toilet spills over it is my duty to spread the shit in all the rooms
You know exactly the kind of comments you want to attract with this.
Why did you pick the defensive support class if you wanted to do a lot of damage?
private servers are more home than that
Even the friend of this faggot got an invite just because "luck", I couldn't care less about who gets an invite or who is the target for marketing of the games of Blizzard as a company I would do the same decisions but what I don't tolerate is the audacity of those faggots to tell their audience or all they dont receive special treatment and try to argue how Blizzard just picked up randomly their invites or how they get on the priority list of the stress test or how they talk about stream sniping, my fear they would make changes for them in classic or other games because they are getting more and more influence and power and they are going to change the game as a result in different ways for their convenience and receive special treatment for their "hard work".
Are you guys going to be in a Yea Forums exclusive guild? Those threads are fun, but every Yea Forums guild I've ever been part of in any game has been super cringy
You are truly a gentleman and a scholar.
Never play videogames with Yea Forums, it's like number one rule.
They can't even do 1000 dmg at 60 on R14 gear lol such trash.
fuck no id rather be in a streamer guild
Tauren warrior is suffering fights where your back is against the wall. Can't see shit.
But why did you pick the defensive support class if you wanted to do a lot of damage?
because Yea Forums told me paladins are le based chads who go around one shotting rogues and stuff!!!
Guilds on /vg all have discords so yeach, Yea Forums guidls are long dead
Ret Paladin, haven't decided a race yet.
You could have been on a vanilla private server over a decade ago, why you'd bother spending money on a heavily heavily outdated piece of software is very much beyond me. Full emulation of vanilla WoW has been around forever.
I've met decent people on Yea Forums through both Haven & Hearth and ss13 threads, though this was back in 2011.
Good thing you're an obnoxious fucking autist and will avoid you like the plague
I just want to join some guild that doesn't have a discord, that's all I ask really. I want to be able to goof off in guild chat while questing instead of having to alt tab or sit in some voice chat.
>EU servers won't have many streamers so they'll have less but more evenly distributed cancer
>NA servers have a lot of streamers so there'll be more cancer but concentrated almost solely in the realms where streamers play
hard to tell who gets off better here
hey sockhead quit talkin about your stupid ecelebs and conjure me up some water, will ya!
>Good thing you're an obnoxious fucking autist and will avoid you like the plague
How is he not based?
Make sure to report any link to this persons videos, make no mistake they are only doing this to make revenue for themselves, they don't want to play wow.
Sadly yes. You'll be able to enjoy vanilla with retail graphics, foliage everywhere, retail UI, autoloot, cataclysm water, sharding, no addon limit, and all the other qol changes that ruins the vanilla immersion to appeal to retailfags like yourself.
Seriously. It hurts to look at. Just have it as an option.
Lul you don't even watch him. He doesn't care about money and just wants bros. Stop being a salty teenager.
Well i want to fucking shoot him im the kidney for unceasingly shilling his bullshit, for one
I love how you try to blame streamers beforehand for how shit Classic is going to be. Nothing can save you autists, it will be the same boring shit as it was 15 years ago, with half of the classes being fucking shit solo and taking half an hour to kill a single mob that doesn't drop one of the 20 paws you need, only that you are a jaded doomer now or a little zoomzoom that lapped up all the wishful thinking.
Guess the raids were fun but without catchup mechanics not even 10% of you faggots is ever going to see them past MC and even then the amount of work you have to put into them is just rediculous.
I literally can't wait for classic though, the shitstorm and humongous amounts of cope will be glorius.
inb4 "hurr retailfag, wrathbabby whatever", I did spend my youth on classic, I did see everything till vanilla Naxx Sapphiron and I still don't comprehend how I could bring up all that fucking patience back then.
>what are private servers
back to r*ddit newfag
I mean no one else on Yea Forums is making content, and he's doing it specifically for us so I don't see the harm. He's clearly not a jewtuber.
Poorly coded retard fests where have of the spells don't work like they're supposed to while the admins real world trade and ruin the economy
>He doesnt know
user, people have been playing their favourite versions of WoW without paying a cent for well over a decade now. Vanilla WoW is one of those versions and still has players on several servers.
It takes seconds to crush the 'nobody remembers what WoW was like and nobody will want to play it' bullshit.
>Tweaked garbage
I can smell a wagie who has couple of hours of freetime a day and he's mad he can't enjoy games that require time investment anymore
Perhaps back in 2008 but classic WoW has had perfect emulation for a very long time.
redpill me on Dankk Budz Collective (DBC)
All of the spells work. The most popular private servers have all the shit working.
Undead priest, shadow 1-59 and holy/disc 60+
You might want to check your nose then
Have fun rerolling when the elysium/nostalrius admins are caught real world trading for the 50th time and they make a new fresh server ran by the exact same people only its named different
also there is blatant shit that blatantly doesn't work correctly after 10 years such as /sit crits proccing passives like reckoning and all of the raid bosses essentially having made up stats and numbers.
But it already happened?
You know what you have to do in situation like this.
Based! He ninja'd from the Chinese players cause they were need rolling on everything.
I just recently started gaining interest in playing WoW classic, but then I found out it's using the shitty version of Alterac Valley. What the fuck is the point?
What if Nick digs ditches?
what class should i play bros
The version has an impact, but the players way more. Nobody is playing the hour long AVs anymore and just does the pve race. That's what private AVs have always been over the past years.
I still say they should add classic AV as a separate BG
fuck off reddit
Dwarf hunter with a bear
private servers are full of third world peasants. I had a guy in a dungeon the other day complain that the hunter shouldn't use traps because it was killing his framerate. in a 2004 game.
>*Proceeds to post a wojak edit of him and talk about how much you hate him endlessly*
Nobody has to like him, but sperging out about COMMUNITY in an ONLINE GAME, seems to too much to handle for modern retail players these days.
>Make racist name
>in a game made by Blizzard
>one of the most SJW companies in existence
>with a fanbase to match
How can you hate on him though?
He is wholesome. He loves the game, he plays it all the time, his opinions are on point. He is just like us, yet he is successful in every way. Great job, great money, great girlfriend, great clout. Everything about him makes everyone who wants to play WoW be proud that he is the face of the game. He's also pretty amazing when it comes to PvP and game in general. No one ever achieved so much as him, I'm talking LITERALLY achieve as much as him. Also it's not to build as big community as he did. He recently received 3000 subs on one sitting while playing WoW classic.
He's just extremely good at WoW, very skilled, very intelligent and smart, people are just jealous of his success on twitch.
What is your wife’s bull playing as ?
But Digger Nick just wants to dig, why is he racist?
More wholesome than Asmongold and from Yea Forums.
Can't get any more based than that.
Troll fire mage
how many shards of irony are you on?
he killed a shitload of niggers
>He's also pretty amazing when it comes to PvP and game in general. No one ever achieved so much as him, I'm talking LITERALLY achieve as much as him.
No (You)s for (You), kid.
Pandaren DK.
His teeth and eyes look fake.
Also he's from Austin, the worst part of Texas.
These are really the only two reasons I have to dislike this fag
dwarf shaman just like my original vanilla character
Just put on your dress and heal.
so why didn't the shitstorm start with the private servers, or the beta? Im starting to think that these classic fags are going to kill our game..
I see your true spec is subtlety.
>Roll horde warrior and dealing with invencible holy paladins and retribution only in 1v1 otherwise I can avoid them easily countering me
>Roll aliance warrior and dealing with paladins rolling on my equipment while leveling and retris being dead weight in pvp
Choose your poison
Blizzard killed Classic.
> Auto loot
> Cata water
> Foilage
> Modern cliënt
> 1.12 AV
> 1.12 itemization
> Nerfed Elites and bosses.
> Assmongoloid gets beta priveleges
> Assmongoloid gets stress test priveleges
> Streamerfags completey killing the hype by oversaturating the news with their shit
> Sharding
> Cross realm BGs
This isn't Vanilla! This is BfA with a Vanilla skin. Fuck Blizzard and FUCK STREAMERS.
Stop samefag defending yourself you absolute autist
That's pvp you mongo stop making shit up
Ret seems pretty good in PvP because of Repentance.
1v2 mages today in WSG, and won because of Repentance.
Repentance breaks on any damage,only lasts 6seconds and has a 1min CD.
It isn't that good, blessing of freedom/sacrifice are more useful
based and frogpilled
>wahh wahh assmongold
holy shit Yea Forums is full of newfag bitchboys
go back to the WoW forums
Is there any private server running on the same patch that classic will be? How do I get setup and running with that?
Can't wait 3 months to play and the retail trial f2p just isn't doing it for me.
>> Sharding
>> Cross realm BGs
itz over
can I play this if I have crippling social anxiety
sounds cute
may help you cure it
Dorf hunter and probably Nelf druid for my alt
>playing anything other than a based fucking Dwarf
Fuck you.
Dirt eating midget
t. Elf
your retail is showing right now. This is the kind of player joining vanilla and claiming they're "going home"
this dude looks like even the slightest bit of manual labor would send him into heart failure and then death
>playing soilliance
This lad just got his mount dude let's fuckin' gooooo!
You're a fucking loser
> Decide to try the 1.14 minecraft
> New game survival
> Seed : Asmongold
> Start in npc villager
> Get 3 diamonds in the first chest in village house
How the fuck
>rets rolling on your equipment
I guess if you’re going MS spec arms like a retard in raid, and also doubly retarded to not know that fury uses quite a bit of leather, then yeah.
suck an egg kid
I tried this twice just a heads up she probably picking priest or mage.
you can but raiding will likely be hell for you, the pressure can sometimes be a bit too much and you can freak out and just alt f4 the game and get gkicked.
t. have crippling anxiety
>Muh endgame
You'll expend a month or so leveling dude and you'll need high level plate if you plan to pvp or try to make money farming mobs or crafting mats
This is just sad dude. I might actually pity you if you weren't such an asshole.
>cringy male human paladins
>obnoxious pink haired female gnomes
>homoerotic dwarf fetishists
>tranny female nelfs
why would ANYBODY play alliance?
If you play as a healer you will not be allowed in my guild
i know, right! i'll play horde so i can play with my twitch buddies!
Asmongold is alliance though.
this is how i know you're fucking retarded
so are these just marketing threads now?
Yeah what the fuck, why are people making threads about video games that aren't smash?
swing and a miss, i dont play nintenbro
How so?
why is every wow streamer a shitskin?
I wish they would bring the new character models, I don't give a shit about the classic look, I just want the gameplay
White guys are busy working 24/7 so their wives can have a good time with their negro lovers
that doesn't make sense statistically since all the negros are in jail
Can't Imagine world without flying
That's racist and fake news
>He's also pretty amazing when it comes to PvP
i know this is bait but pilav literally schooled him bad there
pilav is actually wrong tho, feral should beat warrior literally every time outside of insane luck
It's really cool to see SwoleBenji's growth. The stream was super entertaining. As soon as he got his mount he just rode around murdering alliance. Pretty damn funny.
He's the streamer we need. I want to be his bro but I am too timid to approach him. Wat do? It sucks his stream had to end. He's way more entertaining than the generic breed of twitch streamers like Venruki and Azmongold. I'd rather watch a Yea Forums shitter play than some normie scum.
Human Retribution Paladin
100% solo/pvp
Never joining a guild
Never setting foot in a dungeon
Oldschool MMO style
Payo > Soda > Guzu > .................. > Literal shit > Asmongold
this is the same company that banned fucking pepe from their OWL shit, anyone with a name that could remotely be concidered racist is gona get ban hammered instantly
I fuckin hate you so much Benji
What makes you hate him? He is based and redpilled.
>enjoys seeing another mans growth
why do you even reply
protip: that's also benji, check the post times; 1 minute apart
What makes you hate him? He seems like a likable dude.
Literally Benji
I'm not Benji. But I watched 5 minutes of his stream this morning, heard his stupid vocaroo rant, and am sick of seeing his autistic posts.
more fun getting 1-5 than 1-120